


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  initiated by SRY (sex determining region on Y chromosome).
2  basis of genetic interactions involving the Y chromosome.
3  the X chromosome and masculinization of the Y chromosome.
4 uman Y Chromosome, but not to the chimpanzee Y Chromosome.
5 res driving the evolution and biology of the Y chromosome.
6 m-line-specific promoter when located on the Y chromosome.
7 ermatid-expressed gene families on the X and Y chromosome.
8 ntegration of a transgene construct onto the Y chromosome.
9 draft quality, very few of these include the Y chromosome.
10 ction revealed strong positive bands for the Y chromosome.
11 ion and into the evolutionary destiny of the Y chromosome.
12 y Sry, a transcription factor encoded by the Y chromosome.
13  samples, 36% yielded positive bands for the Y chromosome.
14 seful tool for dissecting the biology of the Y chromosome.
15 haplotypes and to resolve major parts of the Y chromosome.
16 he hominine (human, chimpanzee, and gorilla) Y Chromosomes.
17 trol strategies based on the manipulation of Y chromosomes.
18 recent or super-archaic origin of Neandertal Y chromosomes.
19 uent crossovers between the grass carp X and Y chromosomes.
20 eveal large-scale gene degeneration on plant Y chromosomes.
21  characterised by an abnormal number of X or Y chromosomes.
22 t-meiotic genes was upregulated by resistant Y chromosomes.
23 tion constraining the evolution of eutherian Y chromosomes.
24 s were downregulated in males with resistant Y chromosomes.
25 a Neolithic origin for these modern European Y chromosomes.
26 equence alignments with human and chimpanzee Y Chromosomes.
27 tis-specific genes remained unchanged across Y chromosomes, a subset of post-meiotic genes was upregu
28        We reconstructed the evolution of the Y chromosome across eight mammals to identify biases in
29      Here we trace gene-content evolution of Y-chromosomes across 22 Diptera species, using a subtrac
30 nant force shaping gene-content evolution of Y-chromosomes across fly species.While X-chromosome gene
31 PAR is suggested by the very different X and Y chromosome allele frequencies for at least one PAR gen
32                              The D. simulans Y chromosome also modulated gene expression in XXY femal
33  intrachromosomal NAHR occurs for nearly all Y-chromosome amplicon pairs, even those located on oppos
34  known about Finns from other studies, e.g., Y-chromosome analyses and archaeology findings.
35 utosomal as well as mtDNA, X chromosome, and Y chromosome ancestries.
36  studies found an immune regulatory role for Y chromosome and a relationship between loss of Y chromo
37 ltaTsix) (X(DeltaTsix)O) ESCs, excluding the Y chromosome and instead implicating the X-chromosome do
38 is-specific protein Y-encoded (TSPY), on the Y chromosome and its X-homologue, TSPX, are cell cycle r
39 est that if there is common variation on the Y chromosome and mitochondrial DNA associated with behav
40  differed between males and females; however Y chromosome and mitochondrial DNA haplogroups were not
41 s study we evaluated the association between Y chromosome and mitochondrial DNA haplogroups with sexu
42                                     Previous Y chromosome and mitochondrial DNA markers provided no s
43         Unexpectedly, the interaction of the Y chromosome and one segment of D. mauritiana drasticall
44                        Representation of the Y chromosome and other heterochromatic regions is partic
45  site-specific recombination signal onto the Y chromosome and show that the resulting docking line ca
46                                          The Y chromosome and the mitochondrial genome have been used
47     Applying equivalent methodologies to the Y chromosome and the mitochondrial genome, we estimate t
48 ted to produce adaptive interactions between Y chromosomes and the rest of the genome.
49 ex chromosomes, genes on the non-recombining Y chromosomes (and W chromosomes in ZW systems) undergo
50       Here we present genome-wide autosomal, Y chromosome, and mitochondrial DNA data from Iranian an
51 lions of years ago genetic decay ravaged the Y chromosome, and only three per cent of its ancestral g
52 anspositions originated from either the X or Y chromosomes, and are observed in diverse mammalian lin
53 me effects estimated across five rare sex (X/Y) chromosome aneuploidy (SCA) syndromes, and (3) clarif
54 ightward inferior frontal asymmetries, while Y-chromosome aneuploidy reversed normative rightward med
55 have X-linked homologs, the Drosophila X and Y chromosomes appear to be unrelated.
