


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 e of Xist, the noncoding RNA responsible for X inactivation.
2 odification associated with genes subject to X inactivation.
3 inery is not essential for the initiation of X inactivation.
4 a unique role in chromatin regulation beyond X inactivation.
5 ISH indicate that transgenic Jarid1c escapes X inactivation.
6 novel (epigenetic) situation with respect to X inactivation.
7 nting, paramutation, polycomb silencing, and X inactivation.
8 elia of hemizygous transgenic females due to X inactivation.
9 l repression, heterochromatin formation, and X inactivation.
10 cell selection pressures on the mechanism of X inactivation.
11 m repression during development but not from X inactivation.
12 but was absent from four regions that escape X inactivation.
13 omain are very similar to those of imprinted X inactivation.
14 enes have previously been reported to escape X inactivation.
15 replicate asynchronously before the start of X inactivation.
16 t gene deletions result in completely skewed X inactivation.
17 on timing does not play a role in skewing of X inactivation.
18 nd links H2A ubiquitination to initiation of X inactivation.
19 e inner cell mass (ICM), undergo only random X inactivation.
20  the initiation of both imprinted and random X inactivation.
21 e a hypothesis for the evolution of germline X inactivation.
22 d how Xist is regulated at the initiation of X inactivation.
23 cifically in the choice or the initiation of X inactivation.
24 o lost in Ezh2 mutants, suggesting a role in X inactivation.
25 e transcription prior to the onset of random X inactivation.
26 s a role for H3-K27 methylation in imprinted X inactivation.
27 n for mutations in novel factors involved in X inactivation.
28 xt of hypotheses which address the spread of X inactivation.
29 ist gene, has been shown to be essential for X inactivation.
30 e somatic tissue Enox partially escapes from X inactivation.
31 chromosome in female cells, a process termed X inactivation.
32 ponsible for antisense activity in imprinted X inactivation.
33 tive X chromosome and is required in cis for X inactivation.
34 he active alleles and with genes that escape X inactivation.
35 A expression in cis during the initiation of X inactivation.
36 inactivation compared with those that escape X inactivation.
37 e to asymmetric expression in the Xic during X inactivation.
38 ethylation occurs rapidly after the onset of X inactivation.
39 ist in cells subject to imprinted and random X inactivation.
40  in early human development: X dampening and X inactivation.
41  epigenetic syndromes such as BWS and skewed X-inactivation.
42 cations for proposed mechanisms of imprinted X-inactivation.
43 sion to fitness in females subject to random X-inactivation.
44 e X-Y pairing pseudoautosomal regions escape X-inactivation.
45 ave a proven role in dosage compensation via X-inactivation.
46 nvolved in the initiation and maintenance of X-inactivation.
47 s, whereas overdosage of Tsix/Xite inhibited X-inactivation.
48 onsistent with the Lyon hypothesis of random X-inactivation.
49 chromosome in female embryos at the onset of X-inactivation.
50 mutant X-chromosomes fail to undergo ectopic X-inactivation.
51 oinsufficiency of genes that normally escape X-inactivation.
52 Using the %DHR(+) value as the criterion for X inactivation, 78% of patients had levels of inactivati
53 ingle X-linked gene that produces, by random X inactivation, a patchy mosaic of spectrally distinct c
54 c ectoderm development protein) in imprinted X inactivation, a similar role in random X inactivation
55                                       Before X inactivation, all of these Xa gene body-methylated sit
56 nces are believed to facilitate spreading of X inactivation along the chromosome, we compared the rep
57 mutations which did not affect randomness of X inactivation also did not exhibit ectopic sense transc
58 espite remarkable variation in the spread of X inactivation among the five cases there was good corre
59 re silenced by X inactivation, some "escape" X inactivation and are expressed from both active and in
60 ring initiation of both imprinted and random X inactivation and demonstrate that H3-K27 methylation i
61 gions, suggesting a role in maintaining both X inactivation and escape domains.
