


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  Hery et al. in this issue of the Journal is a fascinating analysis of an ecologic association.
2                          Helical tubules are a fascinating and an intriguing class of self-assemblies
3 ructure and dynamics of the RNA degradosome, a fascinating and complex macromolecular assembly that l
4                                     Stat1 is a fascinating and complex protein with multiple, yet con
5                              Insects exhibit a fascinating and diverse range of micro- and nanoarchit
6 gation for almost two decades, c-Myc remains a fascinating and enigmatic subject.
7 nding how the ageing process is regulated is a fascinating and fundamental problem in biology.
8         How breast diversity is generated is a fascinating and fundamental question with important cl
9                      Insect metamorphosis is a fascinating and highly successful biological adaptatio
10                         Nitric oxide (NO) is a fascinating and important endogenous free-radical gas
11                                      Food is a fascinating and important material that requires study
12 small ligands to their biological targets is a fascinating and meaningful question in chemistry, biol
13               Biased left-right asymmetry is a fascinating and medically important phenomenon.
14                                  Syphilis is a fascinating and perplexing infection, with protean cli
15 ed dream, aromatic chemistry continues to be a fascinating and provocative research topic.
16 axation in polymer/lithium-salt complexes is a fascinating and still unresolved problem in condensed-
17 f millions of PIWI-interacting RNAs revealed a fascinating and unanticipated dimension of biology.
18                       Propulsion by cilia is a fascinating and universal mechanism in biological orga
19  Oceanic islands by Austronesian speakers is a fascinating and yet contentious part of human prehisto
20                                              A fascinating area of current research for developmental
21 cs of fluids and particles at microscales is a fascinating area of research with applications ranging
22                       This history comprises a fascinating array of chemopreventive, vaccine, surgica
23 nes encoding nuclear envelope proteins cause a fascinating array of diseases referred to as "nuclear
24                             Organisms employ a fascinating array of strategies to silence invasive nu
25                        Llewellyn has written a fascinating article about rapid eye movement (REM) dre
26 hogen in the presence of innate effectors is a fascinating aspect of gonorrhea.
27                                              A fascinating aspect of viral evolution relates to the a
28 erceive geomagnetic fields (GMFs) represents a fascinating biological phenomenon.
29 nic material (biomineralization) is not only a fascinating biological problem, but also of great inte
30  the leaves of deciduous trees has long been a fascinating biological puzzle.
31                              Stem cells have a fascinating biology and offer great prospects for ther
32 mon neural histogenesis, tumor genetics, and a fascinating biology, all of which hold the promise of
33                             Morphogenesis is a fascinating but complex and incompletely understood de
34 alies caused by electron-phonon coupling, is a fascinating but unsolved case after decades of researc
35           Long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) are a fascinating, but still largely uncharacterized, class
36 re-filled fruiting bodies by myxobacteria is a fascinating case of multicellular self-organization by
37                  Recombination in meiosis is a fascinating case study for the coordination of chromos
38 ulation of DNA structure by these enzymes is a fascinating challenge in molecular recognition.
39 cognition, and as such, this system provides a fascinating challenge to supramolecular chemists.
40                     Lipid bilayers represent a fascinating class of biomaterials whose properties are
41                              Acylsilanes are a fascinating class of compounds that display a number o
42                             Mesocrystals are a fascinating class of crystalline nanostructured materi
43 d by transient, non-covalent bonds; they are a fascinating class of soft materials, exhibiting proper
44 iral load without treatment and thus provide a fascinating cohort in which to study the immunological
45                      This monotreme exhibits a fascinating combination of reptilian and mammalian cha
46                          The random laser is a fascinating concept because, further to the fundamenta
47 Robert Douglas Sweet, the dermatosis remains a fascinating condition with regard to laboratory invest
48                                           As a fascinating conjugated polymer, graphitic carbon nitri
49  repeated microstructural changes, providing a fascinating contrast to neuropathologies that are domi
50                               We also report a fascinating correlation between the positions of css a
51                     In a report reading like a fascinating detective story, Vincent and colleagues cr
52                                              A fascinating discovery in the chemistry of ribonucleoti
53 rly evoked in synthetic materials to produce a fascinating diversity of complex multiscale responsive
54 sion electron microscopy (TEM), and observed a fascinating endocardial defect.
