


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1                                              TMR causes decreased myocardial HED uptake in most patie
2                                              TMR did not significantly affect resting or stress myoca
3                                              TMR has been shown to stimulate angiogenesis in porcine
4                                              TMR is an alternative surgical technique for the treatme
5                                              TMR lowered angina scores, increased exercise tolerance
6                                              TMR using the excimer laser results in increased evidenc
7                                              TMR was performed in 85 patients, with a mean of 35 +/-
8                                              TMR with CO(2) laser as sole therapy for severe disablin
9                                              TMR-D readily diffused transsclerally and dispersed thro
10                                              TMR-D was also observed in the retinal and optic nerve v
11 enes spanning the entire gC-1 sequence (gC-1-TMR) or only the extracellular domain(s) of gC-1, gC-2,
12 MR (Galbeta1-4GlcNAcbeta(CH2)8CONH(CH2)2NHCO-TMR)), a fluorescently labeled model substrate for glyca
13 nalogs LacdiNAc-TMR (GalNAcbeta1-4GlcNAcbeta-TMR), LacNAc-TMR, and LacNAcbeta1-6LacNAcbeta-TMR.
14  the beta1-6 bond in LacNAcbeta1-6LacNAcbeta-TMR, an activity that is of potential importance in rela
15 MR), LacNAc-TMR, and LacNAcbeta1-6LacNAcbeta-TMR.
16 redefines mechanisms of ERK2 regulation by 7-TMR signaling in Dictyostelium and establishes new impli
17  controlling seven-transmembrane receptor (7-TMR) ERK2 activation/deactivation function independently
18              Seven-transmembrane receptor (7-TMR)-G protein networks are molecular sensors of extrace
19 nding to two distinct seven-transmembrane (7-TMR) G-protein coupled receptors CXCR1 (IL-8RA) and CXCR
20 fold selectivity over CXCR1 and four other 7-TMRs tested.
21  nanoparticles, estimated to contain 700-900 TMRs per ca. 23 nm particle, were surface modified with
22 ible MTJs are fully functional, exhibiting a TMR ratio as high as 190% under bending radii as small a
23  acids adjacent to acylation sites or with a TMR cysteine shifted to a cytoplasmic location to identi
24 nctionalized azidobutyl-Q7 and NHS-activated TMR.
25                                 In addition, TMR patients used the same control system to operate adv
26 hedrine (HED) was performed before and after TMR in 8 patients with class IV angina ineligible for CA
27 hocardiography performed 1 and 30 days after TMR demonstrated normal global and regional left ventric
28 annels with nonlased channels 30) days after TMR, using a low energy, short-pulse, fiberoptic excimer
29 tions were not significantly increased after TMR.
30                             Six months after TMR, there was a significant increase over baseline in r
31 Factors which correlate with mortality after TMR, however, have not been extensively investigated.
32 ciation with regional ischemia is seen after TMR with a holmium:YAG laser.
33 e 6 h post-CO2 TMR, p = 0.03) was seen after TMR with both lasers.
34  prospectively collected up to 7 years after TMR.
35  of the patients had no angina 5 years after TMR.
36 (16.9+/-6.5 U to 25.9+/-14.4 U, P=0.002) and TMR (0.51+/-0.14 to 0.79+/-0.32 mm Hg x mL(-1) x min(-1)
37  well as the % change in IMR (147+/-66%) and TMR (159+/-105%, P=NS versus IMR % change), increased si
38    Overall mortality rates for TMR-alone and TMR + CABG were 6.4% and 4.2%, respectively.
39 significant correlation between mean IMR and TMR values, as well as between the % change in IMR and %
40  activated by the airpuff in both intact and TMR rats.
41    Such high values of spin polarization and TMR in readily manufactureable and highly thermally stab
42 In patients with refractory unstable angina, TMR with a holmium laser provided significant angina rel
43                          In the aortic arch, TMR-D labeled large and small vagal afferent axons (axon
44              Patients were randomly assigned TMR and continued medication (n=92) or continued medicat
45 eptor dye pairs (TMR-ATTO647N, Cy3-ATTO647N, TMR-Cy5, and Cy3-Cy5), we find that this phenomenon depe
46 vary (CHO) cells were pulse-labeled with BAC-TMR-dextran by fluid-phase endocytosis.