56  chromosomes differ: in Zimbabwe, a European Y chromosome appears to have swept through the populatio
57 mic scan, we show that gene transfers to the Y chromosome are much more common than previously suspec
58 reviously reported in at least one mammalian Y Chromosome are represented either as active genes or p
59                                              Y chromosomes are challenged by a lack of recombination
60                                   Drosophila Y chromosomes are composed entirely of silent heterochro
61                                              Y chromosomes are gene-poor, repeat-rich and largely het
62                 In contrast to theories that Y chromosomes are heterochromatic and gene poor, the mou
63         The nonrecombining regions of animal Y chromosomes are known to undergo genetic degeneration,
64                   In male mammals, the X and Y chromosomes are transcriptionally silenced in primary
65                                              Y-chromosomes are characterized by abundant gene-loss an
66 eir autosomal origins, but most genes on old Y-chromosomes are not simply remnants of genes originall
67 es without bound CENP-B, including the human Y chromosome, are shown to mis-segregate in cells at rat
68  to approximately 50 kya, thus excluding the Y chromosome as providing evidence for recent gene flow
69 ics, except for differential expression of a Y-chromosome associated mRNA transcript, Eif2s3y, and th
70                           In order to detect Y chromosome-autosome interactions, which may go unnotic
71 wn, but it may reflect negative selection of Y chromosome-bearing sperm during spermatogenesis or mal
72     We conclude that the gene content of the Y chromosome became specialized through selection to mai
73 sis of SCA reveals that supernumerary X- and Y-chromosomes both cause disproportionate reductions in
74 illa Y Chromosome to be similar to the human Y Chromosome, but not to the chimpanzee Y Chromosome.
75 ion and show that sister chromatids of X and Y chromosomes, but not autosomes, are segregated nonrand
76 ploid selection should oppose gene loss from Y chromosomes, but recent work on sex chromosomes of two
77                      Few genes remain on old Y-chromosomes, but the number of inferred Y-genes varies
78 osome, and a first draft assembly of the pig Y Chromosome, by sequencing BAC and fosmid clones from D
79   Our study supports the hypothesis that the Y chromosome can contribute significantly to the evoluti
80 d gross chromosomal aneuploidy and (2) X and Y chromosomes can exert focal, nonoverlapping and direct
81 the staggeringly low polymorphism of African Y chromosomes cannot be explained by demographic history
82 n (AZoospermia Factor-a) region of the human Y chromosome cause irreversible spermatogenic failure th
83 f their evolution is the degeneration of the Y chromosome, characterized by a loss of gene content an
84 ate from sequence data that the Chad R1b-V88 Y chromosomes coalesced 5,700-7,300 years ago.
85 iation of the predominant HSat3 array on the Y chromosome, confirming that satellite array sizes can
86 polymorphisms in the Drosophila melanogaster Y chromosome contribute disproportionally to gene expres
87 ated by using germ cells from males with the Y chromosome contribution limited to only two genes, the
88                                              Y chromosomes control essential male functions in many s
89 ins varied due to: (i) species origin of the Y chromosome (D. simulans or D. sechellia); (ii) locatio
90        To compensate for the almost complete Y Chromosome degeneration, X-linked genes have become tw
91 evolutionary and molecular forces triggering Y-chromosome degeneration and into the evolutionary dest
92 hanges that occur during the early stages of Y-chromosome degeneration are poorly understood, especia
93 for reduced selection efficiency and ongoing Y-chromosome degeneration in a flowering plant, and indi
94 er, five lines of outbred XY(d) females with Y chromosome deletions Y(Del(Y)1Ct)-Y(Del(Y)5Ct) that de
95 MKOs), due to partial redundancy with UTY, a Y-chromosome demethylase-dead homolog.
96       Interestingly, the Zimbabwe and Uganda Y chromosomes differ: in Zimbabwe, a European Y chromoso
97                             Furthermore, the Y chromosome differentially regulates several ubiquitous
98                                          The Y chromosome directly reflects male genealogies, but the
99     Despite their shared ancestry, mammalian Y chromosomes display enormous variation among species i
100                                              Y chromosomes display population variation within and be
101   Females are XX, and two slightly different Y chromosomes distinguish males (XY) and hermaphrodites
102  of the non-recombining region and increased Y chromosome divergence.
103              This estimate suggests that the Y-chromosome divergence mirrors the population divergenc
104                                              Y chromosome diversity caused males to sire approximatel
105 cale survey of autosomal, mitochondrial, and Y chromosome diversity in 4,676 purebred dogs from 161 b
106 dering more complex models for the origin of Y chromosome diversity.
