


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  data and analysis tools for the analysis of Yersinia.
2 iaTree for constructing phylogenetic tree of Yersinia.
3  the function of the pathogenic machinery in Yersinia.
4 lling the host colonization and virulence of Yersinia.
5 Gram-negative bacterial pathogens, including Yersinia.
6 sphatase, is essential for full virulence of Yersinia.
7 spiratory electron acceptor tetrathionate by Yersinia.
8 pe III secretion system (T3SS) of pathogenic Yersinia.
9 bacter: 738, Salmonella: 624, Shigella: 376, Yersinia: 17) were identified and followed for a median
10 HEV (Mikrogen) or the ELISA test kit pigtype Yersinia Ab (Qiagen), respectively.
11  initially low-affinity antibacterial (e.g., Yersinia) Abs cross-reactive with TSHR, eventually leadi
12                                              Yersinia adhesin A (YadA) belongs to a class of bacteria
13                  YscO is required for T3S in Yersinia and is known to interact with several other T3S
14 avirulent strains of Gram-negative bacteria, Yersinia and Klebsiella, and less so by their wild-type
15 compartment showed extreme susceptibility to Yersinia and were deficient in monocyte and neutrophil-d
16 luding enteric Escherichia coli, Salmonella, Yersinia, and Shigella, to subvert cell signaling and ho
17                                        Using Yersinia as a surrogate host, we demonstrated that many
18                                              Yersinia bacteria cause a range of human diseases, inclu
19                                   Pathogenic Yersinia bacteria cause a range of human diseases.
20                                   Pathogenic Yersinia bacteria inject effector proteins termed Yops,
21  crystal structure of the Anbu particle from Yersinia bercovieri (YbAnbu).
22 ronic inflammation, which persist long after Yersinia clearence.
23 tion system, whereas the delivery of GBP2 to Yersinia-containing vacuoles (YCVs) requires hypersecret
24 nded DNA (dsDNA) to a type I-F CRISPR system yersinia (Csy) surveillance complex leads to large quate
25 of Rac1 but not of RhoA, -B, or -C inhibited Yersinia effector translocation in CNF-Y-treated and con
26                            During infection, Yersinia employs two virulence factors, YopE and YopH, t
27 tably Aeromonas sp. (23.8%) by FilmArray and Yersinia enterocolitica (48.1%) by the Luminex assay.
28 ed defective clearance of the ileal pathogen Yersinia enterocolitica and an elevated inflammatory cyt
29 ) spp., Shigella spp., Campylobacter spp. or Yersinia enterocolitica and matched each with up to 4 un
30                            Escherichia coli, Yersinia enterocolitica and Salmonella enterica serovar
31 pe stress response required for virulence in Yersinia enterocolitica and Salmonella enterica.
32 ent the first three-dimensional structure of Yersinia enterocolitica and Shigella flexneri injectisom
33 rrelation spectroscopy, we show that in live Yersinia enterocolitica bacteria these soluble proteins
34                                              Yersinia enterocolitica biovar 1B employs two type three
35                               Infection with Yersinia enterocolitica causes acute diarrhea in early c
36               The enteropathogenic bacterium Yersinia enterocolitica deactivates TLR-induced signalin
37 e III secretion system of the human pathogen Yersinia enterocolitica enabled efficient identification
38 t an aberrant acute inflammatory response to Yersinia enterocolitica infection leads to long-lasting
39                                              Yersinia enterocolitica is an enteropathogenic bacterium
40                                              Yersinia enterocolitica is typically considered an extra
41 gainst siderophilic extracellular pathogens (Yersinia enterocolitica O9) by controlling non-transferr
42 conjugation-ready tetrasaccharide of O-PS of Yersinia enterocolitica O:50 strain 3229 and the trisacc
43 YapE orthologues but is not conserved in the Yersinia enterocolitica protein.
44 chaperone in the physiology and virulence of Yersinia enterocolitica serotype O:3.