47 ing perfusion defects in all patients before TMR (34.6+/-27.3% for HED versus 9.4+/-10.8% for NH3, P=
48 t upon photoconversion, the distance between TMR (donor) bound to a cysteine in the C-terminal domain
49       An intricate connection exists between TMR ratio, RA value and the bandgap and crystal structur
50          We microinjected micelles of Bodipy TMR-PIP(2) into cells, and we measured D on the inner le
51 led with BODIPY-tetramethylrhodamine (BODIPY(TMR)).
52 -tetramethylrhodamine-(+/-)CGP 12177 (BODIPY-TMR-CGP)] at the human beta1-adrenoceptor expressed in C
53 scence resonance energy transfer from Bodipy-TMR-PIP2 to Texas Red MARCKS(151-175) adsorbed to large
54 olipid substrates, GM3-BODIPY-FL, GM1-BODIPY-TMR, and lactosylceramide-BODIPY-650/665.
55         The dissociation rate of 3 nM BODIPY-TMR-CGP was 0.09 +/- 0.01 min(-1) in the absence of comp
56        Second, we detect quenching of Bodipy-TMR-PIP2 in large unilamellar vesicles when unlabeled MA
57 e-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy, Bodipy-TMR-X-labeled 4R1, 4BB, and 4alphaE quenched fluorescenc
58                  These effects on the BODIPY-TMR-CGP dissociation rate were markedly enhanced in beta
59  cleavage lies relatively far from the bound TMR ( approximately 15 A).
60 hanges in this cleavage, are not affected by TMR-labeling of actin.
61                                          C2A-TMR assembled into oligomers via a novel N-terminal olig
62 es the membrane-spanning and C2A domain (C2A-TMR) into proteoliposomes.
63 = 0.05; 206+/-36.7% of baseline 6 h post-CO2 TMR, p = 0.03) was seen after TMR with both lasers.
64 y underway to assess the results of combined TMR and CABG [4].
65 id a prospective randomised trial to compare TMR with continued medication.
66               Filaments of cofilin-decorated TMR-actin and unlabeled actin are indistinguishable, as
67 374) with tethramethylrhodamine derivatives (TMR-actin) has been widely used for direct observation o
68  of the tracer tetramethylrhodamine dextran (TMR-D) into the nodose ganglion to label vagal aortic af
69 f 0.25% 70-kDa tetramethylrhodamine-dextran (TMR-D).
70 oads (tetramethylrhodamine-modified dextran, TMR-D; microperoxidase-11, MP-11; CdSe/ZnS quantum dots;
71                             TAC-Lime-dextran-TMR fluorescence was K(+)-selective, increasing >4-fold
72 tran to measure ASL [K(+)], TAC-Lime-dextran-TMR, consisting of a green-fluorescing triazacryptand K(
73                                    Efficient TMR trafficking is critical for regulation of several pr
74                              Silica-embedded TMR retains very high quantum yield, is resistant to que
75 tunnel barriers and CoFe electrodes, exhibit TMR values of up to approximately 220% at room temperatu
76 e increased severing of copolymer filaments, TMR-actin accelerates the polymerization of unlabeled ac
77 onse to the airpuff was diminished following TMR.
78 w an attenuation of Fos expression following TMR in the dorsal and ventral cochlear nuclei, ventral n
79        In contrast, Fos expression following TMR was unchanged in the locus coeruleus, the laterodors
80 cal improvement in angina pectoris following TMR.
81                                          For TMR patients, the mean motion selection and motion compl
82 isk-adjusted mortality was also compared for TMR + CABG relative to CABG only in patients not amenabl
83 ther the use of laser energy is critical for TMR channel patency.
84 e also identified important risk factors for TMR and compared outcomes of TMR combined with coronary
85                  Overall mortality rates for TMR-alone and TMR + CABG were 6.4% and 4.2%, respectivel
86 dels are consistent with the requirement for TMRs in viral fusion proteins.
87  protein conformation and the distances from TMR to the carotenoid throughout the photocycle.
88  binding to DNA, the total fluorescence from TMR-Tc3 increases by three- to fourfold.
89       Moreover, we also show that functional TMR-cytochrome c undergoes a response of identical magni
90  by the metabolic products produced from GM1-TMR and the other monitored the metabolic products produ
91 thylrhodamine-labeled glycosphingolipid (GM1-TMR) was used as a substrate.
92 olipid tetramethylrhodamine labeled GM1 (GM1-TMR) produced by single cells isolated from the rat cere
93 n with tetramethylrhodamine-labeled GM1 (GM1-TMR).
94 ntrol in eight transhumeral amputees who had TMR in a balanced randomized cross-over study.
