


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 nd aromatic residues along the length of the TM domain.
2 ough specific interactions with the receptor TM domain.
3 esent in ANAC017 just prior to the predicted TM domain.
4 ity connected to the periplasmic exit of the TM domain.
5 ually strong interhelical interaction in the TM domain.
6 dent on a critical length of the hydrophobic TM domain.
7 d by either the BH3 domain or the C-terminal TM domain.
8 ng antibodies than peptides with a monomeric TM domain.
9 absence of a targeting signal other than the TM domain.
10 strates, however, as it stabilized the first TM domain.
11 teracts with SERCA1 at least in part via its TM domain.
12 -helix connected by a disordered loop to the TM domain.
13 stitute a Golgi-targeting signal or a second TM domain.
14 he interstices between the outer ends of the TM domains.
15 tive orientation, including both soluble and TM domains.
16 eractions formed between TM3 and neighboring TM domains.
17 nique 44-amino acid proteins with randomized TM domains.
18 perfamily are encoded at least partly in the TM domains.
19  the pair of inner helices from the second 6-TM domains.
20  among their membrane-embedded alpha-helical TM domains.
21 channel-forming alpha-helical transmembrane (TM) domain.
22  and F-actin via a C-terminal transmembrane (TM) domain.
23 eins containing only a single transmembrane (TM) domain.
24 e of the envelope counterpart transmembrane (TM) domain.
25  presenilin enhancer 2 in the transmembrane (TM) domain.
26 ain a predicted alpha-helical transmembrane (TM) domain.
27 main (CD) following the third transmembrane (TM) domain.
28 tial contribution of the TatA transmembrane (TM) domain.
29 e nitrilase domain fused to a transmembrane (TM) domain.
30  conserved HxxxW motif in the transmembrane (TM) domain.
31 lation of RNF144A through its transmembrane (TM) domain.
32 cally predicted to have 30-40 transmembrane (TM) domains.
33  of the recombinant lectin-like domain of TM-TM domain 1 (rTMD1)-in antiangiogenesis were investigate
34  local distortions within the transmembrane (TM) domain 1 and alter TM1 interaction with TM2.
35 mutant transporters, predicts transmembrane (TM) domains 1, 3, 6, and 8 comprise the 5-HT-binding poc
36 angiogenic activity than did the recombinant TM domains 2 and 3.
37 e 3,4,5 helix interface among transmembrane (TM) domains 3, 4, and 5.
38                              Deletion of the TM domain abolishes its membrane localization and also s
39 to interact with the alphaIIb transmembrane (TM) domain activate single alphaIIbbeta3 molecules in pl
40                      In vitro, the predicted TM domain adopts an alpha-helical structure in lipid env
41 aramyxovirus parainfluenza virus 5 F protein TM domain, alanine scanning mutagenesis was performed.
42 ipid environments and can function as a real TM domain, although not as efficiently as the bona fide
43 extended hydrophobic C terminus containing a TM domain and a cytoplasmic tail.
44 ules in platelets by binding to the alphaIIb TM domain and causing separation of the alphaIIbbeta3 TM
45 efore, understanding the extent to which the TM domain and ECL2 conformations are coupled is useful.
46 cteria and archaea, contains only a single 6-TM domain and functions as a tetramer.
47 occurs when the JM domain is linked to FGFR3 TM domain and not simply anchored to the plasma membrane
48 n important role for the self-associating L2 TM domain and the conserved GxxxG motifs in the transfer
49 sults suggest a mechanism involving both the TM domain and the DD of p45 to regulate p75-mediated sig
50 ds by a mechanism that is independent of the TM domain and the TM domain participates in the enlargem
51 horin A (GpA) contain a GxxxG motif in their TM domains and form a homodimer, but the association aff
52  of different factors (primary structures of TM domains and juxtamembrane regions, composition and ph
53 on between the conformational changes of the TM domains and of the intracellular juxtamembrane domain
54 ilized complex consisting of portions of the TM domains and the full cytoplasmic domains.
55 egion (MPER), followed by the transmembrane (TM) domain and a 20-residue cytoplasmic tail.
56 45 binds p75 through both its transmembrane (TM) domain and DD.
57 t contain one of two possible transmembrane (TM) domain and flanking sequences that either restrict t
58  which shares homology in the transmembrane (TM) domain and in a conserved region close to the BH3 do
59 ox2/4) consisting of the Nox2 transmembrane (TM) domain and the Nox4 dehydrogenase (DH) domain showed
60 ily that are composed of four transmembrane (TM) domains and assemble into dimers.
