


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 yocyte differentiation (measured by counting Z bands).
2 nm in the abnormally large nemaline myopathy Z-band.
3 e transition of titin from the A-band to the Z-band.
4 l region of titin that is localized near the Z-band.
5 n, desmin-positive inclusions, and thickened Z-bands.
6 es, that are thought to be the precursors of Z-bands.
7 olism and to a loss of PDE5A localization to z-bands.
8  fibres have wide (approximately 100-140 nm) Z-bands.
9 muscles have wide (approximately 100-140 nm) Z-bands.
10 about 39 nm, just like the nemaline myopathy Z-bands.
11 y into periodic approximately 0.1-micrometer Z-bands.
12 filament (actin, tropomyosin, troponins) and Z-band (alpha-actinin) components and promotes their deg
13 ies has been the discovery that mutations in Z band alternatively spliced PDZ-containing protein and
14 in the LIM domain-binding protein 3-encoding Z-band alternatively spliced PDZ motif gene (ZASP) in a
15 ntified the 90-kDa band as the protein ZASP (Z-band alternatively spliced PDZ motif protein), a minor
16                                      ZASP (a Z-band alternatively spliced PDZ motif-containing protei
17 -dependent up-regulation of alpha-actinin-2, z-band alternatively spliced PDZ-motif and myotilin at t
18 ino acids in domains of actin that attach to Z bands and intercalated discs.
19 wall muscles and accumulates at the level of Z-bands and around myonuclei.
20 odicity is an important conserved feature of Z-bands and either cannot be explained by titin Z-repeat
21 which appears to facilitate the breakdown of Z-bands and thin filaments.
22 e those found in fish body white muscle, the Z-band appears as a characteristic zigzag layer of densi
23 ith age, but features such as the M-line and Z-band are apparent even as early as day 52.
24 though sarcomeres with electron dense M- and Z-bands are present in muscle fibers of rbfox1l/rbox2 mo
25 he small-square and basketweave forms of the Z-band as seen by EM.
26            This finding is consistent with a Z-band assembly model involving molecular control mechan
27  altered pattern of sarcomeric actin and the Z-band-associated actin crosslinker Cheerio (filamin).
28     This filamentous body is parallel to the Z band axial filaments and is observed to play an essent
29 ng, the desmin cytoskeleton and the attached Z-band-bound thin filaments are degraded after ubiquitin
30 n, in affected myofibrillar integrity and in Z-band breaks, leading to reduced muscle performance and
31 ing six fragments were not incorporated into Z-bands, but were incorporated (a) diffusely throughout
32                                  Fast muscle Z-bands comprise two or three layers of Z-links.
33                             We show that the Z-band comprises four to six layers of links, presumably
34 mparison with previous studies, the narrower Z-band comprises three layers.
35 vine slow muscle investigated here reveals a Z-band comprising six sets of Z-links, which, due to the
36                       In vertebrate muscles, Z-bands connect adjacent sarcomeres, incorporate several
37               The vertebrate striated muscle Z-band connects actin filaments of opposite polarity fro
38  MDa protein titin that spans from M-band to Z-band correlates with the axial structure of the sarcom
39 vide evidence that sepsis is associated with Z-band disintegration and a calcium-dependent release of
40  of micro-calpain, m-calpain, and p94 and in Z-band disintegration in the extensor digitorum longus m
41 luding ringed fibres, sarcoplasmic masses or Z-band disorganization, which are characteristic feature
42 tched WT controls, and TG myocytes exhibited Z-band disorganization.
43 th anti-MYC and Rho-phalloidin stained intra-Z-band F-alpha-actin oligomers, only the latter stained
44 nonmuscle myosin decreased dramatically when Z-bands formed, the muscle myosin became organized into
45 bitors suggested that the interconversion of Z-band forms was correlated with tropomyosin movement on
46  structure is absent in cross section of the Z band from muscles fixed in rigor or in tetanus, sugges
47 f alpha-actinin links, mammalian slow muscle Z-bands have six.
48                     Fish white (fast) muscle Z-bands have two sets of alpha-actinin links, mammalian
49 ectron micrographs show a two-layer "simple" Z-band in fish body fast muscle, a three-layer Z-band in
50 band in fish body fast muscle, a three-layer Z-band in fish fin fast muscle, and a six-layer Z-band i
51 and in fish fin fast muscle, and a six-layer Z-band in mammalian slow muscle.
52  of PLD (PLD1 and PLD2) are localized to the z-band in skeletal muscle (a critical site of mechanical
53                        The appearance of the Z-band in transverse-section electron micrographs typica
54                                          The Z-band in vertebrate striated muscle crosslinks actin fi
55 , are with actin the major components of the Z-band in vertebrate striated muscles where they serve t
56  clear three-dimensional density maps of the Z-bands in beef muscle.
