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1 to scattered patches (as seen on Jupiter and Saturn).
2 ition, and a lower limit for the ISD flux at Saturn.
3  planets are similar to those of Jupiter and Saturn.
4 ed at Jupiter and their presence inferred at Saturn.
5 puts as the solution to the energy crisis at Saturn.
6 egion of Enceladus, a small icy satellite of Saturn.
7 narrow 3,000-km-wide annulus 130,000 km from Saturn.
8 t nearly all are gas giants like Jupiter and Saturn.
9 ary flight as part of the Cassini mission to Saturn.
10        Enceladus is a small icy satellite of Saturn.
11 ater-ice-dominated objects characteristic of Saturn.
12 crobial life on the icy moons of Jupiter and Saturn.
13 ument during the approach and first orbit at Saturn.
14 tributions of irregular moons at Jupiter and Saturn.
15 aft encountered the giant planet en route to Saturn.
16 a factor of > or = 3 relative to Jupiter and Saturn.
17 und in the atmospheres of Venus, Jupiter and Saturn.
18 ed the resonance through an interaction with Saturn.
19 e aerosols that completely cover the moon of Saturn.
20 t of those recently detected in the rings of Saturn.
21 ginally but were lost as they spiralled into Saturn.
22 ruption of a comet during a close passage by Saturn.
23 ized satellite as it migrates inward towards Saturn.
24 used by the orbital migration of Jupiter and Saturn.
25 port the combined spacecraft observations of Saturn acquired over one Saturnian year (~29.5 Earth yea
26 lectrodynamic coupling of the plasma disk to Saturn and by the drag force exerted by its interaction
27          This aurora appears to be unique to Saturn and cannot be explained using our current underst
28 t battle between the gravitational forces of Saturn and its many moons.
29 fferences seen in the auroral emissions from Saturn and Jupiter are due to scaling differences in the
30 arison we note that the CH3D to CH4 ratio on Saturn and Jupiter is 8.7 x 10(-5) and 6.7 x 10(-5), res
31 of large ice bodies in the universe, such as Saturn and Neptune, where nonmolecular ice is thought to
32 eration could also be important for Jupiter, Saturn and other astrophysical objects with magnetic fie
33 ented have potential application to Jupiter, Saturn and other magnetized astrophysical objects.
34                   Titan, the largest moon of Saturn and similar to Earth in many aspects, has unique
35 perties of the satellite systems of Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus arise naturally, and suggest that simi
36 tions relevant to Titan, the largest moon of Saturn and with a nitrogen/methane dominated atmosphere,
37 rbital effects of large planets (Jupiter and Saturn) and damping mechanisms, such as gas drag, are in
38 upper atmosphere of Titan (a massive moon of Saturn) and might have played an important role in nitro
39 out a significant portion of the interior of Saturn, and to a lesser extent in Jupiter.
40 ts of a mean motion resonance among Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus, and provides rough estimates of the
41 ts eccentric orbit where it is furthest from Saturn (apocentre) than it is when near the point of clo
42 sonances during the migration of Jupiter and Saturn approximately 4 Gyr ago.
43 nceladus, the 500-kilometer-diameter moon of Saturn, are creating fractures that cause degassing of a
44 ently high to cross the planetary adiabat of Saturn at pressures approximately 5 Mbar; helium is part
45 tellite rather than a co-genetic origin with Saturn, because bodies of this size are unlikely to have
46 ly results from Cassini's first orbit around Saturn bode well for the future as the spacecraft contin
47 Jupiter's magnetosphere, which--like that of Saturn (but unlike that of Earth)--is rotationally domin
48 truments around the icy moons of Jupiter and Saturn, but have hitherto not been observed near bodies
49                           The exploration of Saturn by the Cassini/Huygens mission has yielded a rich
50 traviolet emission associated with Enceladus-Saturn coupling is anticipated to be just a few tenths o
51              Titan, the largest satellite of Saturn, exhibits extensive aeolian, that is, wind-formed
52 side the region of the solar nebula in which Saturn formed.
53                          Here we report that Saturn has an enormous ring associated with its outer mo
54                                              Saturn has an intense and broad eastward equatorial jet
55                               In particular, Saturn has more prograde irregular moons than Jupiter, w
56                                              Saturn has only one large satellite, Titan, whereas Jupi
57  that Enceladus, the 500-km-diameter moon of Saturn, has a southern hemisphere with a distinct arrang
58          Enceladus, a small icy satellite of Saturn, has active plumes jetting from localized fractur
59  icy bodies such as the moons of Jupiter and Saturn, has remained undetected in cometary comas.
