


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 son (Columbia University) and Michael Crair (Yale University).
2 sity of Pittsburgh, University of Rochester, Yale University).
3 easure ALDH1 in 134 patients with NSCLC from Yale University and 296 patients with NSCLC from Sotiria
4  Hospital, Brigham and Women's Hospital, and Yale University Hospital) database containing clinical a
5 rthold from an outbreak of mouse diarrhea in Yale University in 1972 and was 'rediscovered' by Falkow
6 ildren's Hospital (St. Louis, Missouri), and Yale University Medical School (New Haven, Connecticut).
7  with IPF diagnosis in a six-cohort study at Yale University (New Haven, CT, USA), Imperial College L
8                                      NEURON (Yale University, New Haven, CT) computational simulation
9                         Information from the Yale University NFD Registry Project, as well as publish
10 ublished data including information from the Yale University NSF Registry has shed light on the clini
11 one recruited from the patient population at Yale University, one from the University of Paris, and o
12                                              Yale University Open Data Access Project.
13 nd the other was a retrospective cohort from Yale University representing 214 primary melanomas and 2
14 colleagues at Cornell Medical College and at Yale University School of Medicine who shared my passion
15                                   Louis, and Yale University School of Medicine.
16                                           At Yale University, where I joined the faculty, my co-worke

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