


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1                                              Z-DNA conformation in the d(CG)n sequences was assayed b
2                                              Z-DNA formation in the WC gene (c-myc) was affected diff
3                                              Z-DNA formation in this sequence was detected at the bas
4                                              Z-DNA forms sequence-specifically with a preference for
5                                              Z-DNA, the left-handed conformer of DNA, is stabilized b
6                                              Z-DNA-binding domains of other proteins are equally effe
7                                              Z-DNA-binding protein 1 (ZBP1), initially reported as an
8                                              Z-DNA-forming sequences in selected plasmids were identi
9                                              Z-DNA/RNA is recognised by Z-binding domains (ZBDs), whi
10                                 Among the 11 Z-DNA segments tested, five were found to be clustered i
11 ith the crystal structure of the (Zalpha)(2)/Z-DNA complex shows that most Z-DNA contacting residues
12 tide-repeat sequence that is able to adopt a Z-DNA conformation both in vitro and in vivo and interac
13 e promoter region induced or stabilized by a Z-DNA-binding protein can act as a cis-element in gene r
14 upercoiled plasmids only when they contain a Z-DNA forming insert, such as (dC-dG)13.
15 quence stimulates gene activity by forming a Z-DNA secondary structure.
16 in with a short poly(G:C) stem which forms a Z-DNA structure.
17 om an interferon-responsible promoter, has a Z-DNA/Z-RNA binding domain at its N-terminus.
18 ws that the bases pair as designed, but in a Z-DNA conformation.
19 igh-resolution non-disordered structure of a Z-DNA hexamer containing two AT base pairs in the interi
20                   The crystal structure of a Z-DNA hexamer duplex d(CGCGCG)(2) determined at ultra hi
21  have hypothesized that the recognition of a Z-DNA sequence by the Zalpha(ADAR1) domain is context sp
22         Here we report the construction of a Z-DNA specific binding protein, with the peptide KGKGKGK
23 we describe the effects of the presence of a Z-DNA-forming DNA sequence on the basal levels of expres
24                    We have used binding of a Z-DNA-specific antibody in metabolically active, permeab
25                    Previously, we reported a Z-DNA-forming negative regulatory element (NRE) in ADAM-
26 profound effect in conferring stability to a Z-DNA conformation via electrostatic complementarity and
27 ystem, the reporter gene is activated when a Z-DNA-specific binding domain is fused with an activatio
28 nce of Z-DNA was detected by cleavage with a Z-DNA specific nuclease, by undermethylation using Z-DNA
29          Experiments were carried out with a Z-DNA-binding protein domain from the editing enzyme, do
30   Supercoiled plasmids were incubated with a Z-DNA-specific antibody (Z22) and passed over a protein
31 cal library values with the present accurate Z-DNA parameters, shows in general a good agreement, but
32                                 In addition, Z-DNA is stabilized by a substantially higher concentrat
33 iched between the blunt-ends of two adjacent Z-DNA duplexes, while the overhanging base of the opposi
34 moters, or regions with the ability to adopt Z-DNA conformation, have been hypothesized to enhance re
35 e loop connecting beta2 to beta3 that affect Z-DNA binding.
36 NA decamer d(GCACGCGTGC) and the alternating Z-DNA decamer d(GCGCGCGCGC) and discussed in terms of th
37 observed that methylation of the alternating Z-DNA oligomer d(GCGCGCGCGC), which starts with a 5'-pur
38 es are in dynamic equilibrium between B- and Z-DNA conformations.
39 that related domains may bind to both B- and Z-DNA.
40 e number of ligands that bind to both B- and Z-DNA.
41 or competitive spermine binding to B-DNA and Z-DNA, we can make predictions for how potential Z-DNA s
42 can, respectively, form G-quadruplex DNA and Z-DNA.
43 ormations including strand-separated DNA and Z-DNA.
44 ion of distorted junctions between B-DNA and Z-DNA.