60                         Processes on view at Saturn have parallels in circumstellar disks.
61  the first 9 months of Cassini operations at Saturn have produced many new findings.
62 ests that it was gravitationally captured by Saturn, having accreted outside the region of the solar
63 ing Unhealthy Bone With Rosuvastatin in HIV (SATURN-HIV) trial is a randomized, double-blind, placebo
64 ing Unhealthy Bone With Rosuvastatin in HIV (SATURN-HIV) trial randomized 147 patients on stable anti
65 ature (~10 Kelvins) around the tropopause of Saturn (i.e., 50 mbar), which is stronger than the seaso
66                Stratospheric temperatures on Saturn imply a strong decay of the equatorial winds with
67 ng at over twice the angular speed of Earth, Saturn imposes a rapid spin on its magnetosphere.
68 ging Science Subsystem (ISS) began observing Saturn in early February 2004.
69                  The planet is comparable to Saturn in mass and size and is on a nearly circular 229-
70 a popular formation scenario for Jupiter and Saturn, in which Jupiter migrates inward from a > 5 astr
71                                  Our related Saturn interior model has a molecular-to-metallic hydrog
72                                              Saturn is a source of intense kilometre-wavelength radio
73                             The C/H ratio on Saturn is seven times solar, twice Jupiter's.
74                                 This moon of Saturn is unique in our solar system, with a dense nitro
75 ese extrasolar planets are more massive than Saturn is, and most are more massive than Jupiter.
76 e, which is the outermost large satellite of Saturn, is of particular interest because its inclined,
77              Titan, the largest satellite of Saturn, is the only one in the solar system with a dense
78                   Titan, the largest moon of Saturn, is the only satellite in the Solar System with a
79 es between the magnetospheres of Jupiter and Saturn, it has been suggested that cryovolcanic activity
80 ably accreted within the sub-nebula in which Saturn itself formed.
81 s Cassini measurements of the solar wind and Saturn kilometric radio emission, demonstrate that its a
82 e impulsive radio signals were detected from Saturn lightning during the approach and first orbit.
83 lectrodynamic coupling between Enceladus and Saturn like that which links Jupiter with Io, Europa and
84   The gravitational influence of Jupiter and Saturn on the orbital evolution of asteroids in the oute
85                                           At Saturn, only the main auroral oval has previously been o
86 urnian magnetosphere from January 2004 until Saturn orbit insertion (SOI) on 1 July 2004.
87 are due to the impact of a compact stream of Saturn-orbiting material derived from previous breakup o
88 r wind measurements, immediately upstream of Saturn, over a one-month period.
89 mation of giant planets (such as Jupiter and Saturn) place such objects at distances of several astro
90 s before the spacecraft entered orbit around Saturn) provided an opportunity to test the hypothesis t
91 as detected between distances of 128 and 207 Saturn radii (RS = 60,330 kilometres) from the planet, w
92 rings, implying a scale height of about 0.45 Saturn radii (Rs).
93 ocessed nebular gas, probably in the Jupiter-Saturn region.
94 how that nanoscopic o-rings synthesized from Saturn-ring disclinations and other molecular assemblies
95                                              Saturn rings are most beautiful and dynamic places in th
96 e configurations such as axial quadrupoles ('Saturn rings'), axial octupoles ('flowers'), linear quad
97        Ions were detected in the vicinity of Saturn's A ring by the Ion and Neutral Mass Spectrometer
98 tection of four propeller-shaped features in Saturn's A ring proved the presence of large boulder-siz
99                                              Saturn's A- and B-rings cast a shadow on the planet that
100          And, what are the rotation rates of Saturn's atmosphere and magnetosphere?
101                                              Saturn's atmosphere has zonal temperature bands, which a
102 ort the existence of similar oscillations in Saturn's atmosphere, from an analysis of over two decade
103                   The ionized upper layer of Saturn's atmosphere, its ionosphere, provides a closure
104 he lower-than-expected electron densities in Saturn's atmosphere.
105 arge increase in solar wind dynamic pressure Saturn's aurora brightened dramatically, the brightest a
106                                              Saturn's aurora brightens in response to solar-wind forc
107 parable with the energies required to excite Saturn's aurora.
