


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ves of ellipticity 2/1 (major axis along the Z-line).
2  restricted to triadic junctions (located at z-lines).
3 ber axis or pointing toward or away from the Z line.
4 e SR around the contractile apparatus at the Z-line.
5 eractions with both a thick filament and the Z-line.
6 nds to alpha-actinin and is localized in the Z-line.
7            The beta2 did not localize to the Z-line.
8 t function that includes interactions at the Z-line.
9 , intercalated disc, and at the level of the Z-line.
10 60 kD of titin spans the entire width of the Z-line.
11  the remaining short thin filaments near the Z-line.
12 etween the end of the thick filament and the Z-line.
13 ENH-CypherS-Calsarcin protein complex at the Z-line.
14 1 are within the same protein complex at the Z-line.
15 ecting each end of the thick filament to the Z-line.
16 skeletal protein localized in the sarcomeric Z-line.
17  of both calsarcin-1 and myotilin within the Z-line.
18 in which Ca(2+) release occurred only at the Z-line.
19 te a broader band of release centered at the Z-line.
20 nd T-cap/telethonin, a 19-kDa protein of the Z-line.
21 oscopy confirms localization specifically to Z lines.
22 line provided information about the width of Z lines.
23 fered with localization of endogenous FAK to Z-lines.
24 sis shows DMN colocalized with desmin at the Z-lines.
25  for Ca2+ release at locations other than at z-lines.
26 dhesions, cell-cell junctions, and embryonic Z-lines.
27 ructs such as actin filaments and sarcomeric Z-lines.
28 fect correlation between actin filaments and Z-lines.
29 these same regions also displayed dislocated z-lines.
30 tially activated along the Z-line and across Z-lines.
31 binds the barbed ends of actin at sarcomeric Z-lines.
32 evere sarcomeric disruptions starting at the Z-line, along with filamentous actin accumulations consi
33 fic "capping protein (actin filament) muscle Z-line, alpha 3" gene (Capza3).
34                                          The Z-line, alternatively termed the Z-band or Z-disc, is a
35 t muscle is in the M-lines and dense bodies (Z-line analogs).
36 ltivariate analysis, patients with irregular Z line and patients with BE of >/= 1 cm did not differ s
37 to the perinuclear region, and overlying the Z lines and M bands of adult rat cardiac myocytes.
38 the sarcolemmal domains that lie over nearby Z lines and that also contain beta-spectrin.
39 undles within sarcomeres that interconnected Z lines and were cross-linked by alpha-actinin.
40 poral characteristics of sparks found in the Z-line and A-band zones were very similar, whereas spark
41  seem to be sequentially activated along the Z-line and across Z-lines.
42 g at Z-lines within the muscle fibers and at Z-line and M-line domains at costameres at the sarcolemm
43 2 C) between the rise of fluorescence at the z-line and the m-line.
44 ulations with release sites clustered at the Z-lines and a transverse diffusion coefficient 50% of th
45  5) misalignment of alpha-actinin containing Z-lines and abnormal myocardial ultrastructure despite p
46 fluorescence was localized at the sarcomeric z-lines and absent from nuclei.
47 mulations with release sites localized along Z-lines and isotropic diffusion yielded highly elliptica
48  showed that PDE1C1 is distributed along the Z-lines and M-lines of cardiac myocytes in a striated pa
49 muscles, the actin filaments are anchored at Z-lines and the myosin and actin filaments are in regist
50 ing cells, with the absence of myofilaments, Z lines, and intercalated disks.
51 s in a double line, flanking desmin over the Z lines, and is apparently in alignment with the termina
52 tively spliced PDZ-motif and myotilin at the Z-line, and an incremental shift towards oxidative metab
53      CPbeta1 attaches actin filaments to the Z-line, and CPbeta2 organizes the actin at the intercala
54 calized in the cytoplasm at the level of the Z-line, and interestingly, FHL2 interacted more efficien
55 to mutations in mitochondrial, cytoskeletal, Z-line, and sarcomeric proteins.
56 ensors appear to be localized to the cardiac z-lines, and respond to cumulative calcium transients at
57 ar myocytes, FKBP12.6 and CaM colocalized to Z-lines, and the efficiency of energy transfer to both t
58 e distal esophagus, also called an irregular Z line, are encountered.
59 e distal esophagus, also called an irregular Z line, are encountered.
60 n-II functions at the muscle termini and the Z-line as an actin crosslinker and acts to maintain the
61 keletal muscle of the rat, anti-p6 decorates Z lines, as defined by antidesmin distribution, and is a
62 wed that these subunits are expressed at the Z lines, as shown previously for Nav1.5.
63 pher is not required for sarcomerogenesis or Z-line assembly, but rather is required for maintenance
64 ered phenotypes ranging from partial loss of Z line-associated filamentous actin to collapse of the c
65 netic interaction with mutants affecting the Z-line-associated protein muscle LIM protein 84B.
