


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1                                                             A recent study showed that 43% of a population in the United
2                                                             A recent study showed that a conservative substitution (V64I)
3                                                             A recent study showed that a fragment of IAPP (residues 1-19)
4                                                             A recent study showed that a polymorphism of the promoter reg
5                                                             A recent study showed that a single intracarotid arterial inj
6                                                             A recent study showed that a specific vessel subtype, strongl
7                                                             A recent study showed that apoA-I(-/-) HDL binds to SR-BI wit
8                                                             A recent study showed that CD44 expression level was strongly
9                                                             A recent study showed that changes at Asp32 in MotB cause a c
10                                                             A recent study showed that clopidogrel reduces thrombo-occlus
11                                                             A recent study showed that epigenetic silencing of the negati
12                                                             A recent study showed that F-spondin, a protein associated wi
13                                                             A recent study showed that gap junction protein connexin 43 (
14                                                             A recent study showed that HIV-1-infected cells can produce G
15                                                             A recent study showed that human immunodeficiency virus type
16                                                             A recent study showed that in the active site of choline oxid
17                                                             A recent study showed that intradialytic parenteral nutrition
18                                                             A recent study showed that Kar3Vik1 binds across adjacent mic
19                                                             A recent study showed that LPA-mediated proliferation of colo
20                                                             A recent study showed that malpositioned tubes are not routin
21                                                             A recent study showed that marginal zone B cell and B1 B cell
22                                                             A recent study showed that metformin down-regulated specifici
23                                                             A recent study showed that NA may cause flushing by lowering
24                                                             A recent study showed that one mammalian alpha arrestin also
25                                                             A recent study showed that opthalmoplegia-related mutations g
26                                                             A recent study showed that osmolyte perturbation can positive
27                                                             A recent study showed that PCs have the ability to undergo lo
28                                                             A recent study showed that peroxynitrite reacts with 2',3',5'
29                                                             A recent study showed that pre-exposure of a skin region to a
30                                                             A recent study showed that reduced GDF11 blood levels with ag
31                                                             A recent study showed that Salmonella enterica serovar Typhim
32                                                             A recent study showed that SKF92374, a structural analog of t
33                                                             A recent study showed that taste cells expressing bitter-resp
34                                                             A recent study showed that the retinoic acid produced by GALT
35                                                             A recent study showed that these models are not protective in
36                                                             A recent study showed that underwater entrapment in fishing g
37                                                In addition, a recent study showed that phospholipase Cbeta(2) (PLCbeta(2)
38                                               Additionally, a recent study showed that the R6x laboratory strain of S. pn
39 o contains a proline-rich sequence at its NH2 terminus, and a recent study showed that this NH2-terminal sequence has the
40                                                    In fact, a recent study showed that essential mouse genes do not evolv
41                                                    However, a recent study showed that CUMI-101 behaved as a potent 5-HT1
42                                                    However, a recent study showed that in 2% to 3% of all cancers a singl
43                                                    However, a recent study showed that the Zn(II)-reconstituted HppE is a
44                                                    However, a recent study showed that within 78 weeks of gene deletion,
45 o activate the paternal Ube3a allele are feasible; however, a recent study showed that pharmacological Ube3a gene reactiv
46 toxidation of catechols to give ultimately hydroxyquinones, a recent study showed that the observed hydroxyquinones arise

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