


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1                                              YFV induced a robust NK cell response in vivo, with an e
2                                              YFV induced an increased functional responsiveness to IL
3                                              YFV infection in mice resulted in impaired TCR signaling
4                                              YFV vaccination administered through either route was we
5                                              YFV vaccination of patients with AD through the transcut
6                                              YFV/dengue-4 virus, but not YFV/dengue-2 virus, was neur
7                      The live attenuated 17D YFV strain induces responses characterized by neutralizi
8               Here, based on studies using a YFV replicon-based trans-packaging system as well as ful
9 CD8(+) T cell responses, less is known about YFV-specific CD4(+) T cells.
10                                    The acute YFV-specific effector CD8 T cell response was broad and
11  the ER-resident cochaperone DNAJC14 affects YFV polyprotein processing at the NS3/4A site.
12  we show that DNAJC14 overexpression affects YFV polyprotein processing and alters RC assembly.
13 primed by type I/III IFN in vivo early after YFV infection and that their response is governed primar
14             Epitopes were present within all YFV proteins, but the capsid, envelope, NS2a, and NS3 pr
15 he 3' NCRs of 117 isolates of South American YFV have been examined, and major deletions and/or dupli
16 omparable to those of typical South American YFV isolates, and mosquito infectivity trials demonstrat
17 XL isolates, as well as other South American YFV isolates, were evaluated for three phenotypes: growt
18  in vivo safety and antiviral efficacy of an YFV NS4B inhibitor in an animal model.
19 n by the high neurovirulence of an analogous YFV/JEV Nakayama chimera derived from the wild JEV Nakay
20  putative host factors required for DENV and YFV infection.
21 cific membrane targeting of both DNAJC14 and YFV replication proteins, the formation of protein inter
22                 Expression of this vsRNA and YFV infection of T cells reduced the expression of a Src
23                                         Both YFV and ZKV replicated in human T cells in vitro; howeve
24 e expression of flavivirus NS5 protein or by YFV infection, and mumps infection did not alter CD4 mRN
25     While several studies have characterized YFV-specific antibody and CD8(+) T cell responses, less
26                                 The chimera (YFV/JEV SA14-14-2, or ChimeriVax-JE) is less neurovirule
27 Hsp40 family protein is sufficient to confer YFV-inhibitory activity.
28 B) with serine, threonine or alanine confers YFV resistance to BDAA without apparent loss of replicat
29        As frequencies subsequently declined, YFV-specific cells regained CCR7 expression, indicating
30 alidated as essential host factors for DENV, YFV, and ZIKV infection in two human cell lines: A549 lu
31                                We detect (-) YFV-17D RNA in specific secondary lymphoid compartments
32 of chicken B (RP9) lymphoma cells expressing YFV as an epitope-tagged transgene.
33 g (VSR) encoded by the prototype flavivirus, YFV.
34 ous sensitivities of at least 3.5 PFU/ml for YFV, 2.0 PFU/ml for JEV, 10.0 PFU/ml for WNV, and 10.0 P
35  not previously recognized as permissive for YFV replication, and we highlight potential virus-host i
36 qMan fluorogenic probes (probes specific for YFV, JEV, WNV, and SLEV) and four previously published p
37 in one subclade of South American genotype I YFV.
38   Furthermore, TRIM56 was revealed to impair YFV and DENV2 propagation by suppressing intracellular v
39 y quantifying deuterium dilution kinetics in YFV-specific CD8 T cells using mass spectrometry.
40                                 Moreover, in YFV-infected hamsters, oral administration of BDAA prote
41 otably, DNAJC14 mutants that did not inhibit YFV replication had minimal effects on polyprotein proce
42 diazepine compound that selectively inhibits YFV by targeting the viral NS4B protein.
43 of viruses; while TRIM56 curbs intracellular YFV/DENV2 RNA replication, it acts at a later step in HC
44 olved in attenuation, a series of intratypic YFV/JEV chimeras containing either single or multiple am
45 ChimeriVax-JE) is less neurovirulent than is YFV 17D vaccine in mouse and nonhuman primate models.
46 rans-packaging system as well as full-length YFV cDNA, we report that mutation of a conserved tryptop
47                    Although these long-lived YFV-specific memory CD8 T cells did not express effector
48                                       Mature YFV protein associated with beta(2)m arrives on the surf
49 It has been estimated that up to 1.7 million YFV infections occur in Africa each year, resulting in 2
50             In tissue culture, this modified YFV can be further passaged at an escalating scale by us
51                                 We monitored YFV NS2A-5 polyprotein processing by the viral NS2B-3 pr
52                  YFV/dengue-4 virus, but not YFV/dengue-2 virus, was neurovirulent for 3-week-old mic
53  a unique mechanism that involves binding of YFV NS5 to the IFN-activated transcription factor STAT2
54                              Construction of YFV harboring all of the identified coding nucleotide su
55 f the E protein is a critical determinant of YFV neuroinvasiveness in the SCID mouse model.
