


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1                                              TFPI can also inhibit prothrombinase assembly by directl
2                                              TFPI co-localized with TF and FVII on endothelium and le
3                                              TFPI did not affect CD26 activity, migration, or homing
4                                              TFPI inactivation is mediated by proteolysis since Weste
5                                              TFPI is an essential reversible inhibitor of activated f
6                                              TFPI is expressed on the platelet surface following dual
7                                              TFPI is produced by megakaryocytes but is not expressed
8                                              TFPI is the TF pathway inhibitor that is involved in coa
9                                              TFPI Kunitz domain 3 is required for this enhancement to
10                                              TFPI Kunitz domain 3 residue Glu226 is essential for enh
11                                              TFPI levels were elevated for the duration of the study
12                                              TFPI-2 (~7 nM) in plasma of women at the onset of labor
13                                              TFPI-2 expression was diminished or absent in 16 of 32 c
14                                              TFPI-2 has recently been recognized as a tumor suppresso
15                                              TFPI-2 promoter methylation was observed in one of five
16 ) gene or tissue factor pathway inhibitor 1 (TFPI) gene results in embryonic lethality, indicating th
17 ified was tissue factor pathway inhibitor 2 (TFPI-2), which encodes for a broad-spectrum serine prote
18           Tissue factor pathway inhibitor-2 (TFPI-2) inhibits factor XIa, plasma kallikrein, and fact
19           Tissue factor pathway inhibitor-2 (TFPI-2) is a homologue of TFPI-1 and contains three Kuni
20     Human tissue factor pathway inhibitor-2 (TFPI-2) is a Kunitz-type proteinase inhibitor that regul
21 ession of tissue factor pathway inhibitor-2 (TFPI-2), an inhibitor of Factor VII: tissue factor signa
22 egy and generated mice with a floxed exon 4 (TFPI(Flox)) which encodes for the TFPI-K1 domain.
23                                            A TFPI Lys86Ala mutation between the Kunitz 1 and 2 domain
24                               Protein S is a TFPI cofactor, enhancing the efficiency of FXa inhibitio
25 patients (p = 0.0002), and no patient with a TFPI/TF MP ratio >0.7 had a history of clinical thrombos
26 ffinity (K(D) = 25pM) mAb, mAb 2021, against TFPI was investigated.
27                  Blocking antibodies against TFPI increased fibrin deposition in septic baboon lungs,
28 a) by tissue factor pathway inhibitor-alpha (TFPI-alpha) in the presence of Ca(2+) and phospholipids.
29                        Wild-type TFPI-alpha (TFPI(WT)), TFPI-alpha lacking the K3 domain (TFPI-(Delta
30  the TFPI(Tie2) (71% +/- 0.9%, P < .001) and TFPI(LysM) (19% +/- 0.6%, P < .001) compared with TFPI(F
31 lasmon resonance data reveal that TFPI-2 and TFPI-1 bind FV-1033 with K(d) ~36-48 nM and bind FVa wit
32                             When both AT and TFPI were present, active IXabeta formation significantl
33  lacking the K3 domain (TFPI-(DeltaK3)), and TFPI-alpha containing a single amino acid change at the
34 alpha involves an interaction between PS and TFPI-alpha, which requires the K3 domain of TFPI-alpha.
35 ntigen and mRNA decreased during sepsis, and TFPI activity diminished abruptly at 2 hours.
36 mbryonic fibroblasts (MEFs), we found TF and TFPI are differentially expressed in the PAK1-KO MEFs in
37 udy the transcriptional regulation of TF and TFPI by PAK1, a serine/threonine kinase.
38 an imbalance between microparticulate TF and TFPI may predispose to thrombosis.
39 t implications for the regulation of TF- and TFPI-dependent biologic responses and for fine tuning of
40                       Warfarin treatment and TFPI overexpression both had a protective effect on fibr
41 nts demonstrated that FXa bound TFPI(WT) and TFPI-(DeltaK3) but not the isolated K3 domain, whereas P
42 a to inhibition by plasma inhibitors ZPI and TFPI.
43  susceptible to inactivation by both ZPI and TFPI.
