


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1                                              SF-1 ChIP-on-chip was performed in NCI-H295R human adren
2                                              SF-1 immunoreactivity was also detected in the exocrine
3                                              SF-1 is a key transcription factor for all steroidogenic
4                                              SF-1 is a transcription factor that controls the develop
5                                              SF-1 is an essential factor for sex determination during
6                                              SF-1 is the target of both phosphorylation and SUMOylati
7                                              SF-1 neurons were visualized by Tau-green fluorescent pr
8                                              SF-1 phosphorylation at these sites is therefore not ess
9                                              SF-1 transcriptional activity was also differentially re
10                                              SF-1 was recently shown to interact with DAX-1, another
11                                              SF-1, an orphan member of the nuclear hormone receptor g
12 mily, which includes steroidogenic factor 1 (SF-1) and liver receptor homolog 1 (LRH-1), regulate cru
13 Here, we report that steroidogenic factor 1 (SF-1) and liver receptor homolog 1 are repressed via pos
14 cipation of multiple steroidogenic factor 1 (SF-1) elements with the downstream cAMP response element
15 we first reveal that steroidogenic factor 1 (SF-1) green fluorescent protein (GFP)-positive neurons i
16 han nuclear receptor steroidogenic factor 1 (SF-1) is a critical developmental regulator in the uroge
17                      Steroidogenic factor 1 (SF-1) is a transcription factor expressed in the ventral
18                      Steroidogenic factor 1 (SF-1) is an orphan nuclear receptor selectively expresse
19                      Steroidogenic factor 1 (SF-1) is an orphan nuclear receptor that serves as an es
20                      Steroidogenic factor 1 (SF-1) is an orphan nuclear receptor with no known ligand
21 The nuclear receptor steroidogenic factor 1 (SF-1) is essential for adrenal development and steroidog
22 The nuclear receptor steroidogenic factor 1 (SF-1) is essential for steroidogenic gene transcription.
23 transcription factor steroidogenic factor 1 (SF-1) is exclusively expressed in the brain in the ventr
24 tral nervous system, steroidogenic factor 1 (SF-1) is required for terminal differentiation of neuron
25  their expression in steroidogenic factor 1 (SF-1) knock-out mice.
26 ice lacking FOXO1 in steroidogenic factor 1 (SF-1) neurons of the VMH are lean due to increased energ
27 han nuclear receptor steroidogenic factor 1 (SF-1) regulates the differentiation and function of endo
28 criptional regulator Steroidogenic Factor 1 (SF-1), and zG-specific Sf-1 deletion prevents lineage co
29 an nuclear receptor, steroidogenic factor 1 (SF-1), which can be detected in the hypothalamic primord
30 ly related receptor steroidogeneic factor 1 (SF-1).
31 han nuclear receptor steroidogenic factor 1 (SF-1).
32 ranscription factor, steroidogenic factor 1 (SF-1).
33                  The steroidogenic factor 1 (SF-1, also known as NR5A1) is a transcription factor bel
34 transcription factor steroidogenic factor 1 (SF-1; also known as NR5A1) is a crucial mediator of both
35 1 (LRH-1; NR5A2) and steroidogenic factor 1 (SF-1; NR5A1) have therapeutic potential for the treatmen
36 vely active receptor steroidogenic factor 1 (SF-1; NR5A1), is proposed to repress their transcription
37 anscription factors, steroidogenic factor-1 (SF-1) and early growth response-1 (Egr-1), play a centra
38                      Steroidogenic factor-1 (SF-1) and liver receptor homologue-1 (LRH-1) belong to t
39 han nuclear receptor steroidogenic factor-1 (SF-1) are occupied in vitro by using nuclear extracts fr
40 heterozygous for the steroidogenic factor-1 (SF-1) gene suggested that reduced expression of this nuc
41 The nuclear receptor steroidogenic factor-1 (SF-1) has been implicated as a downstream effector of pe
42 phorylation state of steroidogenic factor-1 (SF-1) in mediating ACTH/cAMP-dependent transcription of
43                      Steroidogenic factor-1 (SF-1) is an orphan nuclear receptor that binds DNA as a
44  the orphan receptor steroidogenic factor-1 (SF-1) was found to potently transactivate the SHP promot
45 ses transcription by steroidogenic factor-1 (SF-1), a factor that regulates expression of multiple st
46 through synergy with steroidogenic factor-1 (SF-1), a protein required for gonadotrope function.