95 l virus-host model, we show that herpesvirus TMRs facilitate viral genome integration into host telom
96                   Consistent with these high TMR values, superconducting tunnelling spectroscopy expe
97                                  Much higher TMR values have been theoretically predicted for perfect
98                                   Homologous TMR motifs are often found as multiple repeats in quite
99 ement in perfusion by SPECT (201)Tl imaging, TMR improved the functional class of angina pectoris in
100 F-actin that substitute for disrupted (as in TMR-actin and mutant actin) or weakened (as in ADP-actin
101  between the % change in IMR and % change in TMR.
102 ve mortality in patients undergoing isolated TMR is low.
103 nary artery disease (CAD) underwent isolated TMR.
104 rescently labeled substrate analogs LacdiNAc-TMR (GalNAcbeta1-4GlcNAcbeta-TMR), LacNAc-TMR, and LacNA
105      Native and mutant forms of CD39 lacking TMR were observed to undergo multimerization, associated
106 1 and lipid-anchored synaptobrevin-2 lacking TMRs efficiently promoted spontaneous and Ca(2+)-trigger
107  al. show that lipid-anchored SNAREs lacking TMRs can support neurotransmitter release, suggesting th
108 ta1-4GlcNAcbeta-tetramethylrhodamine (LacNAc-TMR (Galbeta1-4GlcNAcbeta(CH2)8CONH(CH2)2NHCO-TMR)), a f
109 Ac-TMR (GalNAcbeta1-4GlcNAcbeta-TMR), LacNAc-TMR, and LacNAcbeta1-6LacNAcbeta-TMR.
110  whereas they were less active toward LacNAc-TMR conjugates.
111 = 12) or carbon dioxide (CO2) (n = 12) laser TMR.
112  These changes were not seen after CO2 laser TMR.
113 tion switching and tunnel magnetoresistance (TMR) in perpendicularly magnetized CoFeB/MgO/CoFeB MTJs
114  interplay between tunnel magnetoresistance (TMR) ratio and the product of resistance and junction ar
115 nal bias-dependent tunnel magnetoresistance (TMR) response is observed in Sm0.75 Sr0.25 MnO3 -based n
116 om-temperature tunnelling magnetoresistance (TMR) of technologically relevant MTJs.
117         The achievement of these goals makes TMR an alternative therapy to what was formerly the only
118 teine with tetramethylrhodamine-5-maleimide (TMR), a fluorophore with specific brightnesses that we a
119 ocystis with tetramethylrhodamine-maleimide (TMR) and obtained a photoactive OCP-TMR complex, the flu
120  and by transverse digital microradiography (TMR) for mineral content.
121                In each of six sheep, 36 1-mm TMR channels (9 mJ; 240 Hz; 1.55 cm advance/s) were plac
122 eased markedly, driven predominately by more TMR + CABG cases.
123                    Immobilized ribosome.mRNA.TMR-Met-tRNAMetf complexes form peptide bonds with purom
124 ual assumption of complete quenching for NBD-TMR pairs in the dimer could not be quantitatively recon
125 leimide (TMR) and obtained a photoactive OCP-TMR complex, the fluorescence of which was highly sensit
126                                      The OCP-TMR complex was sensitive to the light intensity, temper
127 nal insights into the mechanism of action of TMR, which remains the Achilles' heel of this procedure.
128                             The advantage of TMR-actin is that it does not lock actin in filaments (a
129  MgZnO barriers allow effective balancing of TMR ratio and RA value.
130                             The challenge of TMR is related to improvement in perioperative outcomes,
131 aser energy may be an important component of TMR strategy.
132     The destabilizing and severing effect of TMR-actin is countered by filament stabilizing factors,
133                               The effects of TMR may be enhanced when paired with pattern recognition
134 lts show an absence of allosteric effects of TMR on subdomain 2, while confirming ATP/ADP-dependent c
135 s point to an analogy between the effects of TMR-actin and severing proteins on F-actin, and imply th
136 al studies have demonstrated the efficacy of TMR for relieving angina pectoris, although no study to
137                    The long-term efficacy of TMR persists for >/=5 years.
138                          The fluorescence of TMR covalently linked to Y290C, T287C, and H83C decrease
139 e specificity constant within the library of TMR analogues.
140              Single molecule measurements of TMR-Tc3 bound to DNA shows that this complex also fluctu
141  ring as a function of the average number of TMR molecules per ring.
142  us to compute the number and orientation of TMR dimers per ring as a function of the average number
143 isk factors for TMR and compared outcomes of TMR combined with coronary artery bypass graft surgery (
144 ponses depend strongly on the molar ratio of TMR used to label cytochrome c.
