


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  the hepatitis C virus (NS3) and SV40 virus (SV40 T antigen).
2 ted by expression of wild-type (p53-binding) SV40 T antigen.
3  mechanisms regulating transformation by the SV40 T antigen.
4 tions of Pes1 with IRS-1 itself and with the SV40 T antigen.
5 uch as the papillomavirus E1 protein and the SV40 T antigen.
6 y are stably transfected with both IRS-1 and SV40 T antigen.
7 ependent DNA synthesis, totally dependent on SV40 T-antigen.
8  based on the nuclear localization signal of SV40 T-antigen.
9 r the nuclear localization signal motif from SV40 T-antigen.
10 emonstrated that Puralpha interacts with the SV40 T-antigen.
11 nd Rb tumor suppressors is a key activity of SV40 T-antigen.
12 tive helicases such as DnaB helicase and the SV40 T-antigen.
13 re driven to proliferate by simian virus 40 (SV40) T-antigen.
14 e insertion in the C-terminal portion of the SV40 T antigen, a region involved in the regulation of v
15 RB could be attenuated by the coinjection of SV40 T-antigen, adenovirus E1A, or a high level of E2F-1
16                                              SV40 T antigen also induces H3K18 hypoacetylation.
17 her DNA tumor virus origin-binding proteins, SV40 T antigen and Epstein-Barr virus nuclear antigen 1
18 o the FR, inhibits DNA unwinding in vitro by SV40 T antigen and Escherichia coli dnaB helicases in an
19  retroviral vector LoTPRRNLo which expresses SV40 T antigen and H-ras val12 oncogenes as a dicistroni
20                   Both PC12 cells expressing SV40 T antigen and PC12 cells treated with p53 antisense
21 c alleles, specifically the simian virus 40 (SV40) T antigens and oncogenic Ras(12V), affect fatty ac
22  of cells) interacts with both IRS-1 and the SV40 T antigen, and markedly decreases the interaction o
23 use embryo fibroblasts can be transformed by SV40 T antigen, and that ErbB-3 may play a role in permi
24 ry complexes on the DnaB, T7 gene 4 protein, SV40 T-antigen, and UvrD DNA helicases.
25 ells was detected in direct association with SV40 T-antigen, and was therefore likely to be inactive.
26 mmortalized human fibroblasts expressing the SV40 T antigen (AR5 cells).
27 own that phosphorylation of simian virus 40 (SV40) T antigen at threonine 124 enhances the binding of
28                With sequence homology to the SV40 T antigen-binding domain of the retinoblastoma prot
29 ot analysis showed that 661W cells expressed SV40 T antigen, blue and green cone pigments, transducin
30 oding either MDM2 or a pRb-binding mutant of SV40 T antigen, both of which abrogate p53 function, sti
31    We show that the HPV16 E7 protein but not SV40 T antigen can complement mutations in the Ad5 E1A C
32                   These results suggest that SV40 T antigen can regulate p53-mediated transcription e
33 rs and anthracyclines were studied in CEA424/SV40 T-antigen (CEA/Tag) transgenic mice, which develop
34 old derived from a scrambled sequence of the SV40 T-antigen consensus NLS (ScT).
35 e rats bearing the albumin promoter/enhancer SV40 T antigen construct as a transgene demonstrated a 2
36 ture, were transfected with simian virus 40 (SV40) T antigen-containing virus with a neomycin resista
37                      These data suggest that SV40 T antigen contains a novel functional domain involv
38                 Our results suggest that the SV40 T antigen could be a valuable tool to dissect cellu
39                                          The SV40 T antigen database is a listing of plasmids and/or
40                                          The SV40 T antigen database lists viruses and plasmids expre
41 e form, whereas DnaB, T7 gene 4 protein, and SV40 T-antigen did not.
