


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 tein families with biased compositions (e.g. Zn-fingers).
2 ues in the proper sequence context to form a Zn finger.
3 on of the agents from the core of the GATA-1 Zn finger.
4 of Sws1, a novel HR protein with a SWIM-type Zn finger.
5 evolutionary constraint on the dynamics of a Zn finger.
6  binding domain that carries only the second Zn-finger.
7 encodes a nuclear protein with two Cys2-His2 Zn fingers.
8 ively target retroviral nucleocapsid protein Zn fingers.
9 chaperone activity, but not the order of the Zn fingers.
10 bilized >or=3:1 complex also required intact Zn fingers.
11  beta-sheet, a coil-rich C terminus, and two Zn fingers.
12 NA primarily through a tandem repeat of CCCH Zn fingers.
13 deleted Zn finger domains indicate that CTCF Zn fingers 2 to 7 are involved in binding to the chicken
14 eophilic region on the surfaces of both NCp7 Zn fingers, (2) indicated a strong correspondence betwee
15                                              Zn fingers 3 and 5 each bind two adenines, whereas finge
16 e the 2.15 A resolution crystal structure of Zn fingers 3-5 of Chaetomium thermophilum Nab2 bound to
17 hat binding A11G RNA induces dimerization of Zn fingers 5-7 mediated by the novel spatial arrangement
18 ed structure composed of three subdomains: a Zn finger, an elongated segment containing a minor groov
19 n attempt to define the role of the putative Zn finger and other potential functional motifs in this
20  of Zn ejection is faster for the C-terminal Zn finger and slower for the N-terminal finger, (3) Zn e
21 Kgamma protein lacks its putative C-terminal Zn finger and, due to decreased mRNA stability, is under
22 -residue polypeptide consisting of four C2H2 Zn fingers and several possible nuclear localization sig
23 racterized by the presence of five CCCH-type Zn-fingers) and integrity of the catalytic domain are re
24 als within the nucleophilic loci of the NCp7 Zn fingers, and (3) revealed selective steric exclusion
25 ction assays indicate that several more CTCF Zn fingers are involved in contacting the human CTCF bin
26 n 10 of NEMO, both of which remove the zinc (Zn) finger at the C-terminus of the protein.
27        In addition to a conserved N-terminal Zn finger baculovirus IAP repeat, survivin forms a dimer
28                   Yra1 binds directly to the Zn finger/Clp1 region of Pcf11, the pol II CTD-binding s
29          Two mutants of an unannotated small Zn finger containing a thylakoid membrane protein of Ara
30 duced protein 1), a recently identified CCCH Zn finger-containing protein, plays an essential role in
31 Double mutations in flh-2 and a third FLYWCH Zn-finger-containing transcription factor, flh-3, also r
32                                    The first Zn finger coordinates a Zn2+ ion in a unique conformatio
33 erruptus (Ci) through phosphorylation of the Zn finger DNA-binding domain.
34 entified transcription factors with a FLYWCH Zn-finger DNA-binding domain that bind to the promoters
35 s located predominantly at the N terminus of Zn-finger DNA-binding proteins, where it may function as
36 no- and polyubiquitin by a ubiquitin-binding Zn finger domain in TAX1BP1 is needed for TRAF6 associat
37 tants of recombinant MTF-1 suggests that the Zn finger domain is important for the Zn-dependent activ
38 kinases; nuclear localization signals; and a Zn finger domain.
39 ctural models show that 1 binds MBNL1 in the Zn-finger domain and that 2 interacts with UU loops in r
40  WRKY-GCM1 fold is also shared by the FLYWCH Zn-finger domain and the DBDs of two classes of Mutator-
41  We report a previously uncharacterized CHHC Zn-finger domain identified in spliceosomal U11-48K prot
42 introduction of siRNA derived from the TRAF6 Zn-finger domain or an irrelevant siRNA construct failed
43 ific binding of its highly polymorphic multi-Zn-finger domain.
44 t was in turn ultimately derived from a C2H2 Zn-finger domain.