44 intravascular TFPI through injection of anti-TFPI antibody mitigated tail vein bleeding.
45                          Caveolae-associated TFPI supports the co-localization of the quaternary comp
46 ar disease correlates with low EC-associated TFPI, we sought to identify mechanisms that regulate the
47 inhibitor-1 led to decreased lung-associated TFPI and unforeseen massive fibrin deposition.
48                              Lung-associated TFPI antigen and mRNA decreased during sepsis, and TFPI
49 the Kunitz 1 domain from membrane-associated TFPI.
50 d with silencing and repressive chromatin at TFPI-2.
51 We have modelled antisense RNA expression at TFPI-2 in transgenic mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells and
52                                      Because TFPI is associated with lipoproteins and its carboxyl te
53                                      Because TFPI is sequestered within platelets and released follow
54 oarrays revealed strong coexpression between TFPI and the uncharacterized protein encoded by C6ORF105
55 nd subsequently optimized peptides that bind TFPI and block its anticoagulant activity.
56                              ARC19499 blocks TFPI inhibition of both factor Xa and the TF/factor VIIa
57 veolae regulate the inhibition by cell-bound TFPI of the active protease production by the extrinsic
58 ance experiments demonstrated that FXa bound TFPI(WT) and TFPI-(DeltaK3) but not the isolated K3 doma
59                                     PS bound TFPI efficiently, independently of Zn(2+) content (K(d)(
60 not the isolated K3 domain, whereas PS bound TFPI(WT) and the K3 domain but not TFPI-(DeltaK3).
61 ition of TF-FVIIa-catalyzed FX activation by TFPI (EC50 = 2 nM).
62 in VAP and may not be adequately balanced by TFPI.
63 iven coagulation not adequately countered by TFPI may underlie the widespread thrombotic complication
64 system, compound 3 blocked FXa inhibition by TFPI (EC50 = 11 nM) and inhibition of TF-FVIIa-catalyzed
65  expression, and increases FXa inhibition by TFPI in an ADTRP- and caveolin-1-dependent manner.
66 PS-mediated enhancement of FXa inhibition by TFPI-alpha involves an interaction between PS and TFPI-a
67 ation and the anticoagulant role of caveolar TFPI are not yet known.
68 d in F8(-/-) mice lacking hematopoietic cell TFPI that was generated by fetal liver transplantation.
69                    Murine models of combined TFPI and factor VIII deficiency were used to examine the
70                               In conclusion, TFPI-2 in platelets from normal or pregnant subjects and
71  Imaging and Triton X-114-extraction confirm TFPI and ADTRP association with lipid rafts/caveolae.
72 ells, and bone marrow megakaryocytes contain TFPI-2.
73 o of TFPI positive to TF positive MP counts (TFPI/TF) was significantly lower in Th+ versus Th- BS pa
74                                    Decreased TFPI activity coincided with the release of tissue plasm
75 d into Tie2-Cre and LysM-Cre lines to delete TFPI-K1 in endothelial (TFPI(Tie2)) and myelomonocytic (
76 ured ECs, and we named it androgen-dependent TFPI-regulating protein (ADTRP).
77  for endothelial- and myelomonocytic-derived TFPI.
78 lized both endothelium- and platelet-derived TFPI by cleaving the protein between the Kunitz (K) 1 an
79 TFPI(WT)), TFPI-alpha lacking the K3 domain (TFPI-(DeltaK3)), and TFPI-alpha containing a single amin
80 PI to the protein S SHBG-like domain enables TFPI to interact optimally with FXa on a phospholipid me
81 n might be aggravated by reduced endothelial TFPI.
82 -Cre lines to delete TFPI-K1 in endothelial (TFPI(Tie2)) and myelomonocytic (TFPI(LysM)) cells result
83 ecombinant B-domain-deleted FV could enhance TFPI-mediated inhibition of FXa in the presence of prote
84 th arrest-specific 6, were unable to enhance TFPI.
