


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 e P1 COBRA VLP and either the X3 or X6 COBRA VLP vaccine.
2 cts as compared to those that received WS/05 VLP vaccines.
3  have benefits for ZIKV and other flaviviral VLP vaccines.
4 el that previously validated the efficacy of VLP vaccines.
5 mically viable than the virus-like particle (VLP) vaccine.
6 intramuscular norovirus virus-like particle (VLP) vaccine.
7 he immunogenicity of a recombinant HPV-16 L1 VLP vaccine administered intramuscularly, without adjuva
8 aride preserved the HA activity of influenza VLP vaccines after microneedles were coated.
9 (PBMCs) from 43 individuals receiving the L1 VLP vaccine and from 10 individuals receiving placebo.
10              These results indicate that 2/6-VLP vaccines are immunogenic in gnotobiotic pigs when in
11   Whole-inactivated and virus-like particle (VLP) vaccines are 2 of the current approaches being eval
12 mavirus virion protein) virus-like particle (VLP) vaccines are regarded as safe, effective, and well
13 tential applications in the development of a VLP vaccine as well as small-molecule drugs targeting as
14 in the development of a virus-like particle (VLP) vaccine as well as small-molecule drugs targeting a
15 .1 and GII.4c norovirus virus-like particle (VLP) vaccine candidate adjuvanted with alum and monophos
16     We have developed a virus-like particle (VLP) vaccine candidate for protection from RSV.
17 ed 2 bivalent norovirus virus-like particle (VLP) vaccine candidate formulations in healthy adults ag
18 es are needed to evaluate whether and/or how VLP vaccines confer protection against genital HPV infec
19 recent studies have shown the ability of the VLP vaccines containing GP, NP, and VP40 to confer compl
20  replication and immunity, and shows that NV VLP vaccines could induce protective homologous immunity
21 controlled studies of a virus-like particle (VLP) vaccine derived from norovirus GI.1 genotype adjuva
22 .n.) doses of a rotavirus-like particle (2/6-VLPs) vaccine derived from Wa (VP6) and bovine RF (VP2)
23  double-layered rotavirus-like particle (2/6-VLPs) vaccines derived from simian SA11 or human (VP6) W
24 production is applicable to other flavivirus VLP vaccine development, due to the similarity in viral
25 the research and development that led to the VLP vaccines; discusses their safety, efficacy, and shor
26 accinated with a single dose of the COBRA HA VLP vaccines elicited antibodies with HAI activity again
27  against more H1N1 viruses in the panel than VLP vaccines expressing wild-type HA proteins.
28 than COBRA preimmune ferrets vaccinated with VLP vaccines expressing wild-type HA proteins.
29 accinating ferrets with virus-like particle (VLP) vaccines expressing COBRA HA proteins elicited anti
30 easibility of an efficacious multivalent NoV VLP vaccine for future use in human populations.
31 ed work to date regarding development of the VLP vaccines for prevention of lethal filovirus hemorrha
32 e 6, 11, 16, and 18) L1 virus-like particle (VLP) vaccine (Gardasil).
33 e 6, 11, 16, and 18) L1 virus-like particle (VLP) vaccine (Gardasil).
34  volunteers immunized with a multivalent NoV VLP vaccine (genotypes GI.1/GII.4) were analyzed for IgG
35              Additionally, the two high-dose VLP vaccine groups generated NA-inhibiting antibodies th
36 cacy of the licensed L1 virus-like particle (VLP) vaccines has encouraged development of several seco
37                                    Filovirus VLP vaccines have used particles containing 2 or 3 (GP a
38                         Virus-like particle (VLP) vaccines have realized promising results when teste
39 reactive immune responses elicited by a 1918 VLP vaccine in a murine model.
40 to the homologous protective efficacy of the VLP vaccine in humans (47%).
41 rticle vaccine was comparable to that of the VLP vaccine in pigs (60%) and to the homologous protecti
42 articles to permit the direct testing of HPV VLP vaccines in rabbits.