62                                    To survey X inactivation and escape in mouse, we performed RNA seq
63  The variant histone macroH2A helps maintain X inactivation and gene silencing.
64                                       Random X inactivation and genomic imprinting are epigenetic all
65        The mammalian epigenetic phenomena of X inactivation and genomic imprinting are incompletely u
66 epigenetic repressor with described roles in X inactivation and genomic imprinting, but Smchd1 is als
67 iated maintenance of two epigenetic systems--X inactivation and genomic imprinting--using the genes A
68   Pairing occurs transiently at the onset of X inactivation and is specific to the X-inactivation cen
69                 Together, the results of the X inactivation and mRNA studies illustrate how this X-li
70 lays a key role in diverse processes such as X inactivation and oncogenesis.
71 use to identify specific factors involved in X inactivation and report two genetically distinct autos
72               Our results implicate mPRC1 in X inactivation and suggest that the regulated assembly o
73                   However, some genes escape X-inactivation and are expressed from both the active an
74 n CTCF sites draws further parallels between X-inactivation and autosomal imprinting.
75      RTT patients' iPSCs are able to undergo X-inactivation and generate functional neurons.
76 silence gene expression in processes such as X-inactivation and imprinting.
77 hich X-linked genes typically undergo random X-inactivation and lack Y-linked homologues.
78  manifest phenotypes despite 100% skewing of X-inactivation and normal MECP2 RNA levels in peripheral
79                            We have performed X-inactivation and sequence analyses on 350 kb of sequen
80                                      Meiotic X-inactivation and sexual antagonism can only partly acc
81  complex and its role in Hox gene silencing, X inactivation, and cancer metastasis.
82 xpression pattern was consistent with random X inactivation, and imprinted X inactivation can clearly
83 to autosomes and avoided the spermatogenesis X inactivation, and suggest the important role of genome
84 ly to contain a cluster of genes that escape X inactivation, and we compared this region with the reg
85          Xist is required and sufficient for X inactivation, and Xist gene deletions result in comple
86 t regulate and interact with Xist to control X-inactivation, and closer to an understanding of the mo
87  maintenance of pericentric heterochromatin, X-inactivation, and germ cell differentiation.
88 ic expression, including genomic imprinting, X-inactivation, and random monoallelic expression of aut
89 ion during the initiation and maintenance of X-inactivation, and that YY1 binds directly the Xist 5'
90 ed by the repression of Xist, the trigger of X-inactivation, and the upregulation of its antisense co
91 est that symptom severity may be dictated by X-inactivation, and thus a higher percentage of cells pr
92                                              X-inactivation appears to be triggered upon differentiat
93 s of these factors are specific to embryonic X inactivation as neither genomic imprinting of multiple
94 he autosomes, leading eventually to germline X inactivation as the X chromosome becomes 'demasculiniz
95    Mouse PRC2 (mPRC2) has been implicated in X inactivation, as mPRC2 proteins transiently accumulate
96 ndom class include X-linked genes subject to X inactivation, as well as a number of autosomal genes,
97 MR) disorders, we used the androgen receptor X-inactivation assay to determine X-inactivation pattern
98 dosage compensation requires two mechanisms: X inactivation balances X gene output between males (XY)
99 obably related to differential (escape from) X-inactivation between tissues.
100  expression showed no evidence of defects in X inactivation but did identify genes that have increase
101                          This second form of X-inactivation, called meiotic sex chromosome inactivati
102 echanism is that heterochromatization during X inactivation can be blocked by boundary elements.
103 nt with random X inactivation, and imprinted X inactivation can clearly be excluded.
104 cetylation and histone methylation show that X inactivation can spread in the absence of cytogenetic
105          In females, erasure follows loss of X inactivation, causing X dosage excess.
106 icate that the human blastocyst contains pre-X-inactivation cells and that this state is preserved in
107 of inactivation requires elements within the X inactivation center (Xic) on the X chromosome that inf
108 enes did not correlate with proximity to the X inactivation center or the Xist gene locus.