85 d/activated by thrombin or FXa also enhanced TFPI-mediated inhibition of FXa approximately 12-fold in
86 ulates both the native and androgen-enhanced TFPI expression and activity in cultured ECs, and we nam
87 mediated FXa inhibition, it further enhanced TFPI in the presence of protein S, resulting in an appro
88 FV(DeltaIIa) (but not activated FV) enhanced TFPI function in the presence of protein S.
89 es, while over-expression of ADTRP enhances, TFPI mRNA and activity and the colocalization of TF-FVII
90 (EC(50) 61.8 +/- 13.4nM vs 8.0 +/- 0.4nM for TFPI(WT)) and not detectable with TFPI-(DeltaK3).
91 fied mechanism of antibacterial activity for TFPI.
92 I-2 expression in cancer cells deficient for TFPI-2 expression in the absence of promoter methylation
93 induced TFPI-2 in cancer cells deficient for TFPI-2 expression in the basal state.
94 itz domain 3 residue Glu226 is essential for TFPI enhancement by protein S.
95           Hence, we present a novel role for TFPI and GPC3 in regulating HSC homing as well as retent
96 mbryonic development and identify a role for TFPI in dampening intravascular procoagulant stimuli tha
97                    Recent studies have found TFPI inhibits prothrombinase activity during the initiat
98                                     Further, TFPI-1 (but not TFPI-1161) competes with TFPI-2 in bindi
99 IX through the formation of the TF-FVIIa-FXa-TFPI complex.
100 ivity and the colocalization of TF-FVIIa-FXa-TFPI with caveolin-1.
101 ut did not affect formation of the loose FXa-TFPI complex.
102 (TF-FVIIa) via formation of a quaternary FXa-TFPI-TF-FVIIa complex.
103 d transition from the loose to the tight FXa-TFPI complex, but did not affect formation of the loose
104 the transition of the loose to the tight FXa-TFPI complex.
105  antisense to the metastasis-suppressor gene TFPI-2.
106 stantially greater than that of TFPI(K3P1) &gt; TFPI-(DeltaK3) in normal plasma and PS-deficient plasma
107                                     However, TFPI(Tie2) mice but not TFPI(LysM) mice had increased fe
108 ation during thrombus formation, implicating TFPI in modulating platelet procoagulant activity.
109                                 Importantly, TFPI-2 in platelets and in plasma of pregnant women inhi
110                Thrombin-generation assays in TFPI-depleted plasma identified a novel variant, TFPI E2
111 r IX, pharmacological agents that inactivate TFPI and, therefore, restore thrombin generation via the
112 een a shorter form of factor V and increased TFPI levels, resulting in severely reduced thrombin gene
113                   DP or PDBU, alone, induced TFPI-2 expression in cancer cells deficient for TFPI-2 e
114          Sequential DAC/DP treatment induced TFPI-2 in cancer cells deficient for TFPI-2 expression i
115 lasma, we hypothesized that FV may influence TFPI inhibitory function.
116 und that although FV alone did not influence TFPI-mediated FXa inhibition, it further enhanced TFPI i
117 F expression and its physiological inhibitor TFPI would allow us to understand the critical step that
118 sing TF and Tissue Factor Pathway Inhibitor (TFPI) (all p < 0.0001).
119 It inhibits tissue factor pathway inhibitor (TFPI) activity and accelerates clotting of human hemophi
120  identified tissue-factor pathway inhibitor (TFPI) as a biological inhibitor of CD26 in murine and hu
121             Tissue factor pathway inhibitor (TFPI) blocks thrombin generation via the extrinsic blood
122             Tissue factor pathway inhibitor (TFPI) blocks tissue factor-factor VIIa (TF-FVIIa) activa
123             Tissue factor pathway inhibitor (TFPI) down-regulates the initiation of coagulation by in
124 ith reduced tissue factor pathway inhibitor (TFPI) expression and increased plasminogen activator inh
