


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1 rotein with high expression in CD4(+)CD8(+) thymocytes, has a crucial role in positive selection and T cell development.
2 Altogether, these findings show that the sigma receptor has a key role in METH dysregulation of dopamine release and dopa
3 t mitogen-activated protein kinase interacting kinase-1 has a pivotal role in cocaine-induced connectivity.
4                     We tested the proposal that the MTL has a specific role in topographical memory as assessed in tasks
5 ons in the PBX homeobox 1 gene (PBX1), a gene known to have a crucial role in kidney development.
6 mounts of catecholamines, and hence, are not likely to have a direct role in adipocyte metabolism or adaptive thermogenes
7 ology, and imaging techniques, we now show that NMDARs have a key role in mediating the effect of leptin to modulate beta
8 ughout multiple brain areas, but that the striatum may have a privileged role in timing because it has a more accurate "c
9               Fibroblast growth factor (Fgf) receptors have a recognized role in mammary ductal development and stem cell
10                           The amygdala may, therefore, play a central role in RL.
11                                   Ohr also appeared to play a central role in the peroxynitrite response, because the ohr
12                Venom peptide toxins such as conotoxins play a critical role in the characterization of nicotinic acetylch
13 s, electron transporting materials (ETMs) used in PSCs play a critical role in PSCs performance.
14                          Reactive oxygen species (ROS) play a critical role in cell signaling and proliferation.
15                                                  These play a crucial role in auditory perception as well as attention.
16          Hippocampal replays have been demonstrated to play a crucial role in memory.
17                              Many ALS/FTD linked genes play a direct role in autophagy/lysosomal degradation, one of the
18                      Transparent conducting electrodes play a fundamental role in far-field PhotoVoltaic systems, but hav
19 results suggest that small external electrical signals play a greater role in determining the chemosensitive response to
20          Interspecific social information transfer can play a key role in many aspects of animal ecology from foraging to
21 ting protein (RIP) homotypic interaction motifs (RHIM) play a key role in cell death and inflammatory signalling(1-3).
22 ites induces changes in the filter conformation, which play a key role in defining both selectivity and permeation.
23 late key processes in human cells, and protein kinases play a pivotal role in health and disease.
24                              We conclude that EEFs can play a significant role in sustainable agricultural production but
25 pportunities afforded by supramolecular chemistry will play a vital role in the future of the drug delivery field.
26 mmunication, with prominent theories arguing that it played a critical role in the evolution of vocal communication, in b
27 ) sequences in the exon-1 region of mutant huntingtin plays a central role in the pathogenesis of Huntington's disease.
28 E: Sympathetic nervous system control of inflammation plays a central role in hypertension.
29                      Cytochrome P450 (P450, CYP) 17A1 plays a critical role in steroid metabolism, catalyzing both the 17
30 ition to its function in caveolae biogenesis, Cavin-2 plays a critical role in endothelial cell maintenance and function
31       Hepatitis B virus (HBV)-encoded X protein (HBx) plays a critical role in HBV-related hepatocarcinoma development.
32                                          NM myosin II plays a critical role in airway SM contraction that is independent
33  heavy chain (SMMHC; encoded by CBFB-MYH11) and RUNX1 plays a critical role in the pathogenesis of this leukemia.
34                    These results indicate that SP110b plays a crucial role in shaping the inflammatory milieu that suppor
35 umour cells and their neoplastic extracellular matrix plays a decisive role in malignant progression of carcinomas.
36 y functions as a retromer component with CSC and also plays a distinct role in the regulation of endosome dynamics during
37 he housekeeping sigma(70)-holoenzyme (Esigma(70)) and plays a key role in the transcriptional reprogramming upon shifts b
38                                              Friction plays a key role in how ruptures unzip faults in the Earth's crust
39                                               The IPS plays a key role in attention orienting and may contribute to the h
40 se results support a model in which this IDR of Med13 plays a key role in controlling a molecular switch that dictates ce
41 fter preterm birth.Inflammation mediated by microglia plays a key role in brain injury associated with preterm birth, but
42 lar organization of contractile cytoskeletal networks plays a key role in force generation, while on the tissue level the
43 dritic cell-specific transmembrane protein (DC-STAMP) plays a key role in the induction of osteoclast (OC) cell fusion, a
44       Mediator is a multi-unit molecular complex that plays a key role in transferring signals from transcriptional regul
45                                           Thus, TRAF3 plays a negative role in platelet activation and in thrombus format
46 Regulation of gene expression by alternative splicing plays a pivotal role in brain, where it affects neuronal developmen
47                                           Temperature plays a pivotal role in determining the distribution of these commu
48 s suggest that an overexuberant systemic inflammation plays a primary role in ACLF progression.
49       Using the Xenopus system, we show that RARbeta2 plays a specific role in somite number and size, restriction of the
50 ceptors on the membrane of olfactory sensory neurons, plays a vital role in their host seeking and risk aversion processe

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