107       We tested baseline genital samples for Y chromosome DNA and HPV DNA using polymerase chain reac
108                                              Y chromosome DNA predicted type-specific HPV concordance
109 whether sexual risk factors and a biomarker (Y chromosome DNA) were associated with genital HPV partn
110 alyze approximately 120 kb of exome-captured Y-chromosome DNA from a Neandertal individual from El Si
111 on interchangeably, thus indicating that the Y chromosome does not harbor loci contributing to hybrid
112 blished the marked influence of both Yand X-/Y-chromosome dosage on total brain volume (TBV) and iden
113  years, indicative of a possible role of the Y chromosome-encoded oncogene in addition to an androgen
114 sly shown that IgG allo-antibodies recognize Y chromosome-encoded proteins (H-Y) and a dominant H-Y e
115                                      For the Y chromosome-encoded SMCY antigen, self-specific T cells
116 on of a nonmyeloablative MHC-matched, single Y chromosome-encoded, or multiple minor histocompatibili
117 ication of a feminizing gene suppressed by a Y-chromosome-encoded small RNA contributes to our unders
118            We show that although the nascent Y chromosome encompasses nearly half of the linkage grou
119 ubgroup largely confined to the inbred mouse Y chromosome.envvariations define three E-MLV subtypes,
120 by to reveal mechanisms underlying pig X and Y Chromosome evolution.
121 romosome gene content tends to be conserved, Y-chromosome evolution is dynamic and difficult to recon
122                                          The Y chromosome evolved from an autosome, and its evolution
123                 Although the mammalian X and Y chromosomes evolved from a single pair of autosomes, t
124                              The human X and Y chromosomes evolved from an ordinary pair of autosomes
125 chromosome system known: the mammalian X and Y chromosomes evolved from ordinary autosomes beginning
126                     Cell fate analysis using Y-chromosome fluorescent in situ hybridization demonstra
127 ional HP1D2 alleles that fail to prepare the Y chromosome for meiosis, thus providing evidence that t
128 e pig Y Chromosome, to compare the pig X and Y Chromosomes for homologous sequences, and thereby to r
129                                   Portion of Y chromosome from wild horse assemblies (3 M bp) and Mon
130  distinguishing binary markers in 1,631 hg N Y chromosomes from a collection of 6,521 samples from 56
131 erage complete sequences of 36 diverse human Y chromosomes from Africa, Europe, South Asia, East Asia
132                      One consequence is that Y chromosomes from disparate populations could disrupt h
133 igh sex ratio) and resistant (low sex ratio) Y chromosomes from the same population.
134                                              Y chromosome function, structure and evolution is poorly
135 there has been no perceptible degradation of Y chromosome gene content or activity.
136                                   Therefore, Y chromosome gene flow between members of the gambiae co
137            Here, we show that Guy1, a unique Y chromosome gene of a major urban malaria mosquito Anop
138                      Eif2s3y may be the only Y chromosome gene required to drive mouse spermatogenesi
139 y the presence of a transgene containing the Y chromosome gene Sry This sex-reversal provided clear e
140 Mutations in Deleted in Azoospermia (DAZ), a Y chromosome gene, are an important cause of human male
141 in 22 Diptera species, revealing patterns of Y-chromosome gene-content evolution.
142                   Here, we resolve the first Y chromosome genealogy of modern horses by screening 1.4
143 istence of functional redundancy between the Y chromosome genes and their homologs encoded on other c
144  in sexual differentiation and reproduction, Y chromosome genes are rarely described because they res
145                      The functional study of Y chromosome genes has been hindered by a lack of mouse
146 uito relative, suggesting rapid evolution of Y chromosome genes in this highly dynamic genus of malar
147                  The resulting males with no Y chromosome genes produced haploid male gametes and sir
148 as from female XY mice selectively expressed Y chromosome genes, whereas genes known to escape X inac
149 anscriptional activities observed from these Y-chromosome genes and 375 additional noncoding RNAs, ch
150 founder event within R1a, the most prevalent Y-chromosome haplogroup in Eastern Europe.