125             Tissue factor pathway inhibitor (TFPI) is a critical anticoagulant protein present in end
126             Tissue factor pathway inhibitor (TFPI) is a Kunitz-type protease inhibitor that inhibits
127             Tissue factor pathway inhibitor (TFPI) is a major regulator of blood clotting.
128        Tissue factor (TF) pathway inhibitor (TFPI) is a well-characterized activated factor X (FXa)-d
129 ticoagulant tissue factor pathway inhibitor (TFPI) is also highly sensitive to proteolysis by Pla and
130             Tissue factor pathway inhibitor (TFPI) is an anticoagulant protein that inhibits tissue f
131             Tissue Factor Pathway Inhibitor (TFPI) is the major inhibitor of tissue factor-factor VII
132             Tissue factor pathway inhibitor (TFPI) is the major physiologic inhibitor of the extrinsi
133             Tissue factor pathway inhibitor (TFPI) is the primary physiologic inhibitor of tissue fac
134 of the tissue factor (TF) pathway inhibitor (TFPI) isoforms, TFPIalpha and TFPIbeta, have provided ne
135             Tissue factor pathway inhibitor (TFPI) localized at the endothelial cell surface regulate
136             Tissue factor pathway inhibitor (TFPI) plays an important role in regulating TF-initiated
137             Tissue factor pathway inhibitor (TFPI) produces factor Xa-dependent feedback inhibition o
138 endent tissue factor (TF) pathway inhibitor (TFPI) regulating protein] gene increases the risk of cor
139 ofactor for tissue factor pathway inhibitor (TFPI) that critically reduces the inhibition constant fo
140 d levels of tissue factor pathway inhibitor (TFPI) were strongly increased.
141 ofactor for tissue factor pathway inhibitor (TFPI), accelerating the inhibition of activated factor X
142 r (ZPI) and tissue factor pathway inhibitor (TFPI), effectively inhibit the activity of activated fac
143 s were stained for TF, TF-pathway inhibitor (TFPI), factor VII (FVII), and markers for endothelial ce
144             Tissue factor pathway inhibitor (TFPI), the main inhibitor of initiation of coagulation,
145 egulated by tissue factor pathway inhibitor (TFPI), which inhibits both factor VIIa and its product,
146 domain from tissue factor pathway inhibitor (TFPI).
147 function of tissue factor pathway inhibitor (TFPI).
148 activity of tissue factor pathway inhibitor (TFPI).
149         ARC19499 is an aptamer that inhibits TFPI, thereby enabling clot initiation and propagation v
150   However, total inhibition of intravascular TFPI through injection of anti-TFPI antibody mitigated t
151 ion of caveolin-1 (Cav-1) in 293 cells keeps TFPI exposed on the plasmalemma surface, decreases the m
152 are the first adult mice described that lack TFPI with unaltered TF.
153                                 Mice lacking TFPI (Tfpi(-/-)) die in utero from disseminated intravas
154                          Because full-length TFPI associates with FV in plasma, we hypothesized that
155                                  Full-length TFPI-2 or its isolated first Kunitz domain (KD1) also in
156                        We observed low-level TFPI expression in endothelial cells in the bone marrow
157                  In these cells, DP-mediated TFPI-2 induction was abrogated by calphostin.
158 in cell lines that harbored fully methylated TFPI-2.
159 es with unmethylated or partially methylated TFPI-2, but failed to induce the expression in cell line
160                                         Most TFPI in vivo associates with caveolae in endothelial cel
161 endothelial (TFPI(Tie2)) and myelomonocytic (TFPI(LysM)) cells resulted in viable and fertile offspri
162             However, TFPI(Tie2) mice but not TFPI(LysM) mice had increased ferric chloride-induced ar
163  PS bound TFPI(WT) and the K3 domain but not TFPI-(DeltaK3).
164                     Further, TFPI-1 (but not TFPI-1161) competes with TFPI-2 in binding to FV.
165 e Kunitz-type protease inhibitor domain 2 of TFPI was mapped by crystallography, and showed an extens
166 to plasma was able to reverse the ability of TFPI to prolong TF-initiated clotting times in FXI- or F
167                   DP enhanced acetylation of TFPI-2-associated histones in CALU-6 cells.
168 e the in vitro antiproliferative activity of TFPI is mediated through interaction with the VLDL recep
169                                  Addition of TFPI(WT), TFPI(K3P1), or TFPI-(DeltaK3) produced compara
170 hat platelets contain significant amounts of TFPI-2 derived from megakaryocytes.
171                      We show that binding of TFPI to the protein S SHBG-like domain enables TFPI to i
172                                  Blockage of TFPI inhibition may facilitate thrombin generation in a
173 for FXa to below the plasma concentration of TFPI.