45                        The highly pathogenic Yersinia enterocolitica strains have a chromosomally enc
46 er Yersinia species, and differences between Yersinia enterocolitica subsp. enterocolitica and Yersin
47 nia enterocolitica subsp. enterocolitica and Yersinia enterocolitica subsp. palearctica.
48 rophomonas maltophilia, Vibrio cholerae, and Yersinia enterocolitica T2S-expressing plant pathogens i
49 ins, fused to the N-terminal fragment of the Yersinia enterocolitica T3S substrate YopE, are effectiv
50 btype the important human-pathogenic species Yersinia enterocolitica to whole-genome resolution level
51                                              Yersinia enterocolitica type III secretion machines tran
52 , Bacillus cereus was the most sensitive and Yersinia enterocolitica was found to be the most resista
53             We report the MgADP structure of Yersinia enterocolitica YopO in complex with actin, whic
54 , is composed of ~22 copies of SctQ (YscQ in Yersinia enterocolitica), which require the presence of
55              We find that IECs infected with Yersinia enterocolitica, an enteric pathogen, use beta1
56 41, norovirus, rotavirus A, Vibrio cholerae, Yersinia enterocolitica, Entamoeba histolytica, Cryptosp
57 lmonella spp., Vibrio spp., Vibrio cholerae, Yersinia enterocolitica, enteroaggregative E. coli, ente
58 eserved stool specimens for the detection of Yersinia enterocolitica, enterotoxigenic Escherichia col
59 lence of a Gram-negative bacterial pathogen, Yersinia enterocolitica, when subjected to low temperatu
60  Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli and Yersinia enterocolitica--demonstrated that the zone of i
61 re that CNF-Y increases Yop translocation in Yersinia enterocolitica-infected cells up to 5-fold.
62 olic flagellin of Salmonella Typhimurium and Yersinia enterocolitica.
63  causes plague, Yersinia pseudotuberculosis, Yersinia enterocolitica.
64 ighly resistant to orogastric infection with Yersinia enterocolitica.
65  Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli and Yersinia enterocolitica.
66 ute to pathogenesis, including the bacterium Yersinia enterocolitica.
67 reus, Bacillus cereus, Escherichia coli, and Yersinia enterocolitica.
68 cute enteric infection by the proteobacteria Yersinia enterocolitica.
69 acilitate the ongoing and future research of Yersinia, especially those generally considered non-path
70  comparative genomics, and investigations of Yersinia-flea interactions have disclosed the important
71 ved two structures of an ASBT homologue from Yersinia frederiksenii (ASBTYf) in a lipid environment,
72     Pathogenic bacteria such as Listeria and Yersinia gain initial entry by binding to host target ce
73                                Comparison of Yersinia genomes revealed that DNA encoding YapV or each
74 T) for comparative pathogenomics analysis of Yersinia genomes; (3) YersiniaTree for constructing phyl
75  and analysis platform is needed to hold the Yersinia genomic data and analysis tools for the Yersini
76 ialized platform to hold the rapidly-growing Yersinia genomic data and to provide analysis tools part
77 ce and analysis platform for the analysis of Yersinia genomic data.
78 on of sRNAs to the regulation of the T3SS in Yersinia has been largely unstudied, however.
79                                    The genus Yersinia has been used as a model system to study pathog
80  in sequencing technologies, many genomes of Yersinia have been sequenced.
81 ociated with urinary E. coli isolates is the Yersinia high pathogenicity island (HPI), which directs
82                                          The Yersinia high-pathogenicity island (HPI) is common to mu
83 zation interface of PcrH mirrors that of the Yersinia homolog SycD and not the dimerization interface
84 vo, suggesting that cell death promotes anti-Yersinia host defense.
