


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1                                              Y. enterocolitica biovar 1B additionally has a distinct
2                                              Y. enterocolitica cells are motile when grown at lower t
3                                              Y. enterocolitica infection promoted the development of
4                                              Y. enterocolitica infections in FoodNet sites have signi
5                                              Y. enterocolitica isolates recovered from the mice were
6                                              Y. enterocolitica lacking the virulence plasmid failed t
7                                              Y. enterocolitica mutants lacking either the Ysa or Ysc
8                                              Y. enterocolitica O:8 was isolated from 1 raw-milk sampl
9                                              Y. enterocolitica organisms were more virulent in the IL
10                                              Y. enterocolitica reduces S. Typhimurium invasion of HeL
11                                              Y. enterocolitica tends to persist in soil for long peri
12                                              Y. enterocolitica thus has three type III secretion path
13                                              Y. enterocolitica was also able to inhibit the invasion
14                                              Y. enterocolitica was present within the murine mucosa o
15 erence method was 1.2% ETEC, 0.1% Vibrio, 0% Y. enterocolitica, and 0% P. shigelloides Compared to th
16                              Analysis of 100 Y. enterocolitica and Y. enterocolitica-like strains sho
17                 From 1996 through 2009, 2085 Y. enterocolitica infections were reported to FoodNet.
18 he enteropathogenic E. coli strain E2348/69, Y. enterocolitica JB580, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1
19 .7% (99.4 to 99.8), and 0.96 (0.93 to 0.99); Y. enterocolitica, 99.0% (94.8 to 99.8), 99.9% (99.8 to
20                                            A Y. enterocolitica rovA mutant has a significant decrease
21                    One role of IL-6 during a Y. enterocolitica infection may be the downmodulation of
22                                         In a Y. enterocolitica yenI mutant, swimming motility is temp
23     A striking feature of the pathology of a Y. enterocolitica infection is inflammation.
24    We previously reported the isolation of a Y. enterocolitica mutant (JB1A8v) that shows a decrease
25  of intestinal inflammation in response to a Y. enterocolitica infection.
26                 Educating dairy owners about Y. enterocolitica and postpasteurization contamination i
27 rt antipathogenic effects in the gut against Y. enterocolitica and highlight the need to investigate
28                   The most potent MP against Y. enterocolitica, methicillin-resistant S. aureus and M
29                                     Although Y. enterocolitica 0:8 strains are reported to have galac
30 common food pathogens, including E. coli and Y. enterocolitica, and could even detect Salmonella spp.
31 romotes serum resistance in both E. coli and Y. enterocolitica.
32 ose 4-epimerase activity in both E. coli and Y. enterocolitica.
33        Analysis of 100 Y. enterocolitica and Y. enterocolitica-like strains showed none to be within
34 , isolated 2,493 Yersinia enterocolitica and Y. enterocolitica-like strains, 22 Y. pestis strains, an
35  IV(A) modified with C16:0 predominated, and Y. enterocolitica produced a unique tetra-acylated lipid
36 ogenic for humans (Y. pseudotuberculosis and Y. enterocolitica).
37 ognate plasmids in Y. pseudotuberculosis and Y. enterocolitica, but their localization within the pla
38 umans (Y. pestis, Y. pseudotuberculosis, and Y. enterocolitica) export and translocate a distinct set
39 sent in all 47 low-pathogenicity strains and Y. enterocolitica 8081 but absent from all nonpathogenic
40  occurring in response to S. typhimurium and Y. enterocolitica colonization of PP using Affymetrix Ge
41 l complementation of both S. typhimurium and Y. enterocolitica mutations and by DNA sequence analysis
42 hort interactions between S. Typhimurium and Y. enterocolitica or that the SdiA regulon members do no
43 rd to host cell uptake of S. Typhimurium and Y. enterocolitica, we investigated how each pathogen inf
44                             However, because Y. enterocolitica is typically a food-borne pathogen, th
45 nt PspC destabilization is conserved between Y. enterocolitica and E. coli.
46 onserved mechanism of inv regulation between Y. enterocolitica and Y. pseudotuberculosis.
47 hich is positively regulated by RovA in both Y. enterocolitica and Yersinia pseudotuberculosis while
48                 The RepA proteins encoded by Y. enterocolitica serotype 0:8 pYVeWA and pYVe8081 were
49 here early precursor B cells are expanded by Y. enterocolitica porins to undergo somatic hypermutatio
50 eveal the complete set of genes expressed by Y. enterocolitica in response to infection and provide t
51 ed to reverse the uptake blockade imposed by Y. enterocolitica.
