


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  features in affected males, consistent with X-linked inheritance.
2 nction, polyendocrinopathy, enteropathy, and X-linked inheritance.
3 e transmission of the FOP phenotype excluded X-linked inheritance.
4 ccurs with autosomal dominant, recessive and X-linked inheritance.
5 f father-to-son transmission, thus excluding X-linked inheritance.
6 rome with this unusual phenotypic pattern of X-linked inheritance.
7 gene, is a complex and diverse disorder with X-linked inheritance.
8 rds males, which suggests the possibility of X-linked inheritance.
9  Of these families, 91 (39%) show definitive X-linked inheritance, an additional 88 (38%) reveal a pa
10                              As predicted by X-linked inheritance, female descendants of an affected
11                                              X-linked inheritance has important consequences for gene
12 rotein (RP) genes while <1% of patients with X-linked inheritance have been identified with mutations
13 P497L) in the ubiquilin-2 gene (UBQLN2) with X-linked inheritance in all studied affected individuals
14 lation, polyendocrinopathy, enteropathy, and X-linked inheritance (IPEX) is one of a group of clinica
15 ulation, polyendocrinopathy, enteropathy and X-linked inheritance (MIM 304930).
16 autosomal dominant, autosomal recessive, and X-linked inheritance patterns have been described.
17                                              X-linked inheritance was confirmed by haplotype analysis
18 n geostatistical model adapted to the gene's X-linked inheritance, which predicted a G6PDd allele fre

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