


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ew tool for specific diagnosis of allergy to Siberian hamster.
2 mia (not< approximately 15 degrees C) in the Siberian hamster.
3 gerated, often greatly, in the heterothermic Siberian hamster.
4 NPY markedly reduced Tb in the heterothermic Siberian hamster.
5  of prolactin at the level of the PVN in the Siberian hamster.
6 othalamic-preoptic area (AH-POA) of the male Siberian hamster.
7  in a natural animal model of adiposity, the Siberian hamster.
8  injecting both PRV152 and H129 into IBAT of Siberian hamsters.
9 ncreased T(IBAT) in conscious, freely-moving Siberian hamsters.
10  markedly increases foraging and hoarding in Siberian hamsters.
11  fewer ERalpha-IR cells in the BST than male Siberian hamsters.
12  the hypothalamus and thalamus of Syrian and Siberian hamsters.
13 nd short winter days inhibit reproduction in Siberian hamsters.
14 ed testicular regression within 6 wk in male Siberian hamsters; 12 wk later Mel implants no longer su
15            Therefore, we tested this role in Siberian hamsters, a model of human energy balance, and
16                                    The major Siberian hamster allergen was cloned, and allergenic pro
17                                     Thirteen Siberian hamster-allergic patients were recruited at the
18 tein (AgRP) and PPARgamma mRNA expression in Siberian hamsters and mice; (3) whether intraperitoneall
19 of neonatal MSG or vehicle administration in Siberian hamsters and, when they were adults, measured T
20 alized to the SCN and IGL of Syrian hamster, Siberian hamster, and mouse.
21                                              Siberian hamsters are heterothermic, naturally undergoin
22                                              Siberian hamsters are seasonal breeders that use changes
23                        To address this, male Siberian hamsters born and maintained outdoors were samp
24 evious research has demonstrated that in the Siberian hamster, both photoperiod and estrous cyclicity
25     Thus, this neuromuscular system of adult Siberian hamsters demonstrates considerable seasonal pla
26   FGF21 exerts profound metabolic effects in Siberian hamsters exposed to long day (LD) photoperiods
27 ly or into the third ventricle (3V) affected Siberian hamster feeding behaviors; (2) whether food dep
28 ns were identified in extracts obtained from Siberian hamster hair, urine, and salivary glands.
29 imulatory effect on the male Syrian and male Siberian hamster in short days.
30 n a variety of species, applied centrally to Siberian hamsters increases foraging and especially hoar
31 scar formation in vivo in dermal wounds in a Siberian hamster model.
32  ICV injected NPY on Tb in the heterothermic Siberian hamster (Phodopus sungorus), a species that nat
33                   Here, we show that, in the Siberian hamster (Phodopus sungorus), the programming ef
34  and one of the most popular hamsters is the Siberian hamster (Phodopus sungorus).
35 o permanently eliminate circadian rhythms in Siberian hamsters (Phodopus sungorus) [corrected] so tha
36                                              Siberian hamsters (Phodopus sungorus) are particularly w
37                         Circadian-arrhythmic Siberian hamsters (Phodopus sungorus) exhibit substantia
38  and the distribution of blood leukocytes in Siberian hamsters (Phodopus sungorus) exposed to long da
39  sympathetic tones, we maintained adult male Siberian hamsters (Phodopus sungorus) to either long or
40                                   Adult male Siberian hamsters (Phodopus sungorus) were subjected to
41  and cell mediated immune responses in adult Siberian hamsters (Phodopus sungorus).
42 d eliminates rhythms by noninvasive means in Siberian hamsters (Phodopus sungorus).
43 t affective behaviors were examined in adult Siberian hamsters (Phodopus sungorus).
44                            Transfer of adult Siberian hamsters, Phodopus sungorus, from long day (16
45 , showing similar IgE reactivity in vitro to Siberian hamster protein extracts.
46                                              Siberian hamsters retain-->of both sexes treated neonata
47 ficantly improved collagen organization in a Siberian hamster scarring model.
48 rainment and photoperiodic responsiveness of Siberian hamsters to an SNP.
49                               The ability of Siberian hamsters to measure and respond to changes in d
50 emonstrate that after transfer of adult male Siberian hamsters to short photoperiods, the bulbocavern
51                                 We entrained Siberian hamsters to various light-dark cycles and then
52 ld-type (WT), F86Y, S90A and S90C mutants of Siberian hamster ultraviolet (SHUV) cone pigment to expl
53 retical study of the thermal activation of a Siberian hamster ultraviolet (SHUV) pigment.
54          These data indicate that the ANS of Siberian hamsters undergoes profound changes following p
55     These experiments were performed in male Siberian hamsters using reverse microdialysis coupled wi
56                                    In nature Siberian hamsters utilize the decrement in day length fo
57                        Adult male and female Siberian hamsters were exposed to either dark nights (DA
58  doses of NPY were tested in cold-acclimated Siberian hamsters while food was withheld.

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