52 erwise unable to block type III injection by Y. enterocolitica strains.
53 ntal signals are processed and integrated by Y. enterocolitica to stimulate the production of flagell
54 N-acylhomoserine lactones (AHLs) produced by Y. enterocolitica and upregulates the expression of an i
55          CopN, but not NrdB, was secreted by Y. enterocolitica in a Ca2+- and pYV-dependent fashion.
56 rison of Ysps with Yop effectors secreted by Y. enterocolitica indicated that YspG, YspH, and YspJ ha
57  the range of 30 degrees C and 37 degrees C, Y. enterocolitica phase-varies between motility and plas
58 ears to be provided by host cells and causes Y. enterocolitica to transport YopE and presumably other
59  were stimulated with flagella from E. coli, Y. enterocolitica, and P. aeruginosa in the presence of
60 active surveillance for laboratory-confirmed Y. enterocolitica infections, defined as the isolation o
61 e H(1) receptor is important for controlling Y. enterocolitica infection within the Peyer's patches a
62 ase TaqMan PCR assay was developed to detect Y. enterocolitica in blood.
63 degrees C was also derepressed in a directed Y. enterocolitica clpP mutant.
64 ting protective roles for CD4 T cells during Y. enterocolitica infection, vaccinating mice with a 16-
65 bitory role of this endogenous lectin during Y. enterocolitica infection.
66 ith a regulatory role for this lectin during Y. enterocolitica pathogenesis, mice lacking Gal-1 showe
67  IL-6 plays an anti-inflammatory role during Y. enterocolitica infection, and in other systems IL-6 h
68                              A gene encoding Y. enterocolitica phospholipase was identified, and anal
69  as medium values decreased below pH 3.0 for Y. enterocolitica and pH 5.5 for M. morganii, suggesting
70 ally informative typing scheme available for Y. enterocolitica.
71 that the RovA regulon may be dispensable for Y. enterocolitica systemic disease and inflammatory resp
72     Establishment of S2 cells as a model for Y. enterocolitica infection provides a versatile tool to
73 e cAMP-CRP regulatory system is required for Y. enterocolitica virulence.
74 ne identified along with inv in a screen for Y. enterocolitica genes that could confer an invasive ph
75            Analysis of the core gene set for Y. enterocolitica revealed that 20.8% of the genes were
76 ucleotide sequence of the 16S rRNA gene from Y. enterocolitica were designed.
77 4, with and without this bend, isolated from Y. enterocolitica were resolved by using chloroquine gel
78 stis KIM D27 LcrV (LcrV(D27)) bind LcrV from Y. enterocolitica O:9 strain W22703 (LcrV(W22703)) or O:
79         We also show that RovA and H-NS from Y. enterocolitica bind to a similar region of the inv pr
80 activity, we have characterized the OGL from Y. enterocolitica, YeOGL, on oligogalacturonides and det
81 direct the secretion of an Npt reporter from Y. enterocolitica, indicating that a universal targeting
82      An aspirate from the axillary mass grew Y. enterocolitica.
83           These results reveal facets of how Y. enterocolitica controls the function of the Ysa TTS s
84       These findings add a new aspect of how Y. enterocolitica effectively evades the host complement
85                                     However, Y. enterocolitica had no effect on S. Typhimurium uptake
86   Yersinia bercovieri, a recently identified Y. enterocolitica-like species, produces a heat-stable e
87                                           In Y. enterocolitica, a rovA mutant is attenuated for virul
88 erefore, we investigated the role of ArcB in Y. enterocolitica and E. coli.
89                    Mutating all CSC-boxes in Y. enterocolitica of a plasmid bound cspA1/A2 dramatical
90 y, when YspP was constitutively expressed in Y. enterocolitica bv.
91 g mechanism for virulence gene expression in Y. enterocolitica and other enteric pathogens.
92 ositive regulators of psp gene expression in Y. enterocolitica.
93 d the gene for the lipoprotein YlpA found in Y. enterocolitica likely is a pseudogene in Y. pestis.
94 ia coli galE mutant, its primary function in Y. enterocolitica is not in the production of UDP galact
95                              Furthermore, in Y. enterocolitica RovM only in the presence of Hfq affec
96  a CSC-box into a plasmid-bound lacZ gene in Y. enterocolitica, the mRNA of this construct was cleave
97 noyl)-l-homoserine lactone (3-oxo-C6-HSL) in Y. enterocolitica and inhibit QS-associated biofilm matu
98 ditional galE homolog has been identified in Y. enterocolitica by homology to the E. coli gene.
