


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 a2+ stores were depleted in Ca2+-free media, a return to 2 mM external Ca2+ resulted in a pronounced
2  by their ability to resume growth following a return to 22 degrees C and to subsequently produce via
3 macromolecular materials is not dominated by a return to a maximum entropic state, but is mostly the
4 idual unfolded state structure and result in a return to a more mesophile-like DeltaC degrees (P).
5 hilia A and good risk profiles, and leads to a return to a normal factor VIII response in approximate
6 hat remission is a state of homeostasis, not a return to a normal state.
7  from GC to memory cells is characterized by a return to a phenotype similar to that of naive cells e
8 ccurred between 2 and 6 days postlesion with a return to a quiescent phenotype by 12 days.
9                     For 1-3 mol% SP-B(1-25), a return to a single lamellar phase above the lipid mixt
10 steplike stimulation and is characterized by a return to a steady-state current amplitude close to th
11 nal patterns: recovery being associated with a return to adult patterns.
12 veloping pulmonary circulation may represent a return to an earlier morphologic stage of development.
13 onary anastomosis-induced PAVS may represent a return to an earlier morphologic stage of development.
14                               The specter of a return to an era in which infectious disease looms as
15 ed number of trigger foods, thereby allowing a return to as regular a diet as possible.
16   After a peak of approximately 2,000 cases, a return to background levels is expected by 2055.
17 increase in concentration followed by either a return to background levels or slightly greater than b
18 fect occurring 2 h after the stimulation and a return to basal levels after 8 h.
19 eotides 12 h after T3 treatment, followed by a return to basal levels at 24 h.
20 2 and Fas returned to baseline together with a return to basal levels of apoptosis.
21 es, and lymphocytes (all p < or = 0.02), and a return to basal levels of most mediators.
22 ain after a partial elimination of CBFNs and a return to basal levels of NGF protein consistent with
23 increase in ERK phosphorylation, followed by a return to basal levels within 5 min.
24 pase C activation is therefore essential for a return to basal neuronal activity.
25    Restoration of PI(4,5)P2 is essential for a return to basal neuronal activity.
26 ation of supplementation was associated with a return to basal values in RBCs and a reattainment of t
27 tly decreased striatal DA efflux by 32% with a return to baseline after 45 min despite constant gluco
28 ed a fourfold increase at 1 hour followed by a return to baseline and peak expression (sixfold) at 14
29 GT activity was observed in lymphocytes with a return to baseline by 1 week posttreatment.
30 ncrease in MAP 30 secs after injection, with a return to baseline by 15 mins.
31 -wall uPA activity for at least 1 week, with a return to baseline by 2 weeks.
32 evels above naive basal levels at 20 min and a return to baseline by 60 min, with no differences betw
33 nd IFN-gamma expression over 2 to 5 days and a return to baseline by 7 to 14 days.
34 ter endotoxin administration (P <.001), with a return to baseline by 8 hours.
35 ed with vein graft wall stretch, followed by a return to baseline by postoperative day 3.
36 her homeostatic adjustments, as reflected in a return to baseline endogenous neuronal number-to-size
37 rly peak of activation at approximately 3 h, a return to baseline levels at 14 h, and even higher lev
38 ivation was sustained for several hours with a return to baseline levels by 4 h.
39  produced peak BDNF mRNA levels at 12 hr and a return to baseline levels by 48 hr.
40                                     Although a return to baseline levels was noted after this period,
41 NA within 1 hour following stimulation, with a return to baseline levels within 24 hours.
42 t some sites, reactivation did not result in a return to baseline movement or to the full amplitude o
43 0 treated patients with long-term follow-up, a return to baseline plasma HIV RNA levels within 6 mont
44 sponses after their initiation, facilitating a return to baseline quiescence.
45  After a 90-min observation period there was a return to baseline values (p = NS).
46 was associated with a prompt leptin rise and a return to baseline values 24 h later.
47  during the first 24 h of HGF treatment with a return to baseline values after 48 and 72 h.
48 an upregulation in L4 and L5 DRG followed by a return to baseline values at later stages following in
49 consisting of an initial plateau followed by a return to baseline.
50 t alkalinization (0.03 pH units) followed by a return to baseline; Cl- removal from the basolateral s
51 ain was sustained in WT mice, KO mice showed a return to baselines by post-SNL day 10.
52 tients next develop secondary resistance and a return to cancer.
53 restoration of endogenous inhibition through a return to chloride homeostasis after SCI.
54 erreflexia with exercise after SCI relies on a return to chloride homeostasis.
55               A patient with CML-BP achieved a return to chronic phase disease.
56  assessable patients with CML-BP experienced a return to chronic-phase disease.
57  effects as a key step in pathogenesis, then a return to classic toxin-based vaccine strategies for e
58  1 hour in the absence of serum, followed by a return to complete medium.
59 ase Has1 mRNA already 4 h postexposure, with a return to control level by 24 h.
60  unsuccessful, with receptors showing either a return to control responses or irreversible damage.
