


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1                                              X. laevis GPRx is mainly expressed in brain, ovary, and
2                                              X. laevis IFN and IFN-lambda displayed distinct tissue e
3                                              X. laevis oocytes expressing mutant Mtnip-1 and Mtlatd w
4                                              X. laevis S(mu)-mediated CSR occurred mostly in a region
5 omparisons, it is likely that the additional X. laevis genes arose from tetraploidization.
6 itical for early antiviral immunity in adult X. laevis.
7    Hence, as predicted, virus-infected adult X. laevis frogs exhibited significantly more robust FV3-
8         Polyclonal antibodies raised against X. laevis pcMTase were immunoreactive with a 33-kDa prot
9                              Accordingly, an X. laevis type I interferon was identified, the expressi
10 ordingly, we identified and characterized an X. laevis type I interferon in the context of infection
11 lectin with the bovine spleen galectin-1 and X. laevis skin galectin, it should be concluded that wit
12 pported prereplication complex formation and X. laevis sperm DNA replication, whereas the complex wit
13 e enriched on microtubules in both human and X. laevis.
14 alized maternal mRNAs in D. melanogaster and X. laevis.
15  segment axoneme when expressed in mouse and X. laevis photoreceptors, whereas KIF3A was restricted t
16              Comparison of X. tropicalis and X. laevis blots revealed comparable expression profiles,
17  identified miRNAs in both X. tropicalis and X. laevis.
18 and have evolved to about the same extent as X. laevis and Xenopus borealis TFIIIAs.
19 riptome was differentially expressed between X. laevis and X. muelleri and there were more genes that
20 road conservation of gene expression between X. laevis and other gnathostomes, we also identified sev
21 tance of Cdk for this interaction using both X. laevis egg extracts and human cells.
22                         Minigenes containing X. laevis spacer sequences are only dominant over minige
23 adenylation, suggesting that the cytoplasmic X. laevis form of the 30-kDa subunit of CPSF is involved
24 ertebrate development, in that WDR5-depleted X. laevis tadpoles exhibit a variety of developmental de
25 ic expression patterns of these genes during X. laevis development.
26  epithelial rearrangements that occur during X. laevis development.
27 gnalling molecules in the Wnt pathway during X. laevis gastrulation.
28 ey role of gp69/64 as sperm receptors during X. laevis fertilization.
29 he analysis of their expression during early X. laevis development and in adult tissues.
30 ributes to nuclear size changes during early X. laevis development.
31    We have examined lbx1 expression in early X. laevis tadpoles.
32 ves and anterior-most spinal nerves of early X. laevis tadpoles.
33 g of how Notch signalling patterns the early X. laevis pronephros anlagen, a function that might be c
34 of either XenU1 or XenU1a with NR1 in either X. laevis oocytes and human embryonic kidney (HEK) 293 c
35 us laevis that overexpress the cDNA encoding X. laevis GH.
36  is located upstream of the 42-bp enhancers; X. laevis enhancers alone are not sufficient.
37                             Thus, the entire X. laevis rDNA intergenic spacer (the 0 repeats, 1 repea
38  94.2 mug Se/g dry mass (d.m.), adult female X. laevis were bred with untreated males, and resulting
39 al removal of the ovaries from mature female X. laevis, the dissection of individual oocytes, then th
40 d genomic sequence information available for X. laevis, we used RNA-seq to comprehensively identify t
41  by a viral promoter, rat promoter, and four X. laevis promoters were all unaffected by passage throu
42 n galectins-1, but not in the galectins from X. laevis, fish, and invertebrates described so far.
43                   Mitochondrial lysates from X. laevis oocytes contain both DNA ligase III alpha and
44 arate and identify the oligosaccharides from X. laevis egg jelly layers.
45                        Mucus secretions from X. laevis previously exposed to B. dendrobatidis contain
46                                 Furthermore, X. laevis' sex-determining gene, DM-W, does not exist in
47  to the maintenance of G2-arrest in immature X. laevis oocytes.
48                                           In X. laevis oocytes expressing the cloned mouse PCFT, fola
49                                           In X. laevis oocytes, which are translationally saturated a
50                                           In X. laevis, progesterone activates the G2-arrested oocyte
51  neurons and inhibited anesthetic actions in X. laevis tadpoles.
52 lectivity for Suc and high Suc affinities in X. laevis oocytes at pH 5-SbSUT1, 6.3 +/- 0.7 mm, and Sb
53 n mammalian FGF8 spliceforms are analyzed in X. laevis, the contrast in activity is conserved.
