


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 eferens, and seminal vesicle from a straight Wolffian duct.
2  and FGFs reminiscent of UB budding from the wolffian duct.
3 ced ectopic ureteric bud formation along the Wolffian duct.
4 ubules, ureteric bud, developing ureter, and Wolffian duct.
5 c reproductive tracts from the Mullerian and Wolffian ducts.
6 ates, the Mullerian duct elongates along the Wolffian duct, a mesonephric structure that is required
7 ude any significant influx of cells from the Wolffian duct and also the view of a tube forming by coe
8 ckout of Lhx1 results in degeneration of the Wolffian duct and consequently the non-cell-autonomous l
9 hese mutants retained the cranial end of the Wolffian duct and formed the epididymis and vas deferens
10 pment, Klf6 was expressed selectively in the Wolffian duct and in its derivatives.
11 early events-ureteric bud outgrowth from the Wolffian duct and initial induction of Pax-2 expression
12  the ureteric bud, a caudal outgrowth of the Wolffian duct and progenitor for the collecting duct net
13 acellular matrix protein associated with the Wolffian duct and the ureteric bud, epithelial structure
14  of the cranial mesonephric tubules from the Wolffian duct and to the development of major portions o
15 ric mesenchyme and acts via receptors on the Wolffian duct and ureteric bud epithelium.
16 le signals, which are together important for Wolffian duct and ureteric bud morphogenesis.
17 tor tyrosine kinase that is expressed in the Wolffian duct and ureteric bud of the developing excreto
18 ls show a limited distribution in the caudal Wolffian duct and ureteric bud, similar to Ret(-/-) cell
19 stantial degree by GDNF supplied only by the Wolffian duct and ureteric bud.
20                 Misexpression of GDNF in the Wolffian duct and ureteric buds resulted in formation of
21 for beta-catenin in maintaining cells of the Wolffian ducts and the duct derived ureteric bud/collect
22  present in mesenchyme surrounding the lower Wolffian ducts and, at later stages, FGF10 transcripts b
23 nephrons, ureteric bud, mesonephric tubules, Wolffian duct, and Mullerian duct.
24 ed epithelial outgrowth from the base of the Wolffian ducts, and that the distal ureter abnormalities
25 rowing tip is intimately associated with the Wolffian duct as it elongates to the urogenital sinus.
26 ureteric buds that fail to separate from the wolffian duct as well as decreased branching morphogenes
27 ial evagination of the ureteric bud from the Wolffian duct, as well as its subsequent growth and bran
28 ecifically in the mesenchyme of the anterior Wolffian duct at embryonic day 12.5 before the productio
29 ian kidney development is initiated when the Wolffian duct branches and invades the overlying metanep
30 nephros development, it was expressed in the Wolffian duct but not in the mesonephric mesenchyme.
31 itial outgrowth of the ureteric bud from the Wolffian duct by controlling the expression of Gdnf in t
32 evated or reduced RET activity, we find that Wolffian duct cells compete, based on RET signaling leve
33 nized-the Mullerian duct is absent while the Wolffian duct continues to develop.
34 erm, revealed that the cranial region of the Wolffian duct degenerated prematurely and the cranial me
35 henotypes, profound disorders of the bigenic Wolffian duct derivatives were observed.
36               Branching morphogenesis of the Wolffian duct derived ureteric bud is integral in the ge
37 enetic fate mapping, we demonstrate that the Wolffian duct does not contribute cells to the Mullerian
38 ry1 is to modulate GDNF/RET signaling in the Wolffian duct, ensuring that kidney induction is restric
39 movements and Ret-independent changes in the Wolffian duct epithelium contribute to ureteric bud form
40 iated removal of beta-catenin from the mouse Wolffian duct epithelium leads to the premature expressi
41 ellular signal-regulated kinase signaling in Wolffian duct epithelium was responsible for the retenti
42 bryonic day 15.5, mutant Mullerian ducts and Wolffian ducts have elongated but their duct tips are en
43 /3 arising too high and 1/3 too low from the Wolffian duct; however, apoptosis was unaltered in E12.5
44          We thus suggest that elimination of Wolffian ducts in female embryos is actively promoted by
45 efault because the male reproductive tracts (Wolffian ducts) in the female degenerate owing to a lack
46 es, testosterone promotes differentiation of Wolffian ducts into the epididymis, vas deferens and sem
47  studies have shown that the presence of the Wolffian duct is required for the development and mainte
48 ms due to inductive interactions between the Wolffian duct, its derivative the ureteric bud, and thei
49 nchyme-epithelium cross-talk responsible for Wolffian duct maintenance.
50 eam promoter transcription factor II) in the Wolffian duct mesenchyme became intersex-possessing both
51 ss Ksp-cadherin, including the ureteric bud, Wolffian duct, Mullerian duct, and developing tubules in
52  as Inhba was also expressed in the anterior Wolffian duct of female embryos where no testosterone wa
53  cranially displaced ureteric buds along the Wolffian duct or duplex ureters.
54 ependently of the bladder, from the ureters, Wolffian ducts or a combination of both; however, these
55 tor to luminal acidification in epithelia of Wolffian duct origin.
56  Dmrt1 is expressed in the genital ridge and Wolffian duct prior to sexual differentiation and is exp
57 ct, uterus, cervix and upper vagina, whereas Wolffian ducts regress.
58 racts are developed from Mullerian ducts and Wolffian ducts, respectively, involving initiation, elon
59                                              Wolffian duct-specific knockout of Lhx1 results in degen
60 ated whether Fgfr2 acts specifically in peri-Wolffian duct stroma (ST) to regulate UB induction and d
61 rosine kinase promotes cell movements in the Wolffian duct that give rise to the first ureteric bud t
62 audal manner, guided by and dependent on the Wolffian ducts that have already formed.
63 ls coiling of the epithelium in the anterior Wolffian duct, the future epididymis.
64 d as the key factor for morphogenesis of the Wolffian duct, the precursor of several male reproductiv
65 ects are due to increased sensitivity of the Wolffian duct to GDNF/RET signaling, and reducing Gdnf g
66 c mesenchyme, activates Ret signaling in the Wolffian duct to initiate the formation of the metanephr
67 ove from their primary insertion site in the Wolffian ducts to the trigone, a muscular structure comp
68 quentially induces an epithelial tubule (the Wolffian duct) to undergo in vitro budding, followed by
69                 At the same time, the caudal Wolffian duct transiently converts from a simple to a ps
70 m from their initial integration site in the Wolffian ducts up to the base of the bladder in a proces
71 erone is required for the maintenance of the Wolffian duct via its action on the mesenchyme.
72                                 Retention of Wolffian ducts was not caused by ectopic androgen produc
73 pressed in mesenchymal cells surrounding the Wolffian duct (WD) and ureter stalk, whereas bone morpho
74    We observed ectopic UB outgrowth from the Wolffian duct (WD) in one third of p53(-/-) embryos.
75  common nephric ducts (CND), the caudal-most Wolffian duct (WD) segment, depends on Y1015 signals.
76         Ureteric bud (UB) emergence from the Wolffian duct (WD), the initiating step in metanephric k
77  begins with ureteric bud outgrowth from the Wolffian duct (WD).
78 -dependent cell rearrangements in the caudal Wolffian duct, which generate a specialized epithelial d

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