85  and other Enterobacteriaceae expressing the Yersinia HPI also secrete escherichelin, a second metall
86 e escherichelin biosynthetic capacity of the Yersinia HPI while eliminating the Ybt biosynthetic capa
87 fect may relate to the apparent selection of Yersinia HPI-positive E. coli in uncomplicated clinical
88                       The screening for anti-Yersinia IgG resulted in 86% positive findings using the
89 s platform MCR 3 to detect anti-HEV and anti-Yersinia IgG.
90  of immune signaling by YopJ to promote anti-Yersinia immune defense.
91 ses play an important role in promoting anti-Yersinia immune defense.
92 unity." The Gram-negative bacterial pathogen Yersinia inactivates critical proteins of the NF-kappaB
93                                   Pathogenic Yersinia, including Y. pestis, the agent of plague in hu
94 PK1-dependent cell death, we now reveal that Yersinia-induced apoptosis is critical for host survival
95                In this article, we show that Yersinia-induced apoptosis of human macrophages involves
96                                              Yersinia-induced apoptosis requires the kinase activity
97 3 and caspase-8 or FADD completely abrogated Yersinia-induced cell death and caspase-1 activation.
98 ticle, we report a key role for TNF/TNFR1 in Yersinia-induced cell death of murine macrophages, which
99 R4/TRIF-independent pathways in the death of Yersinia-infected cells.
100                                      In turn,Yersinia-infected macrophages respond to translocation o
101 he processing of MyD88 was not restricted to Yersinia infection and to proapoptotic Toll-IL-1R domain
102                                Nevertheless, Yersinia infection induces inflammatory responses in viv
103 e cells, and were attenuated in disseminated Yersinia infection.
104 nt mice displayed enhanced susceptibility to Yersinia infection.
105 itu and the first structural analysis of the Yersinia injectisome.
106                                              Yersinia is a Gram-negative bacteria that includes serio
107                                    The genus Yersinia is a large and diverse bacterial genus consisti
108  accurate and reproducible identification of Yersinia isolates to the species level, a process often
109 ucture of the CdiA-CT/CdiIYkris complex from Yersinia kristensenii ATCC 33638.
110 e of NF-kappaB and MAPK signaling imposed by Yersinia on infected cells.
111 ichia, Salmonella, Klebsiella, Shigella, and Yersinia opportunistic pathogens, the structure of GusR
112                  Here we show that YmoB, the Yersinia orthologue of TomB, and its single cysteine var
113 antigens (rAgs) of HEV genotypes 1 and 3 and Yersinia outer protein D (YopD) on a flow-through chemil
114                                          The Yersinia outer protein J (YopJ) family of bacterial effe
115                                          The Yersinia outer protein J (YopJ) family of T3Es is a wide
116 dent upon type III secretion system effector Yersinia outer protein J (YopJ), is minimally affected b
117 de host immune defences through injection of Yersinia outer proteins (Yops) into phagocytic cells.
118                      These effectors, termed Yersinia outer proteins (Yops), modulate multiple host s
119 an injectisome and effector proteins, called Yersinia outer proteins (Yops), that modulate activation
120 responses in infected macrophages to promote Yersinia pathogenesis.
121                Here we demonstrate that when Yersinia pesitis is grown in laboratory media, peptides
122 a) in a 19th century intestinal specimen and Yersinia pestis ("Black Death" plague) in a medieval too
123                                              Yersinia pestis (the plague bacillus) and its ancestor,
124 s from cultures of two attenuated strains of Yersinia pestis [KIM D27 (pgm-) and KIM D1 (lcr-)] grown
125  Here we studied the interaction between the Yersinia pestis ABC heme importer (HmuUV) and its partne
126                                              Yersinia pestis adopts a unique life stage in the digest
127 specially potential bioterrorism agents like Yersinia pestis and Bacillus anthracis which feature on
128  of the same species, including 5 strains of Yersinia pestis and Bacillus anthracis.