109                                   Within the X inactivation center region of the X chromosome, previo
110        Tsix and Xite RNAs target CTCF to the X inactivation center, thereby inducing homologous X chr
111 specific regions of the Xi, including at the X inactivation center.
112 ucture across the 100-kb region of the mouse X-inactivation center (Xic) and map domains of specializ
113                     Once protein-coding, the X-inactivation center (Xic) is now dominated by large no
114 ed comparative analysis across the candidate X-Inactivation Center (XIC) region and the XIST locus in
115 ugh inactivation is known to commence at the X-inactivation center (Xic), how it propagates remains u
116 nd quantitative RNA FISH for TADs within the X-inactivation center (Xic), we dissect the relationship
117 origins of DNA replication (ORIs) within the X-inactivation center (Xic).
118 trolled by a specialized region known as the X-inactivation center (Xic).
119 nderstanding of the epigenetic switch at the X-inactivation center and the molecular aspects of chrom
120 female ESCs shows that genes proximal to the X-inactivation center are silenced earlier than distal g
121                   Autosomes carrying ectopic X-inactivation center sequences are also targeted to the
122  ESCs identifies three regions distal to the X-inactivation center that escape XCI.
123 Here, we discover a cis element in the mouse X-inactivation center that regulates Tsix.
124 ies of most genes that escape XCI and at the X-inactivation center, validating this epigenetic mark a
125 ferentially methylated domains (DMDs) at the X-inactivation center, we used bisulfite sequencing and
126 es a region of the X chromosome known as the X-inactivation center, which contains the Xist gene and
127 set of X inactivation and is specific to the X-inactivation center.
128 is induced by the XIST gene within the human X-inactivation center.
129       Exemplary cases are lncRNAs within the X-inactivation center.
130  Polycomb repressive complex 2 (PRC2) to the X-inactivation centre (Xic).
131                           Genes close to the X-inactivation centre show the greatest degree of inacti
132 e, two regulatory noncoding RNA genes of the X-inactivation centre, and also complexes with XCI trans
133 ding sites of genomic imprinting, and at the X-inactivation centre, suggesting a common mode of actio
134 e analyzed the role of replication timing in X inactivation choice.
135 for the inactive alleles of genes subject to X inactivation compared with the active alleles and with
136 es around X-linked genes that are subject to X inactivation compared with those that escape X inactiv
137 he number of genes on the X chromosome where X-inactivation dictates RMAE of X-linked genes.
138 nsistent with the XIST-mediated mechanism of X inactivation discovered previously in mice.
139                            Genes that escape X inactivation do not cluster but are located near the p
140 es, one each from the mother and father, and X inactivation does not occur until after implantation.
141 ecies is likely the result of pressures from X inactivation, dosage compensation, and sexual antagoni
142 omosome undergo extreme secondary non-random X inactivation, eliminating the majority of cells that e
143 ryotype, but also resulted from a failure in X-inactivation, emphasizing the importance in adaptation
144                                              X inactivation equalizes the dosage of gene expression b
145                                              X inactivation equalizes X-linked expression between mal
146 that the increased expression of one or more X-inactivation escapees activates Xist and, separately,
147                                  In mammals, X-inactivation establishes X-chromosome dosage parity be
148 signs correlated with a molecular pattern of X-inactivation favoring higher expression of the premuta
149 ted by manipulating a single gene, XIST (the X-inactivation gene).
150           In ephrin-B1 heterozygous mutants, X inactivation generates ephrin-B1-expressing and -nonex
151                                              X inactivation has evolved in the soma of mammalian fema
152              Recent studies of HOX genes and X inactivation have provided evidence for RNA cofactors
153  mono-allelic XIST expression and non-random X inactivation highlight the need for further culture im
154 pproximately 50% demonstrate markedly skewed X inactivation (i.e., patterns > or =80:20), compared wi
155                                    Mammalian X inactivation, imprinting, and allelic exclusion are cl
156 s of X inactivation, we examined patterns of X inactivation in a population of >1,000 phenotypically
157  chromosome (Xi) occurs during initiation of X inactivation in both extraembryonic and embryonic cell
158 fined the full extent of the domain escaping X inactivation in both species.