45                                          Two Zn finger domains (ZF1 and ZF2) do not contact DNA, and
46                                              Zn finger domains important for ZRE contact were identif
47  shift assays utilizing successively deleted Zn finger domains indicate that CTCF Zn fingers 2 to 7 a
48 arily conserved protein with RNA binding and Zn(+) finger domains.
49 dinate Zn2+ within the two major DNA-binding Zn-finger domains of ER, resulting in selective inhibiti
50 ice isoforms, which contain up to seven C2H2 Zn-finger domains, and is localized to the nucleus, sugg
51  size, 560 kD, and contains several putative Zn-finger domains.
52 pressed transcription factors, including the Zn-finger factor egl-46 and the bHLH gene hlh-10.
53 ased on presumptive nulls containing altered Zn-finger function.
54                          To characterize the Zn finger further, we replaced each of the basic residue
55    Swapping single aromatic residues between Zn fingers had a significant effect on NCp7 activity; ho
56 e gene zag-1, which encodes a deltaEF1/ZFH-1 Zn-finger-homeodomain protein.
57 findings support the role of the TFIIIA-type Zn fingers in both protein-protein interaction and prote
58  the presence of both the BTB/POZ domain and Zn-fingers in each partner protein.
59 ides, and PATEs in particular, as novel NCp7 Zn finger inhibitors for in vivo studies.
60 nd biochemical assays, we show that the Dbf4 Zn finger interacts with Cdc7 and stimulates its kinase
61 o observed that the presence and type of the Zn finger is important for NCp7 chaperone activity, but
62  C." By mutational analysis we show that the Zn finger is not required for the essential function of
63 localization, and 2) the C-terminal (fourth) Zn finger is required for localization to M-lines and de
64 and cross-linking studies indicate that this Zn finger-like domain is required for the DnaJ molecular
65 e-to-serine substitution within the putative Zn finger motif affected IKK activation by TNF-alpha but
66                  Mutation to remove the CHCC Zn finger motif from L, a motif required by L to mediate
67  and 133 amino acid residues adjacent to the Zn finger motif.
68 Y motifs, a conserved hydrophobic tail and a Zn finger motif.
69 ), a 135-kD polypeptide that contains a FYVE Zn(++) finger motif.
70                       This suggests that the Zn-finger motif interacts directly and specifically with
71                               The N-terminal Zn-finger motif of the beta' subunit of RNA polymerase c
72 ns studied to date contain a canonical Cys-4 Zn-finger motif thought to be essential for their proper
73 osely related paralogue DksA2 that lacks the Zn-finger motif.
74 on of leucine at the seventh position of the Zn finger of GATA factors.
75  the formation of one of the potential small Zn fingers of SE6.
76  Agents that target the two highly conserved Zn fingers of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) nuc
77              The DNA-binding activity of the Zn finger protein metal response element-binding transcr
78 art of the core U7 Sm complex, and ZFP100, a Zn finger protein that helps stabilize binding of the U7
79 nds and cross-links SP1, a sequence-specific Zn finger protein that induces a bend in the DNA upon bi
80 W QUANTUM YIELD OF PHOTOSYSTEM II1 (LQY1), a Zn finger protein that shows disulfide isomerase activit
81 1, a LIM-domain protein, and D14, a putative Zn finger protein with a heme-binding site.
82  previous studies showed that UNC-98, a C2H2 Zn finger protein, acts as a linkage between UNC-97, an
83  for Hedgehog signaling, and encodes a novel Zn finger protein.
84            Here we provide evidence that the Zn-finger protein encoded by the gene jing is critical f
85 eath is controlled by the microRNA let-7 and Zn-finger protein LIN-29, components of the C. elegans d
86 tein HYPONASTIC LEAVES1 (HYL1), and the C2H2 Zn-finger protein SERRATE (SE), are required for the acc
87 pha-1 and pharyngeal development through the Zn-finger protein SUP-35/ZTF-21.
88 se) Ezh2, the WD-repeat protein Eed, and the Zn-finger protein Suz12.
89 etli (topi), which encodes a testis-specific Zn-finger protein that physically interacts with Comr.
