


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1                                              TTR also inhibited amyloid-dependent biofilm formation i
2                                              TTR amyloidoses are of particular interest regarding the
3                                              TTR and log-transformed INR variability were calculated
4                                              TTR tetramer dissociation precedes pathological TTR aggr
5                                              TTR-ASO treatment decreased LDL cholesterol in high-fat
6                                              TTR-ASO treatment of mice with genetic or diet-induced o
7                                              TTR-related causes were favorable predictors of survival
8  nested Cox regression models, including (1) TTR or log INR variability separately; (2) TTR and log I
9              Both AL amyloidosis and 2 of 10 TTR-noPN subjects were Congo red-positive.
10 myloidotic polyneuropathy (FAP; n = 20), (2) TTR mutation carriers without peripheral neuropathy (TTR
11 ) TTR or log INR variability separately; (2) TTR and log INR variability together; and (3) both predi
12  We present 2D terahertz-terahertz-Raman (2D TTR) spectroscopy, the first technique, to our knowledge
13  comparison of experimental and simulated 2D TTR spectra of bromoform (CHBr3), carbon tetrachloride (
14 bypass grafting (n = 1,033,255) to created 5 TTR groups: no 30-day readmission (n = 897,510), less th
15       Thirty of 31 patients (96.8%) achieved TTR stabilization after 6 weeks and 25 of 28 patients (8
16 rating effects of AD symptoms observed in AD/TTR(+/-) animal models after IDIF treatment and eventual
17                                       Adding TTR to ORBIT, ATRIA and HEMORR2HAGES led to improved pre
18 eding risk scores and investigated if adding TTR would improve their predictive value and clinical us
19 ence-specific because Lys-48 does not affect TTR aggregation.
20 ccur in cardiomyocytes exposed to aggregated TTR, and provide clues as to the molecular and physiolog
21 ecreasing circulating TTR levels or altering TTR-RBP4 binding could be a potential therapeutic approa
22                                      Amyloid TTR cytotoxicity results in mitochondrial potential modi
23 es (SMD=-1.27), CGI-S scores (SMD=-1.57) and TTR (SMD=-1.22).
24  a direct link between TTR-Abeta binding and TTR-mediated cytoprotection.
25 he treatment of familial chylomicronemia and TTR-mediated polyneuropathy.
26 ing strength between a particular ligand and TTR does not correlate well with its selectivity in plas
27 lecular interactions between the ligands and TTR were further characterized using molecular dynamics
28 Sections were stained with anti-PGP9.5, anti-TTR, and Congo red.
29 R stabilizes the homotetramer and attenuates TTR amyloidosis.
30 ban than with warfarin across center average TTR and individual TTR quartiles.
31 y impact on Alzheimer's disease (AD) because TTR has been shown to inhibit Abeta aggregation and deto
32 ructural features of the interaction between TTR and the Abeta(12-28) peptide (3), the essential reco
33 o better understand the interactions between TTR and THDCs, we determined the crystallographic struct
34 2A or L110A, providing a direct link between TTR-Abeta binding and TTR-mediated cytoprotection.
35 or log INR variability) but was weak between TTR and log INR variability (kappa=0.13).
36  is bound with similar high affinity in both TTR binding sites without the usual negative cooperativi
37 hesis, we have examined the effects of brain TTR on food intake and body weight and have further dete
38 al nerves, and transthyretin cardiomyopathy (TTR-CM), which primarily affects the heart.
39 eviously unknown anorectic action of central TTR in the control of energy balance, providing a potent
40 cise-induced anorexia, implying that central TTR may also play a functional role in modulating food i
41  These data show that decreasing circulating TTR levels or altering TTR-RBP4 binding could be a poten
42 ce of RBP4, we determined whether decreasing TTR levels with antisense oligonucleotides (ASOs) improv
43 nsgenically and treated with probe 4 display TTR.4 fluorescence in macrophage-like coelomocytes.
44                                   We divided TTR into 3 categories (high, >70%; moderate, 50% to 70%;
45 , but adding the 'labile INR' criteria (i.e. TTR <65%) to ATRIA, ORBIT and HEMORR2HAGES increased the
46 fic interest in the quest for more efficient TTR stabilizers, but a high selectivity is an almost uni
47 inol-binding protein 4 (RBP4), an endogenous TTR ligand, could be used as a diagnostic test for ATTR
48                       Our analyses evaluated TTR groups for differences in risk-adjusted mortality (3
49 fficient binding to and imaging of exogenous TTR within intracellular organelles, including the mitoc
50 ction = .09 for DFS, .05 for OS, and .36 for TTR), although the stratified point estimates suggested
51 its components were moderate (kappa=0.56 for TTR and kappa=0.62 for log INR variability) but was weak
52 d the importance of metabolic activation for TTR binding.