151                                              Y-chromosome Haplogroup O2a1c-002611 is one of the domin
152 ondrial DNA haplogroups and 4,788 males with Y chromosome haplogroups who are part of the Avon Longit
153  Mongolian cattle samples revealed B. taurus Y chromosome haplotype and no B. indicus haplotypes were
154                                              Y-chromosome haplotypes from male-line relatives and the
155                               The Drosophila Y chromosome has been gradually acquiring genes from the
156 enon is in the Japanese spiny rat, where the Y chromosome has disappeared altogether.
157 e find that the presence of a heterospecific Y chromosome has no significant effect on the expression
158 rmore, comparative analysis of young and old Y chromosomes has given further insights into the evolut
159              Furthermore, genes remaining on Y chromosomes have accumulated more amino acid replaceme
160 cious plant Rumex hastatulus, in which X and Y chromosomes have evolved relatively recently and occur
161 r histocompatibility antigens encoded on the Y chromosome (HY-Abs) develop after hematopoietic cell t
162 ly repetitive and degenerative nature of the Y chromosome impedes genomic and transcriptomic characte
163 ally purify a genetically labeled A. gambiae Y chromosome in an A. arabiensis background.
164 ructure and highly repetitive content of the Y chromosome in Anopheles malaria mosquitoes.
165  illuminate the evolutionary dynamics of the Y chromosome in Drosophila and other species.
166     HP1D2 accumulates on the heterochromatic Y chromosome in male germ cells, strongly suggesting tha
167 asing appreciation for the role of the human Y chromosome in phenotypic differences between the sexes
168  basis of the evolutionary divergence of the Y chromosome in the gambiae complex is complicated by co
169 2013) observe nonrandom segregation of X and Y chromosomes in Drosophila germline stem cells and shed
170 ure of life on earth, and the familiar X and Y chromosomes in humans and other model species have led
171 t whole-genome and transcriptome analyses of Y chromosomes in humans and other primates, in Drosophil
172 ination is suppressed between emerging X and Y chromosomes in order to resolve sexual conflict.
173 o re-investigate their divergence times from Y chromosomes in other continents, including a compariso
174  the findings through FISH analysis of X and Y chromosomes in sex-discordant transplants.
175               Indeed, haploid and repetitive Y chromosomes in species with male heterogamety (XY), an
176 ferences between Neandertal and modern human Y chromosomes, including potentially damaging changes to
177 ertal lineage as an outgroup to modern human Y chromosomes-including A00, the highly divergent basal
178  the possibility of archaic introgression of Y chromosomes into anatomically modern humans.
179                                          The Y chromosome is a unique genetic environment defined by
180 have shown that genetic variation within the Y chromosome is associated with cholesterol levels, whic
181                                The mammalian Y chromosome is considered a symbol of maleness, as it e
182 tosomes, they are highly differentiated: the Y chromosome is dramatically smaller than the X and has
183 estis determination and spermatogenesis, the Y chromosome is essential for male viability, and has un
184                                          The Y chromosome is frequently lost in hematopoietic cells,
185 t spread of recombination suppression on the Y chromosome is fueled by the accumulation of sexually a
186   The nonrecombining Drosophila melanogaster Y chromosome is heterochromatic and has few genes.
187                                    The human Y chromosome is intriguing not only because it harbours
188 k that modulates sex ratio distortion by the Y chromosome is poorly understood, other than that it mi
189                                          The Y chromosome is thought to be important for male reprodu
190 estor (TMRCA) of Neandertal and modern human Y chromosomes is approximately 588 thousand years ago (k
191 s', whose interest in resequencing their own Y chromosomes is generating a wealth of new data.
192 yet the nature of the gene repertoire of fly Y-chromosomes is largely unknown.
193 hed light on the current gene content of the Y chromosome, its origins and its long-term fate.
194               Several unique features of the Y chromosome--its lack of a homologous partner for cross
195  sequence elements present on the A. gambiae Y chromosome itself.
196 termining factor (M factor) located within a Y chromosome-like region called the M locus.
197 ctions of changes, including testing whether Y chromosome-like regions are undergoing genetic degener
198                       It brought to Africa a Y chromosome lineage (R1b-V88) whose closest relatives a
199 at have shaped the vast extent of this major Y chromosome lineage across numerous linguistically and
200 s of genome-wide SNP data [4]; and second, a Y chromosome lineage designated haplogroup C( *), presen
201 rse MSY and showed that various modern horse Y chromosome lineages split much later than the domestic
202 tDNA, we infer a second strong bottleneck in Y-chromosome lineages dating to the last 10 ky.
203 e TMRCA of A00 and other extant modern human Y-chromosome lineages.
