コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)
1 the carrier ligand and secondarily to form a Watson-Crick base pair.
2 nformation like that observed with a matched Watson-Crick base pair.
3 gnificant destabilization of the 5'-flanking Watson-Crick base pair.
4 and therefore can accommodate only a single Watson-Crick base pair.
5 TP), and that the fit is better for a normal Watson-Crick base pair.
6 ed with the enzymatic formation of a natural Watson-Crick base pair.
7 ide that stacks onto the pseudo-knot-closing Watson-Crick base pair.
8 modates the wobble base pair better than the Watson-Crick base pair.
9 steric clashes that would be produced by the Watson-Crick base pair.
10 scent 'base' is nearly as large as an entire Watson-Crick base pair.
11 ith a closed protein conformation and pseudo-Watson-Crick base pair.
12 rather than the major groove as in a normal Watson-Crick base pair.
13 residues A5 and U14 do not form an expected Watson-Crick base-pair.
14 *G mispair is comparable to that of the four Watson-Crick base pairs.
15 fic lesions to bypass and favor distinct non-Watson-Crick base pairs.
16 elative to the stability of a helix with all Watson-Crick base pairs.
17 by 0.4 kcal/mol than bulge loops adjacent to Watson-Crick base pairs.
18 helices that comprise canonical Watson-Crick/Watson-Crick base pairs.
19 es that contain either isosteric GU pairs or Watson-Crick base pairs.
20 vely) more efficiently than nicks containing Watson-Crick base pairs.
21 te for phosphodiester bond formation between Watson-Crick base pairs.
22 processed up to 400-fold faster than stable Watson-Crick base pairs.
23 A hairpin duplex and a similar DNA with only Watson-Crick base pairs.
24 the sequences with other mismatched or with Watson-Crick base pairs.
25 cal reactivity but are able to form standard Watson-Crick base pairs.
26 and entropy per base values associated with Watson-Crick base pairs.
27 ne adenine pK(a) values for a variety of non-Watson-Crick base pairs.
28 extended by human Pol(iota) compared to the Watson-Crick base pairs.
29 es electron-driven proton transfer (EDPT) in Watson-Crick base pairs.
30 dopt anti glycosidic torsion angles and form Watson-Crick base-pairs.
31 pol ternary complex but deviate from normal Watson-Crick base-pairs.
32 ures that are fully determined by underlying Watson-Crick base pairing.
33 hat can recognize complementary sequences by Watson-Crick base pairing.
34 nucleoside analogue that can participate in Watson-Crick base pairing.
35 e lesions because they cannot participate in Watson-Crick base pairing.
36 dye to a specific region of the RNA through Watson-Crick base pairing.
37 to pair with an extended triangle strand by Watson-Crick base pairing.
38 es as a left-handed Z-form double helix with Watson-Crick base pairing.
39 ween hydration of individual nucleotides and Watson-Crick base pairing.
40 ike intermediate and Poleta using the normal Watson-Crick base pairing.
41 predicted to form a stem-loop with standard Watson-Crick base pairing.
42 s that specifically disrupt the Hoogsteen or Watson-Crick base pairing.
43 nicking site]) lacks extensive potential for Watson-Crick base pairing.
44 The strands are held together exclusively by Watson-Crick base pairing.
45 ructure of d(GCGAAAGCT), which does not have Watson-Crick base pairing.
46 5' end of the PPT deviates from traditional Watson-Crick base pairing.
47 taining RNA/DNA hybrid deviate from standard Watson-Crick base pairing.
48 , where optical detection can be achieved by Watson-Crick base pairing.
49 ssemble two individual DNA molecules through Watson-Crick base pairing.
50 that could not be accounted for by classical Watson-Crick base pairing.
51 helix unwinding, and a diminished quality of Watson-Crick base pairing.
52 n complexes to their target nucleic acids by Watson-Crick base pairing.
53 occurrence of both stacking interactions and Watson-Crick base pairing.
54 , which eliminates the need for conventional Watson-Crick base pairing.
55 sDNA, likely due to the competition from the Watson-Crick base pairing.
56 hance RNA stability and increase affinity in Watson-Crick base pairing.