45 both the effects of single substitutions and Z-DNA selectivity seen with Fv and intact Ab.
46  adapter-inducing interferon-beta (TRIF) and Z-DNA-binding protein 1 (ZBP1)/DNA-dependent activator o
47              The contacts between Zalpha and Z-DNA are made primarily with the "zigzag" sugar-phospha
48       mAb Z22 is a highly selective IgG anti-Z-DNA Ab from an immunized C57BL/6 mouse.
49 lated VH domain of immunization-induced anti-Z-DNA Ab resembles the activity of natural autoantibodie
50 -DNA from a sequence known to crystallize as Z-DNA.
51 t on the stability of d(CG) dinucleotides as Z-DNA.
52 handed conformer of dsDNA and dsRNA known as Z-DNA/Z-RNA.
53            We conclude that Z-RNA as well as Z-DNA can be accommodated in the tailored binding site o
54                              Downscaled to B-Z DNA these ideas lead to interesting possibilities rega
55 l reaction coordinates, to investigate the B-Z-DNA transition at the atomic level.
56               Due to the complexity of the B-Z-DNA transition, experimental and computational studies
57                           We find that the B-Z-DNA transition--in absence of other molecular partners
58 ending, stretching, and torsional behaviors; Z-DNA to be at least three-fold stiffer than random-sequ
59 ls depends on the virus-encoded bifunctional Z-DNA/double-stranded RNA (dsRNA)-binding protein E3.
60  We propose that FACT can recognize and bind Z-DNA or DNA in transition from a B to Z form.
61 only in the context of Zab and does not bind Z-DNA as a separate entity.
62 orating a related protein that does not bind Z-DNA is not pathogenic, but a mutation that creates Z-D
63 larity to the Zalpha motif but does not bind Z-DNA, and with a mutant of hZbeta(ADAR1), which binds Z
64 ues in free Zalpha are prepositioned to bind Z-DNA, thus minimizing the entropic cost of binding.
65 rminal domain depends on its ability to bind Z-DNA; Z-DNA-binding domains from unrelated mammalian pr
66           Zalpha alone is capable of binding Z-DNA with high affinity, whereas Zbeta alone has little
67 f mAb Z22 and that the VH domain alone binds Z-DNA with an affinity similar to that of whole variable
68           These data show that Z alpha binds Z-DNA in an environment similar to that in a cell.
69  with a mutant of hZbeta(ADAR1), which binds Z-DNA.
70 romosome 22 genomic sequence shows that both Z-DNA forming regions (ZDRs) and promoter sites for nucl
71       The number of spermine accommodated by Z-DNA (nZ) is sequence-dependent [nZ = 0.6 spermine per
72 the extent of transcriptional enhancement by Z-DNA is promoter-specific and determined by its separat
73               Alternatively, Zab may capture Z-DNA that exists transiently in solution.
74 as been replaced in Zab with Zalpha, cleaves Z-DNA regions in supercoiled plasmids more efficiently t
75 ecognize B-DNA, is used by Zalpha to contact Z-DNA.
76       Twenty recombinant plasmids containing Z-DNA-forming sequences of H. halobium were isolated fro
77 onally regulated by a mechanism that couples Z-DNA with NFI activation, similar to the mechanism prev
78  not pathogenic, but a mutation that creates Z-DNA binding makes a lethal virus.
79 ce-dependent structures, such as cruciforms, Z-DNA, or H-DNA, even though they are not favored by con
80 triplexes, quadruplexes, hairpin/cruciforms, Z-DNA and single-stranded looped-out structures with imp
81                         Mutations decreasing Z-DNA binding in the chimera correlate with decreases in
82 rations (> 10 microM), spermine destabilizes Z-DNA.
83 ide steps, traditionally thought to disfavor Z-DNA, can be incorporated within heterogeneous Z-DNA co
84 sm by demonstrating the ability of a distant Z-DNA-forming site to compete with the superhelical dest
85 n different DNA conformations such as B-DNA, Z-DNA and S-DNA.