145                               The results of TMR so far have been controversial with a bias toward st
146          In the recently solved structure of TMR-modified ADP-G-actin, the nucleotide cleft is in a c
147                           Further studies of TMR + CABG are needed given its growing use and unclear
148                          Clinical studies of TMR have noted a significant incidence of cardiac compli
149 ies, the FDA granted approval for the use of TMR as a sole therapy.
150                                   The use of TMR, and in particular, TMR + CABG, is expanding in comm
151 ration is poorly understood, the presence of TMRs in a number of herpesviruses suggests it is their d
152              Our results and the presence of TMRs in many herpesviruses suggest that integration medi
153 , there are limited data on the outcomes of (TMR + CABG).
154                   HCF145 represents the only TMR protein found in vascular plants.
155 rogrammed ribosomes with TMR-Met-tRNAMetf or TMR-Met-Phe-tRNAPhe are immobilized on mica and observed
156                            While the overall TMR is slower than predicted based on concurrent regiona
157 ing four different donor-acceptor dye pairs (TMR-ATTO647N, Cy3-ATTO647N, TMR-Cy5, and Cy3-Cy5), we fi
158           The use of TMR, and in particular, TMR + CABG, is expanding in community practice.
159 2001, the number of STS hospitals performing TMR and total procedural counts increased markedly, driv
160 er equimolar mismatch DNA for each polyamide-TMR conjugate.
161 ned from 2.4+/-1.6 pre-TMR to 1.7+/-2.0 post-TMR (P=0.01).
162 at 1 h, p = 0.02; 18.4% decrease at 6 h post-TMR, p = 0.01).
163 enefit in symptoms occurred at 6 months post-TMR, mild sustained clinical improvement above baseline
164 01)Tl imaging at any temporal end point post-TMR.
165 an anginal class improved from 3.5+/-0.5 pre-TMR to 2.8+/-0.7 and 2.5+/-0.7 at 3 and 6 months, respec
166  unstable angina declined from 2.4+/-1.6 pre-TMR to 1.7+/-2.0 post-TMR (P=0.01).
167                            Their average pre-TMR angina class was 3.7+/-0.4.
168 d percutaneous revascularization procedures, TMR is reserved for patients with advanced and severe fo
169  with nitrilotriacetic acid (NTA), producing TMR-SiO2-NTA-Ni2+.
170 red with those from six published randomized TMR trials.
171 orresponds to a mean thermal migration rate (TMR) of 0.0065 degrees C yr(-1) (95% CI = 0.0005-0.0132
172 f thermophilization [thermal migration rate (TMR), degrees C y(-1)] across all censuses were 0.011 de
173                Targeted memory reactivation (TMR) allows the manipulation of sleep-dependent consolid
174 ermine whether targeted memory reactivation (TMR) of specific memory traces during slow-wave sleep pr
175 his technique, targeted memory reactivation (TMR), selectively enhances memory consolidation.
176  performance in a control group who received TMR before sleep.
177       We identified 3,717 patients receiving TMR at 173 U.S. hospitals participating in the Society o
178 er internalization, transmembrane receptors (TMRs) are typically recycled back to the cell surface or
179 rane helices forming a transmembrane region (TMR), a large periplasmic (PP) domain, and a cytoplasmic
180 otif, and a C-terminal transmembrane region (TMR).
181 oned at the end of the transmembrane region (TMR).
182 hat each contains six transmembrane regions (TMRs) localized near the carboxyl terminus.
183 fusion by pulling the transmembrane regions (TMRs) of SNARE proteins together, thus allowing their TM
184 been proposed for the transmembrane regions (TMRs) of SNARE proteins, including formation of channel-
185 repeats, four central transmembrane regions (TMRs), and a cytoplasmic tail.
186               Targeted Muscle Reinnervation (TMR) is a nerve transfer procedure that creates addition
187 hnique called targeted muscle reinnervation (TMR) transfers residual arm nerves to alternative muscle
188 ignated the transcript binding motif repeat (TMR) domains, confer sequence-specific RNA binding capab
189 her herpesviruses, harbor telomeric repeats (TMRs) identical to host telomeres at either end of their
190 her herpesviruses harbors telomeric repeats (TMRs) that are identical to host telomere sequences (TTA
191 hy that when compared to previously reported TMR analogues, subtle modification of the TMR scaffold c
192  we examined whether synaptic SNAREs require TMRs for catalysis of synaptic vesicle fusion, which was
193 istance (TER) and tunnel magneto resistance (TMR) states in the junction.
