


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ta4) is a 43-amino acid factor encoded by an X-linked gene.
2 ing the expression of numerous autosomal and X-linked genes.
3  dosage parity between males and females for X-linked genes.
4 cumulation of female-beneficial mutations in X-linked genes.
5 acements and loss of expression, compared to X-linked genes.
6 ked traits revealed modest associations with X-linked genes.
7 ssion of RNAP II across the bodies of active X-linked genes.
8 ns are especially important for the study of X-linked genes.
9  the expression of hundreds of autosomal and X-linked genes.
10 omponent of the DCC, reduces expression from X-linked genes.
11 ing of male-specific lethal (MSL) complex to X-linked genes.
12 allelic expression pattern for a majority of X-linked genes.
13 ixture of cells expressing different sets of X-linked genes.
14 s-expressed autosomal retroposed variants of X-linked genes.
15 expressing either their mother's or father's X-linked genes.
16 al location and not to any other property of X-linked genes.
17 g and before transcriptional inactivation of X-linked genes.
18 ains biased tissue of expression profiles of X-linked genes.
19 nsated for by gene-specific up-regulation of X-linked genes.
20 mosome where X-inactivation dictates RMAE of X-linked genes.
21 n PolII-S5p and in expression of a subset of X-linked genes.
22 o male-to-male transmission for mutations in X-linked genes.
23 combinant LIF caused reactivation of some of X-linked genes.
24 inked transcripts are lacking for 10%-30% of X-linked genes [10-12].
25                              The majority of X-linked genes (152 of 176 genes with trackable SNP vari
26 hat the chance of this being due to a single X-linked gene abnormality is significantly less than wou
27 es significant overexpression of hundreds of X-linked genes across multiple tissues.
28 esis of triacylglycerol; however, two of the X-linked genes act as acyl-CoA wax alcohol acyltransfera
29 ility, which is caused by a silencing of the X-linked gene AFF2, display a number of ASD-like phenoty
30 tory sexual selection is known to occur, and X-linked genes affect female ventral sperm receptacle si
31                              The behavior of X-linked genes also deviates from expected models.
32 ugh reverse transcription of an mRNA from an X-linked gene and integration of the resulting cDNA into
33 sis in the mouse of three Y-linked genes, 11 X-linked genes and 22 autosomal genes, all previously sh
34 ism, we present a theory of conflict between X-linked genes and autosomal genes.
35 pported by expression analyses of individual X-linked genes and by microarray-based transcriptome ana
36  aberrant expression patterns in nine of ten X-linked genes and hypomethylation of Xist in organs of
37 of the male-specific lethal (MSL) complex to X-linked genes and modification of chromatin to increase
38 n of this complex decrease the expression of X-linked genes and reduce male survival.
39 vidence of transcription of Y-linked, and of X-linked, genes and of an enhanced metabolic rate in XY
40 h have one X chromosome and a single dose of X-linked genes, and females, which have two X's and two
41                     First, a small number of X-linked genes are apparently expressed differently in m
42 nked in outgroup species, whereas Drosophila X-linked genes are autosomal.
43                         These findings imply X-linked genes are essential for binding somatic respons
44  but in addition, approximately 18% of mouse X-linked genes are expressed in postmeiotic cells.
45                                              X-linked genes are highly expressed in brain tissues, co
46                                  Remarkably, X-linked genes are not overexpressed in female Stc1(-/-)
47      Unlike autosomal genes, the majority of X-linked genes are subject to dosage compensation.
48 ved on chicken autosomes, and newly acquired X-linked genes are upregulated by similar mechanisms but
49 milies, representing approximately 273 mouse X-linked genes, are expressed in the testis and that thi
50                 Interestingly, several other X-linked genes associated with glycosylation are not sil
51 stent pattern was seen for the expression of X-linked genes between in vitro and in vivo systems.
52 omosome inactivation ensures equal dosage of X-linked genes between male and female mammals.
53 an mammals use to equalize the expression of X-linked genes between males and females early in embryo
54 rmination, failure to equalize expression of X-linked genes between the sexes is typically lethal.
55 mpensate for the difference in the dosage of X-linked genes between the sexes, depends on the MSL com
56 f Drosophila males to equalize expression of X-linked genes between the sexes.