90 nd biochemistry approaches we identified the Zn-finger protein ZNF326, as a novel interaction partner
91 s RNA interacted with the HIV-1 nucleocapsid Zn-finger protein, 1-55 NCp7, and specialized stopped-fl
92 f this gene subfamily which encodes a 62 kDa Zn-finger protein, termed LRF, with a BTB/POZ domain hig
93 tyltransferase domain was inactivated or the Zn finger-protein binding domain was excised.
94  structural representative of this family of Zn finger proteins found so far exclusively in coronavir
95 ion did not impact the functions of cellular Zn finger proteins, including poly(ADP-ribose) polymeras
96 er known to be important for DNA contacts in Zn finger proteins.
97                     BTB/POZ-domain C2H2 zinc(Zn)-finger proteins are encoded by a subfamily of genes
98                                          The Zn-finger proteins Hb and Cas, acting as repressors, con
99 r, our findings suggest that BTB/ POZ-domain Zn-finger proteins may function as homo and heterodimeri
100 1 belongs to a highly conserved subfamily of Zn-finger proteins with cognates identified in nematodes
101                                          The Zn finger provides a model for studies of protein struct
102 gs encode a single (putative) C(2)H(2) zinc (Zn) finger, referred to as "motif C." By mutational anal
103 e three proteins revealed a novel, conserved Zn-finger-related motif (MYM domain) of the general form
104 eletion and point mutants altering conserved Zn-finger residues exhibit a substantially slowed S-phas
105 ious work showed that replacement of certain Zn-finger residues prevented transcription antiterminati
106 synthetic organisms that possess a novel two Zn-finger structure DNA-binding domain.
107 a modular structure that includes seven CCCH Zn fingers that bind to A-rich RNAs and fingers 5-7 are
108          Sens is a nuclear protein with four Zn fingers that is expressed and required in the sensory
109 NC-98, a 37-kD protein, containing four C2H2 Zn fingers, that localizes to M-lines.
110  prevents UNC-86 from collaborating with the Zn finger transcription factor PAG-3/Gfi to induce pepti
111 lating the expression of the Spalt/SALL-type Zn finger transcription factor sem-4, a previously ident
112 as stabilized by DNA binding relative to the Zn finger transcription factor Sp1.
113                          CTCF belongs to the Zn finger transcription factors family and binds to the
114 P signaling pathways and is repressed by the Zn-finger transcription factor Broad.
115 n-transmembrane protein Smoothened (Smo) and Zn-finger transcription factor Ci/Gli are crucial compon
116 ress by dephosphorylating and activating the Zn-finger transcription factor Crz1p/Tcn1p.
117             The mRNA encoding the Drosophila Zn-finger transcription factor Nerfin-1, required for CN
118 ddress the role of Drosophila Kruppel-family Zn-finger transcription factor roughened eye (roe) in th
119                       Here, we show that the Zn-finger transcription factor ThPOK has a critical func
120                          senseless (sens), a Zn-finger transcription factor, is expressed in the sali
121 ed by TCR-ligand interactions is a family of Zn-finger transcription factors termed early growth resp
122  directly associates with LAZ3(BCL-6), a POZ/Zn finger transcriptional repressor involvedin the patho
123                          This flexibility in Zn finger usage reveals CTCF to be a unique "multivalent
124               Here we show that the putative Zn finger, Walker A motif, KNRXG motif and Lon protease
125 ctivity as mutants in which the order of the Zn fingers was changed, indicating a functional role for
126 were shown to preferentially target the NCp7 Zn finger when tested against other molecular targets, t
127 gnature residue defining the PHD subclass of Zn fingers, which suggests that other PHD proteins may a
128                                   The second Zn finger, with four cysteines, is a distant member of t
129 capable of using different subsets of its 11 Zn fingers (ZF) for sequence-specific binding to many di
130 actor as CTCF, a conserved protein with a 11 Zn-finger (ZF) domain that can mediate multiple sequence
131                                       Labile Zn fingers (Zfs) in proteins contain Zn-bound thiolates

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