


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1                                              X. tropicalis is a close relative of X. laevis that shar
2     Here we describe the analysis of 219,270 X. tropicalis expressed sequence tags (ESTs) from four e
3                   In both cultured cells and X. tropicalis embryos, membrane-bound Ephrins (Efns) B1
4 t FGF8 performs a dual role in X. laevis and X. tropicalis early development.
5 similar metamorphic changes in X. laevis and X. tropicalis, making it possible to use the large amoun
6  cytoplasm ("MPF activity") into G2-arrested X. tropicalis oocytes induces entry into meiosis I even
7 expression of many identified miRNAs in both X. tropicalis and X. laevis.
8                                      In both X. tropicalis extracts and the spindle simulation, a bal
9 enome and compared it to the related diploid X. tropicalis genome.
10 nce that tsg acts as a BMP antagonist during X. tropicalis gastrulation since the tsg depletion pheno
11                                 To establish X. tropicalis intestinal metamorphosis as a model for ad
12  mapping studies in the related diploid frog X. tropicalis, and for other reasons.
13 tudies in the rapidly breeding diploid frog, X. tropicalis.
14  are unique to one subgenome and absent from X. tropicalis.
15                               Scaffolds from X. tropicalis genome assembly 2.0 (JGI) were scanned for
16                           On the other hand, X. tropicalis, highly related to X. laevis, offers a num
17                                       Hence, X. tropicalis is a useful model for the study of molecul
18                             Here we identify X. tropicalis' sex chromosome system by integrating data
19                                           In X. tropicalis, k-fiber MT bundles that connect to chromo
20  Indeed, TPX2 was threefold more abundant in X. tropicalis extracts, and elevated TPX2 levels in X. l
21 resource for genetic and genomic analyses in X. tropicalis.
22 the morphological and cytological changes in X. tropicalis intestine during metamorphosis.
23 everal additional ones that are conserved in X. tropicalis.
24 ex-determining gene, DM-W, does not exist in X. tropicalis, and the sex chromosomes in the two specie
25 in order for egg cytoplasm to induce GVBD in X. tropicalis oocytes.
26 tanin-dependent MT severing was increased in X. tropicalis, which, unlike X. laevis, lacks an inhibit
27 nsgenesis in X. laevis and gene knockdown in X. tropicalis, we demonstrate that endogenous Dot1L is c
28  the epigenome and the enhancer landscape in X. tropicalis x X. laevis hybrid embryos.
29 he first positional cloning of a mutation in X. tropicalis, we show that non-contractile hearts in mu
30 al for embryogenesis and premetamorphosis in X. tropicalis On the other hand, knocking out EVI and MD
31 icalis (Xt) allurin, a homologous protein in X. tropicalis.
32 aled that microtubules polymerized slower in X. tropicalis extracts compared to X. laevis, but that t
33 derstanding the sex-determination systems in X. tropicalis is critical for developing this flexible a
34 LOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We observed that in X. tropicalis, the premetamorphic intestine was made of
35 deep region as bottle cells whereas those in X. tropicalis ingress by "relamination".
36                               Interestingly, X. tropicalis spindles were approximately 30% shorter th
37 quence information and genetic advantages of X. tropicalis to dissect the pathways governing adult in
38  present a draft genome sequence assembly of X. tropicalis.
39                                Comparison of X. tropicalis and X. laevis blots revealed comparable ex
40 shorter spindles observed in egg extracts of X. tropicalis compared to X. laevis.
41  Like that of other tetrapods, the genome of X. tropicalis contains gene deserts enriched for conserv
42 dies of X. laevis oocytes holds for those of X. tropicalis, and suggest that X. tropicalis oocytes of
43  and cell biological experiments, the use of X. tropicalis provides novel insight into the complex me
44                                 We show that X. tropicalis egg extracts reconstitute the fundamental
45 for those of X. tropicalis, and suggest that X. tropicalis oocytes offer a good experimental system f
46 for a newly recognized "Crisp A" gene in the X. tropicalis genome.
47 es representation of a minimum of 66% of the X. tropicalis genome, incorporating 758 of the approxima
48             Comparisons of this map with the X. tropicalis genome Assembly 4.1 (JGI) indicate that th
49 ategy, we identified unique SSLPs within the X. tropicalis genome.
50                            Strikingly, young X. tropicalis DNA transposons are derepressed and recrui

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