54 gnizes a single approximately 28 kDa band in X. laevis CNS and rat cerebellum.
55 hat superficial presumptive somitic cells in X. laevis ingress into the deep region as bottle cells w
56 ine undergoes similar metamorphic changes in X. laevis and X. tropicalis, making it possible to use t
57 ing of recombinant Ca(v)2.1 Ca2+ channels in X. laevis oocytes; 2) gabapentin inhibition occurs in th
58 21S.p., form a complex similar to cohesin in X. laevis.
59  condition, CaT2 promoted inward currents in X. laevis oocytes upon external application of Ca(2+).
60 llar structure of basal ROS and COS disks in X. laevis photoreceptors.
61                           Neural ectoderm in X. laevis consists of two components, a superficial laye
62 s can produce high frequency gene editing in X. laevis, permitting analysis in the F0 generation, and
63         Agonist-stimulated calcium efflux in X. laevis oocytes or inositol phosphate accumulation in
64  to efficiently create transgenic embryos in X. laevis and may increase the practical use of phiC31 i
65 es on each slide representing the entries in X. laevis UniGene Build 48.
66 in differentiation of a simple epithelium in X. laevis and D. rerio.
67 at neuronal nicotinic receptors expressed in X. laevis oocytes display appropriate pharmacological pr
68 cation (HCN) pacemaker channels expressed in X. laevis oocytes using site-directed mutagenesis and th
69 esidues were nonfunctional when expressed in X. laevis oocytes, but their ability to form tetramers i
70 an at any of the GluCl subunits expressed in X. laevis oocytes.
71 uired for channel function when expressed in X. laevis oocytes.
72 cation channels with alpha6 by expression in X. laevis oocytes alone or in pairwise combination with
73 ted down-regulation of treacle expression in X. laevis oocytes resulted in inhibition of rDNA gene tr
74 estigation of neural convergent extension in X. laevis and further our understanding of convergent ex
75 ty underlying neural convergent extension in X. laevis are the first high-resolution video documentat
76 ial transcription of X. laevis rRNA genes in X. laevis x Xenopus borealis hybrids, an epigenetic phen
77   Confocal analysis of immunofluorescence in X. laevis oocytes expressing the wild type and the three
78 n unsuspected role for biliverdin IXalpha in X. laevis embryogenesis.
79 icalis extracts, and elevated TPX2 levels in X. laevis extracts reduced spindle length and sensitivit
80 e intestine and the typhlosole, just like in X. laevis.
81 the ease of establishing transgenic lines in X. laevis.
82 ene expression map of the head mesenchyme in X. laevis during early larval development, focusing on t
83 s and diaphragmatico-branchialis muscles) in X. laevis.
84  assembly in tissue culture cells but not in X. laevis egg extracts.
85              Checkpoint activation occurs in X. laevis egg extracts upon addition of an oligonucleoti
86 show that CoA inhibits apoptosis not only in X. laevis oocytes but also in Murine oocytes.
87  GABA-activated current in VTA neurons or in X. laevis oocytes expressing alpha2beta3gamma2 GABA(A) r
88 aneously altering nuclear size and ploidy in X. laevis embryos.
89 3 is co-expressed with 5-HT(3A) receptors in X. laevis oocytes.
90 t evidence that FGF8 performs a dual role in X. laevis and X. tropicalis early development.
91 vity, nor do they play a discernible role in X. laevis-X. borealis rRNA gene competition.
92 ed Cdk consensus target sequence (on S976 in X. laevis and S1000 in humans).
93 e points from the corresponding sequences in X. laevis, each by a single substitution.
94 rst quantify blastomere and nuclear sizes in X. laevis embryos, demonstrating that the N/C volume rat
95   Heterologous expression of human SLC5A8 in X. laevis oocytes induced Na(+)-dependent inward current
96 emination into the central nervous system in X. laevis tadpole but not adult.
97  The results of this study indicate that, in X. laevis, the true biological function of multivalency
98 ion to an approximately 1.4-kb transcript in X. laevis fat body and oocytes, whereas a weaker signal
99 at depletion of maternal irf6 transcripts in X. laevis embryos leads to gastrulation defects and rupt
100  of the ability to carry out transgenesis in X. laevis and gene knockdown in X. tropicalis, we demons
101 ein were tested for their ability to inhibit X. laevis fertilization.
102 -K mediated outward current in hSlo injected X. laevis oocytes.
103 laevis embryonic neuronal culture and intact X. laevis embryos, that the nerve growth-promoting actio
104 erent GVS electrode placement in semi-intact X. laevis preparations and humans and the more global ac
105 ake of dehydroascorbic acid and glucose into X. laevis oocytes.
