


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  after 6.25 h of hybridization in 50 mM NaCl Tris buffer.
2 nto random-coil structure upon dilution into Tris buffer.
3  and is inhibited in a competitive manner by Tris buffer.
4 er nucleotides increase the rate >20-fold in Tris buffer.
5 mM), is separated using such a column with a Tris buffer.
6 under oxido-reductive (Fenton) conditions in Tris buffer.
7 PrPC/PrP(90-145) ratio of 1:5 were formed in Tris buffer.
8                           In the presence of TRIS buffer, a single molecule of TRIS occupies the -1 s
9 on of the rac-alcohols using W110A TESADH in Tris buffer/acetone (90:10, v/v).
10 , H2SO4, and HClO4, while HG from CH3COOH or TRIS buffer after prereduction with l-cysteine resulted
11 zine synthase with a Ki of 66+/-13 microM in Tris buffer and 22+/-4 microM in phosphate buffer.
12 um electrodes at neutral pH in phosphate and TRIS buffers and with two different mediator systems.
13 ere extracted from blood and meat samples by tris buffer, and purified and separated on anion exchang
14 bovine serum albumin, washing with EDTA/NaCl/Tris buffer, and spraying with inert gases, were used to
15 cation activity of DJ-1 can be ascribed to a TRIS buffer artifact.
16 ) M p-nitrophenyl phosphate in 1.0 M, pH 9.0 Tris buffer as the substrate for the enzymatic reaction,
17 e under stirring whereas under non-stirring, Tris buffer at pH 10 with 0.03M (NH4)2SO4 and 30microm M
18 xidized to Fe3+ at 37 degrees C in 20 mM Bis-Tris buffer at pH 5.8, was significantly slowed in the p
19 ay conditions, the structure was obtained in Tris buffer at pH 6.8 and without the presence of organi
20  In addition, the same measurements in 0.1 M Tris buffer at pH 7.0 show a much slower exchange rate f
21 uanosine and guanine were carried out in Bis-Tris buffer at pH 7.0.
22 atic digestions of the substrate in 50 mM of Tris buffer at pH 7.4 generates fluorescence emission at
23 lution of the DNA using a low ionic strength Tris buffer at pH 8.
24 threefold longer than those in commonly used Tris buffers; (c) there is little dye transfer between l
25 is mediated by zinc-chelating agents such as Tris buffer, citrate, or glutathione.
26 ain melting transition is different in 50 mM Tris buffer compared to salt solutions.
27                            Msp(Fl) folded in Tris buffer contained slightly less beta-sheet structure
28 ic strengths, it could be easily observed in Tris buffer, containing 150 mM NaCl.
29                           However, Hepes and Tris buffers did not allow formation of NO-Fe(DTCS)2.
30 n APP at the mRNA level affect the amount of Tris buffer extractable APP protein and Abeta40 and 42 p
31                     The concentration of bis-Tris buffer impacts the extent of coupling of oxygen act
32                    Hence, positively charged Tris buffer ions will compete with other monovalent cati
33 roxylations of benzyl alcohol, ethylbenzene, Tris buffer, lauric acid, and methyl laurate and epoxida
34  of inhibition and fluorescence quenching in Tris buffer occurs when an average of two serine binding
35  fractional site occupancy indicates that in Tris buffer, one serine is bound to each interface at ma
36 one-4-phosphate substrate from 5.2 microM in Tris buffer or from 6.7 microM in MOPS buffer to 50 micr
37 d out in buffered medium (methanol: 10mmol/l Tris buffer pH 7.5, 1:1 v/v) and reaction was completed
38 ffers/pH (potassium phosphate buffer pH 6-8, Tris buffer pH 8-10) on the current responses generated
39 l(2) and 2.5 mM Ru(NH(3))(6) Cl(3), in 0.1 M Tris buffer (pH = 9).
40 t lambda ex = 343 nm (lambda em = 393 nm) in Tris buffer, pH 9.0, or sodium phosphate buffer, pH 7.2,
41              In turn, electrons derived from Tris buffer restore the flavin to the unexcited, ground
42 ) were used to characterize PHF suspended in Tris-buffered saline (TBS), sodium acetate buffer, and w
43  correlated with (1) significantly increased Tris-buffered saline (TBS)-insoluble Abeta(42) levels an
44 trypsin ranging from 0.002 to 2 microg/ml in Tris-buffered saline buffer for 2 h.
45 ive E. coli O157:H7 bacteria was achieved in Tris-buffered saline in an assay time of ca. 45 or ca. 3
46 roximately 10 days), second-order process in Tris-buffered saline.
47 ric DNA, both in the presence and absence of Tris buffer/salt, and sensing the same through its fluor
48 s solutions containing NaCl, KCl, CaCl2, and Tris buffer show that the magnitude of the effect is str
49                                    In 0.20 M Tris buffer solution (pH 7.4), an irreversible, overlapp
50 een VAL and Li(+), Na(+), K(+), and Cs(+) in Tris buffer solution were determined to be 67+/-42, 120+
51 A and PNA (peptide nucleic acid) beacons, in Tris-buffer solutions containing various concentrations
52                         We also show that in Tris-buffered solutions the Raman signature of supercoil
53 ill compete with other monovalent cations in Tris-buffered solutions.
54                                        A MES/TRIS buffer system at pH 6.1 eliminates the need for sur
55       In the presence of dATP, glycerol, and Tris buffer, the DNA primase isolated from Thermococcus
56                     Screening of selenium in Tris-buffer-urea soluble fraction was carried out by sod
57 moanaerobacter ethanolicus (W110A TESADH) in Tris buffer using 2-propanol (30%, v/v) as cosolvent and
58                      However, when tested in Tris buffer vs Mycobacterium tuberculosis lumazine synth
59 ox species [Ru(NH3)6](3+/2+) for pumping and Tris buffer, was transported by redox-MHD and detected w
60 teractions are present in low ionic strength Tris buffers when vimentin is maintained at the "protofi
61 t sample preparation be performed in neutral tris buffer with tris(2-carboxyethyl)phosphine as the re

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