


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 rescent alpha-glycosylceramide analog of the Sphingomonas Ag trafficked to the lysosome of wild-type
2 ze categories of glycolipids beyond those in sphingomonas and suggest that NKT cell responses driven
3 osyl-(beta1-->4)-glucuronosyl transferase in Sphingomonas and that pssC codes for a glucuronosyl-(bet
4  related Streptococcus salivarius and genera Sphingomonas and TREPONEMA: Since advanced noma lesions
5 r in the lab-scale system and Mycobacterium, Sphingomonas, and Coxiella in the full-scale system.
6                               Unfortunately, Sphingomonas are also animal pathogens and can readily d
7 es that are secreted by members of the genus Sphingomonas are being developed as aqueous rheological
8 f the aromatic catabolic plasmid, pNL1, from Sphingomonas aromaticivorans F199 has been determined.
9   Intragastric exposure of germ-free mice to Sphingomonas bacteria, which carry iNKT cell antigens, f
10 KT cells are uniquely found in nonpathogenic sphingomonas bacteria.
11 te NKT cells (alpha-GalactosylCeramide and a Sphingomonas bacterial glycolipid) rapidly induced AHR a
12 nities, increasing some (e.g., Rhizobium and Sphingomonas) but decreasing other (e.g., Ensifer, Rhodo
13                         The structure of the Sphingomonas capsulata PEP, solved and refined to 1.8-A
14 ley) and a prolyl endopeptidase (SC PEP from Sphingomonas capsulata), for its ability to digest glute
15                We also studied the effect of Sphingomonas capsulata, a bacterial strain that carries
16 a-Proteobacteria such as Ehrlichia muris and Sphingomonas capsulata.
17 ificity was purified from a culture broth of Sphingomonas capsulata.
18 ibited marked defects in the presentation of Sphingomonas cell wall Ags to NKT cells and in bacterial
19 ohydroquinone with O2 has been isolated from Sphingomonas chlorophenolica sp. strain ATCC 39723, a so
20 ay in Sphingobium chlorophenolicum (formerly Sphingomonas chlorophenolica) ATCC 39723 have been chara
21 achlorohydroquinone dehalogenase is found in Sphingomonas chlorophenolica, a soil bacterium that degr
22 g the biodegradation of pentachlorophenol by Sphingomonas chlorophenolica.
23 n of the metabolic capabilities of the genus Sphingomonas could provide important commercial benefits
24  through the treatment process, for example, Sphingomonas following filtration and Leptospirillium an
25 lls have a marked defect in the clearance of Sphingomonas from the liver.
26 pha14i-positive NKT cell hybridomas that the Sphingomonas glycolipid alpha-galacturonosyl ceramide (G
27 for the CD1d presentation of alphaGalCer and Sphingomonas glycolipids.
28                                          The Sphingomonas glycosphingolipids (GSLs) and sulfatide var
29  NKT cells recognize glycosphingolipids from Sphingomonas, Gram-negative bacteria that do not contain
30 ia, Bacteroides, and Rothia species and less Sphingomonas, Halomonas, and Aeribacillus species compar
31  family as positive modulators of the GSR in Sphingomonas melonis Fr1.
32 ycineae, and GABA correlated with species of Sphingomonas, Methylobacterium, Frankineae, Variovorax,
33                                    LigI from Sphingomonas paucimobilis catalyzes the reversible hydro
34  kinetics of two model HOCs by the bacterium Sphingomonas paucimobilis EPA505 were measured at define
35 on of 5-carboxyvanillate by the enzymes from Sphingomonas paucimobilis SYK-6 (kcat = 2.2 s(-1) and kc
36                                              Sphingomonas paucimobilis var. EPA505 utilizes fluoranth
37 ofolate-dependent aryl demethylase LigM from Sphingomonas paucimobilis, a bacterial strain that metab
38 tudied the homodimeric bacterial enzyme from Sphingomonas paucimobilis.
39 mic homodimer in the Gram-negative bacterium Sphingomonas paucimobilis.
40 rticles ((f)Si NP) were then integrated with Sphingomonas sp.
41 arison with the high resolution structure of Sphingomonas sp. A1-III alginate lyase in complex with p
42 s Salmonella enterica, Vibrio spp., and both Sphingomonas sp. and Pseudomonas spp. are bifunctional,
43                     The previously developed Sphingomonas sp. based optical microplate biosensor for
44 rticles ((f)Si NP) were then integrated with Sphingomonas sp. cells.
45 rs: Novosphingobium pentaromativorans US6-1, Sphingomonas sp. EPA505, and Sphingobium yanoikuyae B1.
46 tioselectivities (ES) of -0.65 to -0.98 with Sphingomonas sp. PM2, -0.63 to -0.89 with Sphingobium he
47      Conjugative transfer of pNL1 to another Sphingomonas sp. was demonstrated, and genes associated
48 sional structure of a mannuronate lyase from Sphingomonas sp., combined with various mutagenesis stud
49                     Immobilized biohybrid of Sphingomonas sp.-(f)Si NP was characterized using SEM.
50                                 Biohybrid of Sphingomonas sp.-(f)Si NP was immobilized on the wells o
51 rizes the first gene cluster isolated from a Sphingomonas species (S88) that is required for capsule
52  we investigate the possible contribution of Sphingomonas spp. glycosphingolipids (GSL) and its extra
53                      The distinct effects of Sphingomonas spp. on RO membrane biofouling are likely a
54 ments were conducted with the same amount of Sphingomonas spp. or Escherichia coli cells resulting in
55 uced RF levels of intestinal microbial taxa (Sphingomonas spp.) known to express antigenic glycosphin
56 ia from the other three phases (dominated by Sphingomonas spp.).
57                             The spsK gene of Sphingomonas strain S88 and the pssDE genes of Rhizobium
58 retofore unknown pathogenic life history for Sphingomonas strain S88.
59 Brevundimonas, Staphylococci, Aquabacterium, Sphingomonas, Streptococcus, Streptophyta, and Methyloba
60 fied glycosylceramides from the cell wall of Sphingomonas that serve as direct targets for mouse and
61                      By contrast, DxnB2 from Sphingomonas wittichii RW1 catalyzes the hydrolysis of 3
62 the past 2 decades, studies of the bacterium Sphingomonas wittichii RW1 have provided a wealth of kno
63 hia coli K12 MG1655, an environmental strain Sphingomonas wittichii RW1, and a nonmotile (with paraly
64 olipids, alpha-galacturonosyl-ceramides from Sphingomonas wittichii, although structurally similar to
65 ow (RSPF) system with either model bacteria (Sphingomonas wittichii, Escherichia coli, and Pseudomona
66 rom Novosphingobium aromaticivorans F199 and Sphingomonas yanoikuyae B1 and 2-chlorobenzoate dioxygen
67  to that formed by biphenyl dioxygenase from Sphingomonas yanoikuyae B8/36.
68  of iNKT cells in vivo during infection with Sphingomonas yanoikuyae or Streptococcus pneumoniae, pat

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