47 in-alpha, aromatase, steroidogenic factor-1 (SF-1), cholesterol side chain (SCC), and epiregulin.
48 ft analyses a distal steroidogenic factor-1 (SF-1)-binding site that is essential for full promoter a
49  to LC expression of steroidogenic factor-1 (SF-1)-dependent genes (StAR, Cyp11a1, Cyp17a1) with over
50 7-OHC each increased steroidogenic factor-1 (SF-1)-mediated StAR gene transactivation by approximatel
51 omolog-1 (LRH-1) and steroidogenic factor-1 (SF-1).
52 The nuclear receptor steroidogenic factor-1 (SF-1, NR5A1) is a key regulator of adrenal and gonadal b
53 ctions, as marked by steroidogenic factor-1 (SF-1; NR5A1).
54 as been grouped into helicase superfamily 1 (SF-1).
55                       In many Superfamily-1 (SF-1) DNA helicases, helicase sequence motif III links t
56 ures of human NR5A1 (steroidogenic factor-1, SF-1) ligand binding domain (LBD) bound to PIP2 and PIP3
57  a repressor of SF-1 activity, reduced Egr-1-SF-1 synergy and diminished GnRH stimulation of the LHbe
58 activity studies led to excellent dual-LRH-1/SF-1 agonists (e.g., RJW100) as well as compounds select
59 1 and STAT3) inhibitors, BP-1-107, BP-1-108, SF-1-087, and SF-1-088.
60                    The apparent absence of a SF-1 ligand prompted speculation that this receptor is r
61 hydrogen bonds with the phospholipid abolish SF-1/coactivator interactions and significantly reduce S
62  as the presence or absence of serum, affect SF-1 action.
63  very active compounds, particularly against SF-1.
64 tion of cyclin D2, aromatase, inhibin-alpha, SF-1, and epiregulin.
65                                     Although SF-1 is constitutively active in cell-based assays, it i
66 raised by steroid receptor coactivator 1, an SF-1 coactivator.
67 tivities were similarly lowered by DAX-1, an SF-1 suppressor, and raised by steroid receptor coactiva
68 eir promoter regions, but does not affect an SF-1 dependent LC gene (3beta-HSD) without overlapping s
69 ia, suggesting that Dax-1 may function as an SF-1 coactivator under some circumstances.
70 ain-derived neurotrophic factor (bdnf) as an SF-1 target gene, we assessed the colocalization of SF-1
71 oreover, similar effects were observed in an SF-1/thyroid hormone LBD chimera receptor, illustrating
72 function phenotype exhibited by an analogous SF-1 human mutant.
73 nhibitors, BP-1-107, BP-1-108, SF-1-087, and SF-1-088.
74                                    DAX-1 and SF-1 are members of the orphan nuclear receptor superfam
75  determine the functional roles of DAX-1 and SF-1 in human skin.
76 a distinctive staining pattern for DAX-1 and SF-1 in skin and its appendages.
77  conclude that the synergy between Egr-1 and SF-1 is essential for GnRH stimulation of the LHbeta gen
78 sis demonstrated the expression of DAX-1 and SF-1 mRNA in whole human skin and Western analysis also
79                 Co-localization of DAX-1 and SF-1 was demonstrated by immunocytochemistry in the HaCa
80 ith functional selectivity between LRH-1 and SF-1.
81 fied as a high-affinity ligand for LRH-1 and SF-1.
82  us to investigate the presence of DAX-1 and SF-1.
83 various SF-1 target genes and that ASAH1 and SF-1 colocalize on the same promoter region of the CYP17
84  markers of the ventral thyrotrope cells and SF-1-expressing cells of gonadotrope lineage.
