


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1  a concomitant increase of beige differentiation marker and a decrease in extracellular matrix gene expression.
2                    Fibrillatory conduction was suggested as a decrease in the frequency of the slower atria after ablatio
3  transverse aorta constriction mice that was accompanied by a decrease in expression of the nicotinamide phosphoribosyltr
4                                  Exercise is accompanied by a decrease in intramuscular oxygen levels, resulting in induc
5 A reduced lung pre-metastatic niche formation (evidenced by a decrease in vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 1 p
6 ing supported the observation that neoplasm is triggered by a decrease in hDBR1 expression both in vitro and in vivo.
7                      We also found that loss of dnaA caused a decrease in the development of genetic competence.
8 ast, treatment of macrophages with recombinant Wnt5a caused a decrease in the load of antimony-sensitive and -resistant p
9 7) show that dopamine depletion using a 6-OHDA model causes a decrease in hyperdirect inputs from the motor cortex direct
10                           By using this method, we detected a decrease in FFA accumulation in the liver after mice were g
11  if a muscle has been isometric, and rate relaxation, i.e., a decrease in tonic IFR when a muscle is held at a constant l
12 vels, a decrease in the activities of Fe-S cluster enzymes, a decrease in respiratory function, and an increase in oxidat
13                                  The mutants also exhibited a decrease in H2O2 reduction by the AhpF-AhpC ensemble.
14 exposed to media conditioned by drug-treated CAFs exhibited a decrease in oncogenic signaling, as manifested by downregul
15 Q177K) subunit in vivo was not sufficient to compensate for a decrease in synaptic integration of alpha1(Q177K)beta GlyRs
16 end on the potential change in UV reflectance, ranging from a decrease in population-weighted concentrations when UV refl
17                                                    However, a decrease in specificity was observed across most tests, lik
18   Moreover, monocyte-specific p38alpha ablation resulted in a decrease in bone formation and the number of bone marrow me
19                                              It resulted in a decrease in the overall flux through the shikimate pathway,
20                            Loss of KinG function results in a decrease in the intercellular movement of SHR and an increa
21                    2012 meteorological simulations indicate a decrease in daily maximum temperatures, daily maximum bound
22                                                    There is a decrease in 2- and 3-linked arabinose oligosaccharides, tha
23 nthesis including an increase in mitochondrial iron levels, a decrease in the activities of Fe-S cluster enzymes, a decre
24 y an increased level of apoptosis in patients' lymphocytes, a decrease in mitochondrial respiration in patient fibroblast
25                                                 We observed a decrease in radial growth before death in ca. 84% of the mo
26        Here, for the first time, we show robust evidence of a decrease in hail size using continuous and coherent hail si
27 in families carrying a C9orf72 repeat expansion by means of a decrease in age at onset across successive generations.
28 ndicating either a change in bridgmanite cation ordering or a decrease in the ferric iron content of the lower mantle.
29                                Mechanistic studies revealed a decrease in peroxisomal biogenesis factor-2 and fewer perox
30 ere the temperature dependence of the magnetisation reveals a decrease in the low temperature region.
31 s in antibody levels to Apical Membrane Antigen 1 suggested a decrease in transmission that occurred 10 years before 201
32 ically, when increasing the band gap, one might assume that a decrease in photoactivity is the result.
33                    Logistic regression analysis showed that a decrease in ONH diameter by 100 mum and axial length by 1 m
34                                                       Thus, a decrease in inhibitory afferents to MNTB neurons should lea
35  to a difference in CXCL1 protein stability, but instead to a decrease in Cxcl1 mRNA stability.
36 tion/nitrosation) of meat proteins during digestion lead to a decrease in their nutritional value.
37 imaging identified 53 genes whose loss of expression led to a decrease in NB cell proliferation and 16 also induced diffe
38                                    gamma-Irradiation led to a decrease in the concentration of gamma- and delta-tocophero
39                                 These events were linked to a decrease in the macrophage capacity for NTHi phagocytosis a
40 eters (>50% change from baseline) immediately after MRI was a decrease in P-wave amplitude, which occurred in 1% of the p
41 DBD donor remained static (3.30 to 3.26), whereas there was a decrease in DCD (1.54 to 0.99) due to a large rise in donor
42                                      We show examples where a decrease in bioluminescence would be better interpreted as
43         Recovery from sleep deprivation was associated with a decrease in A1AR availability in several brain regions, ran
44 within a 500-m radius of a child's home was associated with a decrease in mean telomere length by 0.004 for each addition
45 -dimensional skin reconstruct model and was associated with a decrease in metalloproteinase (MMP2/MMP9) expression and mi
46     These observations suggest that ARHL is associated with a decrease in temporal precision of synaptic release at the f
47     Exposure to an AMC detailing policy was associated with a decrease in the market share of detailed drugs of 1.67 perc
48  Interestingly, the decrease in the GZ size correlates with a decrease in the concentration of GA19, the immediate precur
49 ume fraction, tissue density and trabecular thickness, with a decrease in trabecular spacing.
50 ng changes in cholinergic markers in the LDT, together with a decrease in LDT basal neuronal activity.

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