61 ypeptide that contains seven trans-membrane (TM) domains and other motifs that are characteristics of
62 n Cx26, we studied individual transmembrane (TM) domains and the full-length protein.
63 allest separation between the transmembrane (TM) domains and the highest possible phosphorylation, a
64 pid nanoparticles using natural and designed TM domains, and antibody affinity was measured using imm
65  extracellular (EC) domain, a transmembrane (TM) domain, and an intracellular domain that includes a
66 he extracellular (EC) domain, transmembrane (TM) domain, and EC-TM interface of GLIC.
67                   Stabilization of the first TM domain appears to be a key mechanism for high efficie
68                            The ArcB and QseC TM domains are both two-helical motifs, whereas the KdpD
69 ceptor contacts within the extracellular and TM domains are critical for the establishment of the unl
70 t share the extracellular and transmembrane (TMD) domains, as well as an intracellular domain known a
71 ansmitting the conformational changes in the TM domains associated with inside-out activation.
72 complete fusion, the role of synaptobrevin's TM domain association in the fusion process remains poor
73  no consensus on the conformation of the APP-TM domain at the biological membrane.
74 es in the conformation of the transmembrane (TM) domain, brought about by changes in interactions of
75 sodium channels revealed the nature of their TM domains but not their C-terminal domains (CTDs).
76                      Further analysis of the TM domain by single amino acid substitutions and 3-alani
77 rongly indicate that the proto-oncogenic Neu TM domain can adopt multiple (at least two) oligomeric c
78 first time that class I viral fusion protein TM domains can self-associate as trimeric complexes in t
79 nthetic peptides derived from transmembrane (TM) domains can interact with a full-length GPCR, blocki
80 domain of the chimera with the glycophorin A TM domain causes intramembrane dimerization and conseque
81 re both two-helical motifs, whereas the KdpD TM domain comprises a four-helical bundle with shorter s
82      Ligand binding leads to a change in the TM domain conformation, resulting in increased kinase do
83                           The median rmsd of TM domains containing 75-222 residues between predicted
84        Sedimentation equilibrium analysis of TM domains containing these mutations gave higher relati
85                                          The TM domain contains three highly conserved GxxxG motifs.
86                                    The ErbB1 TM domain contribution to stability exceeds the change i
87 nker structure, dynamics, and resulting ecto-TM domain coupling of integrin alphaIIb in model constru
88 -TM domain transition and the degree of ecto-TM domain coupling represents an important parameter in
89                                   While most TM domain deletion constructs remained fusion competent,
90 of construct C8 (a construct that contains a TM domain deletion of eight amino acids from the C termi
91 sment of dimerization heterogeneity of these TM domains demonstrated that 7 of them have a unique dim
92 reas another C-terminal fragment lacking any TM domain did not.
93 ion at i, i+4 positions at the center of the TM domain dimer eliminates the barrier and stabilizes th
94 nylalanine) in the predicted, tightly packed TM domain dimer interface.
95 s intrinsic to the physical character of the TM domain dimer, with a significant energy barrier separ
96 l change in a tightly bundled transmembrane (TM) domain dimer.
97 ce motifs for RTK dimerization and about how TM domain dimerization in model systems relates to RTK a
98 dress this controversy by showing that ErbB1 TM domain dimerizes in lipid bilayers and by calculating
99 volve more slowly than do EM domains, though TM domains display increased rate heterogeneity relative
100 ot hold true for receptors like CD16A, whose TM domains do not contain basic residues.
101 adhering to immobilized ligand, the integrin TM domains do not form homo-oligomers, suggesting that i
102                           Dislocation of the TM domain during the natural process of endoplasmic reti
103   Lipid intercalation between the separating TM domains during channel opening would be facilitated i
104       The pathogenic A391E mutation in FGFR3 TM domain emulates the action of fgf2, trapping the FGFR
105                                 We find that TM domains evolve more slowly than do EM domains, though
106        Peptides incorporating the native HIV TM domain exhibit significantly stronger interactions wi
107                                     The NS4A TM domain exhibited a strong homotypic interaction that
108 absence of SRP this structure is lost as the TM domain exits the tunnel; however in the presence of S
109 n cell membranes, they are limited to either TM domains expressed in an inverted orientation or captu
110  Sequence-Structure (GRoSS) alignment of the TM domains for all human GPCR sequences is sufficient to
111 reverse orientation, and are limited to only TM domains for proper membrane trafficking and integrati
112        This study addresses whether integrin TM domains form homo-oligomers in mammalian cell membran
113 how that the receptor complex transmembrane (TM) domains form an intimately associated eight-helix bu
114 s, which are coupled with the transmembrane (TM) domains forming the pathway for anion permeation.