57            Drosophila roX2 RNA occupies male X-linked gene bodies with increasing tendency toward the
58 s normal processes that control silencing of X-linked genes, but not tissue specific gene expression.
59 propose that the MSL complex recognizes most X-linked genes, but only in the context of chromatin fac
60  the MSL complex increases the expression of X-linked genes by facilitating transcription elongation
61 ich the reactivation frequency of individual X-linked genes can be assessed quantitatively.
62       Males inheriting a mutation in a vital X-linked gene cannot survive unless there is a wild-type
63 sues is negatively correlated with the other X-linked genes chromosome-wide, which is consistent with
64 tein evolution is predicted to be faster for X-linked genes compared to autosomal genes (the "faster-
65 ined by stronger locally acting selection on X-linked genes compared with autosomal genes, combined w
66 f X(DeltaTsix)Y cells to efficiently silence X-linked genes compared with X(DeltaTsix)X cells, despit
67 se it has been shown that alleles of unknown X-linked genes confer a selective advantage to hematopoi
68                   We identified a cluster of X-linked genes containing at least three genes that show
69 ecause alterations in dosage compensation of X-linked genes could impair somatic cell function, we pr
70  inserted, in a Dutch male patient, into the X-linked gene CYBB, thereby causing chronic granulomatou
71                    IKKgamma is encoded by an X-linked gene, deficiencies in which may result in two h
72                               Both ancestral X-linked genes, defined as those conserved on chicken au
73 mpensation refers to the equal expression of X-linked genes despite the difference in copy number bet
74 stmeiotic reactivation of germ-cell-specific X-linked genes did not correlate with proximity to the X
75 ferentiated sex chromosomes: compensation of X-linked gene dosage and modulation of heterochromatin.
76 g X-chromosome inactivation, which equalizes X-linked gene dosage between male and female mammals.
77 female X chromosomes is silenced to equalize X-linked gene dosage between XX and XY individuals.
78                              Mammals balance X-linked gene dosage by silencing one X chromosome in fe
79 es is transcriptionally silenced to equalize X-linked gene dosage relative to XY males, a process ter
80 ment, a process that is required to equalise X-linked gene dosage relative to XY males.
81  their two X chromosomes in order to balance X-linked gene dosage with their male counterparts.
82 n one of their two X chromosomes to equalize X-linked gene dosage with XY males in a process referred
83 s active and inactive chromosomes to balance X-linked gene dosages between males and females.
84               Mammals compensate for unequal X-linked gene dosages between the sexes by inactivating
85 ry process compensates for the difference in X-linked gene dose between males (XO) and hermaphrodites
86 MIX-1, a mitotic protein that also represses X-linked genes during dosage compensation.
87 o form Xist clouds and silence at least some X-linked genes during random XCI.
88 (EDMD1) is caused by mutations in either the X-linked gene emerin (EMD) or the autosomal lamin A/C (L
89                                  Mecp2 is an X-linked gene encoding a nuclear protein that binds spec
90                                 TSPYL2 is an X-linked gene encoding a nucleosome assembly protein.
91                             Mutations in the X-linked gene encoding IKKgamma can interfere with NF-ka
92 tion mutations or abnormal expression of the X-linked gene encoding methyl CpG binding protein 2 (MeC
93      RTT is associated with mutations in the X-linked gene encoding methyl-CpG binding protein 2 (MeC
94 spectrum disorder caused by mutations in the X-linked gene encoding methyl-CpG binding protein 2 (MeC
95            RTT is caused by mutations in the X-linked gene encoding methyl-CpG binding protein 2 (MeC
96                      Loss of function of the X-linked gene encoding methyl-CpG binding protein 2 (MeC
97 ostly females, is caused by mutations in the X-linked gene encoding methyl-CpG-binding protein 2 (MeC
98                             Mutations in the X-linked gene encoding methyl-CpG-binding protein 2 (MeC
99 nd sequence analysis to demonstrate that the X-linked gene encoding SPAN-Xb is expressed in multiple
100 llagen genes, or hemizygous mutations in the X-linked gene encoding the alpha 5 chain of type IV coll
101                                    MECP2, an X-linked gene encoding the epigenetic factor methyl-CpG-
102                                    MECP2, an X-linked gene encoding the epigenetic factor methyl-CpG-
103 ease (LND) is the result of mutations in the X-linked gene encoding the purine metabolic enzyme, hypo
104                     De novo mutations in the X-linked gene encoding the transcription factor methyl-C
105                       In total, about 15% of X-linked genes escape inactivation to some degree, and t
106                             Unlike all other X-linked genes examined, Rsx was differentially methylat
107       Most autosomal copies originating from X-linked genes exhibited testis-biased expression.
108                                   Ampliconic X-linked genes expressed in other cell types showed a di
109  opossum did not show an association between X-linked gene expression and promoter DNA methylation, w
110 lencing of one X chromosome to achieve equal X-linked gene expression between males and females.