194 elate with true microcirculatory resistance (TMR), defined as the distal left anterior descending (LA
195           Transmyocardial revascularisation (TMR) is an operative treatment for refractory angina pec
196 ter transmyocardial laser revascularization (TMR) and to identify predictors of these adverse clinica
197 ing transmyocardial laser revascularization (TMR) as the sole operative therapy for patients with sev
198 ith transmyocardial laser revascularization (TMR) at our institution.
199 ith transmyocardial laser revascularization (TMR) for induction of therapeutic angiogenesis and arter
200     Transmyocardial laser revascularization (TMR) has been shown to improve refractory angina not ame
201 ugh transmyocardial laser revascularization (TMR) has provided symptomatic relief of angina over the
202     Transmyocardial laser revascularization (TMR) is a relatively new therapy for atherosclerotic cor
203  of transmyocardial laser revascularization (TMR) is poorly understood.
204  of transmyocardial laser revascularization (TMR) on regional left ventricular systolic and diastolic
205 ter transmyocardial laser revascularization (TMR).
206           Transmyocardial revascularization (TMR) has emerged as a promising treatment for ischemic h
207 tcomes of transmyocardial revascularization (TMR) in community practice.
208 eports of transmyocardial revascularization (TMR) indicate a significant mortality in patients with r
209 ents receiving incomplete revascularization, TMR + CABG was not associated with decreased mortality r
210 assembly incompetent tethramethyl rhodamine (TMR)-actin and T203C/C374S yeast mutant actin.
211 irpin polyamides with tetramethyl rhodamine (TMR) attached to an internal pyrrole ring were synthesiz
212 cent signal, only the tetramethyl rhodamine (TMR) HALO ligand provides sufficient signal for detectio
213 e in target tissue, a tetramethyl rhodamine (TMR)-labeled ribozyme was administered as a single SC or
214                   Tympanic membrane rupture (TMR) effectively deafens a rat, thus preventing it from
215 not be accurately determined, yet these same TMR analogues promoted ATP occlusion at relatively low c
216              Herein, we characterize several TMR analogues that elicit modest turnover ( k cat <or= 1
217                          The fifth and sixth TMRs contain numerous beta-branched amino acids that may
218               However, the role of the SNARE TMRs in synaptic vesicle fusion has not yet been tested
219 d with coronary artery bypass graft surgery (TMR + CABG) versus bypass alone in patients receiving in
220                  The controversy surrounding TMR is related to the fact that its mechanism of action
221                        Tetramethylrhodamine (TMR)-doped silica nanoparticles, estimated to contain 70
222 nsensitive chromophore tetramethylrhodamine (TMR).
223    The fluorescent dye tetramethylrhodamine (TMR) was conjugated to a synthetic peptide containing th
224 to the fluorescent dye tetramethylrhodamine (TMR), and the characterization of its optical and guest-
225 arger fluorescent dye, tetramethylrhodamine (TMR).
226  N-termini with either tetramethylrhodamine (TMR) or 7-nitrobenz-2-oxa-1,3-diazole (NBD) also indicat
227 s with the fluorophore tetramethylrhodamine (TMR).
228 cent rhodamines [e.g., tetramethylrhodamine (TMR)-thiols].
229 oncovalently "stacked" tetramethylrhodamine (TMR) dimers have been used to both report and perturb th
230 a synthetic library of tetramethylrosamine ( TMR) analogues, we observed significant variation in ATP
231                         Tetramethylrosamine (TMR) displays a relatively high affinity for Pgp when co
232 of the aptamer bound to tetramethylrosamine (TMR), a high-affinity MG analog.
233              Although it is established that TMR-actin alone is polymerization incompetent, the impac
234                         We hypothesized that TMR relieves angina by causing myocardial sympathetic de
235 ow-oscillation upstate, we hypothesized that TMR stimulation effects would depend on the phase of the
236                         We hypothesized that TMR with a holmium laser would result in significant ang
237 severing proteins on F-actin, and imply that TMR-actin may be inappropriate for investigations of act
238         Clinical studies have indicated that TMR reduces angina by an average of two classes in patie
239                  In this study, we show that TMR-actin perturbs the filaments structure when copolyme
240 binding site in the apical domain, such that TMR molecules on adjacent subunits are able to form dime
241                  These findings suggest that TMR during sleep can alter memory representations and pr
242                                          The TMR dimers also serve as a surrogate for substrate prote
243                                          The TMR dimers thus serve as quantitative reporter of the al
244                                          The TMR modification inhibits nucleotide exchange, but has n
245                                          The TMR patients were able to repeatedly perform 10 differen
246 his review, background information about the TMR procedure will be discussed along with an analysis o
247 ise distance between the SNARE motif and the TMR was critical for fusion.