86 domain depends on its ability to bind Z-DNA; Z-DNA-binding domains from unrelated mammalian proteins
87 g of Zab to potential as well as established Z-DNA segments suggests that the range of biological sub
88                  The BAF complex facilitates Z-DNA formation in a nucleosomal template in vitro.
89 ring under energetic conditions, which favor Z-DNA formation.
90 d interacts with hZalpha(ADAR1), a bona fide Z-DNA-binding protein.
91         Mutations that decrease affinity for Z-DNA have similar effects in decreasing pathogenicity.
92 eavy chain CDR3 amino acids are critical for Z-DNA binding by the single chain variable fragment (scF
93 G)(n) inserts, which require less energy for Z-DNA induction compared to other sequences.
94 acterizing sequence-specific preferences for Z-DNA formation and B-Z junction localization within het
95 e purine-pyrimidine alternation required for Z-DNA formation was disrupted.
96 ne-hybrid assay, we compared the results for Z-DNA binding of vZ(E3L) with those for human Zbeta(ADAR
97     We have thus identified a novel role for Z-DNA-binding domains in mammalian cells.
98       The intrinsic affinity of spermine for Z-DNA is approximately 10 times higher for d(CA/TG) (KZP
99 g tandem GT repeats, which are known to form Z-DNA and interact with several components of the recomb
100 ed for CA repeats with the potential to form Z-DNA.
101  such as the propensity of AC tracts to form Z-DNA.
102 g pyrimidine-purine sequences typically form Z-DNA, with the pyrimidines in the anti and purines in t
103 tory effect on T7 transcription results from Z-DNA formation in the (CG)(14) sequence rather than fro
104 deficiency than from E. coli, 20-40% greater Z-DNA formation was found in d(CG)4-6 sequences.
105  cosmid library using the cloned H. halobium Z-DNA segments as probe.
106 eaminase 1 binds specifically to left-handed Z-DNA and stabilizes the Z-conformation.
107  conformation similar to that of left-handed Z-DNA and suggests the involvement of unusual DNA struct
108  of topological coupling between left-handed Z-DNA and the regulation of promoter activity.
109 ows apparent specificity for the left-handed Z-DNA conformation adopted by alternating (dGdC) polymer
110 ) that binds specifically to the left-handed Z-DNA conformation with high affinity (KD = 4 nM).
111 GCGCGCGC) was found to be in the left-handed Z-DNA conformation.
112 h, DNA supercoiling, and salt in left-handed Z-DNA formation, plasmids containing short d(CG)n sequen
113     Since its discovery in 1979, left-handed Z-DNA has evolved from an in vitro curiosity to a challe
114                                  Left-handed Z-DNA structure is favored by the alternating (dC-dG)n s
115              Conditions favoring left-handed Z-DNA such as high salinity (> 4 ), high negative DNA su
116 n, (ii) the self-organization of left-handed Z-DNA with alternating [dC-dG] sequences in the solid st
117  the four-stranded G-quadruplex, left-handed Z-DNA, cruciform and others.
118                                  Left-handed Z-DNA, RNA, and a DNA-RNA hybrid were also represented.
119  with the C(anti)-G(syn) step in left-handed Z-DNA.
120 n, Zalpha, which is specific for left-handed Z-DNA.
121 red DNA conformations, including left-handed Z-DNA.
122 pha, which is sufficient to bind left-handed Z-DNA; however, the substrate binding is strikingly diff
123 ith a 5'-pyrimidine usually form left-handed Z-DNA; however, with a 5'-purine start sequence they for
124  the nonclassical left-handed double-helical Z-DNA structure.
125 NA, can be incorporated within heterogeneous Z-DNA containing B-Z junctions upon binding to the Zalph
126  an affinity chromatography method with high Z-DNA selection efficiency was developed.