111           Dosage compensation (DC) equalizes X-linked gene expression between sexes.
112             This essential process equalizes X-linked gene expression between the sexes (XO males and
113                     To balance the dosage of X-linked gene expression between the sexes, one of the X
114 on, thus contributing to the equalization of X-linked gene expression between the sexes.
115                Dosage compensation equalizes X-linked gene expression between the sexes.
116 To compensate for the resulting disparity in X-linked gene expression between the two sexes, most gen
117 s, X-chromosome inactivation (XCI) equalizes X-linked gene expression between XY males and XX females
118 n the Drosophila male X chromosome, and make X-linked gene expression equal in males and females.
119 s (XX) compensates for the reduced dosage of X-linked gene expression in males (XY).
120 experimental evidence for the suppression of X-linked gene expression in the Drosophila male germline
121 tions, shown here to be null, cause elevated X-linked gene expression in XX animals, but unlike mutat
122                    Analyses of chromatin and X-linked gene expression indicate that a single X, unlik
123 rs in X inactivation, the mechanism by which X-linked gene expression is equalized between XX females
124 articular DCC subunits and causes changes in X-linked gene expression similar to those caused by dele
125 mine neurons, suggesting tight regulation of X-linked gene expression to ensure sexual congruency.
126 K20me1 enrichment in somatic cells, elevates X-linked gene expression, reduces X chromosome compactio
127                         Proper regulation of X-linked gene expression, termed dosage compensation, is
128 ocalization of chromosomes as they relate to X-linked gene expression.
129 aracterized regulatory system that increases X-linked gene expression.
130 nificant changes in XIST RNA localization or X-linked gene expression.
131 ale X chromosome, equalizing male and female X-linked gene expression.
132  for a persistent XCI deficiency to regulate X-linked gene expression.
133 es to achieve differential 2-fold changes in X-linked gene expression.
134 ens were members of the Bex (Brain expressed X-linked) gene family, rat Bex1 (Rex3), and a novel gene
135 nalysis showed heterozygous mutations in the X-linked gene filamin 1 (FLN1), but examined only the fi
136                                          The X-linked gene filamin A (Flna) encodes a widely expresse
137                             Mutations in the X-linked gene Filamin A (FLNA) lead to the human neurolo
138                             Mutations in the X-linked gene FMR1 cause fragile X syndrome, the leading
139  repeat in the 5' untranslated region of the X-linked gene FMR1.
140  4 DNA insulator is sufficient to protect an X-linked gene from repression during development but not
141 plantation monkey blastocysts also expressed X-linked genes from both alleles suggesting that, unlike
142 issues comprise cells exclusively expressing X-linked genes from one or other parent.
143 ed a paternal, parent-of-origin effect for a X-linked gene (Gct4) that strongly supports granulosa ce
144 ously identified a rare microdeletion of the X-linked gene GLRA2, encoding the GlyR alpha2 subunit, i
145                                Imprinting of X-linked genes has also been implicated in the male prev
146                            Also as expected, X-linked genes have a lesser degree of increase in gene
147 e almost complete Y Chromosome degeneration, X-linked genes have become twofold up-regulated, restori
148                             Mutations in 102 X-linked genes have been associated with 81 of these XLI
149                           More than 80 human X-linked genes have been associated with mental retardat
150                                   Thus, some X-linked genes have minimal epigenetic memory in the inn
151                          We demonstrate that X-linked genes have significantly higher codon bias comp
152 utations have been found in approximately 90 X-linked genes; however, molecular and biological functi
153 glucosamine (O-GlcNAc) transferase (OGT), an X-linked gene important in regulating proteins involved
154 ve been hindered by the requirement for this X-linked gene in embryonic stem cell viability, necessit
155 og of parent-of-origin expression status for X-linked genes in a marsupial and sheds light on the reg
156 ay monoallelic expression and methylation of X-linked genes in agreement with non-random XCI.