99 pholipase YplA, which has been implicated in Y. enterocolitica virulence.
100 tion that a number of RovA-regulated loci in Y. enterocolitica do not have orthologues in Y. pestis a
101 logues in Yersinia pestis plasmid pCD1 or in Y. enterocolitica serotype 0:9 plasmid pYVe227.
102 endogenous chromosomally encoded proteins in Y. enterocolitica revealed discrete complexes correspond
103                    FtsH destabilizes PspC in Y. enterocolitica, but coproduction of PspC with its bin
104  the membrane topologies of PspB and PspC in Y. enterocolitica.
105 r to alleviate transcriptional repression in Y. enterocolitica.
106 olog has been demonstrated to have a role in Y. enterocolitica serotype 0:8 O-polysaccharide antigen
107 entified a new positive regulator of rovA in Y. enterocolitica, LeuO.
108 nal response to prolonged secretin stress in Y. enterocolitica.
109 oli, Salmonella, and Yersinia pestis than in Y. enterocolitica.
110 s KIM6+ system is most homologous to that in Y. enterocolitica, showing identities of 84% for YfuA (p
111 le in the modulation of ail transcription in Y. enterocolitica.
112 ulosis while negatively regulated by YmoA in Y. enterocolitica and H-NS in Y. pseudotuberculosis.
113 pseudotuberculosis and Y. pestis and YopP in Y. enterocolitica has been shown to regulate host immune
114  been linked to robust phenotypes, including Y. enterocolitica virulence.
115 le of targeting YopP and that they influence Y. enterocolitica interactions with macrophages.
116 fices to protect against an otherwise lethal Y. enterocolitica challenge.
117 dendritic cells, and a yopP mutant of a live Y. enterocolitica carrier vaccine elicited effective pri
118 eless, the ytxAB genes are conserved in many Y. enterocolitica strains.
119                               In adult mice, Y. enterocolitica rapidly disseminated to the spleen and
120          Unlike S. typhimurium flgM mutants, Y. enterocolitica flgM mutants are fully virulent.
121  genes in response to S. typhimurium but not Y. enterocolitica.
122                    Subsequently, a yplA-null Y. enterocolitica strain, YEDS10, was constructed and de
123 at the Ysa TTS system impacts the ability of Y. enterocolitica to colonize gastrointestinal tissues.
124      In this study, we tested the ability of Y. enterocolitica to modulate intracellular IL-1alpha-de
125 uction of gut inflammation characteristic of Y. enterocolitica infection.
126    Using a genetic approach, a collection of Y. enterocolitica Ysa TTS mutants was generated by mutag
127 and inflammatory cytokines in the control of Y. enterocolitica infection in IL-6(-/-) mice was undert
128 he role of the Ysps during the life cycle of Y. enterocolitica.
129 ion of YscM1 and YscM2 from the cytoplasm of Y. enterocolitica causes an increase in yop expression,
130  potential for use in the rapid detection of Y. enterocolitica contamination in stored blood units.
131 ors are conserved in Yersinia, divergence of Y. enterocolitica and Y. pseudotuberculosis/Y. pestis du
132 evidence that it is the C-terminal domain of Y. enterocolitica PspC (PspC(CT)) that interacts directl
133  initial examination of the effectiveness of Y. enterocolitica cya and crp mutants to stimulate prote
134  common with the heat-stable enterotoxins of Y. enterocolitica (YST I and YST II), it appears to be a
135                               Examination of Y. enterocolitica-infected J774A.1 macrophages revealed
136                              The ail gene of Y. enterocolitica is regulated by temperature and growth
137                             The pspC gene of Y. enterocolitica was found to be important for normal g
138 gulates potentially novel virulence genes of Y. enterocolitica during infection.
139 oteases in a screen for chromosomal genes of Y. enterocolitica that were exclusively expressed during
140 re unable to block the type III injection of Y. enterocolitica strains, expression of lcrV(W22703) or
141 tica infections, defined as the isolation of Y. enterocolitica or unspeciated Yersinia from a human c
142              In this study, the psp locus of Y. enterocolitica was characterized further.
143                     In addition, motility of Y. enterocolitica is regulated by temperature.
144 s indicate that an inv yadA double mutant of Y. enterocolitica is avirulent while an inv yadA mutant
145  through mice infected with a yenI mutant of Y. enterocolitica that cannot synthesize AHLs.
