


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1                                              TDM measurements were determined by commercial ELISA (LI
2                                              TDM-IPIV promotes a hypercoagulopathy state, independent
3                               Analysis of 14 TDMs by methylation-specific PCR and by bisulfite genomi
4 onjunction with virtual RLGS to identify 150 TDMs.
5    One hundred twelve IBD patients (with 214 TDM measurements, CD/UC 84/28, male/female 50/62, mean a
6 . tuberculosis, suggesting the presence of a TDM-specific esterase in this pathogen.
7 ich an immobile hydrophobic layer supports a TDM-rich, two-dimensionally fluid leaflet.
8                                 In addition, TDM modification by the cyclopropane synthase pcaA was b
9 s that the mechanisms responsible for DM and TDM formation might be closely related.
10                Mice that received TDM-IV and TDM-IPIV had inflammatory pathologic findings with incre
11 crophages were equally responsive to TDB and TDM.
12 erformed TDM on HBase by up to 351 times and TDM on MySQL Cluster by up to 9 times.
13 nform clinical decision making when applying TDM in a reactive setting.
14 icate that 5% or more of the CpG islands are TDMs, disputing the general notion that all CpG islands
15 ic DNA-containing Double Minute chromosomes (TDMs).
16              Anti-trehalose 6,6'-dimycolate (TDM) IgG responses were the strongest predictor for diff
17                   Trehalose 6,6'-dimycolate (TDM) is a cell wall glycolipid and an important virulenc
18                   Trehalose 6,6'-dimycolate (TDM) is the most abundant, most granulomagenic, and most
19 ia recognition of trehalose-6,6'-dimycolate (TDM), has opened avenues for the rational design of such
20 ll wall component trehalose 6,6'-dimycolate (TDM).
21 ycolipids such as trehalose 6,6'-dimycolate (TDM; cord factor).
22                    Trehalose 6'6-dimycolate (TDM) activates innate inflammation and likely also stimu
23 terial cord factor trehalose-6,6-dimycolate (TDM), is a potent adjuvant inducing strong Th1 and Th17
24                    Trehalose-6,6-dimycolate (TDM), the mycobacterial cord factor, and its synthetic a
25                    Trehalose-6,6-dimycolate (TDM), the mycobacterial cord factor, is an abundant cell
26 ll envelope glycolipid trehalose dimycolate (TDM) is critical for Mtb growth during the first week of
27 f the mycolic acids on trehalose dimycolate (TDM) mediated by proximal cyclopropane synthase of alpha
28 olic acids attached to trehalose dimycolate (TDM) on the murine immune response to infection (see the
29 onomycolate (TMM), and trehalose dimycolate (TDM), important constituents of the outermost layer of t
30 M is newly synthesized trehalose dimycolate (TDM), which is cleaved by a novel TDM-specific serine es
31 n evaluating the implications of the drought TDM.
32 ame, tandem duplication of exons 2 - 7 (EGFR.TDM/2 - 7).
33     High-affinity binding is reduced in EGFR.TDM/18-26, although the t1/2 of receptor internalization
34 however, phosphorylation of the 180-kDa EGFR.TDM/2 - 7 was strongly induced by ligand.
35 demonstrate how this modification can enable TDM applications by quantitatively and dynamically measu
36 use developed software package developed for TDM of mAbs.
37 n 85A more efficiently mycolates TMM to form TDM, whereas C (and to a lesser extent B) has a higher r
38 of i.v. TDM in oil/water emulsion was given (TDM-IV).
39                     The responses to TDM-IP, TDM-IV, or TDM-IPIV were consistent between mouse strain
40  current evidence is insufficient to mandate TDM in routine practice, a concerted investigation shoul
41 c polymorphisms (transcript derived markers, TDMs) from an experiment involving two commercial variet
42  on HBase to the traditional SQL data model (TDM) implemented on both HBase and MySQL Cluster, using
43 velopment of a tolerance distribution model (TDM), a novel quantitative tool to assess landscape leve
44 pholipid mixtures with as little as 25 mol % TDM.
45                 Therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) aid therapeutic decision making in patients with in
46  DBS method for therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) for improving the efficacy and safety of drug thera
47 e importance of therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) in this population is also explored in this review.
48  range to which therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) is applied.
49 e reported that therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) of asparaginase (ASP) activity levels in plasma may
50                 Therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) provides valuable guidance for dose adjustment of a
51 ms that perform therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) without relying on mAb specific reagents will be ne
52                 Therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM), which involves measurement of drug or active metab
53 l candidate for therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM).
54 care method for therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM).
55 aboratories for therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM).
56      The 180-kDa, tandem duplication mutant (TDM) exhibited enhanced basal phosphorylation and impair
57 escribe a 185-kDa tandem duplication mutant (TDM) that is expressed in KE and A-1235 glioma cells, al
58                           We introduce a new TDM model that promotes inflammatory lung pathologic fin
59 imycolate (TDM), which is cleaved by a novel TDM-specific serine esterase, Msmeg_1529.
60 c studies, and focused on the application of TDM for biologic therapy, specifically anti-tumor necros
61 rcolation, implying that the connectivity of TDM plays a crucial role in membrane preservation.
62 sh cmaA2-dependent trans-cyclopropanation of TDM as a suppressor of M. tuberculosis-induced inflammat
63         Furthermore, enzymatic hydrolysis of TDM remains conserved in M. tuberculosis, suggesting the
64 ivation through cyclopropane modification of TDM as a critical pathogenic strategy of Mtb.
65 ta, this review does not address the role of TDM for more recently approved biologic agents, such as
66                In order to study the role of TDM in the innate immune response to Mycobacterium tuber
67 ioritized clinical guidelines on the role of TDM in the management of inflammatory bowel disease.