56 city, functional attributes, and dynamics of YFV-specific T cell responses in vaccinated subjects by
57 n which the structural proteins prM and E of YFV 17D are replaced with those of the JEV SA14-14-2 vac
58               Here, we studied the effect of YFV, DENV, and ZKV on TCR signaling.
59 ic data suggest there are seven genotypes of YFV that are geographically separated, and outbreaks of
60    Our results demonstrate the importance of YFV NS5 in overcoming the antiviral action of IFN-I and
61 y blocking demonstrated that the majority of YFV-specific T cells were HLA-DR restricted.
62 lysine at position 326 may be a modulator of YFV virulence phenotypes.
63 tion at a lysine in the N-terminal region of YFV NS5.
64  ligase activity, whereas its restriction of YFV and DENV2 requires both the E3 ligase activity and i
65            Interestingly, while treatment of YFV infected cultures with 2 muM of BDAA reduced the vir
66 ects of mutations in YFC on the viability of YFV infection were also analyzed, and these results were
67                     The neuroinvasiveness of YFVs in the SCID model correlated inversely with sensiti
68  NS4A products and examined their effects on YFV replication.
69 ted in human T cells in vitro; however, only YFV inhibited TCR signaling.
70                                   The other, YFV, is widely transcribed and polymorphic.
71     Control mice immunized with the parental YFV-17D were not protected against DEN-2 virus challenge
72 se that interacts with and polyubiquitinates YFV NS5 to promote its binding to STAT2 and trigger IFN-
73 ell line containing persistently replicating YFV replicon RNA).
74   Furthermore, HLA-A2- and HLA-B7-restricted YFV epitope-specific effector cells predominantly displa
75 ies demonstrated that expression of a short, YFV env RNA motif (vsRNA) was required and sufficient to
76   We used the live attenuated vaccine strain YFV-17D, which contains many mutations compared with vir
77 uctural basis for NS4B protein in supporting YFV replication.
78 kely due to chaperone dysregulation and that YFV probably utilizes DNAJC14's cochaperone function to
79                     These data indicate that YFV/dengue virus chimeras elicit antibodies which repres
80         Longitudinal analysis indicated that YFV-specific CD4(+) T cells reached peak frequencies, of
81      Ex vivo tetramer analysis revealed that YFV-specific T cells persisted at frequencies ranging fr
82  with poliovirus, these results suggest that YFV-17D encounters no major barriers during disseminatio
83                                          The YFV 17D-204 vaccine genome was compared to that of the p
84 ween the E proteins of ChimeriVax-JE and the YFV/JEV Nakayama virus, four of which are predicted to b
85  effect was mediated at least in part by the YFV envelope (env) protein coding RNA.
86 fore, it is unlikely that Ag is bound in the YFV ABR in the manner typical of class Ia molecules.
87                         Substitutions in the YFV Ag-binding region (ABR) occur at four of the eight h
88 g sequence and the cyclization signal in the YFV genome provides a new means for studying the mechani
89 ) or dengue-4 virus within the genome of the YFV 17D strain (YF5.2iv infectious clone) were construct
90 stal structure of the helicase region of the YFV NS3 protein includes residues 187 to 623.
91                The functional profile of the YFV-specific CD8 T cell response changed in composition
92 to restore the neurovirulence typical of the YFV/JEV Nakayama virus.
93 re analyzed for their ability to package the YFV replicon.
94 pseudo-infectious particles by supplying the YFV structural proteins using a Sindbis virus helper con
95                             We show that the YFV capsid (YFC) protein inhibits RNA silencing in the m
96 T cell clones that expand in response to the YFV 2 weeks postvaccination (as defined by their unique
97 onstruct, the functional elements within the YFV capsid protein (YFC) were characterized.