129 tant of 20 nM between EGFP-labeled LcrV from Yersinia pestis and its cognate membrane-bound protein Y
130 tant to pigmentation locus-negative (pgm(-)) Yersinia pestis and that this phenotype maps to a 30-cen
131 s both the protective F1 capsular antigen of Yersinia pestis and the LcrV protein required for secret
132 e identification of new virulence factors in Yersinia pestis and understanding their molecular mechan
133 owed differences in virulence genes found in Yersinia pestis and Yersinia pseudotuberculosis compared
134 nt of YopJ-dependent cytotoxicity induced by Yersinia pestis and Yersinia pseudotuberculosis paradoxi
135 ion of either Yersinia pseudotuberculosis or Yersinia pestis bacteria express the small RNAs YSR35 or
136 molecule cyclic diguanylate is essential for Yersinia pestis biofilm formation that is important for
137            The 14th-18th century pandemic of Yersinia pestis caused devastating disease outbreaks in
138                                              Yersinia pestis causes bubonic plague, a fulminant disea
139                                              Yersinia pestis causes bubonic, pneumonic, and septicemi
140                  The Gram-negative bacterium Yersinia pestis causes plague, a rapidly progressing and
141                                              Yersinia pestis causes the fatal respiratory disease pne
142  Braun lipoprotein (Lpp) and MsbB attenuated Yersinia pestis CO92 in mouse and rat models of bubonic
143                    The pH 6 antigen (Psa) of Yersinia pestis consists of fimbriae that bind to two re
144 ts the most severe form of disease caused by Yersinia pestis due to its ease of transmission, rapid p
145                                              Yersinia pestis has caused at least three human plague p
146                                      Because Yersinia pestis HasA (HasA(yp)) presents a Gln at positi
147 ere, we report the oldest direct evidence of Yersinia pestis identified by ancient DNA in human teeth
148 tudies (influenza A in lesser snow geese and Yersinia pestis in coyotes), we argue that with careful
149 ery that regulates the entry and survival of Yersinia pestis in host macrophages is poorly understood
150 ated with iron(III)-yersiniabactin import in Yersinia pestis In this study, we compared the impact of
151  responses of C57BL/6 and SEG MPs exposed to Yersinia pestis in vitro were examined.
152 n lymph nodes (LNs), or buboes, characterize Yersinia pestis infection, yet how they form and functio
153                                              Yersinia pestis is a Gram-negative bacterium that is the
154                                              Yersinia pestis is a tier 1 agent due to its contagious
155                                              Yersinia pestis is an arthropod-borne bacterial pathogen
156       This frenzied inflammatory response to Yersinia pestis is poorly understood.
157                                              Yersinia pestis is the causative agent of bubonic and pn
158                                              Yersinia pestis is the causative agent of plague.
159                                 The bacteria Yersinia pestis is the etiological agent of plague and h
160                          The plague bacillus Yersinia pestis is unique among the pathogenic Enterobac
161                               We report that Yersinia pestis LcrF binds to and activates transcriptio
162 nst His-tagged influenza hemagglutinin 5 and Yersinia pestis LcrV antigens.
163                   We find the origins of the Yersinia pestis lineage to be at least two times older t
164 n are broadly used in many fields, including Yersinia pestis pathogenesis.
165 rate chain to the 2' position of lipid A, in Yersinia pestis produced bisphosphoryl hexa-acylated lip
166                  Inhalation of the bacterium Yersinia pestis results in primary pneumonic plague.
167 roinflammatory responses through TLRs by the Yersinia pestis T3S needle protein, YscF, the Salmonella
168                                           In Yersinia pestis the autotransporter YapE has adhesive pr
169 mal system for interrogating such couplings: Yersinia pestis transmission exerts intense selective pr
170  the possible role of Na(+)/H(+) antiport in Yersinia pestis virulence and found that Y. pestis strai
171 .3, raised to the LcrV virulence factor from Yersinia pestis were characterised for their Fab affinit
172 HSL synthases: Burkholderia mallei BmaI1 and Yersinia pestis YspI.
173 flammatory response induced by other lethal (Yersinia pestis) and non-lethal (Legionella pneumophila,
174 cessfully produce disease, the causal agent (Yersinia pestis) must rapidly sense and respond to rapid
175 a and Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi, and Yersinia pestis), and 3 protozoa (Leishmania spp., Plasm
176 ymerization of a single protein, e.g., YscF (Yersinia pestis), PscF (Pseudomonas aeruginosa), PrgI (S
177 n, the serine/threonine kinase YopO (YpkA in Yersinia pestis), uses monomeric actin as bait to recrui
178 trophic European Black Death/bubonic plague (Yersinia pestis).