85 The NHR-25 homologs Ftz-F1 in Drosophila and SF-1 in mammals are involved in various biological proce
86  activity with JNK/c-Jun phosphorylation and SF-1-dependent Cyp11a1 transcription for steroid synthes
87  promoter in a highly repetitive region, and SF-1-dependent activation was confirmed in luciferase as
88 s compounds selective for LRH-1 (RJW101) and SF-1 (RJW102 and RJW103).
89 both PIAS-dependent receptor sumoylation and SF-1 relocalization to discrete nuclear bodies.
90 enin of other transcription factors, such as SF-1 and C/EBPalpha.
91 al capacity of transcription factors such as SF-1 and is leveraged during development to achieve cell
92 chanism by which SUMO conjugation attenuates SF-1 activity was found to be largely histone deacetylas
93 members of this superfamily, such as NGFI-B, SF-1, and ROR, could also recognize unique geometric fea
94 genesis, but until now a direct link between SF-1 and vascular remodeling has not been established.
95 t coordinates the functional synergy between SF-1 and Egr-1.
96 sal gene, Dax-1, antagonizes synergy between SF-1 and WT1, most likely through a direct interaction w
97 -1 produced in vitro indicate F2 and F3 bind SF-1; BLAST searches and Southwestern blotting suggest t
98                                         Both SF-1 and Dax-1 bind to steroid receptor RNA activator (S
99 ta promoter but only in the presence of both SF-1 and Egr-1, and not in the presence of other Egr pro
100                             Mutation of both SF-1 sites greatly inhibited luciferase expression, wher
101 d that MIP-2A physically interacts with both SF-1 and Ptx1, thereby inhibiting transactivation of the
102 nce of transcriptional programs regulated by SF-1 in the VMH is not well defined.
103 vation cell-based assay employing a chimeric SF-1 construct.
104 s with Dax-1 and synergistically coactivates SF-1 target gene transcription.
105 primarily in the ventrolateral VMH coexpress SF-1 and BDNF, and in contrast to other brain regions, b
106              These data define two composite SF-1-Egr-1 response-elements in the proximal LHbeta gene
107                                The compounds SF-1-066 and BP-1-102 are predicted to bind to the STAT3
108                 The R103Q mutation decreased SF-1 transactivation of TLX1, a transcription factor tha
109 hat Dax-1 can function as a dosage-dependent SF-1 coactivator.
110          Moreover, phosphorylation-dependent SF-1 activation is likely mediated by the mitogen-activa
111       Mutational analysis of this new distal SF-1 site and the previously identified proximal SF-1 si
112 ering affinities, indicating that the distal SF-1 site is bound more avidly than is the proximal SF-1
113     Mutation of the binding sites for either SF-1 or Egr-1 completely abolishes the synergy between t
114              Here, we permanently eliminated SF-1/NR5A1 sumoylation in mice (Sf-1(K119R, K194R, or 2K
115 ulted in continuing activation by endogenous SF-1, indicating redundancy.
116 tment, loss of SUMOylation leads to enhanced SF-1 phosphorylation at serine 203.
117  or show elevated levels of well-established SF-1 target genes.
118                        We therefore examined SF-1 heterozygous (+/-) mice as a potential model for de
119                    Introduction of exogenous SF-1 generated cAMP stimulation of the FUER in 10T1/2 fi
120 bryonic kidney (HEK)293 cells do not express SF-1.
121           Steroidogenic factor-1-expressing (SF-1-expressing) neurons in the ventromedial hypothalamu
122                         Steroidogenic factor SF-1, a constitutively active nuclear hormone receptor,
123 ns of the gene-encoding transcription factor SF-1.
124 that the SHP promoter contains at least five SF-1 binding sites, and mutagenesis studies demonstrate
125                                          For SF-1, we find that this intramolecular association and h
126            Sphingosine (SPH) is a ligand for SF-1.
127 hree strongest binding sites is required for SF-1 transactivation.