53                       Assays of affinity for TTR and inhibition of its tendency to form fibrils were
54  at the French National Reference Center for TTR-FAP from June 1, 2013, to June 30, 2014.
55 uintiles based on their level of control for TTR, log INR variability, and WCM.
56 t characterization of peptide inhibitors for TTR aggregation, establishing a novel therapeutic strate
57 entify beta-strands F and H as necessary for TTR aggregation.
58 ly, no effective pharmacological therapy for TTR amyloidoses is available, mostly due to a substantia
59 een in the proportions of patients free from TTR events between the accelerated and standard epirubic
60 een in the proportions of patients free from TTR events between the CMF and capecitabine groups (HR 0
61 eiving accelerated epirubicin were free from TTR events.
62 ation using ASOs targeting SRB-1, A1AT, FXI, TTR, and ApoC III mRNAs.
63  genotype status for the transthyretin gene (TTR) in 3856 black participants in the Atherosclerosis R
64  A novel mutation in the transthyretin gene (TTR) in Indian patients with familial amyloid polyneurop
65  1.27 and HR=1.29, respectively) and at high TTR levels (HR=1.55 and HR=1.56, respectively), but not
66                    The reference groups high TTR and stable anticoagulation each denote good control.
67 isk changed with TTR and to compare the high TTR, low TTR, and aspirin-treated patients, with TTR bei
68  credible in health care systems with higher TTRs.
69                   Overall, we illustrate how TTR is yet another amyloidogenic protein exploiting nega
70 live Caenorhabditis elegans expressing human TTR transgenically and treated with probe 4 display TTR.
71 ned the crystallographic structures of human TTR in complex with perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS),
72                                          ICV TTR decreased neuropeptide Y (NPY) levels in the DMH and
73   This effect was not due to sickness as icv TTR did not cause a conditioned taste aversion.
74 r implications for therapeutic approaches in TTR amyloidosis.
75 l pathogenic role of proteolytic cleavage in TTR amyloid fibrillogenesis.
76 ed on 60 informative CpGs, which differed in TTR in the validation set [R vs. L class, P=2.9x10(-3),
77 as a biomarker to detect treatment effect in TTR-FAP drug trials.
78 of patients with CA and compared findings in TTR and AL-related disease.
79 es and frequency of ocular manifestations in TTR amyloidosis is presented.
80                                 Mutations in TTR and postoperative visual acuity.
81  been performed in AL amyloidosis but not in TTR amyloidosis and might give insight into this differe
82 Wild-type TTR staining was less prominent in TTR-FAP patients.
83  and PMNFD were all significantly reduced in TTR-FAP patients versus healthy controls, whereas TTR-no
84  that Lys-35 acts as a gatekeeper residue in TTR, strongly decreasing its amyloidogenic potential.
85 l molecules to the thyroxin-binding sites in TTR stabilizes the homotetramer and attenuates TTR amylo
86  binding cooperativity, to distinct sites in TTR, consistent with the data of x-ray analysis of TTR i
87 by ligands that occupy both binding sites in TTR.
88 r is widely accepted as the critical step in TTR amyloid fibrillogenesis.
89 logic therapies shown to improve survival in TTR-CM.
90 ests that further evaluation of tafamidis in TTR amyloid cardiomyopathy is warranted.
91 k or the HSF1 stimulator celastrol increased TTR transcription in parallel with that of HSP40, HSP70,
92  HSF1 construct into SH-SY5Y cells increased TTR transcription and protein production, which could be
93                                   Increasing TTR was associated with a stepwise decline in mortality.
94                                   Increasing TTR was significantly associated with reduction in prima
95 th heart failure in sinus rhythm, increasing TTR is associated with better outcome and improved net c
96 rin across center average TTR and individual TTR quartiles.
97 complications in association with individual TTR (iTTR), INR variability, and aspirin use and identif
98 ones, Tafamidis((R)) and diflunisal, inhibit TTR misfolding by stabilizing native tetrameric TTR; how
99                       The ability to inhibit TTR fibrillogenesis is known for several classes of comp
100 amer in vivo in mice and humans and inhibits TTR cytotoxicity.
