


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1                                              SSEA-1(+) PSCs reduced AHR and airway damage in asthmati
2 ct4) and stage-specific embryonic antigen 1 (SSEA-1), as well as the epithelial markers pancytokerati
3 protein, stage-specific embryonic antigen 1 (SSEA-1).
4 xpressed stage-specific embryonic antigen-1 (SSEA-1), and all were ICAM-2(-) and CD34(-), whereas vas
5 ct4) and stage-specific embryonic antigen-1 (SSEA-1), the alveolar stem cell marker Clara cell secret
6 ssion of stage-specific embryonic antigen-1 (SSEA-1).
7 d down by ERK5 siRNA, reduction of Oct-4 and SSEA-1 expression was rescued.
8  cell-surface molecules Ephb2, ephrin B2 and SSEA-1 (Fut4) have been correlated to the normally devel
9 ssels were PECAM(+), ICAM-2(+), CD34(+), and SSEA-1(-).
10 nti-stage specific embryonic antigen-1 (anti-SSEA-1) is an injectable IgM antibody derived from mice.
11                           The antibody, anti-SSEA-1, chosen from studies of 10 neutrophil-specific MA
12  poly-N-acetyllactosamine recognized by anti-SSEA-1; (ii) insights into chondroitin sulfate oligosacc
13 easure biodistribution of 99mTc-labeled anti-SSEA-1 and perform radiation dosimetry in 10 healthy hum
14 ion of the stage-specific embryonic antigen, SSEA-1 (also known as the Lewis X antigen or LeX), which
15 o germline stem cells could be identified by SSEA-1 immunostaining, the stem cell model was tested us
16 These cells express the surface antigen CD15/SSEA-1 and have elevated levels of genes associated with
17 e included populations that expressed either SSEA-1(+) or Sca-1(+) (stem cell antigen-1).
18 from Atoh1 expressing RP progenitors express SSEA-1, and in the absence of Atoh1 these progenitors be
19 , the porcine iPSC (piPSC) were positive for SSEA-1, but negative for SSEA-3 and -4.
20                                 BMP2-induced SSEA-1+ cells were purified from ES and iPS cells and co
21 ainst a panel of five immunological markers (SSEA-1, SSEA-3, SSEA-4, TRA-1-60, and TRA-1-81) that hav
22 s major ES cell markers such as Oct4, Nanog, SSEA-1, alkaline phosphatase, and SALL4.
23                            Enriched neonatal SSEA-1(+) PSCs had the ability of self-renewal and diffe
24 tanding the molecular mechanisms of neonatal SSEA-1(+) PSCs might shed light on exploring the novel t
25          Here, we demonstrated that neonatal SSEA-1(+) PSCs play an immunomodulatory role in the prog
26 ved that expressed pluripotent markers Oct4, SSEA-1, Rex1, and AP and hemangioblast markers CD133, Fl
27                          Characterization of SSEA-1+ mesenchymal cells revealed that upon purificatio
28                               The effects of SSEA-1(+) (stage-specific embryonic antigen-1) PSCs was
29 T-transduced ES cells exhibit a low level of SSEA-1 surface antigen and alkaline phosphatase staining
30 tion of the mesenchymal compartment, placing SSEA-1+ cells at the apex of this hierarchy.
31                                          The SSEA-1(+) PSCs were highly prevalent in neonatal mice, a
32                                  Also, these SSEA-1+ cells have a much higher capacity to differentia
33 t upon purification these cells gave rise to SSEA-1- mesenchymal cells, whereas the reverse could not

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