


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1                                              Topo I activity in prostates of Nkx3.1+/- and Nkx3.1-/-
2                                              Topo I and II appear to be essential for viral DNA repli
3                                              Topo I and Topo IIalpha levels decreased at > 24 h.
4                                              Topo I binding also stimulates the production of large m
5                                              Topo I cleavage during necrosis was assessed by immunobl
6                                              Topo I could be coimmunoprecipitated with Zta, but this
7                                              Topo I could play an active role in strand exchange, eit
8                                              Topo I fragments were generated as fusion proteins using
9                                              Topo I hyperphosphorylation also increases its interacti
10                                              Topo I is a class 1B DNA-resolving enzyme that is ubiqui
11                                              Topo I is a ubiquitous enzyme which can be converted to
12                                              Topo I is also stored maternally in early embryos.
13                                              Topo I is required for larval growth and cell proliferat
14                                              Topo I likely functions during activation by enhancing t
15                                              Topo I, in turn, appeared to be involved in recruiting R
16                                              Topo I- and IIalpha-mediated relaxation and cell viabili
17                                              Topo I-containing sera induced significantly higher leve
18                                              Topo I-reactive T cell lines generated from the twins ha
19                                              Topo I-reactive T cell lines were generated from the twi
20                                              Topo I-specific T cell clones derived from SSc subjects
21  The complete gene encoding Topoisomerase 1 (Topo I) from Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTb), Erdman st
22  in p53/p21 and 2-5-fold decreases in bcl-2, Topo I, Topo IIalpha, and cyclins A and B1, with no chan
23                             3d inhibited 47% Topo I (camptothecin, 34%) and 20% Topo II (etoposide 24
24 reatment of prostate cancer cells with 2-5A, Topo I inhibitors, and TRAIL.
25 nsformation by EBV, produced IgM Abs against Topo I.
26 n addition, our results suggest that altered Topo-I function may be associated with repression of HIF
27 cipitated from LNCaP cells, where NKX3.1 and Topo I were found to colocalize in the nucleus and comig
28 e showed that the interaction between E1 and Topo I is decreased in the presence of DNA.
29 EFb, and these factors resolve from Spt6 and Topo I.
30 ns stabilize the interaction between Zta and Topo I.
31  Autoreactive anti-DNA topoisomerase I (anti-Topo I) Abs are commonly detected in sera of systemic sc
32 ific activation of B cells resulting in anti-Topo I Ab production in vitro and therefore are believed
33                The molecular targets of anti-Topo I Ab on Topo I domains remain to be further defined
34  molecular recognition pattern of serum anti-Topo I Ab in 52 SSc patients.
35  molecular recognition pattern of serum anti-Topo I Ab in SSc suggests the presence of a unique antig
36 e N-terminal domain (aa 1-213) by serum anti-Topo I Ab.
37 correlation between the levels of serum anti-Topo I Abs and both disease severity and activity of SSc
38         The highest reactivity of serum anti-Topo I Abs was against the core subdomains I and II (aa
39    The stimulation of E1's origin binding by Topo I is not synergistic with the stimulation by E2.
40           In conclusion, after DNA damage by Topo I poisons, flavopiridol targets homologous recombin
41 lthough the enhanced origin binding of E1 by Topo I requires ATP and Mg2+ for optimal efficiency, ATP
42 omerase I (Topo I) with seven other cellular Topo I enzymes reveal that the enzyme can be divided int
43 rom sequence comparisons with other cellular Topo I enzymes.
44   Unlike the more well-characterized E. coli Topo I, MTb Topo I does not contain a zinc-finger DNA-bi
45 vents that initiates in the nucleus with CPT-Topo I interaction and continues in the cytoplasm result
46 d other observations indicate that active CT Topo I catalyzes the equilibration of a metastable secon
47 ith increasing time of exposure to active CT Topo I.
48           After a third addition of fresh CT Topo I at 240 min, there is no further change in either
49 t up to at least 360 min, when no further CT Topo I is added.