55 F31-associated retinitis pigmentosa presents a fascinating enigma: some mutation carriers are blind,
56 ropargylic ester to a diketone derivative is a fascinating example for the generation of the C-C bond
57             This division inhibition is thus a fascinating example of a strategy in bacteriophages to
58 th >/=10:1 diastereoselectivity and provides a fascinating example of double stereodifferentiation/ki
59                       The Ras superfamily is a fascinating example of functional diversification in t
60                                   They offer a fascinating example of how pathogens employ intricate
61                                Besides being a fascinating example of pathogen-host co-evolution, eff
62                      This protein complex is a fascinating example of the functional integration of R
63              Japanese knotweed s.l. provides a fascinating example of the interplay between ploidy le
64              The AbcR small RNAs (sRNAs) are a fascinating example of two highly conserved sRNAs that
65 terial multicomponent monooxygenases provide a fascinating example, where a diiron hydroxylase must r
66 ed from a marine Penicillium sp., belongs to a fascinating family of densely functionalized, stereoch
67 nd B = main group and lanthanide metals) are a fascinating family of magnetic oxides exhibiting a ric
68                                              A fascinating feature of some bifunctional enzymes is th
69                                              A fascinating feature of the intestinal mucosal immune s
70                                              A fascinating feature of this mechanical-induced growth
71                   Human-robot interaction is a fascinating field and one in which psychologists have
72                        Pancreatic surgery is a fascinating field as we learn more about the biology o
73                                              A fascinating finding was the altered expression of Park
74 res with other Kv channels but also displays a fascinating flexibility in terms of the mechanism of c
75  at close distance on an ordered lattice, is a fascinating fluorescent material.
76                       They will also advance a fascinating fundamental frontier of size and proximity
77                          Sheth et al present a fascinating glimpse into the future of imaging-guided
78 ent advances in hPso4 research that provides a fascinating glimpse into the pleiotropic activities of
79                Owls (Strigiformes) represent a fascinating group of birds that are the ecological nig
80             Recently, emerging insights into a fascinating group of episodic movement disorders, the
81                   Peptide growth factors are a fascinating group of molecules with diverse effects.
82                                              A fascinating hallmark of stem cells is their ability to
83 ghly rare structural motifs, it also reveals a fascinating hierarchical particle genesis with novel t
84       Such an understanding provides us with a fascinating, improved insight into our origins as well
85       A paper in this issue of Cell provides a fascinating insight into the perplexing question of ho
86 st few decades, WOC research has turned into a fascinating interdisciplinary field that ranges from b
87 nfrastructure is still virgin and may become a fascinating issue across a myriad of research realms.
88 he emerging upconversion nanoparticles offer a fascinating library of ultrasensitive luminescent prob
89                   Three recent papers reveal a fascinating link between pol II termination and ribonu
90 he synchronization of coupled oscillators is a fascinating manifestation of self-organization that na
91  and (-)-pinoresinols, respectively, is both a fascinating mechanistic and evolutionary question.
92 e broad host range of this parasite makes it a fascinating model for the study of host-parasite inter
93 and genetics make the Gram-negative envelope a fascinating model for the study of lipid trafficking.
94 l function capacity, Masters athletes remain a fascinating model of 'exceptionally successful ageing'
95  biophysical studies are beginning to reveal a fascinating multistep mechanism for damaged base detec
96                         Flower senescence is a fascinating natural process that represents the final
97                   In vivo electroporation is a fascinating new approach by which gene expression, reg
98 halcogenide (TMD) nanosheets have emerged as a fascinating new class of materials for catalysis.
99  depression may be their active principle is a fascinating new development.
100 o as epitranscriptomic changes and represent a fascinating new layer of gene expression regulation th
101 recovery has opened the window to studies of a fascinating new microbial biome in the deep subsurface
102 source of new short-period comets-has become a fascinating new window onto the formation of our Solar
103 ces - is a challenging task in chemistry and a fascinating objective in the frame of a bottom-up appr
104 in walls in bilayer graphene are emerging as a fascinating one-dimensional system that features stack
105 differences are not understood and represent a fascinating opportunity for elucidating structure-func
106 hat cooperate to position the Z ring through a fascinating oscillation, which inhibits the formation
107                                 In contrast, a fascinating panoply of episodic disorders exhibit Mend
108                                              A fascinating paper in this issue of Cell now reveals th
109                     Superfluid turbulence is a fascinating phenomenon for which a satisfactory theore
110  lacking cultivated representatives, reveals a fascinating phenomenon of major radiations of organism
111                         In addition to being a fascinating phenomenon, clustered mutagenesis also bec
112                    Comparative analyses show a fascinating picture of conservation and divergence, re
113                Together these papers provide a fascinating picture of the complex role of CCR7 in orc
114  material with plasmonic nanobiosensor paves a fascinating platform towards early detection of cancer
115                          The neural crest is a fascinating population of cells that migrate long dist
116 ndredths of milliseconds-to-minutes range is a fascinating problem given that the basic electrophysio
117      Consistent left-right (LR) asymmetry is a fascinating problem in developmental and evolutionary
118            Pancreatic development represents a fascinating process in which two morphologically disti
119 f charged and neutral lipids; they highlight a fascinating process of protein-induced lipid sorting c
120                       Neural regeneration is a fascinating process with profound impact on human heal
121 nisms to completely regenerate lost limbs is a fascinating process, far from solved.