98                                   Therefore, YFV elicits robust early effector CD4(+) T cell response
99 BR specialization indicates that even though YFV is polymorphic and widely transcribed, it is, in fac
100 viral host factor that confers resistance to YFV, DENV2, and HCoV-OC43 through overlapping and distin
101  FOXP3(+) T regulatory cells, in response to YFV vaccination preceded the kinetics of the CD8 T cell
102 tiation state of the CD8+ T cell response to YFV.
103 cter of the primary human T cell response to YFV.
104                    The yellow fever vaccine (YFV) has been broadly used as a model to understand how
105 th the live attenuated yellow fever vaccine (YFV-17D) by sampling peripheral blood at days 0, 1, 2, 3
106 er with modeling of domain III from virulent YFV strains, the data suggest that heparin binding activ
107 corresponding gene sequences of the virulent YFV Asibi strain.
108 ntains many mutations compared with virulent YFV.
109 fectivity phenotype, the yellow fever virus (YFV) 17D backbone of the ChimeriVax-dengue 4 virus was r
110 A neuroadapted strain of yellow fever virus (YFV) 17D derived from a multiply mouse brain-passaged vi
111      The live attenuated yellow fever virus (YFV) 17D vaccine provides a good model to study immune r
112 s of the NS5 proteins of yellow fever virus (YFV) and dengue virus (DENV), two flaviviruses transmitt
113      Previous studies of yellow fever virus (YFV) and dengue virus have found that modifications to t
114  important flaviviruses, yellow fever virus (YFV) and dengue virus serotype 2 (DENV2), and a human co
115      Arboviruses such as yellow fever virus (YFV) are transmitted between arthropod vectors and verte
116                          Yellow fever virus (YFV) can induce acute, life-threatening disease that is
117        Here we show that yellow fever virus (YFV) inhibits IFN-I signaling through a unique mechanism
118                          Yellow fever virus (YFV) is the prototype member of the genus Flavivirus, a
119 ted using as a model the yellow fever virus (YFV) live vaccine strain 17D-204 and its wild-type paren
120 ported that mutations in yellow fever virus (YFV) nonstructural protein NS2A blocked production of in
121 st Nile virus (WNV), and yellow fever virus (YFV) NS1 attenuate classical and lectin pathway activati
122  is targeted to sites of yellow fever virus (YFV) replication complex (RC) formation, where it intera
123 e a two-component genome yellow fever virus (YFV) replication system in which each of the genomes enc
124 hat involved packaging a yellow fever virus (YFV) replicon into pseudo-infectious particles by supply
125     A molecular clone of yellow fever virus (YFV) strain 17D was used to identify critical determinan
126 icity of live attenuated yellow fever virus (YFV) vaccination of nonatopic subjects and patients with
127 used the live attenuated yellow fever virus (YFV) vaccine 17D as a human in vivo model to study the t
128 his issue using the live yellow fever virus (YFV) vaccine, which induces long-term immunity in humans
129                          Yellow fever virus (YFV), a member of the Flavivirus genus, has a plus-sense
130 cephalitis virus (TBEV), yellow fever virus (YFV), and Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) and by compa
131 g dengue viruses (DENV), yellow fever virus (YFV), and Zika virus (ZIKV).
132 uman pathogens including yellow fever virus (YFV), dengue virus (DENV), and Zika virus (ZKV), all of
133 barrier to infections by yellow fever virus (YFV), dengue virus serotype 2 (DENV2), and human coronav
134 pecific amplification of yellow fever virus (YFV), Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV), West Nile virus
135                    Using yellow fever virus (YFV), we demonstrate that DNAJC14 redistributes and clus
136 or a single epitope from Yellow Fever Virus (YFV), we show that the recently described 'naive-like' m
137  flaviviruses, including yellow fever virus (YFV), Zika virus (ZIKV), and West Nile virus (WNV), prof
138  which potently inhibits yellow fever virus (YFV).
139                      Two yellow fever virus (YFV)/dengue virus chimeras which encode the prM and E pr
140                        A yellow fever virus (YFV)/Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) chimera in which
141 a prototypic flavivirus, yellow fever virus (YFV-17D), differentially interacts with murine and human
142 fter vaccination against yellow fever virus (YFV-17D).
143 us, West Nile virus, and yellow fever virus (YFV; vaccine strain 17D) were expressed in CD4(+) T cell
144 from DEN type 2 (DEN-2) virus in a YF virus (YFV-17D) genetic background.
145 that DNAJC14 redistributes and clusters with YFV nonstructural proteins via a transmembrane domain an
146 ction of CD4(+) T cells and macrophages with YFV (17D vaccine strain) also inhibited HIV replication

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