108 violet imaging we find that, unlike Jupiter, Saturn's aurorae respond strongly to solar wind conditio
109  intermediate between the Earth and Jupiter, Saturn's auroral emissions behave fundamentally differen
110                                              Saturn's auroral emissions vary slowly; some features ap
111  intermittently appearing radial markings in Saturn's B ring that are believed to form when micromete
112 bright arc located 167,495.6 +/- 1.3 km from Saturn's center.
113 spacecraft has allowed us to observe many of Saturn's cloud features.
114 lt is a pure ice ring much more massive than Saturn's current rings.
115 ly, affecting the injection of material into Saturn's E ring and its formation, evolution and structu
116 uate amount of water to resupply losses from Saturn's E ring and to be the dominant source of the neu
117       Jets of fine icy particles that supply Saturn's E ring emanate from this province, carried alof
118  exceptions are Jupiter's gossamer rings and Saturn's E ring, broad sheets of dust that extend outwar
119 most likely serves as the dominant source of Saturn's E ring.
120 ce waters and released by sputter erosion in Saturn's E ring.
121                                    Hyperion, Saturn's eighth largest icy satellite, is a body of irre
122   Bright storm eruptions are correlated with Saturn's electrostatic discharges, which are thought to
123          Blue is an unusual color for rings; Saturn's enigmatic E ring is the only other known exampl
124 i spacecraft completed three close flybys of Saturn's enigmatic moon Enceladus between February and J
125                           These factors make Saturn's equator a natural laboratory to test models of
126 within a ring that became tilted relative to Saturn's equator plane in 1983.
127 tober 2004, we report vertical wind shear in Saturn's equatorial jet and a maximum wind speed of appr
128  main radiation belt and the upper layers of Saturn's exosphere.
129 images reveal that three prominent clumps in Saturn's F ring were short-lived, appearing rapidly and
130                                              Saturn's faint outermost ring, discovered in 2009, is pr
131 s that this moon did not form in situ during Saturn's formation, but is instead a product of the larg
132            R/2003 U 2 more closely resembles Saturn's G ring, which is red, a typical color for dusty
133                                              Saturn's giant moon Titan has a thick (1.5 bar) nitrogen
134                               The surface of Saturn's haze-shrouded moon Titan has long been proposed
135 S, making it well over ten times larger than Saturn's hitherto largest known ring, the E ring.
136 r edge with estimated masses consistent with Saturn's ice-rich moons interior to and including Tethys
137  Enceladus atmosphere and corotating ions in Saturn's inner magnetosphere.
138                                              Saturn's internal rotation period is unknown, though it
139 tflow that slowly slips in phase relative to Saturn's internal rotation.
140                                              Saturn's ionosphere is produced when the otherwise neutr
141     The orbital properties of Phoebe, one of Saturn's irregular moons, suggest that it was captured b
142  with the time-variable modulation period of Saturn's kilometric radio emission.
143                                  Hyperion is Saturn's largest known irregularly shaped satellite and
144                                              Saturn's largest moon Titan has a substantial nitrogen-m
145 ng of the chemical environment prevailing on Saturn's largest moon, are not supported by their limite
146 nter by the Voyager 1 spacecraft with Titan, Saturn's largest moon, revealed the presence of a thick
147       Several lines of evidence suggest that Saturn's largest moon, Titan, has a global subsurface oc
148                  It has long been known that Saturn's largest moon, Titan, has a thick nitrogen atmos
149                                              Saturn's largest moon, Titan, remains an enigma, explore
150                   The smoggy stratosphere of Saturn's largest moon, Titan, veils its surface from vie
151 nstrument (MIMI) observed the interaction of Saturn's largest moon, Titan, with Saturn's magnetospher
152 ions in the near-infrared spectrum of Titan, Saturn's largest moon, which are indicative of the daily
153 important role in formation models of Titan, Saturn's largest moon.
154                    Atmospheric conditions on Saturn's largest satellite, Titan, allow the possibility
155                                              Saturn's largest satellite, Titan, has a dense atmospher
156                               The surface of Saturn's largest satellite--Titan--is largely obscured b
157  formation via charge exchange and pickup by Saturn's magnetic field.