101                         Adding 'labile INR' (TTR < 65%) to ORBIT, ATRIA and HEMORR2HAGES significantl
102 tructures of unlabeled and deuterium-labeled TTR are essentially identical, subunit exchange kinetics
103 e of our previously reported bivalent ligand TTR 'superstabiliser' family, is notably more potent tha
104 d parent dust contaminants in a radio-ligand TTR binding assay; 2,2',4,4'-tetrahydroxybenzophenone, p
105 oronic acid-substituted stilbenes that limit TTR amyloidosis in vitro.
106 5 and HR=1.56, respectively), but not at low TTR levels.
107 ed with TTR and to compare the high TTR, low TTR, and aspirin-treated patients, with TTR being treate
108                               Since lowering TTR levels increases renal clearance of RBP4, we determi
109 ts engineered nontetramer-forming monomer (M-TTR, F87M/L110M) inhibit CsgA amyloid formation in vitro
110 ot significantly compromise the ability of M-TTR to inhibit CsgA amyloidogenesis.
111 ibit CsgA amyloid formation in vitro, with M-TTR being the more efficient inhibitor.
112 reatment effectively achieved and maintained TTR stabilization and was well tolerated.
113 as available in only 18.7% of patients (mean TTR: 49.5% +/- 22.3%).
114 essive systemic disorder caused by misfolded TTR monomers that cumulatively deposit in the heart and
115  without amyloidosis that degraded misfolded TTR (misTTR) without reactivity to the physiological tet
116 misTTR inhibits fibrillogenesis of misfolded TTR under micromolar concentrations.
117 ed with low log INR variability, at moderate TTR levels (HR= 1.27 and HR=1.29, respectively) and at h
118 atients and APP23 AD model mice produce more TTR is unknown.
119 tion carriers without peripheral neuropathy (TTR-noPN; n = 10), (3) healthy controls (n = 20), (4) di
120 with X-ray crystallographic analysis of nine TTR.ligand complexes.
121 an efficient tool for the discovery of novel TTR-binders from the Tox21 inventory.
122 e mutation in the 33rd position of exon 2 of TTR in 1 patient of 1 pedigree, confirming the diagnosis
123 id was detected in 70% of TTR-FAP and 20% of TTR-noPN subjects.
124 ON: Cutaneous amyloid was detected in 70% of TTR-FAP and 20% of TTR-noPN subjects.
125 racerebroventricular (icv) administration of TTR in normal growing rats decreased food intake and bod
126 onsistent with the data of x-ray analysis of TTR in complex with both ligands.
127                While the in vivo analysis of TTR in mammalian models is complex, time- and resource-c
128  The standard treatment of familial cases of TTR amyloidosis has been liver transplantation.
129 o TTR, crystal structures were determined of TTR in complex with four of the identified compounds inc
130                 The destabilizing effects of TTR deuteration are rather similar in character to those
131 and familial amyloid cardiomyopathy forms of TTR amyloidoses.
132                       The natural history of TTR-CM is poorly characterized, which presents difficult
133 icts warfarin adverse effects independent of TTR.
134                      Chronic icv infusion of TTR in Otsuka Long-Evans Tokushima Fatty rats reversed h
135  an 80-95% decrease in circulating levels of TTR and RBP4.
136 e risk for adverse events at given levels of TTR.
137 ds are known, understanding the mechanism of TTR aggregation can lead to additional inhibition approa
138 ledge about both the molecular mechanisms of TTR aggregation in tissue and the ensuing functional and
139                            Several models of TTR amyloid fibrils have been proposed, but the segments
140 o those observed for aggressive mutations of TTR such as L55P (associated with familial amyloid polyn
141 ion (ChIP) assays demonstrated occupation of TTR promoter heat shock elements by HSF1 in APP23 hippoc
142     This review provides a brief overview of TTR-CM and the challenges of identifying clinically mean
143 dentified a new mechano-enzymatic pathway of TTR fibrillogenesis in vitro, catalysed by selective pro
144  and efficacy with respect to progression of TTR amyloid cardiomyopathy.
145 tion relationships due to oxidative PTPMs of TTR should contribute to the understanding of pathophysi
146 =1.57, P<0.001) independently, regardless of TTR levels.
147 (WARCEF) trial to assess the relationship of TTR with the WARCEF primary outcome (ischemic stroke, in
148 ligands within the thyroxine binding site of TTR can stabilize the tetrameric integrity and is a pote
149 bility of the two thyroxine binding sites of TTR to discriminate between different ligands, this feat
150 n-label trial evaluated the stabilization of TTR tetramers using 20 mg of tafamidis daily at week 6 (
151 lyphenols, which protect the native state of TTR by specifically interacting with its thyroxine bindi
152    Isotope labeling is used for the study of TTR by NMR, neutron diffraction, and mass spectrometry (
153 and safety of tafamidis for the treatment of TTR-CM.