204                    Among the altered loci of Y chromosome-linked genes, KDM5D, which encodes Lys (K)-
205                                     To date, Y chromosome-linked long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) are p
206  In many insects, maleness is conferred by a Y chromosome-linked M factor of unknown nature.
207 d most are related to a distinctive, largely Y-chromosome-linked MLV ERV subtype.
208 can be obtained from mice lacking the entire Y chromosome long arm.
209 lignancy, smoking behavior, telomere length, Y-chromosome loss, and other phenotypic characteristics.
210 hromosome and a relationship between loss of Y chromosome (LOY) in blood cells and a higher risk of c
211 locations of the sex-determining loci on its Y chromosome map.
212 at the Guanches carried common North African Y chromosome markers (E-M81, E-M78, and J-M267) and mito
213                                 Here, we use Y-chromosome markers combined with autosomal data to rec
214                    The data suggest that the Y chromosome might exert its regulatory functions throug
215 ined on both X chromosome heterozygosity and Y chromosome missingness, that consistently demonstrated
216 ant in the male-specific region of the human Y chromosome (MSY) and provide targets for intrachromoso
217    The male-specific region of the mammalian Y chromosome (MSY) contains clusters of genes essential
218              The male-specific region of the Y chromosome (MSY) has been widely applied to this quest
219  analysis of the male-specific region of the Y Chromosome (MSY) has not yet been undertaken.
220 g 1.46 Mb of the male-specific region of the Y chromosome (MSY) in 52 horses from 21 breeds.
221 the genes on the male-specific region of the Y chromosome (MSY) in these processes are uncertain.
222 sessing an identical X chromosome and CNV in Y chromosome multicopy genes exhibit sperm head abnormal
223     Here, we test the hypothesis that CNV in Y chromosome multicopy genes influences the paternal par
224 sociated with copy number variation (CNV) in Y chromosome multicopy genes.
225 rom an imbalance in CNV between homologous X:Y chromosome multicopy genes.
226 ered by a lack of mouse models with specific Y chromosome mutations.
227                  The properties of the human Y chromosome - namely, male specificity, haploidy and es
228 increased formation of endothelial cells and Y-chromosome(NEG) CPCs for 12 months and increased forma
229  the fact that mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and Y chromosome (NRY) data are usually studied independentl
230 es mitochondrial (mtDNA) and non-recombining Y chromosome (NRY) haplotypes to eliminate many pedigree
231 rgence indicates that the duplication to the Y chromosome occurred approximately 2 million years ago.
232 as the fertility is partially rescued by the Y chromosome of D. sechellia when it descends from a spe
233 uplication of the autosomal gene vig2 to the Y chromosome of Drosophila melanogaster.
234 esolithic European hunter-gatherers, and the Y chromosome of MA-1 is basal to modern-day western Eura
235                                          The Y chromosome of the human malaria vector Anopheles gambi
236  content and structure of the nonrecombining Y chromosome of the primary African malaria mosquito, An
237 sed the ability to differentiate between the Y chromosomes of father-son pairs, and imputed Y-STR gen
238                                              Y chromosomes of many organisms have low levels of nucle
239 tegy for sequencing and assembling mammalian Y Chromosomes of sufficient quality for most comparative
240 despite their radically different structure, Y chromosomes of these two species of the gambiae comple
241                                Seventy-eight Y chromosomes of worldwide origin were assayed for their
242 ntirely consistent with the data is that the Y chromosomes of Zimbabwe and Uganda populations have ex
243 quenced the MSY (male-specific region of the Y chromosome) of the C57BL/6J strain of the laboratory m
244                               Studies of the Y chromosome over the past few decades have opened a win
245 ells were traced in female recipient mice by Y chromosome painting.
246 raphic location of divergent branches of the Y chromosome phylogenetic tree for the elucidation of hu
247 l SNPs that defined the basal portion of the Y chromosome phylogenetic tree.
248         While the low levels of Cosmopolitan Y chromosome polymorphism can be explained by the demogr
249 he unbiased comparison between the mtDNA and Y-chromosome population datasets emphasizes the sex-bias
250                           Some transplanted (Y-chromosome(POS)) CPCs (or their progeny) persisted and
251 romosomes evolved in parallel with mammalian Y chromosomes, preserving ancestral genes through select
252                   Based on mitochondrial and Y-chromosome profiling, the two individuals carrying B19
253 ing for lactase persistence, blue eye color, Y chromosome R1b haplotypes, and the hemochromatosis C28
254       We report the sequences of 1,244 human Y chromosomes randomly ascertained from 26 worldwide pop
255 y of SOX (SRY (sex determining region on the Y chromosome)-related high mobility group (HMG) box) pro
256 nd its role in driving genome evolution, the Y chromosome remains poorly understood in most species.