127                                     However, Z-DNA formation was not observed with Pb(2+).
128  structures form six base-pairs of identical Z-DNA duplexes with single nucleotides overhanging at th
129                      Recently, we identified Z DNA binding protein 1 (ZBP1), a sensor of cytoplasmic
130                  We have recently identified Z-DNA-binding protein 1 (ZBP1) as an innate sensor of in
131                        Moreover, we identify Z-DNA binding protein 1 (ZBP1) as being essential for IR
132 contribute to GC-rich sequences occurring in Z DNA with a higher frequency than AT-rich sequences.
133                                           In Z-DNA-promoting conditions, however, these domains switc
134 )5, with 20% of d(CG)4, and 90% of d(CG)5 in Z-DNA conformation.
135                             Thus, changes in Z-DNA formation in the CRH gene are gene specific and ar
136   Surprisingly, no significant difference in Z-DNA formation could be detected in d(CG)3-17 sequences
137 that mutation of key amino acids involved in Z-DNA/RNA binding in ZBP1's ZBDs prevented necroptosis u
138 BRG1 disrupts this nucleosome and results in Z-DNA formation.
139 A structure predictions available, including Z-DNA motifs, quadruplex-forming motifs, inverted repeat
140 uch sequences results in a complex including Z-DNA, B-DNA, and two B-Z junctions.
141 non-B DNA-forming sequence motifs, including Z-DNA, G-quadruplex, A-phased repeats, inverted repeats,
142 n DNA supercoiling is insufficient to induce Z-DNA formation.
143 h a 5'-purine; also, the length of the inner Z-DNA stretch (d(CG)n) is reduced from an octamer to a t
144 Z junction and subsequently converts it into Z-DNA via the so-called passive mechanism.
145 finity and flips any favorable sequence into Z-DNA, resulting in a high affinity complex.
146 cate that the incorporation of CC steps into Z-DNA is driven by favorable sequence-specific Z-Z and B
147 od, starting with d(pGpC) of the isomorphous Z-DNA hexamer d(araC-dG)3 without the 2'-OH group of ara
148 some teleost species another protein kinase, Z-DNA-dependent protein kinase (PKZ), plays a similar ro
149                                     In mice, Z-DNA-binding activity of the N-terminal domain of E3L (
150                                    Moreover, Z-DNA forms in a (TG) x (CA) tract within the complex re
151 he (Zalpha)(2)/Z-DNA complex shows that most Z-DNA contacting residues in free Zalpha are preposition
152 f the dinucleotide-repeat-element with a non-Z-DNA-forming sequence inhibited NRE function.
153 of the least-hydrated and most-condensed non-Z-DNA duplexes.
154 e in the syn conformation, characteristic of Z-DNA.
155            The structural characteristics of Z-DNA were used to challenge the selectivity of guanine
156                          The distribution of Z-DNA-forming sequences in the Halobacterium salinarum G
157 provide direct evidence for the existence of Z-DNA in peptide-DNA complexes.
158 virus has sequence similarity to a family of Z-DNA binding proteins of defined three-dimensional stru
159 )), which is similar to the Zalpha family of Z-DNA-binding proteins, are required for infection.
160 deling enzyme, BRG1, results in formation of Z-DNA at the TG repeat sequence located within the promo
161  base pairs not only resist the formation of Z-DNA but can also assist the formation of A-DNA by swit
162 ription is not required for the formation of Z-DNA but does result in an expanded region of Z-DNA.
163 rmeabilized nuclei to study the formation of Z-DNA in this sequence at various levels of transcriptio
164                              As formation of Z-DNA in vivo occurs 5' to, or behind, a moving RNA poly
165 -hybrid system is made in which formation of Z-DNA is studied near a minimal promoter site where it c
166 d structural changes, including formation of Z-DNA, play an important role in the catalytic function
167  x Pu sequences potentiates the formation of Z-DNA.
168  that NHEJ plays a role in the generation of Z-DNA-induced large-scale deletions, suggesting that thi
169 e more compact three-dimensional geometry of Z-DNA, both water and salt are found to strongly stabili
170 rations prevented parallel investigations of Z-DNA, formed by oligonucleotides.
