


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1                                              ZIPK also binds and phosphorylates proapoptotic protein
2                                              ZIPK is regulated by multisite phosphorylation.
3                                              ZIPK mRNA and protein are abundant in heart tissue and i
4 onclude that a pool of constitutively active ZIPK is involved in regulation of vascular smooth muscle
5                       Inhibition of DAPK and ZIPK facilitates cell restoration to the basal state and
6 by death-associated protein kinases DAPK and ZIPK.
7 , and inhibitory phosphorylation of MYPT1 by ZIPK requires "unlocking" of Par-4 by phosphorylation an
8   Mutation of Thr299 alone to alanine caused ZIPK to assume a diffuse cellular localization, whereas
9 ility of ZIPK to oligomerize and also caused ZIPK to relocalize from the cytoplasm to the nucleus in
10 13a is phosphorylated at Ser(77) by the DAPK-ZIPK cascade, but EPRS is phosphorylated only at Ser(999
11                               Thus, the DAPK-ZIPK-L13a axis forms a unique regulatory module that fir
12 ding the PIM family of kinases, CLKs, DAPK3 (ZIPK), BMP2K (BIKE), and others.
13 atic applications, we have pinpointed DAPK3 (ZIPK) as a novel cancer-associated kinase with functiona
14  in kinase subdomain X is essential for full ZIPK autophosphorylation and activity toward exogenous s
15 have identified six phosphorylation sites in ZIPK that regulate both its enzyme activity and localiza
16             In contrast, the kinase-inactive ZIPK resides in nuclei with a diffuse pattern and signif
17 tation of the leucine zipper motif increased ZIPK activity toward exogenous substrates by severalfold
18           Zipper-interacting protein kinase (ZIPK) is a member of the death-associated protein kinase
19           Zipper-interacting protein kinase (ZIPK) is a widely expressed serine/threonine kinase impl
20           Zipper-interacting protein kinase (ZIPK) regulates Ca(2+)-independent phosphorylation of bo
21 ibitor of zipper-interacting protein kinase (ZIPK) was used to examine the involvement of ZIPK in the
22 activates zipper-interacting protein kinase (ZIPK), culminating in L13a phosphorylation on Ser(77), L
23 eres with zipper-interacting protein kinase (ZIPK)-mediated MP inhibition.
24 sequently zipper-interacting protein kinase (ZIPK).
25                                  ZIP kinase (ZIPK) is a proapoptotic protein kinase with homology to
26 egree of substrate specificity toward native ZIPK, both stoichiometrically phosphorylating the enzyme
27 ions of Moloney (PIM) virus 3 kinase but not ZIPK, had no effect on calyculin A-induced contraction o
28 of the leucine zipper reduced the ability of ZIPK to oligomerize and also caused ZIPK to relocalize f
29                               Association of ZIPK with Daxx was enhanced by coexpression of Par-4.
30  POD formation, increased the association of ZIPK with PODs.
31               In HeLa cells, coexpression of ZIPK with ROCK1 altered the ROCK-induced phenotype of fo
32 ZIPK) was used to examine the involvement of ZIPK in the regulation of smooth muscle contraction.
33                                 Knockdown of ZIPK in cardiac myocytes by small interfering RNA signif
34 300 to alanine resulted in redistribution of ZIPK from the cytosol to the nucleus.
35  small-interfering RNA-mediated reduction of ZIPK, Daxx, or Par-4 expression decreased activation of
36                    C-terminal truncations of ZIPK at amino acid 273 or 342 or mutation of the leucine
37 sed substrate search performed with purified ZIPK on heart homogenates led to the discovery of a prom
38 tify the protein kinases that might regulate ZIPK activity in vivo.
39                  Biochemical analyses showed ZIPK phosphorylated cardiac RLC at Ser-15 with a V(max)
40                            We show here that ZIPK is present in PODs, where it colocalizes with and b
41 association of Daxx with PODs, implying that ZIPK recruits Daxx to PODs via its catalytic activity.
42             Together, our findings show that ZIPK is positively regulated by phosphorylation within i
43           These effects of HS38 suggest that ZIPK also lies downstream from G protein-coupled recepto
44                   These results suggest that ZIPK, in collaboration with Daxx and Par-4, mediates a n
45                                        Thus, ZIPK may act as a cardiac RLC kinase and thereby affect
46                                  Transfected ZIPK can promote the phosphorylation of p21(WAF1) at Thr

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