158 planetward acceleration of electron beams in Saturn's magnetosphere along field lines that statistica
159                It has often been stated that Saturn's magnetosphere and aurorae are intermediate betw
160 action of Saturn's largest moon, Titan, with Saturn's magnetosphere during two close flybys of Titan
161 esses internal to the jovian system, whereas Saturn's magnetosphere has generally been considered to
162                       Recent observations in Saturn's magnetosphere have revealed narrow injections o
163 ertion has provided the first examination of Saturn's magnetosphere in 23 years, revealing a dynamic
164                                              Saturn's magnetosphere is, therefore, strongly driven by
165                             The structure of Saturn's magnetosphere, the extended region of space thr
166 explained using our current understanding of Saturn's magnetosphere.
167 ated atmosphere capable of locally affecting Saturn's magnetosphere.
168 d consistent with centrifugal interchange in Saturn's magnetosphere.
169 served in the shocked solar wind, outside of Saturn's magnetosphere.
170 the surface water ice under irradiation from Saturn's magnetospheric plasma.
171                                              Saturn's main rings are composed predominantly of water-
172 raft observations suggest that the plumes of Saturn's moon Enceladus draw water from a subsurface oce
173                                              Saturn's moon Enceladus emits a plume of water vapour an
174 water vapour and ice particles erupting from Saturn's moon Enceladus fuelled speculation that an inte
175                                              Saturn's moon Enceladus has an ice-covered ocean; a plum
176 logically active bodies in the solar system, Saturn's moon Enceladus not only coats itself with water
177                   It has been suggested that Saturn's moon Enceladus possesses a subsurface ocean.
178  spacecraft reveal that a heat source within Saturn's moon Enceladus powers a great plume of water ic
179 drites are distinct from those in comets and Saturn's moon Enceladus, implying that they formed in a
180 gically active province at the south pole of Saturn's moon Enceladus.
181              The extreme albedo asymmetry of Saturn's moon Iapetus, which is about 10 times as bright
182 d longitudinal physical forced librations of Saturn's moon Mimas.
183                                              Saturn's moon Rhea had been considered massive enough to
184 by measurements of the Cassini spacecraft at Saturn's moon Rhea reveal a tenuous oxygen (O(2))-carbon
185                                              Saturn's moon Titan has a nitrogen atmosphere comparable
186  the chemical evolution of the atmosphere of Saturn's moon Titan has been a subject of vigorous resea
187 e clouds, lakes and most fluvial features on Saturn's moon Titan have been observed in the moist high
188 here of nitrogen, hydrocarbons and nitriles, Saturn's moon Titan is a unique planetary satellite.
189               Cassini observations show that Saturn's moon Titan is slightly oblate.
190 i's Titan Radar Mapper imaged the surface of Saturn's moon Titan on its February 2005 fly-by (denoted
191                Cassini radar observations of Saturn's moon Titan over several years show that its rot
192 rements of the atmosphere and the surface of Saturn's moon Titan suggest that HCN-based polymers may
193 s present, for example, in the atmosphere of Saturn's moon Titan, three-body reactions can lead to a
194 l formation regions in the stratosphere of a Saturn's moon Titan.
195 n has stimulated a great deal of interest in Saturn's moon, Titan.
196  There is interest in the role of ammonia on Saturn's moons Titan and Enceladus as the presence of wa
197                                    Images of Saturn's narrow and contorted F ring returned by the Cas
198                                              Saturn's narrow F ring exhibits several unusual features
199                                The origin of Saturn's narrow G ring has been unclear.
200         Since the Cassini spacecraft reached Saturn's orbit in 2004, its instruments have been sendin
201 a and magnetic fields in the inner region of Saturn's plasma disk rotate in synchronism with the time
202                                              Saturn's poles exhibit an unexpected symmetry in hot, cy
203 Jupiter's poles show a chaotic scene, unlike Saturn's poles.
204 ces in the global morphology of the aurorae, Saturn's radio emissions exhibit an Earth-like correspon
205  extending from at least 128R(S) to 207R(S) (Saturn's radius R(S) is 60,330 km).
206  February 2004, at approximately 10(3) times Saturn's radius RS (0.43 astronomical units), a weak but
207                                 By contrast, Saturn's regular satellites (with prograde, low-inclinat
208             Just before earth passed through Saturn's ring plane on 10 August 1995, the Hubble Space
209                                              Saturn's ring temperatures have radial variations down t
210               We review our understanding of Saturn's rings after nearly 6 years of observations by t
211                                              Saturn's rings also show variable water abundance, with
212                           Images acquired of Saturn's rings and small moons by the Cassini Imaging Sc
213                                              Saturn's rings are composed mostly of water ice but also
214           In August 2009 the Sun illuminated Saturn's rings from almost exactly edge-on, revealing a
215                                The origin of Saturn's rings has not been adequately explained.
216                                              Saturn's rings must produce roughly 10(25) to 10(29) OH
217 processes (such as those that act to flatten Saturn's rings) will tend to decrease orbital inclinatio
218    We report observations of dusty clouds in Saturn's rings, which we interpret as resulting from imp
219 the planet's magnetic field lines to gaps in Saturn's rings.