157 th a prior twofold increase in expression of X-linked genes in both sexes ("Ohno's hypothesis").
158 a mechanism that ensures equal expression of X-linked genes in both sexes.
159 ome on cognitive behaviors and expression of X-linked genes in brain.
160 lication of having only one allele of active X-linked genes in cancer pathogenesis, i.e. somatic sing
161 (lncRNA) is thought to catalyze silencing of X-linked genes in cis during X-chromosome inactivation,
162 we searched for locus-specific imprinting of X-linked genes in developing brain.
163 old enhancement of the transcription of most X-linked genes in Drosophila males, which is the basis o
164 sential mechanism for dosage compensation of X-linked genes in female cells.
165                     The selective marking of X-linked genes in female ES cells in a way that distingu
166 hat evolved to equalize expression levels of X-linked genes in females (2X) and males (1X), with a pr
167  brings about equality of expression of most X-linked genes in females and males.
168 tion mechanism to equalize the expression of X-linked genes in females and males.
169 d then serve to avoid hyper-transcription of X-linked genes in females by silencing one X chromosome.
170 e level of transcription of the two doses of X-linked genes in females relative to males, or by incre
171 ay (XCA) to survey the expression profile of X-linked genes in lymphoblasts of XLMR males.
172  based on synonymous evolutionary distances, X-linked genes in M. musculus fall into the same strata
173 the X chromosome to upregulate expression of X-linked genes in male flies.
174 ctivation, increasing level of expression of X-linked genes in male testes, and/or sexual antagonism
175 one 4 lysine 16 acetylation to the bodies of X-linked genes in males, with a bias towards 3' ends.
176 f Y-linked genes and haplo-insufficiency for X-linked genes in males.
177 level of transcription of the single dose of X-linked genes in males.
178 ng component cause increases specifically of X-linked genes in males.
179            We found that the majority of the X-linked genes in metafemales exhibit dosage compensatio
180 ) gene and the expression of nine additional X-linked genes in nine cloned XX calves.
181 sex chromosomes is coordinated regulation of X-linked genes in one sex.
182 e here the expression of DGAT2 and the three X-linked genes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains virtu
183   These findings show that the expression of X-linked genes in the Drosophila testes reflects a balan
184 ysis, loss of MES-4 leads to derepression of X-linked genes in the germ line.
185 acterize this transcriptional suppression of X-linked genes in the male germline and its evolutionary
186 , we discovered widespread overexpression of X-linked genes in the testes of sterile but not fertile
187 will greatly facilitate functional assays of X-linked genes in vivo, and provides a model for functio
188        In contrast, the number of identified X-linked genes in which de novo mutations specifically c
189 riptional and chromatin features of inactive X-linked genes in WT and Eed (-/-) TSCs suggests that PR
190 omosome inactivation equalizes the dosage of X-linked genes in XX females with that in XY males.
191                          This contrasts with X-linked genes, in which only 1.3% of genes contained st
192 st has crucial functions in the silencing of X-linked genes, including Rnf12 encoding the ubiquitin l
193 hromosome in male fruit flies, expression of X-linked genes increases twofold.
194 ene fold ratios greater than 1.5 for several X-linked genes indicating overexpression in females amon
195 lies that haploinsufficiency for one or more X-linked genes influences amygdala development irrespect
196           In mammals, dosage compensation of X-linked genes is achieved by the transcriptional silenc
197 In eutherian mammals, dosage compensation of X-linked genes is achieved by X chromosome inactivation.
198 ent work has shown that the transcription of X-linked genes is also upregulated in males prior to gas
199 d Xist RNA, only a subset of the inactivated X-linked genes is derepressed in Eed (-/-) TSCs.
200 s predicted, the maximal expression of human X-linked genes is much lower than that of genes on autos
201 t a long-sought specific DNA sequence within X-linked genes is not obligatory for MSL binding.
202 ies have indicated that transcription of all X-linked genes is repressed by meiotic sex chromosome in
203 pected to be dosage-sensitive--expression of X-linked genes is similar to that of autosomal genes wit
204 e inner cell mass (ICM), and reactivation of X-linked genes is thought to follow loss of Xist RNA coa
205                                      If such X-linked genes lacked a homologue on the Y-chromosome th
206 es; papaya shows an unprecedented pattern of X-linked genes &lt; autosomal genes < Y-linked genes.