159 ls in women, together with apparent abnormal X inactivation in cancer cells, might provide an opportu
160  the Xi during initiation and maintenance of X inactivation in embryonic cells.
161 on in extraembryonic cells but not of random X inactivation in embryonic cells.
162 ipt (Xist) RNA during the earliest stages of X inactivation in embryonic stem cells and is dependent
163 ryonic lethality due to failure of imprinted X inactivation in extra-embryonic lineages.
164           This cellular mosaicism created by X inactivation in females is most often advantageous, pr
165  females than in XY males, due to incomplete X inactivation in females.
166 rformed detailed studies of the spreading of X inactivation in five unbalanced human X;autosome trans
167 velopment in worms, flowering in plants, and X inactivation in mammals.
168 ion might have been the precursor of somatic X inactivation in mammals.
169 itiates the chromosomal silencing process of X inactivation in mammals.
170         In this work, we analyzed skewing of X inactivation in mice with an Xist deletion encompassin
171 f such genes indicates that few genes escape X inactivation in mouse liver, in contrast to what has b
172  region located in exon 1 of Xist RNA during X inactivation in mouse.
173  al. report a parallel between male germline X inactivation in nematodes and a fungal gene-silencing
174 ted X inactivation, a similar role in random X inactivation in the embryo has remained an open questi
175                           Neither skewing of X inactivation in the peripheral lymphocytes nor proteol
176            Because human TSIX cannot imprint X inactivation in the placenta, it serves as a mutant fo
177                                       Unlike X inactivation in the soma, this germline X inactivation
178 t this mutation results in primary nonrandom X inactivation in which the wild-type X chromosome is al
179 xpression analysis revealed that UTX escapes X-inactivation in female T-ALL lymphoblasts and normal T
180  interference mechanism, normally related to X-inactivation in females.
181 ion, suggest neural systems-level effects of X-inactivation in human brain, and point toward potentia
182 roots, but their relevance to imprinting and X-inactivation in mammals has not been proven.
183  Tsix is dispensable for inhibiting Xist and X-inactivation in the early embryo and in cultured stem
184                  Here we show that imprinted X inactivation, in fact, occurs in all cells of early em
185                        Avoiding male meiotic X inactivation, increasing level of expression of X-link
186 plicate early in S-phase before the onset of X inactivation, indicating that asynchronous replication
187                        In human, escape from X inactivation involves an uninterrupted 235-kb domain o
188                                 Thus, skewed X inactivation is a relatively common feature of XLMR di
189                 We conclude that escape from X inactivation is an intrinsic feature of the Jarid1c lo
190  new paradigm whereby a regional escape from X inactivation is due to the presence of elements that p
191 ts with more differentiated cell types where X inactivation is highly stable and generally irreversib
192                 In the mouse placenta, where X inactivation is imprinted (the paternal X chromosome i
193                                              X inactivation is initiated by upregulation of the lncRN
194                                              X inactivation is known to be regulated in cis by Xite,
195 ke X inactivation in the soma, this germline X inactivation is not restricted to mammals but has evol
196 c imprinting of multiple genes nor imprinted X inactivation is perturbed.
197                                              X inactivation is random in embryonic and adult tissues,
198                                              X inactivation is regulated by a cis-acting master switc
199                                              X inactivation is the developmentally regulated silencin
200                                     Although X inactivation is thought to balance gene expression bet
201                                    Imprinted X-inactivation is a paradigm of mammalian transgeneratio
202                                              X-inactivation is proposed to explain the more severe ou
203                We also find that escape from X-inactivation is tissue-specific, with leg muscle showi
204                                  In mammals, X inactivation largely compensates for this, but in this
205                            Here we show that X-inactivation markers can be used to separate hiPSC lin
206 ked Xist long non-coding RNA functions as an X inactivation master regulator; Xist is selectively upr
207 heterochromatin histone code associated with X inactivation may be more heterogeneous than previously
208                               Thus, germline X inactivation might have been the precursor of somatic
209 ly probe PRC2's recognition of RNA using the X-inactivation model.