66  the tricarboxylic acid cycle, reductions in Z-line-associated proteins and increases in probe sets f
67  of titin is located at the periphery of the Z-line at the border of the adjacent sarcomere, whereas
68 oducing additional release sites between the Z-lines at a density 20% of that on the Z-lines produced
69                              beta1 is at the Z-line; beta2 is at the intercalated disc and cell perip
70 Ig repeats Z1 and Z2 in the periphery of the Z-line bind to a novel 19-kD protein, referred to as tit
71 that nebulin extended 1.01-1.03 mum from the Z-line, but Tmod localized 1.13-1.31 mum from the Z-line
72      Bursts remained localized to individual z-lines, but adjacent sites on the same z-line could be
73 ed the higher release site density along the Z-lines by acting as transverse diffusion barriers and s
74 ing is suppressed, we estimated that >90% of Z-line CaM is RyR2-bound.
75 odel of release occurring exclusively at the Z-line cannot explain our experimental data and suggest
76 via interactions with alpha-actinin or other Z-line components.
77      Both FKBP12.6 and FKBP12 concentrate at Z-lines, consistent with RyR2 and Ca spark initiation si
78 dual z-lines, but adjacent sites on the same z-line could be 'driven' by a bursting site to generate
79 N-terminal domain of PKC-delta, mimicked the Z-line decoration and slow binding rate of the full-leng
80          None of the patients with irregular Z line developed HGD or EAC during a median follow-up pe
81 study, we found that patients with irregular Z line do not develop HGD or esophageal cancer within 5
82                               Alternatively, Z line domains may be lost, whereas domains oriented lon
83 sociates with and selectively stabilizes the Z line domains of costameres, but that cytokeratins asso
84 ut rather is required for maintenance of the Z-line during muscle function.
85 R microdomain that was distinct from another Z line-flanking SR microdomain containing Tmod1 and Tmod
86 gher proportion of patients in the irregular Z-line group were female (26.3%) than in the BE group (1
87 ower proportion of patients in the irregular Z-line group were smokers (33.5%) than in the BE group (
88  was not observed between sites on different Z-lines (i.e. separated longitudinally by 1.8 microns).
89        We show that Enigma is present at the Z line in skeletal muscle and that the PDZ domain of Eni
90                           CYK-1 persisted at Z lines in adulthood, and its near complete depletion fr
91 the actin-binding protein alpha-actinin-2 at Z lines in skeletal muscle.
92 mobility 25 kDa) that localizes to the M and Z lines in skeletal muscle.
93 ncoding a protein that is a component of the Z-line in both skeletal and cardiac muscle.
94  is the major binding site for CaM along the Z-line in cardiomyocytes, and dissociating CaM from RyR2
95                    MYPN was localized at the Z-line in control skeletal muscles but was absent from a
96 nd that nonmuscle myosin-II localizes to the Z-line in mature larval muscle.
97 otherwise inextensible, collapsed toward the Z-line in sarcomeres shorter than approximately 2.0 micr
98 tin, ZIg1 and ZIg2, which are present at the Z-line in situ.
99 ed ubiquitin ligase that is localized to the Z-line in skeletal muscle.
100 rsarcomeric mitochondria concentrated at the Z-line in the IIB fiber types resulting in a periodic pa
101  adhesion proteins Cas, FAK, and paxillin at Z-lines in the cardiac myocyte may regulate, either dire
102 e, but Tmod localized 1.13-1.31 mum from the Z-line, in seven different rabbit skeletal muscles.
103 by recruitment of the titin segment near the Z-line into the elastic pool.
104 d in sarcomeric Z-lines, suggesting that the Z-line is an important signaling locus in these cells.
105 ith FAK, together with their localization to Z-lines, is critical to assembly of sarcomeric units in
106  its C-terminal region integrates within the Z-line lattice.
107 s localized to discrete release sites at the Z-line level of sarcomeres, indicating that the local OG
108 tribution of all PKD forms in a non-nuclear, Z-line localized, striated reticular pattern, suggesting
109 ricular myocytes, estimate the percentage of Z-line-localized CaM that is RyR2-bound, and test cellul
110 ning with the anti-alpha-actinin antibody (a z-line marker) showed that nearly all GFP-RyR2 clusters
111 y and irregularly in transverse planes along Z-lines (mean spacing between sites of 0.76 microns).
112 AC between groups of patients with irregular Z line (n = 167) and those with BE of >/= 1 cm (n = 1624
113 s in association with alpha-actinin-2 at the Z lines of myofibers.
114                            Subsequently, the z lines of the sarcomeres aligned and registered in dist
115 ike MSP-300, are localized to the sarcomeric Z-line of both skeletal and cardiac muscle.
116 oskeleton and tethers actin filaments to the Z-line of the sarcomere in muscles.
117 h tether calcineurin to alpha-actinin at the z-line of the sarcomere of cardiac and skeletal muscle c
118 eight and was diffusely localized around the Z-line of the sarcomere, suggesting a Ca(2+)-dependent m
119 ocalized with alpha-actinin, a marker of the Z-line of the sarcomere.