115 regions (residues 618-660), we show that the TM domain forms an alpha-helical homodimer mediated by c
116 iophysical methods, we find that the rat Neu TM domain forms strong oligomers and, similar to previou
117  addition, chimeric GP64 proteins containing TM domains from CD4, GpA, HA, and OpMNPV F were incorpor
118 4 proteins containing either a GPI anchor or TM domains from LdMNPV F or HIV-1 GP41 failed to localiz
119 ity of a gp64 null virus, whereas those with TM domains from OpMNPV GP64 and thogotovirus GP75 rescue
120                            Experiments using TM domains from other receptors, EGFR and FGFR1, failed
121 ct three-dimensional atomic structure of the TM domains from sequences for a set of 23 nonhomologous
122  by replacing this domain with the F protein TM domains from two other paramyxoviruses, Sendai virus
123      A potential hydrogen-bonding role for a TM domain glutamine was also investigated, and it was fo
124 fect on the T3S process, indicating that the TM domain has no sequence-specific function in the assem
125 ated receptor tyrosine kinase transmembrane (TM) domains have been shown to form sequence-specific di
126 ins a V to E mutation at position 664 in the TM domain, have been analyzed to improve our understandi
127  and causing separation of the alphaIIbbeta3 TM domain heterodimer.
128 eptide containing the Ostbeta transmembrane (TM) domain heterodimerized with Ostalpha, although the r
129 imal external region (MPER) connected to the TM domain: i.e., the missing parts of the EBOV GP2 struc
130        Mutations in F protein transmembrane (TM) domains implicated the TM domain in the fusion proce
131 e canonical hydrophobic groove displaces the TM domain in a competitive manner, allowing BclXL to dis
132 sured the potential dimerization of the NS4A TM domain in a well-characterized two-hybrid TM protein
133 in and reveal a fundamental role of the NS4A TM domain in coordinating HCV RNA replication and virus
134 lecular dynamics simulations of the isolated TM domain in explicit lipid bilayers coupled to thermody
135 ormation, dynamics, and hydration of the BM2 TM domain in lipid bilayers.
136 ort the identification of a function for the TM domain in mediating MAVS self-association.
137 cute respiratory syndrome virus has only one TM domain in micelles, whereas the predicted beta-coil-b
138  as we observe that dimerization of the Neu* TM domain in the Escherichia coli inner membrane strongl
139 in transmembrane (TM) domains implicated the TM domain in the fusion process, but the structural and
140 mbrane (TM) regions revealed that the second TM domain in the proposed 4-TM model of VKOR does not fu
141 ed the NMR structures of mouse and human Fas TM domains in bicelles that mimic lipid bilayers.
142 the participation of mutual rotations of the TM domains in cytokine receptor activation.
143 n 6 ns), illustrating efficient solvation of TM domains in explicit bilayer environments.
144 ) and helped to elucidate the association of TM domains in the epidermal growth factor family of rece
145 copies of a Shaker-like six-transmembrane (6-TM) domain in each subunit and are ubiquitously expresse
146 copies of a Shaker-like six-transmembrane (6-TM) domain in each subunit and are ubiquitously expresse
147 l domains to their respective transmembrane (TM) domains in transmitting the conformational changes i
148 intracellular (IC) domains and/or within the TM domain influenced receptor activities.
149 embly of the membrane occurred with the syb2 TM domain inserted, as expected from experimental data.
150 FRalpha1-TM, which contains a transmembrane (TM) domain instead of the GPI anchor.
151 ly been shown to dimerize via transmembrane (TM) domain interactions.
152               The lowest energy state of the TM domain is a right-handed dimer structure in which the
153 lizing antibodies can bind the MPER when the TM domain is a three-helix bundle and this presentation
154 s basic role in membrane anchoring, the GP64 TM domain is critically important for GP64 trafficking,
155                     The sequence of the NS4A TM domain is highly conserved, suggesting that it may be
156  p45 with the cysteine 257 of p75 within the TM domain is necessary for p45-p75 heterodimerization.
