


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  the Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) gene YUCCA.
2 down BT2 expression in the high-auxin mutant yucca.
3 by laying their eggs but not pollinating the yucca.
4 ollen, and the exclusion of copollinators by yuccas.
5 ation from an rbcL-based molecular clock for yuccas.
6 phylogenies and timelines for both moths and yuccas.
7 esis in transgenic plants overexpressing the YUCCA 1 (YUC1) auxin biosynthesis gene led to enhanced s
8               Together with previous work on YUCCA, a flavin monooxygenase also implicated in IAOx pr
9 SA PROMOTER BINDING PROTEIN LIKE (SPL), NAC, YUCCA and AGAMOUS-LIKE genes associated with increases i
10                The complex mutualism between yuccas and the moths that pollinate their flowers is reg
11 known obligate pollination mutualism between yuccas and yucca moths is a major model system for studi
12               The obligate mutualism between yuccas and yucca moths is a major model system for the s
13 suggests that evolution of mutualism between yuccas and yucca moths may have required few behavioral
14 ve been implicated in the diversification of yuccas and yucca moths, which exhibit ecological relatio
15 or mutualisms such as figs and fig wasps and yuccas and yucca moths.
16                Our study identifies PIFs and YUCCAs as novel molecular players promoting phototropism
17 riments and biochemical assays indicate that YUCCA catalyzes hydroxylation of the amino group of tryp
18 emergence of pollinators within 0-6 My after yucca colonization.
19                                              YUCCA encodes a flavin monooxygenase-like enzyme and bel
20       We find Crispoid to be a member of the YUCCA family of auxin biosynthetic genes.
21 SUPER1 encodes YUCCA5, a novel member of the YUCCA family of flavin monooxygenases.
22 ndancy of multiple pathways that involve the YUCCA family of flavin-dependent mono-oxygenases.
23 dentify YUCCA6 as a functional member of the YUCCA family with unique roles in growth and development
24 it hyperactivation of genes belonging to the YUCCA family, encoding putative flavin monooxygenase enz
25 mediated induction of several members of the YUCCA gene family, leading to auxin production in the co
26        When exposed to shade, we found three YUCCA genes, YUC2, YUC5, and YUC8, to be transcriptional
27 fied eight putative StYUC (Solanum tuberosum YUCCA) genes whose deduced amino acid sequences share 50
28                                              Yucca GRAS-labelled saponins have been and are increasin
29                              Colonization of yuccas had occurred by 41.5 +/- 9.8 million years ago (M
30 te pollinators inflict a heavy cost on their yucca hosts by laying their eggs but not pollinating the
31 anscriptional increase of auxin biosynthetic YUCCA-like genes.
32 eversal of an obligate mutualism: within the yucca moth complex, distinct cheater species derived fro
33  coloradensis (Lepidoptera: Prodoxidae) is a yucca moth, which feeds on the flowering stalks of three
34 o, and published data on legume-rhizobia and yucca-moth mutualisms are consistent with PFF and not wi
35              Major differences compared with yucca moths and their hosts are that G. politella only p
36 to have resulted from coevolved mutualism in yucca moths are plesiomorphic to the family.
37               Derived nonpollinating cheater yucca moths evolved 1.26 +/- 0.96 Mya.
38 ate pollination mutualism between yuccas and yucca moths is a major model system for studies of coevo
39    The obligate mutualism between yuccas and yucca moths is a major model system for the study of coe
40 at evolution of mutualism between yuccas and yucca moths may have required few behavioral and life hi
41 licated in the diversification of yuccas and yucca moths, which exhibit ecological relationships that
42 tacle appears abruptly in female pollinating yucca moths.
43 nent of the oviposition behavior than in the yucca moths.
44 time of major life history events within the yucca moths.
45 ms such as figs and fig wasps and yuccas and yucca moths.
46  System (GPS) surveys from 1991 to 1997 near Yucca Mountain, Nevada, indicate west-northwest crustal
47             The results suggest a functional YUCCA pathway of auxin biosynthesis in potato that may b
48 e 50%-70% identity with those of Arabidopsis YUCCA proteins.
49 ting step converting IPA to IAA catalyzed by YUCCA proteins.
50             All include canonical, conserved YUCCA sequences: FATGY motif, FMO signature sequence, an
51 which feeds on the flowering stalks of three Yucca species as larvae, but does not provide pollinatio
52       Existing techniques presently used for Yucca steroidal saponin quantification remain either ina
53 ariation among moths on different species of Yucca, the effect of host specificity on genetic distanc
54 expression is increased, particularly in the YUCCA/Tryptophan Aminotransferase of Arabidopsis1 pathwa
55 terization of a dominant Arabidopsis mutant, yucca, which contains elevated levels of free auxin.
56 phan to indole-3-pyruvate (IPA) and that the YUCCA (YUC) family of flavin monooxygenases participates
57 C2 encodes a previously identified member of YUCCA (YUC) flavin monooxygenase-like proteins (YUC8).
58 we demonstrate that auxin synthesized by the YUCCA (YUC) flavin monooxygenases is essential for the e
59   Previous genetic studies demonstrated that YUCCA (YUC) flavin-containing monooxygenases (FMOs) cata
60 ncodes a flavin monooxygenase similar to the YUCCA (YUC) genes of Arabidopsis, which are involved in
61                                              YUCCA (YUC) proteins constitute a family of flavin monoo
63  the promoter of the auxin biosynthesis gene YUCCA (YUC)4 and activates transcription of the genes YU

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