120 ay enable these heterofilaments to help link Z-lines of adjacent myofibrils and, thereby, play an imp
121 ies, and demonstrated that they label at the Z-lines of both adult avian and porcine cardiac and skel
122 alization of Cypher and alpha-actinin at the Z-lines of cardiac muscle.
123 nd p40 colocalizes with alpha-actinin at the Z-lines of differentiated myotubes.
124 ted expression pattern, especially along the Z-lines of myofibrils.
125 ng protein 3 (LDB3), which is located at the Z-lines of the sarcomere, at different times during the
126 aline-like bodies adjacent to a disorganized Z-line on electron microscopy, recapitulating the diseas
127 found GFP-RyR2 clusters interspersed between z-lines only at the periphery of live ventricular myocyt
128 NH2-terminal or I-band regions of titin, the Z-lines, or the thin filaments.
129  the muscle cytoskeleton and occur along the Z lines owing to interaction of the PDZ domain with the
130  the Z-lines at a density 20% of that on the Z-lines produced circular waves.
131  an alpha-actinin- and gamma-filamin-binding Z line protein expressed predominantly in skeletal muscl
132          Thus, myozenin is a skeletal muscle Z line protein that may be a good candidate gene for lim
133 contains a binding site for the myofibrillar Z-line protein alpha-actinin.
134                             MYPN encodes the Z-line protein myopalladin implicated in sarcomere integ
135                     Furthermore, ZASP-GFP, a Z-line protein, colocalizes with F-actin in puncta at th
136 with alpha-actinin, an integral myofibrillar Z-line protein.
137 er, ENH interacted with Calsarcin-1, another Z-line protein.
138 y immunostaining of alpha-actinin, a cardiac z-line protein.
139 ough protein-protein interactions with other Z-line proteins, (ii) myocardial ablation of Cypher resu
140 er) of the PDZ-LIM domain protein family are Z-line proteins.
141 y, phallacidin fluorescence intensity at the Z line provided information about the width of Z lines.
142 s (12 from its central region and 3 from its Z-line region).
143 xhibits disorganization and streaming of the Z-line similar to that seen in nemaline myopathy.
144 binding sites for alpha-actinin within their Z-line spanning region.
145        Electron microscopy showed areas with Z-line streaming and a dilated sarcotubular system with
146 ia, deeply infolded sarcolemma, and frequent Z-line streaming regions, which were more severe in male
147 ASP1-D117N did not significantly disturb the Z-line structure.
148 ad moving within the sarcomere away from the Z-line structures and leaving behind the sarcoplasmic re
149 s, and paxillin were localized in sarcomeric Z-lines, suggesting that the Z-line is an important sign
150 ine the molecular layout of titin within the Z-line; the most NH2-terminal 30 kD of titin is located
151     Decreased sarcomere length and increased Z-line thickness were observed in the mutant hearts cons
152    Single molecules of titin extend from the Z-line to the M-line.
153 ound inside the sarcomere, spanning from the Z-line to the M-line.
154 parameters were adjusted until the simulated Z-line transient matched the experimental one.
155 ugh the model was accurate in predicting the Z-line transient under conditions of high [EGTA], it pre
156 ct key parameters of the experimental M- and Z-line transients, even when model parameters were adjus
157 in in the internal solution localized at the Z-line/triad region.
158 ue roles for CypherL isoforms in maintaining Z-line ultrastructure and signaling that are distinct fr
159 from these mutants exhibited defects in both Z-line ultrastructure and specific aberrations in calcin
160  are respectively higher and faster near the Z-line versus M-line.
161 [Ca(2+)](mito) near SR Ca(2+) release sites (Z-line) versus mid-sarcomere (M-line) reached a high pea
162  within Cypher localize independently to the Z-line via interactions with alpha-actinin or other Z-li
163  that synemin may anchor IFs to myofibrillar Z-lines via interactions with alpha-actinin and to costa
164 ter understand the structure and function of Z lines, we used sarcomeric isoforms of alpha-actinin an
165 iated body wall muscles near or on sarcomere Z lines, where barbed ends of actin filaments are anchor
166 ransferase (OGT) are mainly localized at the Z-line, whereas OGA is at the A-band.
167 0-nm-long thin filaments protruding from the Z-line, whereas the rest of the I-band became devoid of
168 co-localized with ryanodine receptors at the Z-lines, whereas in myopathic hearts the degree of co-lo
169                The segment of titin near the Z-line, which is otherwise inextensible, collapsed towar
170                  Titin filaments may specify Z-line width and internal structure by varying the lengt
171 ce of HGD and EAC in patients with irregular Z line with intestinal metaplasia.
172 ui, like CaMKIIdelta, is concentrated at the z-lines, with low baseline activation state.
173 antibodies for K8 and K19 showed labeling at Z-lines within the muscle fibers and at Z-line and M-lin
174 h the zone of the junctional or corbular SR (Z-line zone).
175  all GFP-RyR2 clusters were localized in the z-line zone.

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