171                      Thus, the occurrence of Z-DNA across human genomic sequences mirrors that of a k
172                              The presence of Z-DNA was detected by cleavage with a Z-DNA specific nuc
173 ymerase during transcription, recognition of Z-DNA by DRADA1 provides a plausible mechanism by which
174  functional data suggest that recognition of Z-DNA by Zalpha involves residues in both the alpha3 hel
175 atively supertwisted and develop a region of Z-DNA.
176 DNA but does result in an expanded region of Z-DNA.
177 t may specifically direct protein regions of Z-DNA induced by negative supercoiling in actively trans
178 ctive transcription may increase the risk of Z-DNA-related genetic instability.
179                                  The role of Z-DNA-binding proteins in vivo is explored in yeast.
180  for further study of the biological role of Z-DNA.
181                The relative stabilization of Z-DNA by salt increases with increasing bulk salt concen
182       This accounts for the stabilization of Z-DNA by spermine.
183 -DNA specific proteins for future studies of Z-DNA in vitro and in vivo.
184 inity but discriminates between sequences of Z-DNAs.
185 B-induced apoptosis in HeLa cells depends on Z-DNA binding of the E3L Z alpha domain.
186 y solvating both charged and polar groups on Z-DNA more favorably than B-DNA.
187               Finally, we show that Z-RNA or Z-DNA binding is important for stress granule localizati
188 ation reporter system flanked by triplex- or Z-DNA-forming sequences.
189 ZIP also has potential for engineering other Z-DNA specific proteins for future studies of Z-DNA in v
190 nally show that the Zalpha domain from other Z-DNA-binding proteins (ZBP1, E3L) is likewise sufficien
191                                   When other Z-DNA-binding domains are substituted for the similar E3
192 ess favorable by 3.5 kcal/mol than a perfect Z-DNA sequence.
193  factor I (NFI) binding sites, and potential Z-DNA forming regions (ZDRs) as representative structura
194 A, we can make predictions for how potential Z-DNA sequences found in the human genome are affected b
195  results reveal that mammalian cells process Z-DNA-forming sequences in a strikingly different fashio
196 se a model in which the BAF complex promotes Z-DNA formation which, in turn, stabilizes the open chro
197 mulatory effect exerted by promoter proximal Z-DNA is not affected by helical phasing relative to the
198  element, by interacting with these putative Z-DNA-binding proteins, is involved in the maintenance o
199 ints are often mapped near purine-pyrimidine Z-DNA-forming sequences in human tumors.
200 ich has been shown to specifically recognize Z-DNA.
201 itutions that eliminated or markedly reduced Z-DNA binding by scFv instead caused a modest increase o
202 iation with a highly polymorphic regulatory, Z-DNA-forming microsatellite of (GT/AC)n dinucleotides w
203                This activation also requires Z-DNA binding of the N-terminal domain of E3L.
204 the activation of the CSF1 promoter requires Z-DNA-forming sequences that are converted to Z-DNA stru
205 , circular dichroism (CD) study has revealed Z-DNA formation with the monovalent metal ions, Zn(2+) a
206 3')2 dodecamers in solution in B-DNA, A-RNA, Z-DNA and Z-RNA forms.
207                        In contrast, the same Z-DNA-forming CG repeat in Escherichia coli resulted in
208 tic repulsions among the more closely spaced Z-DNA phosphates destabilize this form compared to B-DNA
209 obalt hexaammine that are known to stabilize Z-DNA.
210 umes a left-handed double helical structure (Z-DNA), whereas the unmethylated (dC-dG)(4) analog remai
211               The left-handed DNA structure, Z-DNA, is believed to play important roles in gene expre
212               In order to identify and study Z-DNA regions of the H. halobium genome, an affinity chr
213 to separate C-terminal dsRNA- and N-terminal Z-DNA-binding domains.