154  floor ceiling effects that limit the use of TTR and INR variability as separate measures.
155 1 was either suppressive or had no effect on TTR expression confirming the differential effects of HS
156 nfirming the differential effects of HSF1 on TTR transcription in different cell types.
157  fibrils formed from wild-type TTR and other TTR variants.
158  tetramer dissociation precedes pathological TTR aggregation.
159 ansthyretin familial amyloid polyneuropathy (TTR-FAP).
160       By immune-targeting sparsely populated TTR misfolding intermediates (i.e. monomers), we achieve
161 olecule for Parkinson's disease, as a potent TTR aggregation inhibitor.
162 nts and 230 (53.1%) metabolites as potential TTR binders.
163                                 As promising TTR therapies are in development, increased awareness an
164 hway that includes the transthyretin protein TTR-52, as well as CED-7, NRF-5 and CED-6.
165 nship between time in the therapeutic range (TTR) and clinical outcomes in heart failure patients in
166           Percent time in therapeutic range (TTR) and international normalized ratio (INR) variabilit
167 warfarin, percent time in therapeutic range (TTR) and international normalized ratio (INR) variabilit
168 ved incorporating time in therapeutic range (TTR) in warfarin-treated patients.
169                   Time in Therapeutic Range (TTR) was available in only 18.7% of patients (mean TTR:
170 nts, reflected by time in therapeutic range (TTR).
171 rfarin arms with times in therapeutic range (TTRs) of 55.2% to 64.9%, making the results less credibl
172 2 (MAF=3.2%, P=1.27 x 10(-9)) tagging a rare TTR variant (MAF=0.4%, P=2.14 x 10(-11)).
173 cent excess (MPE) or tracer-to-tracee ratio (TTR)) and amino acid concentration (i.e. unlabelled only
174                            Circulating RBP4, TTR, B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP), and troponin I (T
175 nical prediction algorithm composed of RBP4, TTR, left ventricular ejection fraction, interventricula
176  inversely correlated with time to recovery (TTR) (r = -0.272, P = .02).
177 r epigenetic changes and time to recurrence (TTR).
178 cin would improve time to tumour recurrence (TTR); and whether use of oral capecitabine instead of cy
179 dies, and transcription termination regions (TTRs) showed strong positive correlation with gene expre
180 reading of H3S10ph at RT transition regions (TTRs) is accompanied by aberrant transcription initiatio
181 on-Severity Scale (CGI-S), time to response (TTR), discontinuation rate and individual adverse effect
182  was assessed by estimating time to results (TTR), prioritising/assigning putative therapeutic target
183                             The mean (+/-SD) TTR was 57% (+/-28.5%).
184         This specific truncation of Ser52Pro TTR was generated readily in vitro by limited proteolysi
185 ution crystallographic structure of Ser52Pro TTR.
186 ychotics (SGAs) were associated with shorter TTR (SMD=-0.27) and a lower incidence of extrapyramidal
187 ides and the positive effect exerted by some TTR stabilizers for modulating the TTR-Abeta interaction
188                                 Pan-specific TTR antibodies do not possess such fibril inhibiting pro
189 ng sites and lacked the ability to stabilize TTR.
190 equally weighted method, adding standardized TTR to standardized log-transformed INR variability usin
191 ts and their metabolites for THDCs targeting TTR, we developed a quantitative structure-activity rela
192  developed an antibody (misTTR) that targets TTR residues 89-97, an epitope buried in the tetramer bu
193  misfolding by stabilizing native tetrameric TTR; however, their minimal effective concentration is i
194 t reactivity to the physiological tetrameric TTR (phyTTR).
195 ere, we report that both human WT tetrameric TTR (WT-TTR) and its engineered nontetramer-forming mono
196                         We hypothesized that TTR might have broad antiamyloid activity because the bi
197                             We now show that TTR expression in SH-SY5Y human neuroblastoma cells, pri
198                            Here we show that TTR fibrillogenesis by the mechano-enzymatic pathway is
199                                 We show that TTR-52 binds to PS exposed on the injured axon, and can
200               These discoveries suggest that TTR is an effective antibiofilm agent that could potenti
201                                          The TTR 26-57 segment bears many of these aggressive amyloid
202                                          The TTR variant was associated with an increased risk of inc
203 ls, have provided a structural model for the TTR-Abeta interaction, as well as for the ternary comple
204 loidosis, and more than 100 mutations in the TTR gene are involved in familial amyloid polyneuropathy
205      The compounds were found to bind in the TTR hormone binding sites as predicted.
206 ased occupancy of heat shock elements in the TTR promoter by HSF1.
