コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)
1 found in human females with an XO karyotype (Turner syndrome).
2 neurysm, and rupture in girls and women with Turner syndrome.
3 ormalities that include trisomies 18 and 21, Turner syndrome.
4 (2.6%) of pilomatricomas among patients with Turner syndrome.
5 disposing finding other than the presence of Turner syndrome.
6 resulting in infertility, sex reversal, and Turner syndrome.
7 om spermatogenic failure to sex reversal and Turner syndrome.
8 100-fold in young and middle-aged women with Turner syndrome.
9 s of hormonal treatments given to women with Turner syndrome.
10 c requirements of the X chromosome linked to Turner syndrome.
11 syndromes of gonadal dysgenesis and Ullrich-Turner syndrome.
12 was significantly reduced in the group with Turner syndrome.
13 ir role in the neurological phenotypes of XO Turner syndrome.
14 rful faces in the condition of X-monosomy or Turner syndrome.
15 1, 2010, was performed of all patients with Turner syndrome.
16 ated to cause the short stature phenotype in Turner syndrome.
17 date for involvement in the short stature of Turner syndrome.
18 in sex differentiation, spermatogenesis, and Turner syndrome.
19 a phenotype significantly more abnormal than Turner syndrome.
20 and subsequent gonadal degeneration found in Turner syndrome.
23 DMD may also be observed in females with Turner syndrome (45,X), if the remaining X chromosome ca
25 mapping of fear recognition in 93 women with Turner syndrome across the critical region was performed
27 he clinical characteristics among those with Turner syndrome and dissection have received little atte
28 nderstanding brain structure and function in Turner syndrome and identifies several critical research
29 iopathic short stature in humans, as seen in Turner syndrome and Leri-Weill dyschondrosteosis, while
30 some--a near normal phenotype in mice versus Turner syndrome and multiple abnormalities in humans.
32 pulations, where they cause sex reversal and Turner syndrome and predispose individuals to infertilit
34 rize aortic valve structure in subjects with Turner syndrome and to determine the prevalence of aorti
35 he growth failure seen in the Leri-Weill and Turner syndromes, and in some familial cases of ISS.
38 anomalies and risk for aortic dissection in Turner syndrome are strongly linked to a history of feta
39 rted neonatal lymphedema, similar to that in Turner syndrome, associated with a t(Y;16)(q12;q24.3) tr
40 significantly increased in individuals with Turner syndrome at all ages, highest during young adult
41 target conditions have mainly been studied: Turner syndrome, coeliac disease, cystic fibrosis, growt
42 gnosis of acute brachial neuritis (Parsonage-Turner syndrome) correlated with MR imaging results in a
44 lly evaluated for the presence or absence of Turner syndrome features, and their deletions were mappe
46 of genes implicated in gonadal sex reversal, Turner syndrome, graft rejection and spermatogenic failu
47 rs, and cffDNA from a fetus with monosomy X (Turner syndrome) had decreased hybridization signals on
48 FINDINGS: Recent work on social cognition in Turner syndrome has identified a range of difficulties d
51 ren with intrauterine growth retardation and Turner syndrome; however, serum insulin levels were elev
52 d by cardiovascular MRI in 208 subjects with Turner syndrome in an institutional review board-approve
53 of the characteristics of aortic disease in Turner syndrome in comparison with Marfan-like syndromes
54 omen who were cytogenetically diagnosed with Turner syndrome in Great Britain between 1959 and 2002.
56 of interventions to assist individuals with Turner syndrome in visual-spatial, mathematical, and soc
58 sts recommended GH therapy for children with Turner syndrome, insurer policies covered GH therapy for
65 l subjects should refine the localization of Turner syndrome loci and provide a rational basis for ex
66 -of-origin influences on social cognition in Turner syndrome might be due to the presence of imprinte
69 studies have examined spatial WM function in Turner syndrome, none have directly compared the neural
73 erapy in 78% of children with GH deficiency, Turner syndrome, or renal failure; of those recommended
74 female volunteers and eight individuals with Turner syndrome performed a delayed-response WM task dur
76 and dicentric Xq isochromosomes (i(Xq)) from Turner syndrome probands, using FISH with cosmids and YA
79 increased risk of gonadoblastoma, women with Turner syndrome seem to be at increased risk for meningi
80 valence of pilomatricoma among patients with Turner syndrome served as the catalyst for this multicen
82 Variability in fear recognition accuracy in Turner syndrome suggested the existence of a quantitativ
83 during visuospatial executive processing in Turner syndrome, suggesting a significant role for the X
84 henotype correlations, we mapped one or more Turner syndrome traits to a critical region in Xp11.2-p2
89 lthy controls and 40 prepubescent girls with Turner syndrome (TS), a condition caused by the absence
90 examine this framework in humans, including Turner syndrome (TS), where females are missing one X-ch
97 rstanding of brain structure and function in Turner syndrome will generate new therapeutic approaches
98 ce across both verbal and spatial domains in Turner syndrome, with greater impairment on tasks with W
99 tion However, aortic dissection can occur in Turner syndrome without cardiac malformations or hyperte
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