42                           We have shown that SV40 T-antigen diminished TGF-beta1 expression in glial
43 d a similar pattern of discrepancies between SV40 T-antigen DNA PCR results obtained with primers wit
44 with the isolated rolling circles, including SV40 T antigen, DNA polymerase alpha, replication protei
45  calvariae of transgenic mice containing the SV40 T-antigen driven by the mouse bone morphogenetic pr
46  protein, the adenovirus E4orf6 protein, and SV40 T antigen each can bind to p53 and inhibit p53 func
47  after attaining confluence, indicating that SV40 T antigen enhanced the intrinsic genomic instabilit
48                                      NS3 and SV40 T antigen enhanced the spontaneous rate of dissocia
49 proach to treating homozygous erythropoietin-SV40 T antigen (Epo-TAg(h)) mice with relative erythropo
50 cells, alphaB-crystallin-/- cells expressing SV40 T antigen exhibited a widespread cytocidal response
51  oncogenic transformation is elicited by the SV40 T antigens expressed under the control of the rat i
52 Gal I or ST8Sia I cDNAs are overexpressed in SV40 T antigen-expressing primate (COS) cells.
53  of the viral origin of replication (ori) by SV40 T antigen, followed by denaturation of ori in a rea
54 ndependent binding sites on simian virus 40 (SV40) T antigen for topoisomerase I (topo I) were identi
55 ns, we observed deletion of a portion of the SV40 T-antigen gene in 100% of replicated plasmid pZ189
56 h a selectable plasmid vector expressing the SV40 T-antigen gene resulted in high-frequency single-st
57 R was done with four sets of primers for the SV40 T-antigen gene.
58  carcinoma in situ of the bladder induced by SV40 T antigen had increased expression of cell cycle re
59           Like the Escherichia coli dnaB and SV40 T antigen helicases, therefore, the MCM complex is
60 amphotropic retroviral constructs containing SV40 T antigen, hTERT, and activated H-ras.
61 its complexes were detected in milk-derived, SV40 T-antigen-immortalized mammary luminal epithelial c
62              Co-expression of IRS-1 with the SV40 T antigen in 32D cells results in nuclear transloca
63                Although Pes1 can replace the SV40 T antigen in inducing colony formation in soft agar
64 ribe the results of their efforts to express SV40 T antigen in mature B cells of mice.
65 etastatogenesis in TRAMP mice, which express SV40 T antigen in the prostate epithelium.
66 m-specific expression of activated H-ras and SV40 T antigen in transgenic mice produced two distincti
67                              Mice expressing SV40 T-Antigen in liver under control of the phosphoenol
68 e, we show that we could noninvasively image SV40 T antigen-induced prostate tumorigenesis in mice wi
69                                              SV40 T-antigen-induced apoptosis has generally been cons
70                           We also found that SV40 T antigen inhibited the ability of RPA to increase
71 , chimeric-T-antigen constructs in which the SV40 T-antigen J domain was replaced with that from the
72 f normal human prostatic epithelial cells by SV40 T antigen led to a reduction in LRAT protein expres
73 by the temperature-sensitive tsA58 mutant of SV40 T antigen, MDP activity was not detectable, in cell
74                           Here we found that SV40 T antigen-mediated transformation inhibits HCMV inf
75 of alphaT3 or DT (co-expressing IFNgamma and SV40-T-Antigen) mice and the transformed lens cells are
76          The transformed cells expressed the SV40 T antigen mRNA as assayed by reverse transcription
77                           A simian virus 40 (SV40) T-antigen mutant containing only the N-terminal 13
78  transgenic expression of a simian virus 40 (SV40) T-antigen N-terminal fragment (N-termTag) is known
79 cortical cells with plasmids encoding hTERT, SV40 T antigen, neo, and green fluorescent protein.
80 lassical monopartite NLSs, such as c-myc and SV40 T-antigen NLSs.
81 an fibroblasts depleted of functional p53 by SV40 T antigen or HPV-16 E6, and primary embryo fibrobla
82 hibition of p53 function by the K1 mutant of SV40-T antigen or by m175 (Arg to His) dominant-negative
83 , mimicking a DNA structure found within the SV40 T antigen-ori complex.
84 that mimics a DNA structure found within the SV40 T antigen-origin (ori) complex.
85 grade 1 and minimal intrarenal expression of SV40-T antigen (P < 0.001).
86 cted the wild-type and R- cell lines with an SV40 T antigen plasmid and selected three clones from ea
87 umor suppressor p53 and pRb in urothelium by SV40 T antigen resulted in urothelial carcinoma, resembl
88 transform either W or R- cells; (3) Grb2 and SV40 T antigen, singly transfected, cannot transform R-
89 structures of the viral replicative helicase SV40 T antigen suggest that a novel concerted mode of nu
90 ll lines immortalized using simian virus 40 (SV40) T antigen, suggesting the possibility of transcomp
91 t of human telomerase (hTERT), together with SV40 T antigen (SV40T) and oncogenic N-ras.