57 dly copy a DNA template according to precise Watson-Crick base pairing.
58 ghly sequence-specific manner through direct Watson-Crick base pairing.
59 Recognition occurs through direct Watson-Crick base-pairing.
60 cognize double-stranded B-DNA through direct Watson-Crick base-pairing.
61 tability supplied to the RNA complex through Watson-Crick base-pairing.
62 old nanoparticle-QD assemblies programmed by Watson-Crick base-pairing.
63 y beyond that which can be achieved based on Watson-Crick base-pairing.
64 :1 motif can be used to distinguish the four Watson.Crick base pairs, a comparable recognition code f
65 ismatch arrangements, but also in a standard Watson-Crick base pair, adopted the same C3'-endo ribose
67 within the C2'-endo/C1'-exo range and proper Watson-Crick base pair alignments outside the lesion sit
69 at the nanoscale through the specificity of Watson-Crick base pairing, allowing both complex self-as
70 ased on isostericity of Watson-Crick and non-Watson-Crick base pairs, along with the collapsing (hori
72 ored to the 5'-end of the sequence by an A.T Watson-Crick base pair and a potential G.A noncanonical
74 deoxynucleoside analogs (xDNA) that maintain Watson-Crick base pairing and base stacking ability; how
75 stent with an overall A-like motif featuring Watson-Crick base pairing and base stacking across the e
77 ith high affinity to single-stranded DNA via Watson-Crick base pairing and can form triple helices vi
79 ugar-phosphate backbones that are capable of Watson-Crick base pairing and in some cases cross-pairin
80 porate dATP opposite the 5' T of the CPD via Watson-Crick base pairing and not by Hoogsteen base pair
81 th Ts of the dimer appears to be mediated by Watson-Crick base pairing and not by Hoogsteen base pair
82 -related strand and each duplex contains six Watson-Crick base pairs and 3'-end adenosine overhangs.
84 discriminate among the four combinations of Watson-Crick base pairs and their orientations at the en
85 astable kissing dimer is formed via standard Watson-Crick base pairs and then converted into a more s
87 th various combinations of S(2) for atoms in Watson-Crick base-pairs and for two inter-base-pair para
88 ons with a thymine-thymine (T-T) mismatch in Watson-Crick base-pairs and the ligative disassembly of
89 steen trans base pair stacked over a classic Watson-Crick base pair, and a bulge of one or more nucle
90 s may be a common feature of adenines in non-Watson-Crick base pairs, and identify two adenines which
91 with a U1406-U1495 base-pair, a C1407-G1494 Watson-Crick base-pair, and a G1408-A1493 base-pair inst
93 d for a B-type DNA conformation with typical Watson-Crick base pairing are observed along the duplex,
94 hes with other bases (such as GA and AC) and Watson-Crick base pairs are not cleaved by the enzyme.
96 ture, the exchange rates of imino protons in Watson-Crick base pairs are up to 5000-fold lower than t
98 esion on the major groove side would utilize Watson-Crick base pairing as indicated by our MD simulat
99 (P1ex), consisting of as little as a single Watson-Crick base pair, as well as the mere presence of
100 ons with p53, the current structures display Watson-Crick base pairs associated with direct or water-
102 solfataricus DNA polymerase 4, which forms a Watson-Crick base pair at the 3' thymine of a dimer but
103 t metal ions, a free 5'-flap (if present), a Watson-Crick base pair at the terminus of the reacting d
104 -side of the cross-link there was a break in Watson-Crick base pairing at base pair X(6).T(17), where
105 ntify and classify modifications that affect Watson-Crick base pairing at three different levels of t
106 oducts at cryptic sites, suggesting that non-Watson-Crick base pairs at the 5' splice site are acting
108 sient sequence-specific excursions away from Watson-Crick base-pairing at CA and TA steps inside cano
109 In vitro assays revealed an active role for Watson-Crick base-pairing at positions 9 and 10 in promo
111 Our results indicate an important role for a Watson--Crick base pair between G+1 and C25; this may be
112 orporation was eliminated by disruption of a Watson-Crick base pair between nucleotides 30 and 40 in