128 equence analysis revealed a binding site for SF-1 in the proximal 5'-flanking sequence.
129 ike transcription factor, a binding site for SF-1 is present only in the promoter 1b active in the ov
130  Cyp17a1) with overlapping binding sites for SF-1 and COUP-TFII in their promoter regions, but does n
131           Regulatory ligands are unknown for SF-1 and LRH-1.
132 ng in a mechanistically distinct manner from SF-1 helicases.
133  function, the mouse PI lacks the functional SF-1 element and hence is inactive.
134             We propose that this novel GPR30/SF-1 pathway increases local concentrations of estrogen,
135 for three other NR5A members-mouse and human SF-1 and human LRH-1-which reveal that these receptors b
136 the putative ligand-binding domains of human SF-1 at 2.1-A resolution and human LRH-1 at 2.5-A resolu
137  for this poorly understood cluster of human SF-1 mutations and demonstrates how signaling phosphoino
138             These results suggest that human SF-1 and LRH-1 may be ligand-binding receptors, although
139 rvation significantly decreased hypothalamic SF-1 levels by promoting ubiquitin-dependent degradation
140 the transcriptional activity of hypothalamic SF-1 was activated by SUMO, but this was attenuated duri
141 t sumoylation at Lys194 would greatly impact SF-1 function, the conformation and coregulator recruitm
142             In contrast, adrenal deficits in SF-1 heterozygotes are revealed under stressful conditio
143              Surprisingly, Ptpn1 deletion in SF-1 neurons caused an age-dependent increase in adiposi
144 X4 receptor-mediated GABAergic depression in SF-1 GFP-positive neurons.
145 usly defined proximal activation function in SF-1 showed that the activation function mapped fully to
146 finity is compromised either by mutations in SF-1 or by sequence alterations in its binding site.
147 adal agenesis in mice with null mutations in SF-1.
148                         Daxx participated in SF-1-dependent Cyp11a1 expression as shown by experiment
149 ng in VMH neurons from mice lacking PTP1B in SF-1 neurons.
150 est that increased insulin responsiveness in SF-1 neurons can overcome leptin hypersensitivity and en
151  GABA from the developing VMH is not seen in SF-1 knockout mice, and cells that are immunoreactive fo
152 everal reported SF-1 target genes, including SF-1 itself, was inhibited by treatment with AC-45594 an
153 and discusses SRY and other genes, including SF-1, WT1, DAX-1, and SOX9, that play key developmental
154 hytoestrogen genistein were able to increase SF-1 transcription, promote Ishikawa cell proliferation,
155 Because 7alpha,27-OHC was unable to increase SF-1-dependent StAR promoter activity, we examined 27-OH
156 ders of adrenal development, while increased SF-1 dosage has been associated with adrenocortical tumo
157 e data suggest that, directly or indirectly, SF-1 plays important roles in determining the distributi
158 ts suggested that MIP-2A expression inhibits SF-1- and Ptx1-mediated transactivation of LHbeta promot
159            The activation requires an intact SF-1 RE and is independent of TCF/Lef.
160                                     A 1.1-kb SF-1-binding region was identified in the angiopoietin 2
161 , but is also expressed in tissues that lack SF-1, including liver.
162 c functional assay employing the full-length SF-1 protein and its native response element, yielding I
163 a knockin mouse model to show that SUMO-less SF-1 binds and activates inappropriate targets, causing
164 pressors to DNA-bound nuclear receptors like SF-1, thereby extending the range of corepressor action.
165                                    In males, SF-1 participates in sexual development by regulating ex
166                    Here we show that maximal SF-1-mediated transcription and interaction with general
167 ore, we examined whether MIP-2A can modulate SF-1- and Ptx1-mediated transcriptional activation.
168 spholipid is readily exchanged and modulates SF-1 interactions with coactivators.
169 ch other in testis development by modulating SF-1-mediated transactivation.
170                                Thus multiple SF-1- and GATA-4-binding sites in the MIS promoter are r
171 quence triplet, eliminated binding by mutant SF-1 to all response elements tested.