179                       Plague is initiated by Yersinia pestis, a highly virulent bacterial pathogen.
180 he consequence of a singular introduction of Yersinia pestis, after which the disease established its
181 rofloxacin resistance in Bacillus anthracis, Yersinia pestis, and Francisella tularensis.
182 een host-pathogen interactions of B. mallei, Yersinia pestis, and Salmonella enterica.
183 acids from BT organisms (Bacillus anthracis, Yersinia pestis, Francisella tularensis, Brucella spp.,
184 -six distinct strains of Bacillus anthracis, Yersinia pestis, Francisella tularensis, Burkholderia ma
185 ns cause host cell death upon infection, and Yersinia pestis, infamous for its role in large pandemic
186 ns, particularly the N terminus of YscF from Yersinia pestis, influences host immune responses.
187                         Here we show that in Yersinia pestis, irp2, a gene encoding the synthetase (H
188 lague, caused by the Gram-negative bacterium Yersinia pestis, is favored by a robust early innate imm
189 biothreat agents such as Bacillus anthracis, Yersinia pestis, or Burkholderia pseudomallei Convention
190       The etiologic agent of bubonic plague, Yersinia pestis, senses self-produced, secreted chemical
191 r gene products are functional receptors for Yersinia pestis, the agent of plague, as shown by overex
192    The arthropod-borne transmission route of Yersinia pestis, the bacterial agent of plague, is a rec
193 ly, there is no FDA-approved vaccine against Yersinia pestis, the causative agent of bubonic and pneu
194                                              Yersinia pestis, the causative agent of plague, binds ho
195                                              Yersinia pestis, the causative agent of plague, expresse
196 hat distinguish DNA amplicons generated from Yersinia pestis, the causative agent of plague, from the
197               For transmission to new hosts, Yersinia pestis, the causative agent of plague, replicat
198                                              Yersinia pestis, the causative agent of plague, uses a t
199                                              Yersinia pestis, the causative agent of plague, utilizes
200 nd F1-V, a candidate recombinant antigen for Yersinia pestis, the causative agent of plague.
201 m (T3SS) is essential in the pathogenesis of Yersinia pestis, the causative agent of plague.
202 f essential gene prediction in the bacterium Yersinia pestis, the causative agent of plague.
203 mical characterization of the AI-2 system in Yersinia pestis, the causative agent of plague.
204                                              Yersinia pestis, the etiologic agent of plague, is a bac
205 9 (TLR9) agonist, confers protection against Yersinia pestis, the etiologic agent of plague.
206  that includes serious pathogens such as the Yersinia pestis, which causes plague, Yersinia pseudotub
207 ncient plague strains are basal to all known Yersinia pestis.
208  genome sequences, of which the majority are Yersinia pestis.
209 ue is a deadly respiratory disease caused by Yersinia pestis.
210 ement for Hfq in the closely related species Yersinia pestis.
211 including Salmonella, Escherichia, Shigella, Yersinia, Pseudomonas, and Chlamydia spp.