106 udies, HLE-B3 poly(A)+ RNA was injected into X. laevis oocytes and GSH uptake experiments were perfor
107 pecific polyclonal antibodies to xNup98 into X. laevis oocytes.
108                                     In large X. laevis oocytes, gravity becomes a dominant force and
109 ensing nose (principal cavity; PC) of larval X. laevis is respecified into an air-sensing cavity in a
110                                         Male X. laevis suffered a 10-fold decrease in testosterone le
111 the apoptotic inhibition observed in meiotic X. laevis egg extracts.
112                       We have cloned a novel X. laevis GPCR, GPRx, which may play a similar role to G
113 l facilitate the development and analysis of X. laevis models of inherited retinal degeneration.
114 r CPSF is also localized to the cytoplasm of X. laevis oocytes.
115  predominantly localized to the cytoplasm of X. laevis oocytes.
116 adiol (EE2) during sexual differentiation of X. laevis were evaluated by use of Illumina sequencing c
117 ns of these proteins during embryogenesis of X. laevis.
118                                In embryos of X. laevis, and many other species, early development req
119             The results show that erosion of X. laevis genes and functional regulatory elements is as
120 oth CPSF and CPEB are present in extracts of X. laevis oocytes prepared before or after meiotic matur
121                    However, our knowledge of X. laevis protein post-translational modifications remai
122 ty of liposomes made from membrane lipids of X. laevis eggs.
123 d in the mitotic phosphoprotein 43 (MP43) of X. laevis.
124 is is blocked, just as it does in oocytes of X. laevis.
125 We characterize the allotetraploid origin of X. laevis by partitioning its genome into two homoeologo
126 r segments of rod and cone photoreceptors of X. laevis.
127         X. tropicalis is a close relative of X. laevis that shares the same ease of tissue manipulati
128 hich is a small, faster-breeding relative of X. laevis, has recently been adopted for research in dev
129 e defenses are involved in the resistance of X. laevis to lethal B. dendrobatidis infections.
130      We investigated the respective roles of X. laevis type I and type III interferons (IFN and IFN-l
131 as not detectable during the early stages of X. laevis development, and remained low in the adult tis
132 much of what we have learned from studies of X. laevis oocytes holds for those of X. tropicalis, and
133 ems supplement transgenesis for the study of X. laevis metamorphosis, one system controlled by the pr
134               Second, the 100-kDa subunit of X. laevis CPSF forms a specific complex with RNAs that c
135 d, immunodepletion of the 100-kDa subunit of X. laevis CPSF reduces CPE-specific polyadenylation in v
136 X. borealis sequence with respect to that of X. laevis.
137 r several practical advantages over those of X. laevis, including faster and more synchronous meiotic
138 pacers differ very extensively from those of X. laevis.
139 elative to terrestrial anurans, the torus of X. laevis is hypertrophied and occupies the entire cauda
140 omoters to the preferential transcription of X. laevis (over X. borealis) rRNA genes has never been t
141 to explain the preferential transcription of X. laevis rRNA genes in X. laevis x Xenopus borealis hyb
142  F0 generation, and advancing the utility of X. laevis as a subject for biological research and disea
143 yngeal motor neurons in nucleus (N.) IX-X of X. laevis are calbindin-positive.
144 the large amount of information available on X. laevis intestinal metamorphosis and the genome sequen
145         Active mitotic translation occurs on X. laevis meiotic spindles, and a subset of microtubule-
146 ether channels are studied in yeast cells or X. laevis oocytes.
147  SbSUT4 could not be detected using yeast or X. laevis oocytes.
148 g early embryogenesis in the model organisms X. laevis and C. elegans, the spindle scales with cell s
149 nisms, especially at genome-wide level, over X. laevis, largely due to its shorter life cycle and seq
150                   In addition, NH-3 prevents X. laevis thyroid hormone receptors from binding to the
151                                  Previously, X. laevis has been shown to express both NF-L and XNIF,
152              Pretreatment with a recombinant X. laevis IFN (rXlIFN) substantially reduced viral repli
153                       However, a recombinant X. laevis IFN-lambda (rXlIFN-lambda) conferred less prot
154 binant forms of these cytokines (recombinant X. laevis IFN [rXlIFN] and rXlIFN-lambda) elicited antiv
155 combinant form of this molecule (recombinant X. laevis interferon [rXlIFN]) was produced for the purp
156                              The recombinant X. laevis receptor has a distinct pharmacological profil
157 e also observed for two other highly related X. laevis genes, xmdc13 and adam13.