172                              However, mutant SF-1 bound to a subset of response elements containing a
173 ictate DNA binding specificity by the mutant SF-1.
174 mutant was markedly impaired for most native SF-1 response elements.
175     Strikingly, the VMH is absent in newborn SF-1 knockout mice, suggesting that SF-1 is essential fo
176 elective loss of DNA binding to noncanonical SF-1 targets, such as inhibinalpha; this binding deficit
177   Furthermore, GnRH stimulated Egr-1 but not SF-1 expression in LbetaT2 cells.
178 -1, the modification inhibits the ability of SF-1 to activate target genes.
179  have previously demonstrated the ability of SF-1 to bind to and transactivate the rat LHbeta gene pr
180                         Thus, the absence of SF-1 profoundly affects the cellular architecture of the
181 pment as evidenced by both the activation of SF-1-dependent transcription in the adrenal cortex by si
182 es reduced the transcriptional activities of SF-1 and LRH-1 in mammalian cell transfection assays wit
183 t alterations in the levels or activities of SF-1 or FTF could modulate SHP expression in appropriate
184 t HIPK3 action to potentiate the activity of SF-1 for Cyp11a1 transcription in mouse adrenocortical Y
185 -1 represses the transcriptional activity of SF-1, and AHC mutants of DAX-1 lose repression function.
186 r repressing the transcriptional activity of SF-1.
187 the StAR promoter indicates that blockade of SF-1 SUMOylation leads to an increase in overall promote
188 rget gene, we assessed the colocalization of SF-1 and BDNF expressing neurons, as well as expression
189 he functional and structural consequences of SF-1 sumoylation at two conserved lysines (Lys119 and Ly
190 litude of GABAergic postsynaptic currents of SF-1 GFP-positive neurons.
191 erentiates into a neuronal cluster devoid of SF-1.
192                                Disruption of SF-1 can lead to disorders of adrenal development, while
193 ns, demonstrating that normal gene dosage of SF-1 is required for mounting an adequate stress respons
194 alamic development and will be downstream of SF-1, a critical factor for normal VMH differentiation.
195                           The enhancement of SF-1 activity by Daxx required JNK and c-Jun phosphoryla
196 osis motif enhances neuronal excitability of SF-1 GFP-positive neurons.
197 proximal (P)-box of the first zinc finger of SF-1 (G35E) has been reported to cause complete XY sex r
198 ntially to the SUMOylation-deficient form of SF-1 and that CDK7 inhibition reduces phosphorylation of
199 R) mice failed to phenocopy a simple gain of SF-1 function or show elevated levels of well-establishe
200 hough serine phosphorylation of the hinge of SF-1 (NR5A1), the closest relative of LRH-1, confers a s
201 itions, further supporting the importance of SF-1 in the control of energy homeostasis.
202 ed modification model in which inhibition of SF-1-mediated transcription by SUMOylation in adrenocort
203 es not alter the subcellular localization of SF-1, the modification inhibits the ability of SF-1 to a
204         However, the molecular mechanisms of SF-1 in the control of energy balance are largely unknow
205  We propose that this single modification of SF-1 and the subsequent recruitment of nuclear receptor
206          Thus, pharmacological modulation of SF-1 is critical to its function as an endocrine master
207 he therapeutic potential and pharmacology of SF-1 still remains elusive.
208 nita (AHC), which resembles the phenotype of SF-1-deficient mice.
209 t CDK7 inhibition reduces phosphorylation of SF-1.
210 ough reduced CDK7-induced phosphorylation of SF-1.
211  to investigate the therapeutic potential of SF-1.
212 ther relative to activity in the presence of SF-1 or Egr-1 alone (150-fold versus 14-fold and 12-fold
213 n of selective inhibitory chemical probes of SF-1 by a rational ultra-high-throughput screening (uHTS
214 tion play crucial roles in the regulation of SF-1 function and that these effects are dependent on nu
215 However, liver expresses a close relative of SF-1, the orphan fetoprotein transcription factor (FTF),
216 derived lipids, is part of the repertoire of SF-1-responsive genes involved in steroidogenesis.