248 ssential for fusion, the SNARE motif and the TMR, and these domains have to be closely coupled to fun
249 e the folding of loop nucleotides around the TMR.
250 by substrate protein is also mimicked by the TMR dimers.
251                                 Finally, the TMR analogues facilitated uptake of calcein-AM into CR1R
252 inases examined hydrolyzed LacdiNAc from the TMR aglycone to various degrees, whereas they were less
253 t CCSA score was II or lower in 47.8% in the TMR group compared with 14.3% in the medication-only gro
254 lerance increased by a median of 65 s in the TMR group compared with a 46 s decrease in the medicatio
255  angina questionnaire index increased in the TMR group significantly more than in the medication-only
256                                       In the TMR group, the entire LCx region was treated with transm
257 l vascular density was increased only in the TMR-treated regions six months postoperatively.
258                                Moreover, the TMR analogues competitively inhibited VER-dependent ATPa
259  within the first transmembrane helix of the TMR and deletions within the PP domain both resulted in
260 netics were identical in the presence of the TMR derivatives, VER, or in the absence of drug, suggest
261         The free energy of unstacking of the TMR dimers was estimated at 2.6 +/- 1.0 kJ/mol dimer.
262 ng sites, with concomitant unstacking of the TMR dimers.
263 re raised regarding the possible role of the TMR label on Cys(374) in determining these aspects of G-
264 ed TMR analogues, subtle modification of the TMR scaffold can confer large differences in ATP turnove
265                        Our reanalysis of the TMR-modified actin structures suggests that the nucleoti
266                    In contrast, shifting the TMR cysteine to a cytoplasmic location virtually elimina
267       Evidence is presented to show that the TMR-Tc3 conjugate exists in at least two conformational
268 however, for larger barrier thicknesses, the TMR-bias dependence is more complex and reverses sign at
269 ion of a library of compounds based upon the TMR scaffold and use this set to assess the determinants
270 most stable conformation is one in which the TMR fluorescence is quenched.
271 tom magnetic layers is observed in which the TMR ratio of the MTJs is almost unmeasurable.
272  to the membrane and/or sequences within the TMR and PP domain.
273                      The conservation of the TMRs in all SCAMPs with the variable presence of N-termi
274 se-related motifs support association of the TMRs to the psaA RNA, presumably pointing to a regulator
275 SNARE proteins together, thus allowing their TMRs to form a fusion pore.
276 nction in membrane traffic mediated by their TMRs.
277                            ERalpha, bound to TMR-SiO2-NTA-Ni++ beads in a site-specific manner, exhib
278                          This dual-mode type TMR-SiO2-NTA-Ni2+ system represents a powerful combinati
279 retained excellent performance and unaltered TMR ratio after over 1000 bending cycles.
280 ty-two patients with severe angina underwent TMR as sole therapy with a CO2 laser.
281 ndard revascularization techniques underwent TMR in myocardial regions determined to be ischemic by p
282                       Animals then underwent TMR with a holmium:yttrium-aluminum-garnet (holmium:YAG)
283 on or transhumeral amputations who underwent TMR surgery between February 2002 and October 2006 and 5
284 s suggest that integration mediated by viral TMRs is a conserved mechanism, which ensures faithful vi
285           At least in the case of MDV, viral TMRs facilitate integration into host telomeres.
286                              We observe weak TMR fluorescence in the absence of DNA.
287 efficient of extremely high molecular weight TMR-Dextran (MW 2 000 000), which rises linearly with th
288                   Mice treated SC or IV with TMR-labeled ribozyme had positive fluorescence in the li
289 A GroEL mutant (K242C) has been labeled with TMR, close to the peptide-binding site in the apical dom
290 ify clinical risk factors for mortality with TMR.
291  complexes of mRNA-programmed ribosomes with TMR-Met-tRNAMetf or TMR-Met-Phe-tRNAPhe are immobilized
292 0 cells were used that had been treated with TMR-G(M1).
293 7.4+/-44.2% of baseline 6 h post-holmium:YAG TMR, p = 0.05; 206+/-36.7% of baseline 6 h post-CO2 TMR,
294 .4% of baseline, p = 0.02) after holmium:YAG TMR.

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