220                                              Saturn's rotation, however, is difficult to determine be
221                              Observations of Saturn's satellite Enceladus using Cassini's Visual and
222 en emanating from the south-polar terrain of Saturn's satellite Enceladus.
223                                              Saturn's slow seasonal evolution was disrupted in 2010-2
224                            Cassini images of Saturn's small inner satellites (radii of less than appr
225         The Cassini spacecraft flew close to Saturn's small moon Enceladus three times in 2005.
226                                              Saturn's south polar stratosphere is warmer than predict
227                   We present observations of Saturn's south polar vortex (SPV) showing that it shares
228 actions between Titan's upper atmosphere and Saturn's space environment.
229  that penetrated hundreds of kilometers into Saturn's stratosphere (to the 1-millibar region).
230 nd meridional variability of temperatures in Saturn's stratosphere as a manifestation of a wave pheno
231  to a forcing at the surface associated with Saturn's tides, geology, and/or surface composition.
232  which, along with high-resolution images of Saturn's ultraviolet auroral emissions, suggest that alt
233  between 30 to 43 per cent of the surface of Saturn's upper atmosphere.
234 edos of the other satellites orbiting within Saturn's vast, tenuous E ring.
235 8 +/- 1.2 terrestrial years, roughly half of Saturn's year, suggesting the influence of seasonal forc
236    During the approach, radio emissions from Saturn showed that the radio rotation period is now 10 h
237  Cassini spacecraft has been in orbit around Saturn since 30 June 2004, yielding a wealth of data abo
238               We report the detection of two Saturn-size planets that transit the same Sun-like star,
239 erent from that of the regular satellites of Saturn, supporting Phoebe's origin as a captured body fr
240 n spite of the much lower temperature in the Saturn system, the complex organic chemistry in the atmo
241 ne 2004, yielding a wealth of data about the Saturn system.
242 pin implies slower equatorial wind speeds on Saturn than previously assumed, and the winds at higher
243 s best fit by such a body orbiting closer to Saturn than Titan presently does.
244 ted a cold, dense, and dynamic ionosphere at Saturn that interacts with the rings.
245  report the discovery of a secondary oval at Saturn that is approximately 25 per cent as bright as th
246  But this view is based on information about Saturn that is far inferior to what is now available.
247 e picture--established by Earth, Jupiter and Saturn--that planetary magnetic fields are dominated by
248                               In the case of Saturn the temperatures predicted by models of solar hea
249 ant for particle acceleration at Jupiter and Saturn, the electric field produced in the inner magneto
250                                           At Saturn, these processes collisionally excite hydrogen, c
251 ellites recently have been discovered around Saturn (thirteen members, refs 6, 7), Uranus (six, ref.
252  of the CH3D/CH4 ratio in the atmospheres of Saturn, Titan and Uranus.
253 opulated by "fossil" fields originating from Saturn, to which the satellite was exposed before its ex
254 Here we report images of the ring current at Saturn, together with a day-night pressure asymmetry and
255 s from the region of giant planets--Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune--during their formation.
256  observed at bow shocks upstream of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.
257                  The atmospheres of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune were modeled as shallow laye
258 ne-containing phase in the nebula from which Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and their major moons formed.
259  Effect of Rosuvastatin Versus Atorvastatin (SATURN) used serial intravascular ultrasound measures of
260                                              Saturn was imaged between 8 and 24.5 micrometers at appr
261 rming gas-giant planets, such as Jupiter and Saturn, was the production of solid 'cores' each with a
262  and Dione orbit within the magnetosphere of Saturn, where they are exposed to particle irradiation f
263  Unlike on the icy satellites of Jupiter and Saturn, where tidal forces are responsible for spewing b
264 RS is the radial distance from the center of Saturn), whereas inside, the plasma consists primarily o
265         Here we report ultraviolet images of Saturn, which, when combined with simultaneous Cassini m
266  interaction of the magnetospheric plasma of Saturn with an atmospheric plume at the icy moon Encelad

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