212 stis (the plague bacillus) and its ancestor, Yersinia pseudotuberculosis (which causes self-limited b
213 elated food- and waterborne enteric pathogen Yersinia pseudotuberculosis A combination of population
214 secreted in a type III-dependent manner from Yersinia pseudotuberculosis and also secreted from C. tr
215                    Enteric pathogens such as Yersinia pseudotuberculosis and enteropathogenic Escheri
216 structures, we mapped the RNA structurome of Yersinia pseudotuberculosis at three different temperatu
217  and core metabolism in the enteric pathogen Yersinia pseudotuberculosis by integrated transcriptome
218 virulence genes found in Yersinia pestis and Yersinia pseudotuberculosis compared to other Yersinia s
219  lymph nodes and associated lymphatics after Yersinia pseudotuberculosis infection and clearance.
220 esponses within SLOs during gastrointestinal Yersinia pseudotuberculosis infection to limit pathogen
221 vated with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) prior to Yersinia pseudotuberculosis infection, caspase-1 is acti
222                          In a mouse model of Yersinia pseudotuberculosis infection, we show that at l
223 ensal microbiota or animal susceptibility to Yersinia pseudotuberculosis infection.
224   We demonstrate that, in addition to MyD88, Yersinia pseudotuberculosis inhibits TRIF signaling thro
225                                              Yersinia pseudotuberculosis is a foodborne pathogenic ba
226       To test these models, we constructed a Yersinia pseudotuberculosis mutant expressing YopD devoi
227                       Here, we constructed a Yersinia pseudotuberculosis mutant strain with arabinose
228 e found that only a small fraction of either Yersinia pseudotuberculosis or Yersinia pestis bacteria
229  cytotoxicity induced by Yersinia pestis and Yersinia pseudotuberculosis paradoxically leads to decre
230 itating biofilm on Caenorhabditis elegans by Yersinia pseudotuberculosis represents a tractable model
231 have suggested that rfaH may be required for Yersinia pseudotuberculosis resistance to antimicrobial
232           We report that oral infection with Yersinia pseudotuberculosis results in the development o
233 ium evolved from an ancestral enteroinvasive Yersinia pseudotuberculosis strain by gene loss and acqu
234                                    YscU is a Yersinia pseudotuberculosis type III secretion system pr
235 itor identified by in vitro screening, using Yersinia pseudotuberculosis Using a mouse model of P. ae
236 iI complexes from Escherichia coli EC869 and Yersinia pseudotuberculosis YPIII to explore the evoluti
237 nal peptide generated by auto-proteolysis of Yersinia pseudotuberculosis YscU, is secreted by the T3S
238 acterial pathogen that evolved recently from Yersinia pseudotuberculosis, an enteric pathogen transmi
239                       Following clearance of Yersinia pseudotuberculosis, sustained inflammation and
240                                              Yersinia pseudotuberculosis, the closely related food-an
241 as the Yersinia pestis, which causes plague, Yersinia pseudotuberculosis, Yersinia enterocolitica.
242                          Using this tool for Yersinia pseudotuberculosis-infected lymphatic tissues,
243 uring primary infection of C57BL/6 mice with Yersinia pseudotuberculosis.
244 of the T3SS in the gastrointestinal pathogen Yersinia pseudotuberculosis.
245 haracterize modified peptide-cytidylate from Yersinia pseudotuberculosis.
246  Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium and Yersinia pseudotuberculosis.
247 s cell death mediates immune defense against Yersinia remain poorly defined.
248 eature of T3SA, as an effectorless strain of Yersinia remains confined to phagosomes.
249 inia genomic data and analysis tools for the Yersinia research community.