157 between TatA TM domains, suggesting that the TM domain is not the sole driving force behind oligomeri
158              Further evidence shows that the TM domain is required for RNF144A self-association and t
159 ous reports suggested that Cys257 in the p75 TM domain is required for signaling.
160         However, the fate of the cleaved p75 TM domain is unknown.
161 al flexibility between the extracellular and TM domains is compatible with TM signaling.
162 ion due to mutations in their transmembrane (TM) domain is not well understood, and different mechans
163  ligand pocket located in the transmembrane (TM) domain is occupied, ligand-specific conformational c
164 gomerization, the role of the transmembrane (TM) domains is unknown.
165 ane-proximal linker (LD), and transmembrane (TMD) domains is required and sufficient to trigger fusio
166           All GP64 proteins with a truncated TM domain mediated detectable virion budding with dramat
167        GP64 proteins containing heterologous TM domains mediated virion budding with dramatically dif
168              A defined coupling of ecto- and TM domains must be essential to allosteric receptor regu
169 antifying the effect of the pathogenic A391E TM domain mutation on the stability of the fibroblast gr
170 he TM domain, we generated a variety of GP64 TM domain mutations.
171 actant micelle possesses a "GG kink," in the TM domain near the dynamic hinge located at G37/G38.
172 e region at the interface between the EC and TM domains, near the interlobe groove of NCT, emerges as
173        An L2 double point mutant renders the TM domain nonfunctional and blocks HPV16 infection by pr
174 es, our method can predict structures of the TM domain of beta-barrel membrane proteins of novel topo
175                                          The TM domain of BNIP3 is unique, as it is capable of autono
176 ly, replacement of the YscD TM domain with a TM domain of dissimilar sequence had no effect on the T3
177                                          The TM domain of F is particularly interesting in that it is
178  that equivalent F, D, and T residues in the TM domain of FcepsilonR1alpha markedly influence the bio
179                         We found that either TM domain of HBsAg could be replaced, resulting in HBsAg
180 embly by replacing the entire first or third TM domain of HBsAg with the transmembrane domain of HIV
181 equired the specific sequence present in the TM domain of human tetherin.
182                                          The TM domain of Lnt contains eight TM helices which form a
183 r combinatorial peptide library based on the TM domain of Neu (ErbB2) as a model RTK.
184  a domain-swapped trans fashion, whereby the TM domain of one monomer occupies the canonical hydropho
185                       Deletion of the single TM domain of Ostbeta abolished interaction with Ostalpha
186 ed tryptophan-asparagine sequence within the TM domain of Ostbeta to alanines did not prevent cell su
187 although not as efficiently as the bona fide TM domain of PDGFR.
188 relies on a conformational change within the TM domain of PhoQ induced by a perturbation in cell memb
189     Therefore, our data demonstrate that the TM domain of RNF144A has at least two independent roles,
190                                          The TM domain of RNF144A is highly conserved among species.
191 erization motif G(18)X(3)AX(2)G(25) in the N-TM domain of SR-BI contributes substantially to the homo
192 the channel transmembrane (TM) domain to the TM domain of syntaxin 1A to trigger transmitter release.
193 lar, the role of tapasin binding to the core TM domain of TAP1 single chains is mysterious because th
194 infrared spectroscopy show that the isolated TM domain of the active W515K mutant has a helix tilt an
195 gest that intersubunit crevices found in the TM domain of the ATP-bound crystal structure are not pre
196 vators suggested that it interacted with the TM domain of the hEPOR.
197 l-of-mean force calculations on the isolated TM domain of the long isoform of DR5.
198 sults show that the specific sequence of the TM domain of the NDV F protein is important for the conf
199 ai virus (SV) and measles virus (MV), or the TM domain of the unrelated glycoprotein (G) of vesicular
200 0 to monitor the functional integrity of the TM domain of these mutant receptors.
201 have identified critical residues within the TM domains of ABCG1 that are both essential for sterol t
202 to 12 A) reveal weak interactions within the TM domains of all three receptors.