207 how the expected pattern of Y-linked genes < X-linked genes &lt; autosomal genes; papaya shows an unprec
208 ifferences in expression of many of the 1100 X-linked genes may contribute to sex differences in the
209                                 About 25% of X-linked genes may escape inactivation at least to some
210  Loss- and gain-of-function mutations of the X-linked gene MECP2 (methyl-CpG binding protein 2) lead
211 ological disorder caused by mutations in the X-linked gene MECP2 (methyl-CpG-binding protein 2).
212 tients are heterozygous for mutations in the X-linked gene MECP2 (refs.
213  caused by loss of function mutations in the X-linked gene MECP2 and is characterized by loss of acqu
214 opmental disorder caused by mutations in the X-linked gene MECP2.
215 syndrome (RTT) is caused by mutations in the X-linked gene MECP2.
216 l disorder that arises from mutations in the X-linked gene methyl-CpG binding protein 2 (MeCP2).
217            Loss-of-function mutations in the X-linked gene Methyl-CpG-binding protein 2 (MECP2) cause
218                             Mutations in the X-linked gene, methyl-CpG binding protein 2 (Mecp2), und
219                    Germline mutations in the X-linked gene, methyl-CpG-binding protein 2 (MECP2), und
220                               Alternatively, X-linked genes might experience stronger natural selecti
221 transpositions, we show that most endogenous X-linked genes, not just testis-specific ones, are trans
222                                   ATRX is an X-linked gene of the SWI/SNF family, mutations in which
223  evidence for relatively specific effects of X-linked genes on social-cognition and emotional regulat
224 plex (DCC) to downregulate the expression of X-linked genes only in hermaphroditic worms.
225                         Secondly, many human X-linked genes outside the X-Y pairing pseudoautosomal r
226  orthologs of the three C. elegans autosomal/X-linked gene pairs also display functional differences
227  RNAi results for highly conserved autosomal/X-linked gene pairs suggest that other duplicated genes
228 tion subdivision previously observed for the X-linked gene period is not seen for the other loci, sug
229 pensation refers to the equalization of most X-linked gene products between males, which have one X c
230                Dosage compensation equalizes X-linked gene products between the sexes.
231 dosage compensation-the equalization of most X-linked gene products between XY males and XX females-i
232 y mechanism that insures the equalization of X-linked gene products in males and females.
233 t sites and a well-positioned +1 nucleosome, X-linked gene promoters on average exhibit higher nucleo
234                             Mutations in the X-linked gene Protocadherin-19 (Pcdh19) cause female-lim
235 hese results implicate failure to compensate X-linked genes, rather than inappropriate upregulation o
236                                           No X-linked gene reactivation is seen after Firre knockdown
237                                       All 15 X-linked genes, regardless of activity, position on the
238   To conclude, we highlight other aspects of X-linked gene regulation that make it a suitable model f
239                     In the spermatid, 87% of X-linked genes remain suppressed postmeiotically, while
240        Point mutations in 31 autosomal and 2 X-linked genes representing diverse gene ontogeny have b
241 ogeny of female heterozygotes bearing mutant X-linked genes required during embryogenesis.
242                                  To identify X-linked genes required for germ cell migration and/or d
243 tion process may impact on the expression of X-linked genes resulting in an overall similar gender ex
244                                          The X-linked gene Rnf12 encodes the ubiquitin ligase really
245 requires a functional maternal allele of the X-linked gene Rnf12, which encodes the ubiquitin ligase
246 n HCCS, COX7B, and other as-yet-unidentified X-linked gene(s) cause selective loss of cells in which
247 he fitness effect of mutations is recessive, X-linked genes should evolve more rapidly than autosomal
248                         An additional 10% of X-linked genes show variable patterns of inactivation an
249                                         Nine X-linked genes showed overexpression in females in at le
250 at ectopic Xist RNA induction and subsequent X-linked gene silencing is sex specific in embryos and i
251            To test the impact of Xist RNA on X-linked gene silencing, we ectopically induced endogeno
252 ctivates Xist and, separately, helps trigger X-linked gene silencing.