146  we screened transposon insertion mutants of Y. enterocolitica W22703 for defects in type III secreti
147  samples were spiked with various numbers of Y. enterocolitica cells, and total chromosomal DNA was e
148 tinct from the flagella secretion pathway of Y. enterocolitica.
149 mporally dynamic gene expression patterns of Y. enterocolitica biovar 1B through the course of an in
150 it secretes (Yops), prevents phagocytosis of Y. enterocolitica and is required for disease processes
151 he N-acylhomoserine lactone (AHL) profile of Y. enterocolitica.
152 ctly and specifically to the inv promoter of Y. enterocolitica.
153  to change the incompatibility properties of Y. enterocolitica serotype 0:8 plasmids from those of Y.
154 nv, the gene encoding the invasin protein of Y. enterocolitica, hreP is located in a cluster of flage
155  in this study we show that PspB and PspC of Y. enterocolitica are dual function proteins, acting bot
156  YadA, which is the primary C4BP receptor of Y. enterocolitica.
157  little overlap between the RovA regulons of Y. enterocolitica and Y. pestis despite the fact that Ro
158  single factor mediating serum resistance of Y. enterocolitica, presumably by binding C4b binding pro
159    Sequence analysis of the JB580v strain of Y. enterocolitica shows that, due to a premature stop co
160                       A ure mutant strain of Y. enterocolitica was constructed which was hypersensiti
161 tigate a diverse collection of 94 strains of Y. enterocolitica consisting of 35 human, 35 pig, 15 she
162                         Nonmotile strains of Y. enterocolitica were less invasive than motile strains
163 ase for the existence of three subspecies of Y. enterocolitica.
164  is apparently essential for the survival of Y. enterocolitica during infection.
165 ed as being required for in vivo survival of Y. enterocolitica.
166 pendent and distantly related TTS systems of Y. enterocolitica recognize protein substrates by a simi
167 tein (invasin(pstb)) was compared to that of Y. enterocolitica invasin (invasin(ent)), which lacks th
168 colitica serotype 0:8 plasmids from those of Y. enterocolitica serotype 0:9 and Y. pestis LCR plasmid
169 uctural subunits is most similar to those of Y. enterocolitica urease.
170 ave opened with the discovery of the Ysps of Y. enterocolitica Biovar 1B, which are translocated into
171 a 17kDa cell-surface protein that confers on Y. enterocolitica resistance to serum killing and the ab
172 escribed here compare oral S. typhimurium or Y. enterocolitica infection in stromelysin-1 (MMP-3)-def
173 es of 7-day-old and adult mice to orogastric Y. enterocolitica infection were assessed in 50% lethal
174 rium is primarily an intracellular pathogen, Y. enterocolitica survives primarily extracellularly.
175 n the pathogenic Yersiniae (Yersinia pestis, Y. enterocolitica, and Y. pseudotuberculosis).
176 al for protection of neonates during primary Y. enterocolitica infection.
177       To determine how temperature regulates Y. enterocolitica motility, we have been dissecting the
178       To subvert the host's immune response, Y. enterocolitica uses a type III secretion system consi
179 tructed for four hre genes and the resulting Y. enterocolitica mutants were tested in the mouse model
180 common to three pathogenic Yersinia species: Y. enterocolitica, Y. pseudotuberculosis, and Y. pestis.
181 plasmids are from a common ancestor but that Y. enterocolitica serotype 0:8 plasmid replicons may hav
182 ults, biochemical evidence demonstrated that Y. enterocolitica and M. morganii ureases were activated
183                            We show here that Y. enterocolitica is capable of infecting S2 cells and r
184 Overall, these studies support the idea that Y. enterocolitica promotes the development of highly inf
185                 Previously, we reported that Y. enterocolitica PspB functions to positively control t
186               Further analysis revealed that Y. enterocolitica does not cluster according to source (
187                            Here we show that Y. enterocolitica polymerizes a 6-kDa protein of the sec
188 ding model of factor H to YadA and show that Y. enterocolitica YadA recruits C3b and iC3b directly, w
189                In this study, we showed that Y. enterocolitica serotype O8 survives buffered acidic c
190                      These data suggest that Y. enterocolitica inhibits intracellular pre-IL-1alpha s
191         Together these findings suggest that Y. enterocolitica produces a phospholipase A which has a
192                                          The Y. enterocolitica ClpB homologue is 30 to 40% identical
193                                          The Y. enterocolitica clpP gene complemented the clpP mutant
194                                          The Y. enterocolitica fliA gene, encoding the flagellar-spec
195                                          The Y. enterocolitica psp locus is made up of two divergentl
196                                          The Y. enterocolitica pspG gene was identified because its p
197                      Comparisons between the Y. enterocolitica sif genes and the previously identifie
198 ogene, which occurs as an intact gene in the Y. enterocolitica and Y. pseudotuberculosis-derived anal
199 nd ytxAB genes are not closely linked in the Y. enterocolitica chromosome, and whereas ytxR is presen
200 t H-NS and RovA bind is not conserved in the Y. enterocolitica promoter.