203 ar interaction between the extracellular and TM domains of C99(15-55) is enhanced in the micelle envi
204  G380 and A391E mutations in dimerization of TM domains of FGFR3 and their consecutive contributions
205 on was utilized to demonstrate that isolated TM domains of Hendra virus F protein associate in a mono
206 G380R and A391E mutations on dimerization of TM domains of human fibroblast growth factor receptor 3
207                           In this study, the TM domains of Neu and the corresponding oncogenic mutant
208  template had low sequence-similarity to the TM domains of the CNG channels, and to reconcile conflic
209 ved region adjacent to the last two putative TM domains of the protein, that when mutated, affects un
210  we report three backbone structures for the TM domains of the three classes of Escherichia coli hist
211 es with known structures: the transmembrane (TM) domain of a bacterial channel, and the cyclic nucleo
212 f the central residues of the transmembrane (TM) domain of M2 are significantly enhanced by Cu(II), a
213 hydrophobic match between the transmembrane (TM) domain of membrane proteins and the surrounding lipi
214  of specific sequences in the transmembrane (TM) domain of Newcastle disease virus (NDV) fusion (F) p
215                           The transmembrane (TM) domain of p75 stabilizes the receptor dimers through
216                The C-terminal transmembrane (TM) domain of Pf1 finds its optimal position in the memb
217 extra interactions in seven-transmembrane (7-TM) domain of Smo due to an additional 2-pyridylmethyl g
218 dentified in the N-terminal transmembrane (N-TM) domain of SR-BI a conserved glycine dimerization mot
219 g site is present in the core transmembrane (TM) domain of TAP1 and is used only by the unassembled s
220 s between subunits within the transmembrane (TM) domain of the ATP-bound structure.
221   However, replacement of the transmembrane (TM) domain of the chimera with the glycophorin A TM doma
222        A S31N mutation in the transmembrane (TM) domain of the protein has caused widespread amantadi
223   In this study, we align the transmembrane (TM) domains of all experimental GPCR structures to maxim
224  predicting structures of the transmembrane (TM) domains of beta-barrel membrane proteins.
225 utational method to study the transmembrane (TM) domains of beta-barrel membrane proteins.
226 ragment encoding the last six transmembrane (TM) domains of PC1 and the C-terminal tail (QIF38), a se
227                  Mutations in transmembrane (TM) domains of receptor tyrosine kinases are shown to ca
228 the cytoplasmic tail (CT) and transmembrane (TM) domains of tetherin alone produced its characteristi
229  analyses have identified the transmembrane (TM) domains of these subunits as active participants in
230                           The transmembrane (TM) domains of viral fusion proteins are typically requi
231 e approximately 3 kcal/mol energy barrier to TM domain opening and the approximately 2 kcal/mol energ
232  virus 5 F (PIV5 F) and either the MPER, the TM domain, or the cytoplasmic tail of the F proteins of
233 that is independent of the TM domain and the TM domain participates in the enlargement or expansion o
234  atomic structure of the pore-transmembrane (TM) domain peptide has been determined by x-ray crystall
235 , particularly the length of the hydrophobic TM domain, play critical roles in membrane anchoring, me
236   In aggregate, these data indicate that the TM domain plays a functional role in fusion beyond merel
237                   However, the role the MAVS TM domain plays in signaling remains unclear.
238 d the L2 sequence to multiple transmembrane (TM) domain prediction algorithms.
239  peptide with a trimeric, three-helix bundle TM domain recapitulates the binding profile of the nativ
240               These results imply that early TM domain recognition by targeting factors acts to ensur
241                      Previous transmembrane (TM) domain replacement studies showed that the TM domain
242 tive arginines immediately C-terminal to the TM domain rescued this defect.
243  analyses have indicated that transmembrane (TM) domain residues can affect folding or function of vi
244 such forces to the intravesicular end of the TM domain resulted in tilting motion of the TM domain th
245 as found, and analysis of the Hendra virus F TM domain revealed a heptad repeat leucine-isoleucine zi
246 s both functions contains the transmembrane (TM) domain (roughly residues 22-46) for the amantadine-s
247    In addition to the classic transmembrane (TM) domain, RXFP1 possesses a large extracellular domain
248     The single mutants had a small effect on TM domain separation and cell death, whereas the double
249 he double mutant significantly increased the TM domain separation and more than doubled the sensitivi
250  TM domain with a nondimerizing poly-Leu/Ala TM domain sequence also blocked pilus production but not
251 residue peptide having the IR transmembrane (TM) domain sequence activates IR, but not related growth
252 his association, 140 paramyxovirus F protein TM domain sequences were analyzed.
253 ) domain replacement studies showed that the TM domain serves a critical role in GP64 function.