253 X-linked genes, SlX1, DD44X, SlX4, and a new X-linked gene SlssX, which encodes spermidine synthase.
254 o report a genetic map for four S. latifolia X-linked genes, SlX1, DD44X, SlX4, and a new X-linked ge
255                                          The X-linked gene STS encodes the steroid hormone-modulating
256  Those belonging to the random class include X-linked genes subject to X inactivation, as well as a n
257                     Previously studies using X-linked genes such as glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase
258                     In mice that lacked this X-linked gene, T reg cell generation in the thymus was i
259 H4Ac16 is present along the entire length of X-linked genes targeted by the MSL complex with relative
260 tis may be harder to achieve for single-copy X-linked genes than for autosomal genes, because they ar
261                     Somatic mutations in the X-linked gene that encodes core 1 beta1,3-galactosyltran
262 ng spermatogenesis have failed to reveal any X-linked gene that escapes the silencing effects of MSCI
263 her the spread of a recessive mutation in an X-linked gene that is beneficial to males or a partially
264 ember of the small GTPase superfamily, is an X-linked gene that is expressed in brain, lymphocytes, a
265 s based on polymorphic variation in a single X-linked gene that produces, by random X inactivation, a
266 es and also occur at higher densities around X-linked genes that are subject to X inactivation compar
267 ressed during spermatogenesis and found that X-linked genes that escape meiotic sex chromosome inacti
268 genes, including a significant proportion of X-linked genes that escape sex chromosome inactivation i
269 ikely to be dosage compensated, and parental X-linked genes that gave rise to an autosomal male-biase
270                                Additionally, X-linked genes that have newly acquired male-biased expr
271 s study have revealed a strong expression of X-linked genes that include members of the brain-express
272  revealed the overexpression of a cluster of X-linked genes that included Tlr7.
273     In dpy-21 mutants, expression of several X-linked genes that promote dauer bypass is elevated, in
274 ensation enhances dauer arrest by repressing X-linked genes that promote reproductive development thr
275  expressed from a family of "brain expressed X-linked genes" that are closely linked on the X-chromos
276 ions of this type that occur in autosomal or X-linked genes, the average proportion of beneficial mut
277 at pachytene and expression studies of a few X-linked genes, the X and Y chromosomes seem to undergo
278  counteracts the potential overexpression of X-linked genes to achieve the proper twofold up-regulati
279 osage compensation modifies the chromatin of X-linked genes to assure equivalent expression in sexes
280  the hypothesis of upregulation of expressed X-linked genes to balance expression of the genome.
281 e compensation refers to the equalization of X-linked gene transcription among heterogametic and homo
282 r, our observations suggest that in the ICM, X-linked gene transcription and Xist coating are uncoupl
283  female reset cells, appearance of biallelic X-linked gene transcription indicates reactivation of th
284 ensation mechanisms have evolved to equalize X-linked gene transcription.
285 llelic autosomal expression, by upregulating X-linked genes twofold (termed 'Ohno's hypothesis').
286 s designed for mammalian imprinting in which X-linked genes typically undergo random X-inactivation a
287 II recruitment to promoters of hermaphrodite X-linked genes using a chromosome-restructuring condensi
288 ed that a mutation of neuroligin-3 (NL3), an X-linked gene, was found in siblings with autistic spect
289 y similarly, but the ratio distributions for X-linked genes were distinct in both sexes, illustrating
290                      However, XIST and other X-linked genes were expressed from both chromosomes in i
291          The overall levels of expression of X-linked genes were indistinguishable in females and mal
292  RNA is recruited to the body of transcribed X-linked genes where it modifies chromatin to increase e
293 nerable to mutations in their single copy of X-linked genes, whereas females are often mosaic, having
294                                Additionally, X-linked genes, which have reduced effective population
295  168 have been explained by mutations in 113 X-linked genes, which in many cases were characterized w
296 monstrate sex-specific requirements for this X-linked gene while suggesting a role for UTY during dev
297  hybridization demonstrates that Cetn2 is an X-linked gene whose alleles replicate asynchronously dur
298  in male-specific tissues, but autosomal and X-linked genes with expression in female-specific tissue
299 es is inactivated to ensure an equal dose of X-linked genes with males (XY).
300               Finally, the expression of the X-linked gene yellow in the pupae exactly foreshadows th

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