68 d showed agonist activity similar to that of TDM, despite their much simpler structure.
69 inical activity were recorded at the time of TDM.
70 until it is able to activate the toxicity of TDM and initiate necrosis that results in caseating gran
71  was caused by activation of the toxicity of TDM toxicity.
72 mab therapy and support the selective use of TDM in IBD patients treated with adalimumab.
73  estimates about the number and direction of TDMs in FlH(-), as well the electronic structure changes
74                             With this set of TDMs, we constructed a genetic map and used it for the g
75 ith 10 mug of i.p. TDM in light mineral oil (TDM-IP).
76 ery of membrane mobility upon rehydration on TDM fraction shows a functional form indicative of spati
77            In defined medium, both oncogenic TDM are constitutively autophosphorylated and inefficien
78                     Injections of MTB and/or TDM into sensitized mice induced caseating granulomas th
79          The responses to TDM-IP, TDM-IV, or TDM-IPIV were consistent between mouse strains.
80 e and cytokine release in response to TDB or TDM.
81  knockdown caused on average reduced TDB- or TDM-induced IL-8 production.
82 d reduced phagocytosis of M. tuberculosis or TDM-coated latex beads.
83 olymorphism case, CGDM on HBase outperformed TDM on HBase by up to 351 times and TDM on MySQL Cluster
84 ALB/c mice were injected with 10 mug of i.p. TDM in light mineral oil (TDM-IP).
85 ed with mice injected once with i.v. or i.p. TDM.
86  spectrometry (LC-MS) can be used to perform TDM of mAbs in the same manner as smaller nonbiologic dr
87 and risks of a strategy of routine proactive TDM (during routine clinical care in patients with quies
88                                     Purified TDM isolated from a cyclopropane-deficient pcaA mutant w
89                            Finally, purified TDM lacking trans-cyclopropane rings was 5-fold more pot
90          Noninfectious models using purified TDM oil/water emulsions elicit pathologic findings obser
91 benefits and risks of a strategy of reactive TDM (in patients with active inflammatory bowel disease)
92                           Mice that received TDM-IV and TDM-IPIV had inflammatory pathologic findings
93 -specific differentially methylated regions (TDMs) were first identified, and then expression of gene
94  quiescent disease) compared with no routine TDM.
95  the absorption transition dipole moment(s) (TDMs) in the molecular frame of reference.
96 ng an anticancer drug (doxorubicin), several TDM-requiring antidepressant and anti-seizure drugs, fru
97 oped in adipose tissue, but MTB with surface TDM removed induced only acute inflammation that did not
98 ype lectin receptors Mincle and Mcl bind TDB/TDM and activate macrophages and dendritic cells (DC) th
99 ulation of Mincle, resulting in enhanced TDB/TDM-induced kinase activation and more rapid inflammator
100                                 However, TDB/TDM-triggered kinase activation has not been studied wel
101  SYK-CARD9 signaling plays a key role in TDB/TDM-induced activation of innate immune cells in man as
102 eta showed nearly complete abrogation of TDB/TDM responsiveness, but also failed to upregulate Mincle
103        We performed in vitro analysis of TDB/TDM-stimulated primary human monocytes, macrophages, and
104          In this article, we report that TDB/TDM caused only weak Syk-phosphorylation in resting macr
105 tically, the transcriptional response to TDB/TDM has been defined to require FcRgamma-Syk-Card9 signa
106  To dissect transcriptional responses to TDB/TDM, we mined microarray data and identified early growt
107 s sufficient to confer responsiveness to TDB/TDM.
108 e requirement for Mcl in the response to TDB/TDM.
109                           The i.p./i.v. TDM (TDM-IVIP) group was compared with mice injected once wit
110  HBase performed up to 246 times faster than TDM on HBase and 7 times faster than TDM on MySQL Cluste
111 er than TDM on HBase and 7 times faster than TDM on MySQL Cluster.
112                   This new model argues that TDM is sufficient to generate the hypercoagulopathy obse
113                           We have found that TDM monolayers, in stark contrast to phospholipid membra
114                                We found that TDM-coated beads induced MMP-9 expression and activity i
115 ng, and other stresses, we hypothesized that TDM alone may suffice to confer dehydration resistance t
116 rculous granulomas, our results suggest that TDM may drive MMP expression during TB pathogenesis.
117                            We speculate that TDMs are formed through the recombination of telomeres w
118                                          The TDM-based MTBE demonstrated superior sensitivity compare
119                                          The TDM-IPIV group had increased CD4(+) T cells in lung tiss
120 n inflammatory and T-cell cytokines, and the TDM-IPIV group had further enhancement of IL-10 and gran
121 Raman activities of many analytes hinder the TDM application of SERS.
122                                  Some of the TDMs are within 5' promoter CpG islands of genes, which
123                        The directions of the TDMs in oxidized and semiquinone flavins were characteri
124 re up- or downregulated in response to these TDM-coated beads compared to control beads.
125 le of 17 climate change models to drive this TDM, we estimate that 18% of US ecosystems are vulnerabl
126                                        Thus, TDM-based MTBE can be potentially used as a screening de
127  this protection from dehydration extends to TDM-phospholipid mixtures with as little as 25 mol % TDM
128                             The responses to TDM-IP, TDM-IV, or TDM-IPIV were consistent between mous
129 f loss of response (LOR) to adalimumab using TDM in IBD patients.
130                                The i.p./i.v. TDM (TDM-IVIP) group was compared with mice injected onc
131 t day 7, another injection of 10 mug of i.v. TDM in oil/water emulsion was given (TDM-IV).
132 iameter polystyrene microspheres coated with TDM.
133  CCL3, CCL4, and CCL2 after stimulation with TDM, whereas DC responded more strongly to TDB and GM-CS

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