50 he action of calf-thymus topoisomerase I (CT Topo I) on a native supercoiled DNA and, if so, whether
51                             The action of CT Topo I on supercoiled p30delta DNA was examined over a r
52                             The action of CT Topo I was also examined in the presence of 20 and 40 w/
53                             Serially diluted Topo I relaxation reactions at constant DNA/ligand ratio
54 s possessing a deletion of the gene encoding Topo I (topA) are only viable in the presence of an addi
55                                   Endogenous Topo I and NKX3.1 could be coimmunoprecipitated from LNC
56                          In bulk experiments Topo I is more efficient at DNA relaxation, whereas Topo
57               These Abs had low affinity for Topo I and reacted equally to all domains of Topo I.
58 d affinity or no affinity, respectively, for Topo I.
59  are indistinguishable from the native human Topo I purified from HeLa cells.
60 ids of Escherichia coli DNA topoisomerase I (Topo I) and III (Topo III) play in catalysis was examine
61 poisomerase activities, DNA topoisomerase I (Topo I) and III (Topo III).
62                             Topoisomerase I (Topo I) and Topo II inhibitors can selectively inhibit E
63 toantibody responses to DNA topoisomerase I (Topo I) are highly specific to patients with systemic sc
64 (CPT), impaired CPT-induced topoisomerase I (Topo I) degradation and ubiquitination, thereby suggesti
65 ffinity column, we isolated topoisomerase I (Topo I) from a PC-3 prostate cancer cell extract.
66 ase I clinical trial of the topoisomerase I (Topo I) poison CPT-11 followed by the cyclin-dependent k
67 quence comparisons of human topoisomerase I (Topo I) with seven other cellular Topo I enzymes reveal
68 t uses closed circular DNA, topoisomerase I (Topo I), and two-dimensional agarose gel electrophoresis
69 autoantigens, including DNA topoisomerase I (Topo I), have been implicated.
70 (ADP-ribose) polymerase and topoisomerase I (Topo I), were observed in endothelial cells after detach
71 ), and more recently, human topoisomerase I (Topo I).
72 volves titration of E. coli topoisomerase I (Topo I).
73 nt tumor biopsies to assess topoisomerase-I (Topo-I) activity were obtained from 11 patients.
74 silon, PCNA, RFC, RFA, DNA ligase I, NDH II, Topo I and Topo II) and cell cycle proteins (Cyclins A,
75   Escherichia coli topoisomerases I and III (Topo I and Topo III) relax negatively supercoiled DNA an
76  generalized DNA binding domain of Topo III, Topo I, and a hybrid topoisomerase polypeptide containin
77 e combination of these properties results in Topo I having an overall faster total relaxation rate, e
78 on of the Topo I-DNA complex and to increase Topo I cleavage of DNA.
79 s of beta-lap or camptothecin (CPT), a known Topo I poison.
80 he circular dichroism spectra of full-length Topo I and Topo70 demonstrates that residues 1-174 (appr
81 f the hydrodynamic properties of full-length Topo I, Topo70, and Topo58 demonstrates that the core, l
82  more well-characterized E. coli Topo I, MTb Topo I does not contain a zinc-finger DNA-binding motif
83                              Recombinant MTb Topo I is enzymatically active, relaxing negatively supe
84 asts and in CEM/C2 cells expressing a mutant Topo I protein that fails to bind CPT.
85   In the presence of compensatory mutations, Topo I deletion strains grow normally; however, if Topo
86 roliferative responses to full-length native Topo I unless exogenous IL-2 was added.
87 which encodes amino acids 209 through 386 of Topo I, but not to F10, which encodes amino acids 209 th
88 ainst the core subdomain III (aa 433-636) of Topo I.
89 nhibitor against the catalytic activities of Topo I and Topo IIalpha.
90 meodomain protein can modify the activity of Topo I and may have implications for organ-specific DNA
91 Tnp, inhibits the DNA relaxation activity of Topo I in vivo as well as in vitro.
92          The binding of equimolar amounts of Topo I to NKX3.1 caused displacement of NKX3.1 from its
93                       Noncovalent binding of Topo I to plasmid DNA or to short duplex oligonucleotide
94           Small interfering RNA depletion of Topo I also inhibited the Zta-dependent activation of ly
95 e putative generalized DNA binding domain of Topo I.