174 (-/-)) did not rescue the embryonic death of TFPI null (Tfpi(-/-)) mice.
175 topoietic stem cells, and for development of TFPI-blocking pharmaceuticals to treat hemophilia.
176 high affinity to the Kunitz-1 (K1) domain of TFPI (Kd approximately 1 nM).
177                             The K1 domain of TFPI binds and inhibits FVIIa and the K2 domain similarl
178  deletion of the first Kunitz (K1) domain of TFPI results in intrauterine lethality in mice.
179                     The N-terminal domain of TFPI-2 is the only inhibitory domain, and it inhibits pl
180           The role of the Kunitz-3 domain of TFPI-alpha, however, has remained an enigma.
181  TFPI-alpha, which requires the K3 domain of TFPI-alpha.
182 ient plasma, but the anticoagulant effect of TFPI(WT) was substantially greater than that of TFPI(K3P
183 sidue Glu226 is essential for enhancement of TFPI by protein S.
184  assays in which no protein S enhancement of TFPI E226Q was detected.
185 olecular mechanism underlying enhancement of TFPI function, in the present study, we produced a panel
186 pe 1 subunit) for binding and enhancement of TFPI was confirmed in FXa inhibition assays and using su
187 nts, we show further that the enhancement of TFPI-mediated FXa inhibition by protein S and FV depends
188 rotein showed greatly reduced enhancement of TFPI-mediated inhibition of FXa compared with free prote
189  PAK1 negatively regulates the expression of TFPI and additionally contributes to increased TF activi
190                                Expression of TFPI on the platelet surface may be the optimal location
191 s not cause release or surface expression of TFPI, demonstrating that TFPI is not stored within plate
192  showed that, with either over-expression of TFPI-2 or after treatment with exogenous rTFPI-2, breast
193 isms that regulate the natural expression of TFPI.
194            Our studies show that the form of TFPI released by PIPLC treatment of cultured endothelial
195  have suggested that the predominant form of TFPI released from cells by phosphatidylinositol-specifi
196 udy, we identify a 23-amino acid fragment of TFPI (TFPIc23) localized to the C-terminus, which mediat
197 thway inhibitor-2 (TFPI-2) is a homologue of TFPI-1 and contains three Kunitz-type domains and a basi
198 eficiency were used to examine the impact of TFPI deficiency on bleeding and clotting in hemophilia.
199 e demonstrate that bacterial inactivation of TFPI requires omptin expression.
200  thrombin generation through inactivation of TFPI.
201                                 Induction of TFPI-2 by distinct, yet cooperative mechanisms involving
202                    Furthermore, induction of TFPI-2 may be a useful surrogate marker of treatment res
203                                Inhibition of TFPI enhances coagulation in hemophilia models.
204 ults demonstrate that ARC19499 inhibition of TFPI may be an effective alternative to current treatmen
205               In the nucleus, interaction of TFPI-2 with Ap-2alpha attenuated the binding of AP-2alph
206                   Messages for 2 isoforms of TFPI have been identified.
207 re of this peptide in complex with the K1 of TFPI at 2.55-A resolution.
208                                 Knowledge of TFPI isoform expression and activity provides new insigh
209 et function would compensate for the lack of TFPI and rescue TFPI-null embryonic lethality, Tfpi(+/-)
210 PI mice have increased circulating levels of TFPI antigen, we examined whether TFPIct may act to alte
211                      Nuclear localization of TFPI-2 contributed to inhibition of MMP-2 mRNA expressio
212  Promoter methylation coincided with loss of TFPI-2 expression in a number of cancer lines.
213                                      Loss of TFPI-2 expression was associated with aberrant hypermeth
214 , we investigated the potential mechanism of TFPI-2 in the suppression of breast cancer growth and in
215 , decreases the membrane lateral mobility of TFPI, and increases the TFPI-dependent inhibition of TF-
216   This study suggests that neutralization of TFPI by mAb 2021 may constitute a novel treatment option
217 These studies suggest that overexpression of TFPI lowers plasma cholesterol through the interaction o
218 ing that inhibition of a sequestered pool of TFPI released at the injury site mitigates bleeding.