207 d variant show that it docks better into the TTR T4 pocket than tafamidis, so far the only drug on th
208 d by some TTR stabilizers for modulating the TTR-Abeta interaction have been previously studied.
209 nd results in the rapid self-assembly of the TTR 26-57 region into amyloid fibrils.
210                        Lys-35 is part of the TTR basic heparin-binding motif.
211 gment of the TTR variant, the portion of the TTR sequence that previously has been reported to be the
212 Molecular aspects related to the role of the TTR stabilizer iododiflunisal (IDIF, 5) on the TTR-Abeta
213 brils was the residue 49-127 fragment of the TTR variant, the portion of the TTR sequence that previo
214 R stabilizer iododiflunisal (IDIF, 5) on the TTR-Abeta complex have been also examined.
215 nteraction and of the ability to protect the TTR native state for polyphenols, both stilbenoids and f
216                     We thus confirm that the TTR fold keeps a generic residual aggregation propensity
217 be 4 is dark in aqueous buffers, whereas the TTR.4 complex exhibits a fluorescence emission maximum a
218 tional interactions of its linker within the TTR central channel.
219  12 representatives were selected, and their TTR binding affinities were studied with isothermal titr
220                                        Three TTR mutations, Glu89Lys, Gly47Arg, and homozygous Gly6Se
221        These chemicals competitively bind to TTR with 50% inhibition (IC50) values at or below 10 muM
222 idate structural details in their binding to TTR, crystal structures were determined of TTR in comple
223          Domains with structural homology to TTR exist in a number of proteins, including the M14B su
224              Tolcapone binds specifically to TTR in human plasma, stabilizes the native tetramer in v
225 ycycline exhibited greater potential towards TTR fibril disaggregation in vitro compared to the paren
226                               Transthyretin (TTR) amyloidoses are familial or sporadic degenerative c
227                               Transthyretin (TTR) amyloidosis is a progressive systemic disorder caus
228                               Transthyretin (TTR) forms misfolded beta-sheet aggregates responsible f
229                               Transthyretin (TTR) is a blood and cerebrospinal fluid transporter of t
230                               Transthyretin (TTR) is a homotetrameric protein.
231                               Transthyretin (TTR) is a plasma homotetrameric protein implicated in fa
232                               Transthyretin (TTR) is an amyloidogenic protein, the amyloidogenic pote
233 of patients were studied: (1) transthyretin (TTR) familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy (FAP; n = 20),
234 ndividuals with amyloidogenic transthyretin (TTR) mutations.
235 pe (ATTRwt) or mutant (ATTRm) transthyretin (TTR) CA.
236                   Circulating transthyretin (TTR) is a critical determinant of plasma retinol-binding
237 es: C-reactive protein (CRP), transthyretin (TTR), and concanavalin A (Con A).
238 amyloid polyneuropathy (FAP), transthyretin (TTR) displays this role primarily affecting the peripher
239 polipoprotein C-III and human transthyretin (TTR) in transgenic mice.
240 srupting chemicals (THDCs) is transthyretin (TTR), a thyroid hormone transporter in vertebrates.
241 jugate duplex targeting mouse transthyretin (TTR) indicated that GNA is well tolerated in the seed re
242          Wild-type and mutant transthyretin (TTR) can misfold and deposit in the heart, peripheral ne
243 on of model proteins, namely, transthyretin (TTR), avidin, concanavalin A (conA), and human serum amy
244    Dissociation of the native transthyretin (TTR) tetramer is widely accepted as the critical step in
245 dation of the nonglycosylated transthyretin (TTR) D18G misfolded client.
