


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  of the observed activity has generally been a matter of conjecture.
2 f p21 growth inhibition, however, is largely a matter of conjecture.
3 is processed by SG neurons remains primarily a matter of conjecture.
4 ical response to rituximab treatment remains a matter of conjecture.
5 neath a periosteal flap has largely remained a matter of conjecture.
6 l basis for its lytic action remains largely a matter of conjecture.
7 cell wall expansion in plants have long been a matter of conjecture.
8 sparities, a prerequisite for stereopsis, is a matter of conjecture.
9 d magnitude of the postulated instability is a matter of conjecture.
10 ce of their deciduous character has remained a matter of conjecture for almost a century.
11 sts to differentiate into osteocytes--remain a matter of conjecture with several hypotheses claiming

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