219 y revealed that the inhibitory properties of TFPI were diminished in EC lacking Cav-1, apparently thr
220     However, the anticoagulant properties of TFPI-2 or KD1 would diminish its antifibrinolytic functi
221 the Th- group, but had a lower proportion of TFPI positive MPs (p < 0.05).
222                                     Rates of TFPI inactivation were much higher than rates of plasmin
223                   Consequently, the ratio of TFPI positive to TF positive MP counts (TFPI/TF) was sig
224 st, the Xa-dependent inhibitory reactions of TFPI play a primary role in limiting zymogen consumption
225 indicate that the C-terminal basic region of TFPI-2 is similar to that of TFPI-1 and plays a role in
226 de that the ADTRP-dependent up-regulation of TFPI expression and activity by androgen represents a no
227       Here we define the cellular sources of TFPI and their role in development, hemostasis, and thro
228 I(WT) was substantially greater than that of TFPI(K3P1) > TFPI-(DeltaK3) in normal plasma and PS-defi
229 basic region of TFPI-2 is similar to that of TFPI-1 and plays a role in binding to the FV B-domain ac
230 duced a panel of Kunitz domain 3 variants of TFPI encompassing all 12 surface-exposed charged residue
231         Addition of TFPI(WT), TFPI(K3P1), or TFPI-(DeltaK3) produced comparable prolongation of FXa-i
232 cipal physiologic inhibitors of this pathway TFPI and antithrombin III (AT).
233                                       Plasma TFPI activity was reduced in the TFPI(Tie2) (71% +/- 0.9
234                              However, plasma TFPI-2 levels are negligible (</=20 pM) in the context o
235 reater than needed to totally inhibit plasma TFPI, suggesting that inhibition of a sequestered pool o
236            These findings implicate platelet TFPI as a primary physiological regulator of bleeding in
237 g their activation, the function of platelet TFPI was examined in F8(-/-) mice lacking hematopoietic
238 xpression on the surface of coated platelets TFPI is also released in microvesicles or as a soluble p
239 on-related molecules (SERPINB2, PLAU, PLAUR, TFPI, THBD).
240 nge at the putative P1 residue of K3 (R199L, TFPI(K3P1)) produced equivalent FXa inhibition in the ab
241                       Receipt of recombinant TFPI (rTFPI) protected animals from death in Escherichia
242 rapeutic implications for use of recombinant TFPI to treat severe sepsis in community-acquired pneumo
243                 Altered forms of recombinant TFPI-alpha were used to determine the structures within
244 56% of colorectal tumours exhibiting reduced TFPI-2 expression.
245             Dihydrotestosterone up-regulates TFPI and ADTRP expression, and increases FXa inhibition
246 d compensate for the lack of TFPI and rescue TFPI-null embryonic lethality, Tfpi(+/-) mice lacking th
247 otein S and FV depends on a direct protein S/TFPI interaction and that the TFPI C-terminal tail is no
248 nstrated that in addition to being secreted, TFPI-2 was also distributed throughout the cytoplasm and
249 -fat diet, smooth muscle 22alpha (SM22alpha)-TFPI/apoE(-/-) mice were shown to have less aortic plaqu
250                            Because SM22alpha-TFPI mice have increased circulating levels of TFPI anti
251 se aortic smooth muscle cells from SM22alpha-TFPI and wild-type mice.
252 se aortic smooth muscle cells from SM22alpha-TFPI mice demonstrated higher VLDL binding and internali
253                       Furthermore, SM22alpha-TFPI mice fed a high-fat diet had lower cholesterol leve
254 g tissue factor pathway inhibitor (SM22alpha-TFPI) were subjected to pIVCL or sham.
255                      Unexpectedly, SM22alpha-TFPI/apoE(-/-) had lower plasma cholesterol levels compa
256 ue functions for these alternatively spliced TFPI isoforms.
257              Fragmented rTFPI and C-terminal TFPI peptide activities against pathogenic E. coli strai
258             Samples were assayed for PC, TF, TFPI, and thrombin-antithrombin complex (TATc).
259                        They demonstrate that TFPI physiologically modulates thrombin-dependent platel
260 rface expression of TFPI, demonstrating that TFPI is not stored within platelet alpha granules.