113 features: (i) the loop region is closed by a Watson-Crick base pair between Psi1911 and A1919, which
114 e fold, thus providing a platform to promote Watson-Crick base pairing between C9 of the decaloop and
117 he binding pocket is stabilized first by the Watson-Crick base pairing between the ligand and Y74, an
118 ciferase gene in cell-free translation using Watson-Crick base pairing between the mRNA and a complem
119 all cases with high 3'-5' regioselectivity, Watson-Crick base pairing between the RNA monomers and t
121 nucleobase pairs follow standard rules for Watson-Crick base pairing but have rearranged hydrogen b
122 tributes to the selection of correct dNTP by Watson-Crick base pairing, but it cannot explain how low
123 cialized alignment software can also include Watson-Crick base pairs, but none adequately addresses t
125 citation of individual guanine-cytosine (GC) Watson-Crick base pairs by ultrafast time-resolved UV/vi
127 the ISL resulting in the formation of a new Watson-Crick base pair (C67 x G80), and disrupts a proto
128 where GCC is replaced by CGG, only a single Watson-Crick base pair can form upon re-pairing when dec
129 This report constitutes evidence that single Watson-Crick base pairs can be identified within individ
130 thermostable (T(m)>90 degrees C), forming 11 Watson-Crick base-pairs capped by a stable ACAA tetraloo
132 the new method reproduces better than 90% of Watson-Crick base pairs, comparable with the accuracy of
133 a few of these lonepairs adopt the standard Watson-Crick base-pair conformations, while the majority
135 of protein-DNA interactions that select for Watson-Crick base pairs correlate with the lowered fidel
136 and free energy calculations suggesting that Watson-Crick base pairing could be employed in poliota f
139 n the sequence identity of the matched (i.e. Watson-Crick base pair) DNA terminus (template/primer, G
141 two RNA termini are spatially constrained by Watson-Crick base pairing during the ligation reaction.
142 ndem G.U motifs depends both on the adjacent Watson-Crick base pairs, e.g., 5'G > 5'C, and the sequen
143 ation accuracy, the favored formation of non-Watson-Crick base pairs, efficient mismatch extension, a
144 ut to determine the relationship between non-Watson Crick base-paired elements in the RNA and aminogl
146 se to and approximately perpendicular to the Watson-Crick base-pairing faces of two highly conserved
148 that form a water-inserted cis Watson-Crick/Watson-Crick base pair flanked by short helices that com
150 irs significantly diminish the importance of Watson-Crick base pairing for the formation of a stable
151 This was evidenced by the disruption of the Watson-Crick base pairing for X(6) x T(17) and A(7) x T(
153 ization, positioning its 5'-nucleotide via a Watson-Crick base pair, forming a 3',5'-phosphodiester b
154 a large fraction of the bases engage in non-Watson-Crick base pairing, forming motifs that mediate l
155 t, consistent with stabilization by tertiary Watson-Crick base pairing found in the folded Diels-Alde
156 s underscore the importance of H-bonding and Watson-Crick base pair geometry in the selection of nucl
158 etween the codon and anticodon, thus sensing Watson-Crick base-pairing geometry and discriminating ag
159 t G*U and U*G wobble pairs separated by four Watson-Crick base pairs has been determined to 2.5 A res
160 nical DNA double helix structure that retain Watson-Crick base-pairing have important roles in DNA re
161 secondary structures displaying noncanonical Watson-Crick base pairing, have recently emerged as key
162 reductions in NMR signal intensities of the Watson-Crick base-paired imino protons and a reduction b
164 valently bonded base pair that can replace a Watson-Crick base pair in a nucleic acid with minimal di
166 e estimate for the free energy change when a Watson-Crick base pair in stem 2 is changed, (2) the loo
167 experiments provided conclusive evidence of Watson-Crick base pairing in alpha PNA-ssDNA hybrids.
169 loss of local base stacking interactions and Watson-Crick base pairing in the immediate vicinity of t
170 f messenger RNAs (mRNAs) and can involve non-Watson-Crick base pairing in the miRNA seed region.
