


コーパス検索結果 (right1)

1 atients showed a general increase in reaction time, but not a reduction in accuracy.
2 o dramatic increases in bone volume, Sost(-/-) mice exhibit a reduction in adipose tissue accumulation in association wit
3  In comparison with SIMA, BIMA grafting was associated with a reduction in all-cause mortality at 12 years of follow-up (
4 ulted in attenuation of virus growth in cell culture due to a reduction in assembly of mature virions.
5                                             Here, we report a reduction in atherosclerosis in response to pharmacological
6                  In support of this hypothesis, we observed a reduction in CAF-facilitated HNSCC progression after blocki
7 entiation of the CB chemoreflex is strongly associated with a reduction in cardiac output and may not be related to other
8 f kappa-casein and denatured whey protein in the serum, and a reduction in casein micelle size (P<.05).
9                                                   Even with a reduction in Chagas disease prevalence to 0.05% and with la
10  use of a bowel protocol was associated with a trend toward a reduction in constipation (risk ratio, 0.50 [95% CI, 0.25-1
11 on secondary prevention of squamous cell carcinoma observed a reduction in cumulative tumor load, suggesting most benefit
12 ry checklist-based surgical quality improvement program had a reduction in deaths after inpatient surgery over the first
13 ients with moderate chronic airflow obstruction experienced a reduction in exacerbations with FF/VI compared with placebo
14           Patient 2's emission tomography scan demonstrated a reduction in glucose uptake in the left thalamus and bilate
15                      Analysis of polar metabolites revealed a reduction in glycolysis, pentose phosphate pathway, polyami
16 susceptibility 2 weeks after TBI compared with vehicle, and a reduction in hippocampal astrogliosis.
17 sed vascular permeability, fewer pulmonary neutrophils, and a reduction in levels of neutrophil chemoattractant CXCL1 in
18                                  One third of patients with a reduction in LSM to below 13.6 kPa after SVR still had CSPH
19                   Non-stationary variance analysis revealed a reduction in maximal GABA-evoked Popen , suggesting impaire
20 iative in sepsis in an emerging country was associated with a reduction in mortality and with improved compliance with qu
21  to critically ill trauma patients has been associated with a reduction in mortality.
22                              Curing CHC was associated with a reduction in MR among cirrhotic patients, but the MR remain
23                    Most mutations are deleterious and cause a reduction in population fitness known as the mutational loa
24 l outcomes as assessed by Rotarod and Morris Water Maze and a reduction in positive Fluoro-Jade B stained injured neurons
25  a 24/7 in-house intensivist care model was associated with a reduction in postoperative major complications, duration of
26 f the patients with at least moderate PVR at 30 days showed a reduction in PVR severity of at least 1 PVR class at 1 year
27                                    Our studies suggest that a reduction in SK channel expression, but not changes in Ca(2
28 bility and an enhanced input-output function, and also that a reduction in SK channel-mediated, apamin-sensitive AHP is a
29 bis, produced dose-dependent conditioned place aversion and a reduction in the above optical ICSS in VgluT2-cre control m
30                   Loss of alpha-amino trimethylation causes a reduction in the CENP-T and CENP-I CCAN components at the c
31                                                             A reduction in the cost of antiretroviral drugs (including th
32 tration and liquid water path (LWP), which further leads to a reduction in the downward shortwave radiation at surface, s
33                                       Our results show that a reduction in the expression of this molecular chaperone acc
34 cytes resulted in skewed T cell repertoire, contributing to a reduction in the frequency of self-reactive T cells and res
35         Expression of this histone mutant is accompanied by a reduction in the levels of polycomb repressive complex 2 (P
36         The results of density functional calculations show a reduction in the methane activation barrier from 1.07 eV on
37 of abortive infection events, including bursting of ITs and a reduction in the number of nodules.
38 motility is lost in a number of ciliated tissues along with a reduction in the number of outer and inner dynein arms.
39                   Influenza vaccination was associated with a reduction in the odds of in-hospital death among patients a
40                                                 The odds of a reduction in the oral glucocorticoid dose were more than 4
41 nd to possess an expanded allele, which was associated with a reduction in the quality of evoked potentials that led to r
42 ete understanding of global carbon and nitrogen cycling and a reduction in the uncertainty of carbon-climate feedbacks in
43    Failure to improve clinical outcome occurred even though a reduction in VWF multimers was observed, demonstrating that
44 , where a temperature event during a sensitive stage drives a reduction in yield, or seasonal warming losses, where raise
45 reased from 2,956 patients in 2010 to 911 patients in 2014, a reduction of 69%.
46 t 231,000 per annum in 2006 and declined to 95,000 in 2014, a reduction of 74.7% (95% CI: 73.3%-76.1%) compared to the sc
47 us noninvasive TMS studies of human motor cortex indicating a reduction of corticospinal excitability.
48 mice lacking PITPalpha develop fewer lung metastases due to a reduction of fibrin formation surrounding the tumor cells,
49 nti-incretin theory, intestinal nutrients should also cause a reduction of insulin sensitivity and/or secretion (anti-inc
50 3-1 knockout mutant showed impaired growth concomitant with a reduction of nitrogenase activity.

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