43 ccessfully demonstrated efficacy of bivalent VLP vaccines in rodents; more recent studies have shown
44 s in the development of second-generation L1 VLP vaccines in terms of cost reduction-eg, by productio
45 on with influenza A/PR8 virus-like particle (VLP) vaccine, in vivo and in vitro vaccine antigen-speci
46                          This chimeric L1/L2 VLP vaccine induced persistent immune responses and prot
47                           This candidate HPV VLP vaccine induced robust B and T cell responses, and T
48                                  Multivalent VLP vaccines induced robust receptor-blocking antibody r
49           Importantly, our results show that VLP vaccine-induced CD8 T cell-mediated protection is no
50           Vaccination with a multivalent NoV VLP vaccine induces a broadly blocking Ab response to mu
51        These results indicate that the Abeta-VLP vaccine induces an effective humoral immune response
52                       In addition, the COBRA VLP vaccine is more effective than a homologous vaccine
53 ed with H5N1 A/Indonesia/05/2005 (clade 2.1) VLP vaccine manufactured in Sf9 insect cells.
54 ade-specific responses and suggests an HPV16 VLP vaccine may have broader protection that initially a
55 transplant recipients with a multivalent BKV VLP vaccine might reduce the risk of developing posttran
56 ed vaccines or help to re-formulate existing VLP vaccines not naturally carrying immunostimulatory se
57  randomized to 2 doses of intranasal Norwalk VLP vaccine or controls 21 days apart.
58 ation, whereas chimpanzees that received GII VLPs vaccine or a placebo were not.
59 vercome this, we used a virus-like particle (VLP) vaccine platform (PP7) for conformationally-restric
60                         In summary, this B19 VLP-vaccine platform produced high (> or =2.0 x 10(5)) a
61                 It is generally assumed that VLP vaccines protect by inducing type-specific neutraliz
62              Current L1 virus-like particle (VLP) vaccines provide type-restricted protection against
63 nst virus shedding, while the P particle and VLP vaccines provided cross-variant protection (47% and
64                               This norovirus VLP vaccine provides protection against illness and infe
65                           Bivalent norovirus VLP vaccine reduced norovirus-related vomiting and/or di
66                 Immunization with alphavirus VLP vaccines represents a strategy to contain the spread
67              Mice administered a multivalent VLP vaccine showed high-titer serum antibody responses t
68 anasal immunization with a monovalent GI NoV VLP vaccine showed proof-of-concept efficacy.
69 d provides an update on virus-like particle (VLP) vaccine studies.
70 rces for screening or highly multivalent HPV VLP vaccines, suggesting the need for a low-cost, broadl
71 HAI activity after vaccination with COBRA HA VLP vaccines than COBRA preimmune ferrets vaccinated wit
72 n and use of virus-free virus-like particle (VLP) vaccines that mimic the "empty" capsids (ECs) norma
73  vaccine, is the first second-generation HPV VLP vaccine to be available on the market.
74                                   Results of VLP vaccine trials appear promising.
75      Vaccination with a monovalent HPV-16 L1 VLP vaccine was associated with modulation of genes invo
76                              The chikungunya VLP vaccine was immunogenic, safe, and well tolerated.
77  immunogenicity of a yeast-derived HPV-11 L1 VLP vaccine was tested in women.
78 The intranasal monovalent adjuvanted Norwalk VLP vaccine was well tolerated and highly immunogenic an
79                               Both candidate VLP vaccines were well tolerated and elicited robust imm
80 an papillomavirus (HPV) virus-like particle (VLP) vaccines were recently licensed.
81 nti-hRSV approaches are virus-like particle (VLP) vaccines, which, based on resemblance to virus or v
82 s GI.1/GII.4 bivalent vaccine-like particle (VLP) vaccine with 3-O-desacyl-4'-monophosphoryl lipid A
83 istered multivalent norovirus-like particle (VLP) vaccines with alphavirus adjuvant particles to mice
84 ally delivered norovirus viruslike particle (VLP) vaccine (with chitosan and monophosphoryl lipid A a

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