176 The results indicate that the stability of Watson-Crick base pairs in the G*TA and T*CG triads is c
178 ide insights into the roles of the other non-Watson-Crick base-pairs in the early stages of unfolding
179 ably well adapted to accommodate the 5'T via Watson-Crick base pairing, in accord with a proposed rol
180 G.U pair showed that replacing G.U by a G.C Watson-Crick base-pair inactivates alanine acceptance by
181 ructure was observed by NMR methods with all Watson-Crick base pairs intact, and the duplex exhibited
182 reveals that G1207 has to disengage from its Watson-Crick base pairing interaction with C1051 in the
183 show that HCV IRES activity requires a 3-nt Watson-Crick base-pairing interaction between the apical
184 ains a pyrimidine residue (Y74) that forms a Watson-Crick base-pairing interaction with the bound pur
185 tural model of loop 6 that specifies all non-Watson-Crick base pair interactions, derived by isosteri
186 ining only DNA components, establishing that Watson-Crick base-pairing interactions alone suffice for
187 used two different means to assemble DNA-NPs-Watson-Crick base-pairing interactions and depletion int
188 mble I) held together via guanosine-cytidine Watson-Crick base-pairing interactions is reported.
190 the D-loop was found to be important since a Watson-Crick base pair introduced at the base of the D-l
192 er, these observations suggest that a single Watson-Crick base pair is an inadequate model of the pho
195 ) the classical intercalation motif in which Watson-Crick base pairing is intact at the lesion site a
197 ficiency of charge migration through stacked Watson-Crick base pairs is analyzed for coherent hole mo
198 ility to the anchor region through increased Watson-Crick base-pairing is sufficient to impart trans
199 ical studies indicate that the capability of Watson-Crick base-pairing is widespread among potentiall
200 NA junction has B-DNA arms with all standard Watson-Crick base pairs; it therefore represents the int
201 annealed to the plasmid through non-covalent Watson-Crick base-pairing; its removal, therefore, requi
202 and forming a heteroduplex stabilized by 11 Watson-Crick base pairs (K(d) = 0.47 +/- 0.16 microM).
204 mited by the need to forward-design specific Watson-Crick base pairing manually for any given target
205 estern yellows virus reveals, in addition to Watson-Crick base-pairing, many loop-stem RNA tertiary s
206 This position is not involved in the normal Watson-Crick base pairing needed for specific hybridizat
208 e find that whereas hydrogen bonds between a Watson-Crick base pair of template DNA and incoming NTP
209 of nanoparticle arrays and lattices exploit Watson-Crick base pairing of single-stranded DNA sequenc
210 ,N(6)-gamma-HMHP-dA is expected to block the Watson-Crick base pairing of the adducted adenine with t
214 hat gene expression can be controlled by the Watson-Crick base-pairing of small RNAs with messenger R
215 ormational features characteristic of both a Watson-Crick base pair (on the guanine containing strand
218 one dNTP in excess drives formation of a non-Watson-Crick base pair or if it forces replicative DNA c
219 equally well control substrates with either Watson-Crick base pairs or mismatched substrates with no
220 es mismatch repair with recognition of a non-Watson-Crick base-pair or base insertion/deletion site i
222 but also causes the enzyme to favor faithful Watson-Crick base pairing over mutagenic configurations.
223 s for insertion of nucleotides that can form Watson-Crick base pairs parallel those for the Klenow fr
224 rising nucleotides that interact through non-Watson-Crick base pairing play critical roles in RNA fun
226 of the base pair; intercalators that bind to Watson-Crick base pairs promote the polymerization of ol
228 ecificity is determined by the nature of the Watson-Crick base-pairing region of the NTP base and the
231 -rich PNAs can hybridize by the formation of Watson-Crick base pairs, resulting in hybrid PNA-RNA dup
234 any biological source synthesize DNA by the Watson-Crick base-pairing rule, incorporating A, G, C, a
235 erases must select nucleotides that preserve Watson-Crick base pairing rules and choose substrates wi
236 Structural DNA nanotechnology relies on Watson-Crick base pairing rules to assemble DNA motifs i
237 ming duplex structures with DNA according to Watson-Crick base pairing rules, but contains a N-(2-ami
238 f the knowledge of helical DNA structure and Watson-Crick base pairing rules, scientists have constru
239 Meanwhile, nucleic acid probes based on Watson-Crick base-pairing rules are also being widely ap
242 regions and employ both Watson-Crick and non-Watson-Crick base-pairing, screening of candidate binder
243 hod recapitulates more than one-third of non-Watson-Crick base pairs seen in the native structures.