217 t the nuclear receptor DAX-1, a repressor of SF-1 activity, reduced Egr-1-SF-1 synergy and diminished
218  To delineate the functional significance of SF-1 itself in the brain, we generated pre- and postnata
219       We aimed to identify a novel subset of SF-1 target genes in the adrenal by using chromatin immu
220 2 as a potentially important novel target of SF-1 in the adrenal gland, indicating that regulation of
221 r whose tissue distribution overlaps that of SF-1.
222       These data extend our understanding of SF-1 function within steroidogenic tissues and suggest t
223 osphorylation sites (Ser-430 and Ser-203) on SF-1 had no effect on the SF-1-dependent FUER stimulatio
224 ction by directly binding to the receptor on SF-1 target gene promoters and identify a key role for n
225                              This surface on SF-1 coincides with the predicted binding site of the co
226 entified regulatory protein-lipid surface on SF-1 with the phosphoinositide head group at its nexus a
227  be mutually exclusive, suggesting that once SF-1 is bound to DNA, sumoylation may be less important
228  basal promoter contains two SP-1 sites, one SF-1 site, and a TATA-like box.
229                  Mutation of either Egr-1 or SF-1 elements within the LHbeta promoter attenuated this
230 ted by HIPK3, lost the ability to potentiate SF-1 activity for Cyp11a1 expression.
231                      Furthermore, preventing SF-1 SUMOylation increases the mRNA and protein levels o
232 ates, PIASy and PIASxalpha strongly promoted SF-1 sumoylation, and addition of DP103 enhanced both PI
233  site and the previously identified proximal SF-1 site showed that both are necessary for transcripti
234 te is bound more avidly than is the proximal SF-1 site.
235 ork analysis of genes identified as putative SF-1 targets revealed enrichment for angiogenic process
236 osed ligand for the nuclear hormone receptor SF-1 (NR5A1).
237  is regulated by the orphan nuclear receptor SF-1 and homeodomain protein Ptx1.
238 addition, we identified the nuclear receptor SF-1 as a direct FOXO1 transcriptional target in the VMH
239                 The orphan nuclear receptors SF-1 and LRH-1 are constitutively active, but it remains
240 PK) converging on nuclear hormone receptors (SF-1/LRH-1) to modulate their transcriptional output.
241 ivator interactions and significantly reduce SF-1 transcriptional activity.
242 t that natural variations leading to reduced SF-1 function may underlie some forms of subclinical adr
243 at Wnt-dependent signaling cascades regulate SF-1-dependent transcription of genes required for adren
244 olipids or possibly other molecules regulate SF-1 or LRH-1 under physiological conditions.
245 olecular mechanisms by which ASAH1 regulates SF-1 function.
246 oylation may be less important in regulating SF-1 activity.
247 function, the expression of several reported SF-1 target genes, including SF-1 itself, was inhibited
248 r receptor Dax-1 binds to SF-1 and represses SF-1 target genes.
249  a novel coregulatory protein that represses SF-1 function by directly binding to the receptor on SF-
250 of cyclin D2, inhibin-alpha, aromatase, SCC, SF-1, and epiregulin.
251 T) was used to identify potent and selective SF-1 inverse agonists through the screening of a chemica
252                                   Similarly, SF-1 was also detected in the epidermis but displayed a
253                    Furthermore, VMH-specific SF-1 KO mice showed significantly decreased LepR express
254 we generated pre- and postnatal VMH-specific SF-1 KO mice.
255                  Both models of VMH-specific SF-1 KO were susceptible to high fat diet-induced obesit
256  coregulator recruitment of fully sumoylated SF-1 LBD protein was either unchanged or modestly impair
257 f the DEAD-box protein DP103 with sumoylated SF-1.