214 e deaminase (ADAR1), contains two N-terminal Z-DNA-binding motifs, Zalpha and Zbeta, the function of
215 more, our results reveal that the N-terminal Z-DNA/RNA binding domain of vaccinia virulence factor E3
216 data presented in this report establish that Z-DNA formation is an important mechanism in modulating
217                       Earlier, we found that Z-DNA causes DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) in mammalia
218 rovides additional support to the model that Z-DNA binding proteins may regulate biological processes
219                                 We show that Z-DNA suppressor operates by interaction with methyl-CpG
220                           Here, we show that Z-DNA-forming sequences induce high levels of genetic in
221 hin heterogeneous sequences and suggest that Z-DNA can in principle propagate into a wider range of g
222                  These findings suggest that Z-DNA formation in chromatin is a part of the "genomic c
223                        Our data suggest that Z-DNA-forming sequences may be causative factors for gen
224 ng relative to the TATA box, suggesting that Z-DNA effects transcription without interacting with the
225                    This result suggests that Z-DNA formation in the promoter region induced or stabil
226                    This result suggests that Z-DNA formation proximally upstream of a promoter is suf
227  serine with threonine at residue 186 in the Z DNA-binding domain differentially affects its ability
228 We now report that serine residue 186 in the Z DNA-binding domain plays an important role in the abil
229                      Conservation within the Z DNA binding domain has also been assessed.
230                                          The Z-DNA model generated with ultra high-resolution diffrac
231  Formation of sequences by both BRG1 and the Z-DNA is required for effective chromatin remodeling of
232 ls in the presence or absence of HR, and the Z-DNA-induced mutations were characterized.
233 i-polymerlike structure that has assumed the Z-DNA conformation further strengthened by the long inne
234                     Compounds that block the Z-DNA-binding activity of E3L may also limit infection b
235                      In mammalian cells, the Z-DNA-forming sequences induce double-strand breaks near
236 ence of the flanking sequence containing the Z-DNA-forming tract reduced the extent of slipped-strand
237 tranded RNA deaminase I (ADAR1) contains the Z-DNA binding domain Zalpha.
238 RNA binding domain and a region covering the Z-DNA binding domain and the nuclear export signal compr
239  by transcription, as recently shown for the Z-DNA forming sequence (CG)(14), which causes genomic in
240 al transcription of the reporter gene if the Z-DNA-binding protein is expressed in the cell.
241 ults expose higher-order complexities in the Z-DNA code within heterogeneous sequences and suggest th
242 he two br5C-modified DNA nonamers are in the Z-DNA conformation in 50% methanol solution.
243  d(GCGCGCGCGC) with a 5'-purine start in the Z-DNA form.
244                             Deletions in the Z-DNA- or dsRNA-binding domains led to activation of sig
245                       This difference in the Z-DNA-induced mutation spectrum between mammals and bact
246 different DSB repair pathways influenced the Z-DNA-induced mutagenesis, we engineered bacterial E.col
247 (M246), which retains the second half of the Z-DNA binding domain, all RNA binding domains, and the d
248 ng plasmid was demonstrated per cycle of the Z-DNA selection procedure.
249                     However, mutation of the Z-DNA-binding domains of ADAR1 decreased the efficiency
250 rivative, up to 4,000-fold enrichment of the Z-DNA-containing plasmid was demonstrated per cycle of t
251                               We propose the Z-DNA formation induced by BRG1 promotes a transition fr
252 he putative nuclear localization signal, the Z-DNA binding domain, and the entire RNA binding domain
253  repair processing cleavages surrounding the Z-DNA-forming sequence.
254                        We also show that the Z-DNA forming transcriptional repressor element, by inte
255                       Here, we show that the Z-DNA-binding domain (Zalpha(ADAR1)) exclusively found i
256               This finding suggests that the Z-DNA-forming sequence in the DM2 gene locus may have a
257  assayed by (i) a band shift assay using the Z-DNA-specific Z22 monoclonal antibody (ZIBS assay); (ii
258 ults reported here support a model where the Z-DNA binding motifs target ADAR1 to regions of negative
259 5 M Na+ is significantly perturbed while the Z-DNA domain is less perturbed by the presence of the mi
260 reaction shifted to the junctions within the Z-DNA insert as is common for large reagents.