244 RNA molecule and the disruption it causes to Watson-Crick base pairing should be considered when asse
248 plays an underappreciated role in modulating Watson-Crick base pairing strength and potentially pi-pi
249 ase III[DeltadsRBD] is sensitive to specific Watson-Crick base-pair substitutions which also inhibit
253 nt end duplex with two a+.c mispairs and six Watson-Crick base-pairs, the strands in the duplex slide
254 fers C/G base pairs (>10 times) to the other Watson-Crick base pairs; therefore, f/Im behaves like th
256 cleotide analogues that mimic the shape of a Watson-Crick base pair to investigate the kinetic conseq
258 in how low-fidelity DNA polymerases overcome Watson-Crick base pairing to catalyze non-Watson-Crick d
260 e use of isostericity matrix analysis of non-Watson-Crick base pairing to rationalize mutagenesis of
261 copies of any nucleic acid without impairing Watson-Crick base pairing to short probes would eliminat
262 e unique geometry of canonical G.C and A.T/U Watson-Crick base pairs to discriminate against DNA and
263 on at the nanoscale can be achieved by using Watson-Crick base-pairing to direct the assembly and ope
264 ' (A.T and G.C) and 'inverted' (T.A and C.G) Watson-Crick base pairs, using UV melting profiles to as
268 icities of Im, Py, Hp, and beta for the four Watson.Crick base pairs were determined for two polyamid
269 es formation of one Watson-Crick and two non-Watson-Crick base pairs, which facilitate generation of
270 o form a bisPNA in which one strand binds by Watson-Crick base pairing while the other binds by Hoogs
271 idues G1-G2-C3-G4 and C6-U7 forming standard Watson Crick base-pairs with self-complementary residues
273 vivo due to its anti-conformation forming a Watson-Crick base pair with correct deoxycytidine 5'-tri
274 y assumed that 7-deazaguanine forms a normal Watson-Crick base pair with cytosine, detailed thermodyn
275 ne such modification is the formation of the Watson-Crick base pair with cytosine, which is reported
276 nalysis reveals that Fm7dG forms a canonical Watson-Crick base pair with dCTP, but metal ion coordina
278 ed only upon addition of dCTP, which forms a Watson-Crick base pair with template dG and not during m
279 that, whereas the 3' T of the dimer forms a Watson-Crick base pair with the incoming dideoxy ATP, th
284 tes within the active site in the absence of Watson-Crick base pairing with template and mapped movem
285 t the 3' ss is mainly recognized through non-Watson-Crick base pairing with the 5' ss and branch poin
286 ture, BrG adopts anti conformation and forms Watson-Crick base pairing with the incoming dCTP analog.
287 tion, both guanines of the Pt-GG lesion form Watson-Crick base pairing with the primer terminus dC an
289 due to the ability of 8-oxoG to form stable Watson-Crick base pairs with deoxycytidine (8-oxoG:dC) a
291 hirality are incapable of forming contiguous Watson-Crick base pairs with each other-has enforced a "
293 he extended single-stranded oligomers formed Watson-Crick base pairs with the dangling end of the dup
294 eferentially inserts ribonucleotides forming Watson-Crick base pairs with the DNA template >200-fold
295 omal P site, bases C74 and C75 of tRNA, form Watson-Crick base-pairs with G2252 and G2251, respective
296 T. thermophilus Kt-23 has two further non-Watson-Crick base pairs within the non-canonical helix,
297 ole (Hz/Bi) pairs for each of the respective Watson-Crick base pairs within the sequence context 5'-T
298 sion of the two phosphate backbones, forcing Watson-Crick base-pairs within the duplex to flip outwar
299 AlkD distort the DNA backbone to detect non-Watson-Crick base pairs without duplex intercalation.
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