96 Topo I and reacted equally to all domains of Topo I.
97  T cell responses to the full-length form of Topo I presented by dendritic cells were considerably lo
98 ponses, would present either of two forms of Topo I to T cells more efficiently than PBMC APCS: Using
99 vity cannot be attributed to inactivation of Topo I, the molecular target of camptothecin, because le
100                   In contrast, inhibition of Topo I by topotecan results in a compensatory increase i
101 hat residues 1-174 (approximately 21 kDa) of Topo I are largely if not completely unfolded.
102 lar concentration (50 nM) in the presence of Topo I (37 degrees C), induces DNA cleavage between thre
103 carboxyl-terminal 312 amino acid residues of Topo I onto the truncated molecule stimulates topoisomer
104   The molecular targets of anti-Topo I Ab on Topo I domains remain to be further defined.
105  that one or more immunodominant epitopes on Topo I is located between amino acids 276 and 386.
106 the combination of 2-5A with either TRAIL or Topo I inhibitor, whereas normal prostate epithelial cel
107 f CPT-treated cells and addition of purified Topo I does not restore replication activity.
108 ation and ubiquitination, thereby suggesting Topo I to be a novel Cul4-dependent substrate.
109 entity compared to E. coli and Synechococcus Topo I is 22 and 30%, respectively.
110                We recently demonstrated that Topo I-specific T cells are components of the T cell rep
111                           Here, we show that Topo I specifically stimulates the origin binding of E1
112                     Our results suggest that Topo I participates in the initiation of papillomavirus
113 1 binding to OriLyt in vivo, suggesting that Topo I promotes replication protein assembly at OriLyt.
114                          To characterize the Topo I-specific T cell, 15 T cell clones reactive with T
115 des are generated based upon the form of the Topo I and the APC that processes it.
116 ding to Topo I occurred independently of the Topo I NH2-terminal domain.
117 acts with Topo I to enhance formation of the Topo I-DNA complex and to increase Topo I cleavage of DN
118                            We found that the Topo I inhibitor camptothecin and, to a lesser extent, t
119 F-1 and VEGF inhibition, the activity of the Topo-I inhibitors tested is associated with induction of
120                            NKX3.1 binding to Topo I occurred independently of the Topo I NH2-terminal
121 68) showed enhanced apoptosis in response to Topo I inhibitor alone or in combination with TRAIL.
122 vigorous T cell proliferation in response to Topo I polypeptide fragments presented by either APC typ
123 APC may be involved in breaking tolerance to Topo I in the early stages of development of SSC:
124 es in vitro, including type I topoisomerase (Topo I); however, its exact intracellular target(s) and
125 combination treatments with a topoisomerase (Topo) I inhibitor (camptothecin, topotecan, or SN-38) an
126 cin (CPT), which inhibits DNA topoisomerase (Topo) I activity and causes DNA double-strand breaks dur
127    To elucidate the effect of topoisomerase (Topo) I inhibitors in the modulation of Topo II levels a
128 ed camptothecin analogues and topoisomerase (Topo)-I inhibitors.
129                 They include topoisomerases (Topo) I and II, MSH2/6, RecQL, poly(ADP-ribose) polymera
130 en ligand and its association constant under Topo I relaxation conditions.
131  for strand annealing to a purified vaccinia Topo I-DNA (vTopo-DNA) covalent complex containing a sin
132 ed proteolysis pattern of the vaccinia viral Topo I, indicating that the two enzymes belong to separa
133 educed compared with wild-type mice, whereas Topo I activity in livers, where no NKX3.1 is expressed,
134  long pauses before relaxation runs, whereas Topo I relaxes DNA in slow processive runs but with shor
135 fectiveness of combination chemotherapy with Topo I and Topo II inhibitors.
136                      Tn5 Tnp copurifies with Topo I while nonkilling derivatives of Tnp, Delta37Tnp a
137 but not sufficient, for the interaction with Topo I.
138 uggesting that RNA polymerase interacts with Topo I and not Tnp.
139                        NKX3.1 interacts with Topo I to enhance formation of the Topo I-DNA complex an
140 cific T cell, 15 T cell clones reactive with Topo I were generated from two patients with SSc and thr

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