261 e factor (TF) deficiency, demonstrating that TFPI modulates TF function in vivo.
262                          We hypothesize that TFPI has evolved sensitivity to proteolytic inactivation
263 rotein (VLDL) receptor, we hypothesized that TFPI overexpression may regulate lipoprotein distributio
264 s of plasminogen activation, indicating that TFPI is a better substrate for omptins.
265 f surface plasmon resonance data reveal that TFPI-2 and TFPI-1 bind FV-1033 with K(d) ~36-48 nM and b
266                       ELISA data reveal that TFPI-2 binds factor V (FV) and partially B-domain-delete
267 -down assays and Western blots, we show that TFPI-2 is associated with platelet FV/FVa.
268 ysis since Western blot analysis showed that TFPI cleavage correlated with loss of anticoagulant func
269                We have previously shown that TFPI is also a potent inhibitor of endothelial prolifera
270  peak of plasmin generation, suggesting that TFPI could undergo proteolytic inactivation by plasmin.
271  the TFPI-2 promoter activity, augmented the TFPI-2 expression in cell lines with unmethylated or par
272 ed exon 4 (TFPI(Flox)) which encodes for the TFPI-K1 domain.
273      Plasma TFPI activity was reduced in the TFPI(Tie2) (71% +/- 0.9%, P < .001) and TFPI(LysM) (19%
274  lateral mobility of TFPI, and increases the TFPI-dependent inhibition of TF-FVIIa.
275 s secrete TFPIalpha, greater than 95% of the TFPI released by PIPLC treatment from the surface of end
276  phorbol ester (PMA), known to stimulate the TFPI-2 promoter activity, augmented the TFPI-2 expressio
277 rect protein S/TFPI interaction and that the TFPI C-terminal tail is not essential for this enhanceme
278 lets and endothelial cells, suggest that the TFPI isoforms may act through distinct mechanisms to inh
279                         We conclude that the TFPI Kunitz domain 3 residue Glu226 is essential for TFP
280 nning the whole protein S molecule for their TFPI cofactor function using a thrombin generation assay
281                       Binding of mAb 2021 to TFPI effectively prevented inhibition of FVIIa/TF/FXa an
282  to wild-type TFPI, but almost no binding to TFPI E226Q.
283                  Factor V Amsterdam binds to TFPI, prolonging its half-life and concentration.
284 re aptamer binds tightly and specifically to TFPI.
285 -dependent binding of protein S to wild-type TFPI, but almost no binding to TFPI E226Q.
286                                    Wild-type TFPI-alpha (TFPI(WT)), TFPI-alpha lacking the K3 domain
287                                        Using TFPI and protein S variants, we show further that the en
288 evelopment, hemostasis, and thrombosis using TFPI conditional knockout mice.
289 -depleted plasma identified a novel variant, TFPI E226Q, which exhibited minimal enhancement by prote
290  suggest that one of the mechanisms by which TFPI-2 inhibits breast cancer cell invasion could be via
291 irm ADTRP expression and colocalization with TFPI and caveolin-1 in ECs.
292 imately 8-fold reduction in Ki compared with TFPI alone.
293 LysM) (19% +/- 0.6%, P < .001) compared with TFPI(Flox) littermate controls.
294 er, TFPI-1 (but not TFPI-1161) competes with TFPI-2 in binding to FV.
295  0.4nM for TFPI(WT)) and not detectable with TFPI-(DeltaK3).
296                      Treatment of HSPCs with TFPI in vitro led to enhanced HSPC migration toward CXCL
297 a inhibition produced by PS was reduced with TFPI(K3P1) (EC(50) 61.8 +/- 13.4nM vs 8.0 +/- 0.4nM for
298 were used to determine the structures within TFPI-alpha that may be involved in this PS-dependent eff
299             Wild-type TFPI-alpha (TFPI(WT)), TFPI-alpha lacking the K3 domain (TFPI-(DeltaK3)), and T
300                        Addition of TFPI(WT), TFPI(K3P1), or TFPI-(DeltaK3) produced comparable prolon

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