122 k et al., we suggest that mirror neurons are a fascinating product of cross-modal learning.
123                                              A fascinating prospect thus exists that H2 [(CF3 )7 TpFP
124                    COP9 Signalosome (CSN) is a fascinating protein complex whose biochemical and phys
125                   Sex chromosomes have posed a fascinating puzzle for biologists.
126 excitons, polaritons, magnons and photons is a fascinating quantum mechanical phenomenon.
127 rowth is incompletely understood and remains a fascinating question for various cell types, such as p
128                                              A fascinating question in biology is how molecular chang
129 tterns of different neurons are specified is a fascinating question in developmental neurobiology.
130                                              A fascinating question regarding the pathogenesis of alo
131                                        It is a fascinating question to ask how the mechanism of these
132 stems are endowed with migration capacity is a fascinating question with implications ranging from th
133 f cytoplasmic dynein in various organisms is a fascinating question.
134                        We are thus left with a fascinating question: if not imitation, what are mirro
135           This striking realization explains a fascinating range of clinical phenomena.
136                     Mechanistically, this is a fascinating reaction consisting of diverging pathways
137 nic devices from liquid has been emerging as a fascinating research avenue.
138 camouflage and intraspecies communication is a fascinating research topic.
139                   Thus, this method provides a fascinating route to generate flexible and stretchable
140                 CRISPR-Cas machineries offer a fascinating set of new enzyme assemblies from which on
141                       This origin has led to a fascinating set of novel cellular mechanisms that are
142                                              A fascinating signaling pathway, with classical as well
143 ic, two-coordinate N,O-silylene 7 exhibiting a fascinating siloxy ligand was observed.
144                   The cluster core possesses a fascinating sodalite-like structure with 24 vertex-sha
145 portant to ecological phenomena and presents a fascinating stochastic process.
146                                              A fascinating structural feature of TC3aR is the lack of
147 The crystal structure of human Thg1 revealed a fascinating structural similarity to 5' --> 3' polymer
148 ity of the arthropod body plan has long been a fascinating subject of study.
149 a parasites and blood group antigens remains a fascinating subject with potential to contribute to th
150 dy clarifies the origin and possible fate of a fascinating supergene that determines the coloration a
151 systems, yet it is complex enough to present a fascinating system in which to study neural informatio
152 hese programmed DNA rearrangements make this a fascinating system of mating type determination.
153 x chromosome fragment in question represents a fascinating test case for the analysis of processes th
154                             Muironolide A is a fascinating tetrachlorinated marine polyketide isolate
155 nt antimalarial isocyanoterpene endowed with a fascinating tetracyclic structure composed of fused ch
156 idinium salts with secondary amines, undergo a fascinating thermal rearrangement reaction to afford Z
157                         Soap bubbles provide a fascinating tool that is little used analytically.
158 ight into microscopic cooperative effects is a fascinating topic in condensed matter research because
159 ssembly of biological amphiphiles has proved a fascinating topic in recent years, the hollow cylindri
160 ation in a network of coupled oscillators is a fascinating topic in various scientific disciplines.
161 sion, the miR-15/107 group of miRNA genes is a fascinating topic of study for evolutionary biologists
162 ion in populations of selfish individuals is a fascinating topic that has inspired much work in theor
163 nning between the framework layers, provides a fascinating topological link between the lamellar and
164 genes and provides mechanistic insights into a fascinating tRNA-dependent antibiotic with application
165     Two papers in this issue of Cell provide a fascinating twist on this paradigm, and suggest that p
166 ow these complex macromolecules execute such a fascinating variety of functions.
167                     This transition involves a fascinating waltz dynamics, where the two defects come
168                     Silicon carbide (SiC) is a fascinating wide-band gap semiconductor for high-tempe
169 ential first-line therapies and has provided a fascinating window into the future of genotype-directe
170 ce of protein aggregates in budding yeast is a fascinating yet controversial area of aging research.
171          Movement of secretory organelles is a fascinating yet largely mysterious feature of eukaryot

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