261 sting that Z alpha nuclease binds within the Z-DNA insert, but cleaves in the nearby B-DNA, by using
262                                        These Z-DNA-induced double-strand breaks in mammalian cells ar
263 umors is likely due to a marked loss of this Z-DNA-mediated transcriptional suppression function.
264 d inhibiting apoptosis of host cells through Z-DNA binding.
265 the Zalpha motif binds with high affinity to Z-DNA as a dimer, that the binding site is no larger tha
266 rly polypyrimidines, and ssDNA as well as to Z-DNA.
267 effected by the superhelically induced B- to Z-DNA transition in a manner that is both orientation an
268 vides a structural explanation for the B- to Z-DNA transition in this duplex.
269 tive supercoil-induced transition from B- to Z-DNA.
270 was critical for both VH and scFv binding to Z-DNA.
271  conformation in poly(dG-d5meC) and binds to Z-DNA stabilized by bromination with high affinity and s
272      Zalpha is a peptide motif that binds to Z-DNA with high affinity.
273 -DNA-forming sequences that are converted to Z-DNA structure upon activation by the BAF complex.
274 d from E. coli, the transition from B-DNA to Z-DNA occurred from d(CG)4, to d(CG)5, with 20% of d(CG)
275 II)-induced conformation change of GC-DNA to Z-DNA.
276 , the prevalent right-handed form of DNA, to Z-DNA is accomplished.
277 SPA or associated VH-VL dimers bound only to Z-DNA.
278 nating purine/pyrimidines, which is prone to Z-DNA transition, is much stronger than to other types o
279 that the Zalpha(ADAR1) binds specifically to Z-DNA and preferentially to d(CG)(n) inserts, which requ
280 a remarkable ability to bind specifically to Z-DNA and/or Z-RNA.
281 zyme ADAR1 binds tightly and specifically to Z-DNA stabilized by bromination or supercoiling.
282               VL-SPA domains bound weakly to Z-DNA; SPA alone did not bind.
283 gative supercoiling, leading to a local B-to-Z DNA transition.
284 y in vertebrates and is characterized by two Z-DNA-binding motifs, the biological function of which r
285 ded RNA adenosine deaminase, type 1) has two Z-DNA binding motifs, Zalpha and Zbeta, the function of
286 monstrated that T-T and A-A bases in the two Z-DNA duplexes are dynamic and adopt a range of conforma
287 specific nuclease, by undermethylation using Z-DNA sensitive SssI methylase, and by circular dichrois
288                 In the context of a B versus Z DNA equilibrium, deoxycytidine favors the Z form over
289 py for determining the fraction of B- versus Z-DNA.
290                                     In vivo, Z-DNA is generated in the presence of negative supercoil
291 ripts during acute and chronic infection was Z-DNA binding protein 1 (ZBP1).
292                         To determine whether Z-DNA binding by VH alone and by Fv involves identical c
293             However, it is not known whether Z-DNA plays a role in the generation of these chromosoma
294 he plasmids using fusion nucleases, in which Z-DNA-binding peptides from the N terminus of double-str
295 a new epigenetic regulatory process in which Z-DNA/MeCP2/NF1 interaction leads to transcriptional sup
296 ncluding a crystal structure in complex with Z-DNA, have focused on the human ADAR1 Zalpha domain in
297 in B cell selection before immunization with Z-DNA.
298  Zalpha and map the interaction surface with Z-DNA, confirming roles previously assigned to residues
299 r p150 WT isoform or the p150 Zalpha (Y177A) Z-DNA-binding mutant of ADAR1 restored suppression of ho
300 ts the RHIM-containing adaptor protein ZBP1 (Z-DNA binding protein 1; also known as DAI or DLM1) from

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