246 blished that the formation of transthyretin (TTR) amyloid fibrils is linked to the destabilization an
247 ization and ligand binding of transthyretin (TTR) and the chaperone domain from prosurfactant protein
248 creased neuronal synthesis of transthyretin (TTR) may favorably impact on Alzheimer's disease (AD) be
249       The Ser52Pro variant of transthyretin (TTR) produces aggressive, highly penetrant, autosomal-do
250                The ability of transthyretin (TTR) to bind Abeta-peptides and the positive effect exer
251           This is the case of transthyretin (TTR), a homotetrameric protein whose dissociation into i
252 c thyroxine transport protein transthyretin (TTR) forms amyloid fibrils upon dissociation and monomer
253          The visceral protein transthyretin (TTR) is frequently affected by oxidative post-translatio
254 mic amyloid precursor protein transthyretin (TTR) is known to inhibit amyloid-beta (Abeta) aggregatio
255            The plasma protein transthyretin (TTR) is linked to human amyloidosis.
256 soleucine at codon 122 of the transthyretin (TTR) gene (V122I), present in 3.43% of African American
257  amyloidosis, mutation in the transthyretin (TTR) protein is the most common type.
258 signed to bind selectively to transthyretin (TTR).
259 ls is the hormone transporter transthyretin (TTR).
260                     Wild type transthyretin (TTR) is responsible for senile systemic amyloidosis, and
261 short polypeptide fragment of transthyretin, TTR (105-115), directly correlates to their supramolecul
262 ate stabilizers are promising drugs to treat TTR amyloidoses.
263  so far the only drug on the market to treat TTR amyloidoses.
264 famidis, a small-molecule drug used to treat TTR-related amyloidosis in the clinic.
265 tions are being assessed in clinical trials (TTR gene silencing).
266  inhibits fibril formation by both wild-type TTR and a common disease-related variant, V30M TTR, as e
267 ardiac amyloid fibrils formed from wild-type TTR and other TTR variants.
268 l structures of tolcapone bound to wild-type TTR and to the V122I cardiomyopathy-associated variant s
269 beta toxicity was demonstrated for wild-type TTR but not L82A or L110A, providing a direct link betwe
270 to amyloid oligomers or fibrils of wild-type TTR or to its T4-stabilized form, which resists tetramer
271                                    Wild-type TTR staining was less prominent in TTR-FAP patients.
272 hs of time to variously aggregated wild-type TTR, a condition that characterizes senile systemic amyl
273 e of overt cardiac abnormalities among V122I TTR carriers was low.
274 ficant difference in mortality between V122I TTR allele carriers and noncarriers, a finding that cont
275  the risk of incident heart failure in V122I TTR variant carriers (124 participants [3%]) versus nonc
276 R and a common disease-related variant, V30M TTR, as effectively as does tafamidis, a small-molecule
277 uantity of full-length wild-type and variant TTR, the main component of the ex vivo fibrils was the r
278 ol-binding protein (RBP) by Ser52Pro variant TTR stabilizes the native tetrameric assembly, but neith
279                     The primary endpoint was TTR, defined as time from randomisation to first invasiv
280 AP patients versus healthy controls, whereas TTR-noPN subjects had intermediate reductions.
281 d to examine how the event risk changed with TTR and to compare the high TTR, low TTR, and aspirin-tr
282 e patients who presented to Mayo Clinic with TTR amyloidosis between January 1, 1970, and November 1,
283 l and poorest control quintile compared with TTR and log INR variability, but not for major bleeding.
284 ed by x-ray analysis of their complexes with TTR.
285 ame approaches were used in conjunction with TTR and/or unlabelled concentration only, or when using
286 o develop PTM, and inversely correlates with TTR.
287 ctional group does not react covalently with TTR on the time scale required for cellular imaging, but
288                                Patients with TTR amyloidosis have been noted to have ocular, especial
289        In this large cohort of patients with TTR amyloidosis, female sex and decreased VA were associ
290     Of 108 examined eyes in 54 patients with TTR amyloidosis, there were 26 eyes (24%) in 13 patients
291 tion alterations often seen in patients with TTR amyloidosis.
292                        Fifteen patients with TTR-FAP underwent a complete neurologic examination, inc
293                    In these 15 patients with TTR-FAP, IVCM measurement permitted rapid, noninvasive e
294 he place of IVCM in monitoring patients with TTR-FAP.
295  low TTR, and aspirin-treated patients, with TTR being treated as a time-dependent covariate.
296 osulfate probe 4 does react selectively with TTR without labeling the remainder of the cellular prote
297 d that these THDCs interacted similarly with TTR via the residue Ser117A, but their binding poses wer
298 y 50% in high-fat diet-fed mice treated with TTR-ASOs, demonstrating improved insulin sensitivity.
299                               Treatment with TTR-ASOs, but not control ASOs, decreased insulin levels
300                          Preincubation of WT-TTR with small molecules that occupy the T4 binding site
301 report that both human WT tetrameric TTR (WT-TTR) and its engineered nontetramer-forming monomer (M-T

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