57 eared to fuse and form mature myofibrils and Z-bands in cytoplasmic regions where the linear arrays o
58                                              Z-bands in different muscles have a modular structure fo
59 ound that the measured periodicities in wide Z-bands in slow and cardiac muscles are all very similar
60                                         Wide Z-bands in slow fibres such as the one studied here (bov
61 n of the muscles: inability to differentiate Z-bands in the sarcomeric apparatus and reduction of ext
62                                              Z-band incorporation was independent of the nebulin COOH
63 othesis that sepsis results in disruption of Z-bands, increased expression of calpains, and calcium-d
64 actinin fusion protein was incorporated into Z-bands, intercalated discs, and attachment plaques, as
65 on points suggests that the structure of the Z band is not determined solely by the arrangement of al
66     Since the increase in width of the wider Z-band is about 19 nm, we conclude that it comprises fou
67 inal 5-7nm of the actin filaments within the Z-band is devoid of any alpha-actinin links and is likel
68                                       As the Z-band is periodic, Fourier methods have previously been
69  in rigor or in tetanus, suggesting that the Z band lattice must undergo dynamic rearrangement concom
70                   By EM, the A-band and both Z-band lattice spacings varied with temperature and pres
71 d to their anchoring sites in the tetragonal Z-band lattice.
72 s by adenoviral gene transfer restored PDE5A z-band localization and the antiadrenergic efficacy of P
73 al and failing hearts, but there was loss of z-band localization in failing myocytes that suggested a
74 ere cytoplasmic aggregate formation, whereas z-band localization was not affected.
75                                          The Z-band-located amino-terminal 80 kDa of titin includes 4
76                     Gautel et al. proposed a Z-band model in which each Z-repeat links to one level o
77 usion protein targets the alpha-actinin-rich Z-bands of contracting myofibrils in vivo.
78 ning demonstrated that PDE3A co-localizes in Z-bands of human cardiac myocytes with desmin, SERCA2, P
79 muscle attachment sites and the periphery of Z-bands of striated muscle.
80         The Z-line, alternatively termed the Z-band or Z-disc, is a highly ordered structure at the b
81                        The vertebrate muscle Z-band organizes and tethers antiparallel actin filament
82  repetitive region (tandem Z-repeats) in the Z-band part of titin (also called connectin).
83 reen fluorescent protein (GFP) linked to the Z-band protein, alpha-actinin.
84  structure of the vertebrate skeletal muscle Z band reflects its function as the muscle component ess
85 ng of a 1.1-kb cDNA (Z1.1) fragment from the Z-band region of titin linked to the cDNA for green fluo
86                 These data indicate that the Z-band region of titin plays an important role in mainta
87 roximately 2000 amino acids that make up the Z-band region of titin; nevertheless, the Z1.1GFP fusion
88 proximity to transverse tubule membranes and Z-band regions of cardiac sarcomeres raise the possibili
89            Both AHNAKs appear to localize to Z-band regions of mouse cardiomyocytes and cosediment wi
90         Three-dimensional reconstructions of Z-bands reveal that individual zigzag layers are often c
91     Previous electron microscopy (EM) showed Z-bands reversibly switch between a relaxed, "small-squa
92 f these layers, longitudinal sections of the Z-band show a number of zigzag connections between the o
93                            Vertebrate muscle Z-bands show zig-zag densities due to different sets of
94  fibres have narrow (approximately 30-50 nm) Z-bands; slow and cardiac fibres have wide (approximatel
95                        The three-dimensional Z band structure consists of interdigitating axial filam
96          We next sought evidence for the two Z-band structures in unfixed muscles using x-ray diffrac
97                               These multiple Z-band structures suggest that different isoforms of neb
98 slow skeletal and cardiac muscles have wider Z-bands than fast skeletal muscles.
99 metry of the myofilaments and the perforated Z-band that contribute to high-speed contractions, long
100 % shorter than those in flight muscles, with Z-bands that were thicker and configured into novel perf
101 Here, we tested whether in normal vertebrate Z-bands there is a marked reduction in crossover repeat
102  by allowing thick filaments to traverse the Z-band through its open lattice.
103 is consistent with its localization from the Z band to the tip of the A band in these muscles.
104 velopment, its localization changes from the Z-band to the M-band.
105 me aligned with existing myofibrils at their Z-bands to form myofibrils that spanned the length of th
106  vinculin and paxillin, and anchor myofibril Z-bands to the sarcolemma.
107 s and present a systematic classification of Z-band types according to the numbers of Z-links and tit
108  three titin molecules interacting with each Z-band unit cell containing one actin filament in the sa
109 eat interest recently in the suggestion that Z-band variability with fibre type may be due to differe
110                       The axial width of the Z-band varies with fibre and muscle type: fast twitch mu
111  variations in the periodic structure of the Z-band, we have used subtomogram averaging of tomograms
112 ayers also determines the axial width of the Z-band, which is a useful indicator of fibre type; fast
113 muscles have narrow (approximately 30-50 nm) Z-bands, while slow-twitch and cardiac muscles have wide
114                                 The variable Z-band width incorporating variable numbers of zigzag la
115                In longitudinal sections, the Z-band width varies more with muscle type than species:
116 diomyocytes had greater sarcomere length and Z-band width when cultured on stiffer arrays.
117 il structure (increased sarcomere length and Z-band width) and intracellular calcium levels.
118 eport the first observation of two different Z-band widths within a single sarcomere.
119 tanding the high-resolution structure of the Z-band will help us understand its role in muscle contra

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