258                             ASAH1 suppresses SF-1 activity by directly interacting with the receptor.
259 dogenic genes, without affecting synergistic SF-1 and sex-determining region Y (SRY) coactivation of
260         These findings provide evidence that SF-1 is regulated by endogenous ligands and suggest an u
261     Together, our data provide evidence that SF-1 is required for spleen development in humans via tr
262                                We found that SF-1 is selectively SUMOylated at K194 in Y1 adrenocarci
263                                   Given that SF-1 is a nuclear protein, we sought to define the molec
264    Collectively, these results indicate that SF-1 directs transcriptional programs in the hypothalamu
265  mobility shift assays further revealed that SF-1 can bind to the silencer element with an affinity c
266                            Here we show that SF-1 +/- mice exhibit adrenal insufficiency resulting fr
267  inverse agonist lead, was used to show that SF-1 constitutive activity can be pharmacologically modu
268  these findings, cellular assays showed that SF-1 is able to activate exon I and IV promoters.
269 oximal LHbeta gene promoter and suggest that SF-1 and Egr-1 act synergistically to increase expressio
270  newborn SF-1 knockout mice, suggesting that SF-1 is essential for the development of VMH neurons.
271  structure-function relationships across the SF-1/LRH-1 subfamily indicates that ligand binding is th
272  Ishikawa cell proliferation, and induce the SF-1 target gene aromatase in a GPR30-dependent manner.
273 Further, introduction of a mutation into the SF-1 A-box, which has been proposed to bind to the 5'-fl
274  because mice targeted for disruption of the SF-1 gene lack adrenal glands and gonads.
275 e the 1.5 angstroms crystal structure of the SF-1 ligand binding domain in complex with an LXXLL moti
276 Mutations designed to reduce the size of the SF-1 pocket or to disrupt hydrogen bonds with the phosph
277 30 and Ser-203) on SF-1 had no effect on the SF-1-dependent FUER stimulation in Y-1 and 10T1/2 cells.
278 ro transfection studies, DAX-1 repressed the SF-1-mediated transactivation of the Cyp19 promoter but
279 an LBD helix assembly assay suggest that the SF-1 LBD adopts an active conformation, with helices 1 a
280 op is topologically distinct relative to the SF-1 enzymes, both loops map to similar tertiary structu
281 ed in undifferentiated ES cells, can bind to SF-1 response elements in the proximal promoter and prox
282 pical orphan nuclear receptor Dax-1 binds to SF-1 and represses SF-1 target genes.
283 hese modifications interact or contribute to SF-1 regulation of endogenous genes remains poorly defin
284 ult, the K119R mutant, compared to wild-type SF-1, was selectively recruited to a "SUMO-sensitive" si
285                  Furthermore, unsumoylatable SF-1 mutants activated Shh and exhibited preferential re
286 SAH1 is recruited to the promoter of various SF-1 target genes and that ASAH1 and SF-1 colocalize on
287 de transcriptional regulators such as Vgll2, SF-1, Sox14, Satb2, Fezf1, Dax1, Nkx2-2, and COUP-TFII,
288 to the identification of 445 gene loci where SF-1-binding regions were located from 10 kb upstream to
289                             Notably, whereas SF-1 SUMOylation is independent of S203 phosphorylation
290 e an important additional mechanism by which SF-1 exerts its actions in the adrenal gland.
291  important consequences to diseases in which SF-1 activity is critical.
292                      SHP is coexpressed with SF-1 in adrenal glands, but is also expressed in tissues
293 T2 cells and are capable of interacting with SF-1, GnRH stimulation of Egr-1 was the most robust.
294 ost likely through a direct interaction with SF-1.
295 also termed Gemin3 and DDX20) interacts with SF-1, SMN, EBNA2, and EBNA3C in mammalian cells.
296 inal region of DP103 directly interacts with SF-1.
297 ke induced by the complexation of STAT3 with SF-1-066 or BP-1-102 under physiological conditions enab
298 hift assays and co-transfection studies with SF-1 produced in vitro indicate F2 and F3 bind SF-1; BLA
299 1 -KTS isoforms associate and synergize with SF-1 to promote MIS expression.
300 emonstrate that beta-catenin synergizes with SF-1 to activate the alpha-inhibin promoter through form

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