210 ell lineage analysis of taste buds from H253 X-inactivation mosaic mice.
211                                        Using X-inactivation mosaicism for the purine salvage gene Hpr
212                                  Escape from X inactivation occurred within, and X inactivation was m
213 generally accepted that paternally imprinted X inactivation occurs exclusively in extraembryonic line
214 IST orthologue has been found, how imprinted X-inactivation occurs is unknown.
215 insulators did not block random or imprinted X inactivation of the transgene, and both the insulator
216 ells of healthy women consistent with random X-inactivation of 8 embryonic hematopoietic stem cells.
217                                 After random X-inactivation of the lacZ transgene, the tongue of hemi
218               These include genes subject to X-inactivation, olfactory receptor (OR) genes, and sever
219  our model to the pairing of X chromosome at X inactivation, one of the best-known examples of DNA co
220 s suggest that Firre does not play a role in X inactivation onset.
221  favoring genes that avoided spermatogenesis X inactivation or by sexual antagonistic effects favorin
222                            Here we visualize X-inactivation patches in human females directly.
223 y can be demonstrated only at the borders of X-inactivation patches, the patch size is crucial in det
224 n embryonic and adult tissues, but imprinted X inactivation (paternal X silencing) has been identifie
225 on of CpG islands (CGIs), a late step in the X inactivation pathway that is required for long-term ma
226 mptoms in females is not correlated with the X inactivation pattern studied in their blood.
227  gene secondary to selection for a favorable X inactivation pattern.
228 hat Xce is the only major locus to influence X inactivation patterns in the crosses analyzed.
229  all carriers of these mutations demonstrate X-inactivation patterns > or =80:20.
230 n receptor X-inactivation assay to determine X-inactivation patterns in 155 female subjects from 24 f
231 wth disadvantage, detected by disparities in X-inactivation patterns in female heterozygotes, depends
232        With alpha5(IV) expression reflecting X-inactivation patterns, it will be especially useful in
233  recombination in females that vary in their X-inactivation phenotype indicates that an allelic diffe
234  through this screen that segregate aberrant X-inactivation phenotypes and we mapped the mutation in
235                       Whereas differences in X-inactivation potential result in epigenetic variabilit
236  study indicates that factors other than the X-inactivation process may impact on the expression of X
237             Here, we present a comprehensive X-inactivation profile of the human X chromosome, repres
238  antibody labeling profile, gene expression, X-inactivation profile, mitochondrial morphology, microR
239 ues, since it has the ability to reverse the X-inactivation program.
240 x Mus spretus cells with complete skewing of X inactivation, relying on expression of single nucleoti
241 mbryonic-stem-cell-specific complexes couple X-inactivation reprogramming and pluripotency, with Nano
242                    We propose that imprinted X inactivation results from inheritance of a pre-inactiv
243                                  Escape from X inactivation results in expression of genes embedded w
244 cluding a model of sexual antagonism driving X inactivation (SAXI) [6-8] and a compensatory mechanism
245 replication timing in cell lines with skewed X inactivation showed no preference for one of the two X
246  domain was resistant to XCI and whether the X inactivation signal could spread across an extended re
247 nes that are either subject to or escape the X inactivation signal, we identified a number of common
248  that some autosomal DNA is resistant to the X inactivation signal.
249 demonstrate a strong association with skewed X inactivation, since all carriers of these mutations de
250 ion was seen to correlate with the degree of X inactivation skewing.
251 ational burden of both genes correlated with X-inactivation skewing but no significant association wi
252 omosome in mammalian females are silenced by X inactivation, some "escape" X inactivation and are exp
253                           The long noncoding X-inactivation-specific transcript (Xist gene) is respon
254                            Genes that escape X inactivation stand out as domains of macroH2A1 depleti
255                            We show here that X-inactivation status in female hiPSC lines depends on d
256 an in brains of males, irrespective of their X-inactivation status.