158  In combination with the previously reported X. laevis opsin and arrestin promoters, these sequences
159 und in vivo, we used induced and spontaneous X. laevis tadpole metamorphosis, a thyroid hormone-depen
160         The extracellular matrix surrounding X. laevis eggs consists of a vitelline envelope and a je
161 ti-Fv3 protection to the virally susceptible X. laevis kidney (A6) cell line.
162 spindles were approximately 30% shorter than X. laevis spindles, and mixing experiments revealed a dy
163    In contrast to our previous findings that X. laevis tadpoles exhibit delayed and modest type I IFN
164          Together, these findings imply that X. laevis XNC10-restricted iValpha6 T cells play importa
165                                          The X. laevis genome consists of two subgenomes, referred to
166                                          The X. laevis vocal CPG produces a 50-60 Hz "fast trill" son
167 variable" (type II) CRDs, represented by the X. laevis 16-kDa galectin, clearly constitute distinct s
168 tin secreted into environmental water by the X. laevis embryo, is postulated to function as a defense
169 e receptors, we isolated a cDNA encoding the X. laevis brain CCK receptor (CCK-XLR).
170           These data indicate a role for the X. laevis MRN complex in MMEJ.
171 of fluorescent dextran amines identifies the X. laevis central amygdala (CeA) as a target for ascendi
172 s three lines of evidence that implicate the X. laevis homologue of the 100-kDa subunit of CPSF in th
173 and flexibility of expression cloning in the X. laevis embryo.
174 -secreting cells (PSCs) differentiate in the X. laevis larval skin soon after gastrulation, based on
175 rs of the lysophosphatidate receptors in the X. laevis oocyte.
176                 To assess innovations in the X. laevis subgenomes we examined p300-bound enhancer pea
177                        Our structures of the X. laevis Eco2 (xEco2) bound to its primary and secondar
178         Here we describe manipulation of the X. laevis genome using CRISPR/Cas9 to model the human di
179 odification, we undertook an analysis of the X. laevis phosphoproteome at seven developmental stages
180 ent in the hormone-dependent promoter of the X. laevis TRbetaA gene.
181                     At room temperature, the X. laevis violet opsin has an absorption maximum at 426
182                         We conclude that the X. laevis oocyte heterologous expression system is a val
183                                   Unlike the X. laevis galectin, the binding activity of the B. arena
184 d photoreceptors of Xenopus laevis using the X. laevis principal opsin promoter.
185  localize to nucleoli, and interact with the X. laevis Box C/D RNA binding proteins fibrillarin, Nop5
186 esults indicated that in comparison with the X. laevis CSF-1-Mphis, the IL-34-Mphis express substanti
187 ding domain (DBD) and the intact ER with the X. laevis vitellogenin A2 ERE and the human pS2 ERE.
188                     We subsequently map this X. laevis LB3 phosphorylation site to a conserved site i
189 t positions that confer low TCDD affinity to X. laevis AHRs (A364, A380, and N335), and homology mode
190 slower in X. tropicalis extracts compared to X. laevis, but that this difference is unlikely to accou
191 in egg extracts of X. tropicalis compared to X. laevis.
192 e in premetamorphic tadpoles, in contrast to X. laevis, where it is present only in the anterior 1/3.
193 other hand, X. tropicalis, highly related to X. laevis, offers a number of advantages for studying de
194 ays, the EC50 for TCDD was 23 nM, similar to X. laevis AHR1beta (27 nM) and greater than AHR containi
195                                   Transgenic X. laevis tadpoles overexpressing a GFP-D3 fusion protei
196  constitute the first report of a transgenic X. laevis model of retinal degenerative disease.
197 for limb regeneration, we created transgenic X. laevis tadpoles that express Dickkopf-1 (Dkk1), a spe
198 ein (GFP) can be used to generate transgenic X. laevis embryos.
199             The authors generated transgenic X. laevis expressing the Escherichia coli enzyme nitrore
200 of ovine or Xenopus laevis PRL in transgenic X. laevis does not prolong tadpole life, establishing th
201  region to direct OS targeting in transgenic X. laevis retinas.
202 oters were tested for function in transgenic X. laevis.
203                        Similarly, transgenic X. laevis expressing Ter349Glu rhodopsin exhibited parti
204 as increased in X. tropicalis, which, unlike X. laevis, lacks an inhibitory phosphorylation site in t
205                                        Using X. laevis egg extracts, we show that SSX2IP accumulated
206 nd the enhancer landscape in X. tropicalis x X. laevis hybrid embryos.

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