250 the YersiniaBase, a robust and user-friendly Yersinia resource and analysis platform for the analysis
251 rm is the use of the Csy-type (CRISPR system yersinia) ribonuclease 4 (Csy4) and tRNA processing enzy
252                              Here we studied Yersinia ruckeri antifeeding prophage 18 (Afp18), the to
253 oyed by many pathogens, including the genera Yersinia, Shigella, Pseudomonas, and Salmonella, to deli
254                                              Yersinia species cause zoonotic infections, including en
255                                   Pathogenic Yersinia species employ several strategies to evade the
256               The YopJ protein of pathogenic Yersinia species inhibits NF-kappaB and MAPK signaling,
257 t contrary to hypotheses that all pathogenic Yersinia species share a recent common pathogenic ancest
258                                   Pathogenic Yersinia species utilize a type III secretion system to
259 ersinia pseudotuberculosis compared to other Yersinia species, and differences between Yersinia enter
260 E occurs in Y. pestis but not in the enteric Yersinia species, and requires the omptin Pla (plasminog
261 tical virulence component for the pathogenic Yersinia species, and the regulation of this system is t
262         Using whole-genome sequencing of all Yersinia species, we delineate the gene complement of th
263 tial virulence factor produced by pathogenic Yersinia species.
264 that is secreted into host cells infected by Yersinia species.
265                              We identified a Yersinia-specific sRNA, Ysr141, carried by the T3SS plas
266                                         Some Yersinia spp. also secrete the Rho protein activator cyt
267 ulation, while its similarity with yscW from Yersinia spp. argued in favor of a role in machinery ass
268 ncoded type three secretion system (TTSS) of Yersinia spp. is responsible for the delivery of effecto
269 hepatitis E virus (HEV) and enteropathogenic Yersinia spp. were analyzed in parallel using immobilize
270 Vibrio spp., Salmonella spp., Shigella spp., Yersinia spp., Citrobacter spp., enterotoxigenic (ETEC)
271 itors of type III secretion system (T3SS) in Yersinia spp., have an inhibitory effect on chlamydial i
272 ence of YopE, YopT, or YopO in the infecting Yersinia strain, indicating that none of the Yops report
273                     However, some non-pestis Yersinia strains and Enterobacteriaceae did elicit signa
274 quence typing-based scheme that can identify Yersinia strains to the species level to a level of reso
275            In summary, the CNF-Y activity of Yersinia strongly enhances Yop translocation through act
276 PLCgamma2 signaling hubs may be critical for Yersinia survival.
277 & Microbe, Chung et al. (2016) show that the Yersinia T3SS effector protein YopM counteracts this rec
278                Three models describe how the Yersinia T3SS might trigger inflammation: (i) mammalian
279                Mammalian cells recognize the Yersinia T3SS, leading to a host response that includes
280                                           In Yersinia, the switch to secretion of effector proteins i
281                                In pathogenic Yersinia, the T3SS pore-forming proteins are YopB and Yo
282 n of effectors into mammalian cells requires Yersinia to both insert a translocon into the host cell
283 e sites may be a strategy used by pathogenic Yersinia to prevent inactivation of this important virul
284  which the initial attachment/recognition of Yersinia to/by C. elegans is followed by bacterial growt
285                                          The Yersinia translocation regulatory protein YopK promotes
286 r findings indicate that lysosomal damage by Yersinia translocon proteins promotes inflammasome activ
287 g vacuoles (YCVs) requires hypersecretion of Yersinia translocon proteins.
288 aperone LcrH are essential components of the Yersinia type III pathway, enabling effector translocati
289                                          The Yersinia type III secretion system (T3SS) translocates Y
290                                              Yersinia up-regulates the gene and expression dose of th
291               In this study, we identify the Yersinia urease enzyme as the responsible oral toxin.
292 ells, thereby limiting cellular detection of Yersinia virulence activity.
293             Identifying molecular targets of Yersinia virulence effectors, or Yops, during animal inf
294 ckade of NF-kappaB and MAPK signaling by the Yersinia virulence factor YopJ inhibits cytokine product
295 bust effector Yop function, is important for Yersinia virulence.
296 -1 in activated macrophages and in promoting Yersinia virulence.
297 e to host defense peptides, and virulence of Yersinia, we constructed DeltarfaH mutants of Y. pseudot
298 to express the invasin surface receptor from Yersinia, which enables uptake via mammalian host beta1-
299 esigned to interfere with internalization of Yersinia without disturbing endocytosis.
300 SptP), which shares structural homology with Yersinia YopH.

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