254 M2 ectodomain and residues 24-36 of the A/M2 TM domain show 85% amantadine/rimantadine sensitivity an
255 e free energy of association reveal that the TM domains show a significant affinity to self-associate
256 s and validated in cytokine receptors by the TM domain structure of the cytokine receptor common subu
257 ed relatively weak interactions between TatA TM domains, suggesting that the TM domain is not the sol
258   To evaluate the role of the transmembrane (TM) domain, synthetic MPER-derived peptides were incorpo
259                                    Since the TM-domain template had low sequence-similarity to the TM
260                            In transmembrane (TM) domains, tetraspanin KAI1/CD82 contains an Asn, a Gl
261 osed conformation, MscS shows a more compact TM domain than in the crystal structure, characterized b
262 is studies identify critical residues in the TM domains that are important for ABCG1 to alter sterol
263 entifies activation hot-spot residues in the TM domains that get rewired upon activation.
264             YscD has a single transmembrane (TM) domain that connects a small N-terminal cytoplasmic
265 y, MAVS contains a C-terminal transmembrane (TM) domain that is essential for both type I interferon
266 nilins are proteins with nine transmembrane (TM) domains that function as catalytic subunits of the g
267 partic acid residues in their transmembrane (TM) domains that mediate assembly, via interaction with
268 to previous observations for the human ErbB2 TM domain, the oncogenic mutation results in a reduced l
269 /off switch in the integrin's transmembrane (TM) domain; the integrin's alpha and beta subunits each
270  TM domain resulted in tilting motion of the TM domain through the membrane with an activation energy
271 equences corresponding to D1R transmembrane (TM) domains TM5 and TM6, which also selectively modified
272 ail (CT) domain or its CT and transmembrane (TM) domains (TMCT) with counterparts from BPIV3 F, with
273 halves of P-gp each contain a transmembrane (TM) domain (TMD) with 6 TM segments followed by a nucleo
274     Drug-binding sites in the transmembrane (TM) domains (TMDs) are connected to the nucleotide-bindi
275  constructs containing immunotags before the TM domain to assess membrane insertion using proteinase
276 ation process, but the contribution of ErbB1 TM domain to dimer stability is not known, with publishe
277 ization assay, we show a propensity for this TM domain to self-associate in a GxxxG-dependent manner.
278 rinus includes a flexible region linking the TM domains to a four-helix coiled-coil bundle.
279 lar binding of its C-terminal transmembrane (TM) domain to the canonical hydrophobic groove in a doma
280 s propagated from the channel transmembrane (TM) domain to the TM domain of syntaxin 1A to trigger tr
281  is a conserved uncoupling motif of the ecto-TM domain transition and the degree of ecto-TM domain co
282 o probe the importance of the closed-to-open TM domain transition in the overall energetics of recept
283 iganded dimeric state of FGFR3 by its JM and TM domains via a mechanism that is distinctly different
284                        When either the CR or TMD domain was deleted, the mutated proteins localized t
285 xamine specific sequence requirements of the TM domain, we generated a variety of GP64 TM domain muta
286 ions of various lengths and positions in the TM domain were also examined for their effects on viral
287                        Mutations in the NS4A TM domain were further examined in the JFH-1 genotype 2a
288 while mutant proteins with the VSV G protein TM domain were less efficiently expressed on cell surfac
289  Mutant proteins with the SV or MV F protein TM domains were expressed, transported to cell surfaces,
290 f pore-lining inner helices from the first 6-TM domains, whereas membrane potential only activates th
291 we can identify weakly stable regions in the TM domain, which are found to be important structural de
292 ogous copies of a six-transmembrane-helix (6-TM) domain, which has no sequence homology to the canoni
293 but because of the unembedded transmembrane (TM) domain, which serves as a dose-dependent degradation
294                    Replacement of the VirB10 TM domain with a nondimerizing poly-Leu/Ala TM domain se
295             Finally, replacement of the YscD TM domain with a TM domain of dissimilar sequence had no
296    However, structural studies involving the TM domain with or without the amphipathic helix differed
297 ects of the V(664)E mutation in the isolated TM domain with respect to protein-protein and protein-li
298 --> Leu substitutions) or by replacing the N-TM domain with those from other CD36 superfamily members
299                Here, we describe a conserved TM domain within L2 (residues 45 to 67) and investigate
300  it is not clear whether studies of isolated TM domains yield knowledge that is relevant to full-leng

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