257  theme that promises to broaden the reach of Y-chromosome research by shedding light on fundamental s
258           Two biological themes have defined Y-chromosome research over the past six decades: testis
259                                              Y-chromosome resequencing studies in Europe have highlig
260 gins to emerge from recent insights into the Y chromosome's roles beyond the reproductive tract--a th
261 ects male genealogies, but the extremely low Y chromosome sequence diversity in horses has prevented
262                                 Although the Y chromosome sequence is available for the human, chimpa
263 over, we have utilized the assembled gorilla Y Chromosome sequence to design genetic markers for stud
264                                The mammalian Y Chromosome sequence, critical for studying male fertil
265 in 340 samples from 17 populations for which Y-chromosome sequence data are also available.
266 by repeat-rich heterochromatin, knowledge of Y chromosome sequences is limited to a handful of model
267  of 456 geographically diverse high-coverage Y chromosome sequences, including 299 newly reported sam
268                         The paucity of whole Y-chromosome sequences precluded conclusive identificati
269 t the first MSY (male-specific region of the Y chromosome) sequences from two carnivores, the domesti
270 h demand for forensic pedigree searches with Y-chromosome short tandem repeat (Y-STR) profiling in la
271  mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) D-loop region and Y chromosome SNP markers in 25 male and 8 female samples
272 he expression of sex determination region of Y chromosome (SRY)-related high-mobility group-Box gene
273                                        Young Y-chromosomes still show clear evidence of their autosom
274 ncing data to estimate the mutation rates of Y chromosome STRs (Y-STRs) with 2-6 bp repeat units that
275                                     Previous Y-chromosome studies have demonstrated that Ashkenazi Le
276 he GUY1 protein is a primary signal from the Y chromosome that affects embryonic development in a sex
277  report the discovery of an African American Y chromosome that carries the ancestral state of all SNP
278  data indicate that the information on X and Y chromosomes that enables nonrandom segregation is prim
279  Here we report our finding of four men with Y chromosomes that evidently formed by intrachromosomal
280              We propose that, like the human Y chromosome, the chicken W chromosome is essential for
281 teractions between the species origin of the Y chromosome, the identity of the D. mauritiana segment
282 most recent common ancestor (T(MRCA)) of the Y chromosome to be 120 to 156 thousand years and the mit
283 ly between species, revealing the Drosophila Y chromosome to be more dynamic than previously apprecia
284           Surprisingly, we found the gorilla Y Chromosome to be similar to the human Y Chromosome, bu
285 genes limiting malaria transmission, driving-Y chromosomes to collapse a mosquito population, and gen
286   Here, we sequence 13 Aboriginal Australian Y chromosomes to re-investigate their divergence times f
287  address the contribution of 'heterospecific Y chromosomes' to fertility in hybrid males carrying a h
288 --both single copy and amplified--on the pig Y Chromosome, to compare the pig X and Y Chromosomes for
289  may also occur, both on the non-recombining Y chromosome, to shut down expression of maladapted gene
290 g two in which we find basal branches of the Y-chromosome tree.
291 lity, but a formal survey of D. melanogaster Y chromosome variation had yet to be performed.
292 n the basis of 94 high-coverage re-sequenced Y chromosomes, we establish and date a detailed hg N phy
293 nic activation of RBMY (RNA-binding motif on Y chromosome), which is absent in normal hepatocytes but
294 cytogenetic similarity to DFT1 and carries a Y chromosome, which contrasts with the female origin of
295 encing of sex-linked genes on both the X and Y chromosomes, which is a requirement of all current met
296 ore, the house fly is expected to have X and Y Chromosomes with different gene content.
297 ovine MSY differs radically from the primate Y chromosomes with respect to its structure, gene conten
298         Here, we report the variation of 486 Y-chromosomes within the Ashkenazi and non-Ashkenazi Lev
299 IV, and Crus I volumes with additional X- or Y-chromosomes; X-specific contraction of Crus II-lobule
300 mes by profiling short tandem repeats on the Y chromosome (Y-STRs) and querying recreational genetic

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