92 ning the fetal globin promoter linked to the SV40 T antigen (T Ag) viral oncogene (Ggamma/T-15) resul
93 2dn or cdk3dn, is resistant to the action of SV40 T antigen (T).
94  formed between the origin-binding domain of SV40 T antigen (T-ag-obd), the initiator protein of the
95          The interaction of simian virus 40 (SV40) T antigen (T-ag) with the viral origin has served
96 he conditional expression of two transgenes, SV40 T antigen (TAg) and lacZ, can be tightly regulated
97 nt protein kinase (DNA-PK) which inactivates SV40 T antigen (TAg) by phosphorylation.
98 hat the MUC2 promoter could be used to drive SV40 T antigen (Tag) expression in the same cell type, d
99 ian virus 40 (SV40) pre-replication complex, SV40 T antigen (Tag) helicase actively loads replication
100      Transgenic mice expressing the oncogene SV40 T antigen (Tag) in the insulin-producing beta cells
101 ough seeding of tumorigenic hepatocytes from SV40 T antigen (Tag) transgenic MTD2 mice into the liver
102  derived from transgenic mice expressing the SV40 T antigen (Tag) under control of the tetracycline (
103 nse activity was determined by inhibition of SV40 T-antigen (TAg) expression in CV1 cells.
104 Interferon gamma (IFNgamma) induction of the SV40 T-antigen (TAg) was assayed by immunohistochemistry
105 ter also successfully directed expression of SV40 T-antigen (TAg), human E2F2, and dominant negative
106 tic islets of transgenic mice expressing the SV40 T-antigens (Tag) under transcriptional control of t
107 enic alleles, including the simian virus 40 (SV40) T antigen (TAg) and oncogenic H-Ras, inhibit HCMV
108 ementary assays to characterize functions of SV40 T antigen that are necessary for its ability to imm
109  N-terminus of human topoisomerase I and the SV40 T antigen that is detectable in vitro using both af
110 mortalization via genetic influences such as SV40 T-antigen, thus limiting our knowledge of the event
111                               The ability of SV40 T antigen to block apoptosis was investigated in Ra
112                             The inability of SV40 T antigen to complement suggests that RB binding on
113 FT cells derived from targeted expression of SV40 T antigen to mouse pituitary display characteristic
114  known about the ability of simian virus 40 (SV40) T antigen to bind single-stranded DNA.
115 iral vector encoding a temperature sensitive SV40 T antigen, to provide a snapshot of potential heter
116  ectopic CRBP expression in MTSV1-7 cells, a SV40 T antigen-transformed human breast epithelial cell
117 henomenon similar to postsenescent crisis of SV40 T-antigen-transformed human diploid fibroblasts in
118 ing ghrelinomas induced by a tissue-specific SV40 T-antigen transgene.
119 sed to target a temperature-sensitive mutant SV40 T antigen (tsA58) to smooth muscle in transgenic mi
120 f nuclear localization signals (NLSs) of the SV40 T-antigen type.
121 ng and producer cell lines developed express SV40 T antigen under the control of the reverse tetracyc
122 noma mouse prostate (TRAMP) mice express the SV40 T-antigen under the control of the probasin promote
123 s on a C57BL/6 (B6) background and expresses SV40 T-antigen under the probasin promoter.
124 line by directing expression of the oncogene SV40 T antigen using a gonadotrope-specific region of th
125 us cytopathic effects (CPE) were present and SV40 T antigen was detected in CV-1 cells cultured with
126 ficant, the original immortalizing oncogene, SV40 T antigen, was spontaneously lost.
127  effect of the receptor on transformation by SV40 T antigen, we established three independent fibrobl
128 mpetition assays using in vivo expression of SV40 T-antigen, we show here that the carboxyl-terminal
129                                      NS3 and SV40 T antigen were able to displace streptavidin from a
130 mine and a cationic decapeptide derived from SV40 T-antigen were only moderately active.
131 e vector, pZ402, that contains a mutation in SV40 T-antigen which blocks its ability to interact with
132  by exchanging the wt T-antigen for a mutant SV40 T-antigen, which is unable to bind with p53.

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