


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 oint(s) of virtually any naturally occurring Y chromosome deletion.
2 ir deletion, we examined a panel of men with Y chromosome deletions and known testicular pathologies
3                                              Y chromosome deletions arise frequently in human populat
4 counts of 40 000-100 000 per mL, we detected Y-chromosome deletions in leucocyte DNA similar in locat
5                       In the two men in whom Y-chromosome deletions in leucocyte DNA were detected, w
6                                          The Y-chromosome deletions in these two men are de-novo muta
7 sperm DNA was tested, and it showed the same Y-chromosome deletion seen in leucocytes.
8 tion of abnormal spermatogenesis in men with Y chromosome deletions suggests that genes important for
9                          In 10-15% of cases, Y chromosome deletions that encompass critical spermatog
10  These intervals are defined by interstitial Y-chromosome deletions that impair or extinguish spermat
11                                           No Y-chromosome deletions were detected in the fathers of t
12 er, five lines of outbred XY(d) females with Y chromosome deletions Y(Del(Y)1Ct)-Y(Del(Y)5Ct) that de

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