257 , feeders are a significant factor affecting X-inactivation status.
258 em cell (hiPSC) lines exhibit variability in X-inactivation status.
259 sessment of tumor clonality with traditional X-inactivation studies.
260  data on taxa that have not evolved germline X inactivation, such as birds and butterflies, should sh
261 he eutherian X (except for genes that escape X inactivation), suggesting a role for these motifs in r
262 acent to Smcx in which genes were subject to X inactivation, suggesting that these repeats might be e
263                     However, another form of X-inactivation takes place in the male, during spermatog
264 curate cytogenetic measures of the spread of X inactivation than late-replication.
265  novel model of lncRNA function in imprinted X-inactivation that may also apply to other genomically
266   On differentiation, and after the onset of X inactivation, the mark is reversed on the inactive X,
267             A well-documented case occurs in X inactivation, the mechanism by which X-linked gene exp
268 nes on the sex chromosomes themselves and in X inactivation-the developmental program that equalizes
269                                              X inactivation--the mammalian method of X chromosome dos
270 ects their methylation status at the time of X inactivation, these data suggest that unmethylated L1
271                                Together with X inactivation, this mechanism would maintain balanced e
272 enotypic severity is modulated by non-random X-inactivation, thus making genotype-phenotype compariso
273 e inactive X chromosome (Xi) at the onset of X inactivation to methylate histone H3 lysine 27 (H3-K27
274 point, directly demonstrating the ability of X inactivation to spread in cis through autosomal DNA.
275 f a chromatin-based mechanism that restricts X-inactivation to cells with more than one X chromosome.
276  mRNA transcript, Eif2s3y, and the X-linked, X-inactivation transcript Xist.
277 ected for genes that are normally subject to X inactivation, transgene transcripts Tspyl2 and Iqsec2
278            To identify putative 'escape from X-inactivation tumor-suppressor' (EXITS) genes, we exami
279                                    Mammalian X inactivation turns off one female X chromosome to enac
280 tional dampening and initiated XIST-mediated X inactivation upon differentiation.
281  to remodel Xist chromatin and ensure random X-inactivation upon differentiation.
282                            Here, we quantify X inactivation using RNA sequencing of placental tissue
283 , each of the 5' mutations causing nonrandom X inactivation was found to exhibit ectopic sense transc
284 ape from X inactivation occurred within, and X inactivation was maintained exterior to, the area enco
285                                              X inactivation was not highly skewed in wbc from the aff
286 f WT female ALS mice, suggesting that random X-inactivation was not influenced by Nox2 gene deletion.
287 luate the significance of skewed patterns of X inactivation, we examined patterns of X inactivation i
288  potential link between the RNAi pathway and X inactivation, we generated and analyzed Dicer-deficien
289  transposon sequence have been implicated in X-inactivation, we asked whether monoallelically express
290 -linked lacZ transgene that undergoes normal X-inactivation, we demonstrate that the placental defect
291 pattern of DNA methylation mirrors events of X-inactivation, we propose that differential methylation
292 omosome genes, whereas genes known to escape X inactivation were higher in XX females.
293   Male-biased mutations in genes that escape X-inactivation were observed in combined analysis across
294  occur in the inverse order of developmental X inactivation, whereas others are uncoupled from this s
295 o be skewing, in some ways resembling skewed X-inactivation, wherein one allele is more frequently ac
296    A subset of X-chromosome genes can escape X-inactivation, which would protect females from complet
297 nd dosage compensated by X up-regulation and X inactivation, while in the closely related mouse speci
298 ernally derived Dkc1 show extreme skewing of X-inactivation with the wild type X-chromosome active in
299                                              X inactivation would then serve to avoid hyper-transcrip
300 ans and rodents differ in how they carry out X inactivation (XI), the mammalian method to compensate
301                                       During X-inactivation, Xist accumulates in cis on the future in

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