201 otype, Y. pseudotuberculosis homologs of the Y. enterocolitica ail and the Y. pestis psa loci were id
202 responsible for the unique properties of the Y. enterocolitica and M. morganii ureases since the L. f
203                The in situ structures of the Y. enterocolitica and S. flexneri injectisomes had simil
204                        Identification of the Y. enterocolitica fliA and flgM genes was accomplished b
205 1122 recombined with a close relative of the Y. enterocolitica phage phiYeO3-12 to yield progeny phag
206 refore, PspG is the missing component of the Y. enterocolitica Psp regulon that was previously predic
207            We also compared induction of the Y. enterocolitica Psp, RpoE, and Cpx responses.
208 al regulator that controls expression of the Y. enterocolitica ytxAB genes.
209                  These data suggest that the Y. enterocolitica pYV plasmid may undergo a conformation
210 nt protein reporters, we determined that the Y. enterocolitica rovA (rovA(Yent)) promoter is weaker t
211           Here, we present evidence that the Y. enterocolitica virulence plasmid, pYV, undergoes a co
212                                  Even though Y. enterocolitica induces a robust inflammatory response
213 f the bacteria to colonize neonatal tissues; Y. enterocolitica was readily detectable in the intestin
214 est that the Ysa and Ysc TTSSs contribute to Y. enterocolitica virulence by exporting both unique and
215 expressed in mucosal tissues, contributes to Y. enterocolitica pathogenicity by undermining protectiv
216 ll responses elicited in neonates exposed to Y. enterocolitica were associated with long-term protect
217 d obtained from mouse antiserum generated to Y. enterocolitica.
218 nfection, C57BL/6 mice are more resistant to Y. enterocolitica than are BALB/c mice.
219 eful model for studying the host response to Y. enterocolitica infection.
220 as significantly up-regulated in response to Y. enterocolitica infection.
221 r IFN-gamma that are produced in response to Y. enterocolitica.
222 f IL-1 alpha in mice infected with wild-type Y. enterocolitica results in significantly decreased int
223 ly 10-fold higher than that of the wild-type Y. enterocolitica, and there are significant inflammator
224  a yopP-deficient strain than with wild-type Y. enterocolitica, whereas only modest increases occurre
225 es compared to those infected with wild-type Y. enterocolitica.
226 eristics previously described following i.v. Y. enterocolitica infection.
227 l methods for the detection of ETEC, Vibrio, Y. enterocolitica, and P. shigelloides in stool specimen
228  obtained using two different high-virulence Y. enterocolitica strains.
229  of neonatal mice with low doses of virulent Y. enterocolitica leads to vigorous intestinal and syste
230 f a spontaneously arising pathogenic Ab with Y. enterocolitica.
231           Infection of eukaryotic cells with Y. enterocolitica strains expressing a Ysp-CyaA chimeric
232 t was prevented when mice were infected with Y. enterocolitica lacking YopP or YopH, two critical eff
233 rvival of MMP-3-deficient mice infected with Y. enterocolitica when compared with littermate controls
234 of intestinal lymphatic tissue infected with Y. enterocolitica.
235 nteric lymph nodes after oral infection with Y. enterocolitica.
236  dose (LD(50)) following oral infection with Y. enterocolitica.
237                  After i.p. inoculation with Y. enterocolitica, fibrinogen-deficient mice display imp
238 llowing either i.p. or i.v. inoculation with Y. enterocolitica.
239 es AHLs to mimic a constant interaction with Y. enterocolitica.
240 patches of mice infected orogastrically with Y. enterocolitica serotype O:8 compared with noninfected
241 A, OmpC, and OmpF confirming reactivity with Y. enterocolitica.
242    The role of microbial Ags was tested with Y. enterocolitica proteins.

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