61 nd experienced decreased maternal bonding in a return to dam task on PND 17 (p<0.05).
62 bined graft survival endpoint was defined as a return to dialysis or estimated glomerular filtration
63 quantitative approach to decisions regarding a return to driving in patients with first-ever provoked
64 al immune response was evoked, and there was a return to dyslipoproteinaemia.
65                                              A return to elevated PAH concentrations, accompanied by
66                                              A return to endorsing phase II trial designs for AA for
67  streptozotocin-induced diabetes resulted in a return to euglycemia in the recipients within 24 hr.
68 ggressive traits of tumor growth, even after a return to euglycemic conditions.
69 nancy and concurrent morbidity can result in a return to functional health in affected patients.
70 oing alcohol-related liver injury, predicted a return to heavy drinking post-OLT.
71 te re-innervation of smooth muscle cells and a return to homeostasis following initial damage.
72 er cells and surrounding tissues and promote a return to homeostasis.
73 pients, and removal of the macrobeads caused a return to hyperglycemia within 48 hr in all animals.
74             Removal of the graft resulted in a return to hyperglycemia.
75 -adapted system to a less adapted state upon a return to initial conditions.
76 ng the past 10 years, with a low in 1996 and a return to its high in recent years.
77 equent lack of progress has led to calls for a return to large-scale operations.
78 s of prior treatment with rIL-12, leading to a return to larger granulomas; persistently elevated exp
79 or, and miR-155, a microRNA that may promote a return to latency in these transiently activated reser
80 E (P<0.05), representing not dysfunction but a return to more normal LV physiology.
81                                              A return to more typical QBO behavior within the next ye
82 ng interactions with the substrate, although a return to native enzymatic activity is not observed.
83                         Postflight there was a return to near or slightly above preflight levels in t
84 ity persists for approximately 500 ka before a return to near preextinction values.
85 a characteristic rapid induction followed by a return to near prestimulus levels.
86 onged (7 days) Abeta aggregation resulted in a return to near-baseline levels in both bis-ANS fluores
87                 Recovery was associated with a return to normal COX-1 expression in the epithelium.
88 state of homeostasis and balance rather than a return to normal immune function.
89 behavioral disturbances in children, despite a return to normal iron status.
90 testing began at postnatal Day 65--following a return to normal iron status.
91 control eyes, shifted toward upregulation or a return to normal levels of proteins involved in cell a
92                                        After a return to normal lighting conditions, the recovery pro
93  Finally, prolonged TG perfusion resulted in a return to normal palatable food preference despite con
94 s the particle size is increased, we observe a return to normal phase behavior.
95  of wild-type mice with Pam3CSK4 resulted in a return to normal platelet levels and an increase in me
96 excyst to form normal motile cells following a return to normal temperature (18 degrees C+/-1 degrees
97  of patients were prepared to trade time for a return to normal vision.
98 opsy specimens of 2 of the 3 patients showed a return to normal.
99 lerate undergoing hypercapnia for 6 hrs with a return to normocapnia.
100 sal of rejection in all three animals and in a return to normoglycemia and insulin independence in tw
101 m nucleus to cytoplasm at 15 min followed by a return to nucleus by 60 min.
102         A new phylogenomic analysis suggests a return to old ideas.
103 health such as optimism and self-confidence; a return to one's usual, normal self; and a return to us
104                                              A return to original sources from key witnesses reveals
105                               This precludes a return to physiological conditions even when pump stre
106 nt reinstatement of ICSS was correlated with a return to preextinction transient amplitudes in respon
107 er about 3 years of HAART possibly represent a return to preinfection serum lipid levels after accoun
108 ndoors and protected by bednets, followed by a return to preintervention biting rates.
109                        Remission may reflect a return to premorbid functioning, consistent with neuro
110 ustained, marked improvement in symptoms and a return to premorbid functioning, now more than 2.5 and
111 cal IOLs and accommodating IOLs, can provide a return to prepresbyopic visual acuity for the cataract
112 riod (CWP; A.D. 1900 to present), indicating a return to reduced SASM precipitation that was more abr
113 ting of the entire sensory network to enable a return to resting-state activity levels.
114 sed spontaneously after a mean of 5 min with a return to rolling behavior.
115                                              A return to single-sized food items did not impair the m
116 ion was still maintained by day 7, there was a return to sodium balance.
117 nvolving a rapid phase of growth followed by a return to steady state, but the mechanisms that contro
118                        The results show that a return to summer sink activity has come during the war
119 uses a decrease in IGS transcript levels and a return to the active nucleolar conformation.
120  freezing and elevated cortisol, followed by a return to the baseline state when the threat is evaded
121 nts met relapse criteria if they experienced a return to the baseline vomiting frequency that persist
122 either at rest or with exercise) underscores a return to the characterization of HCM in 1960 as a pre
123 ated with an inhibition of proliferation and a return to the differentiated phenotype.
124 ient vaccination-induced changes followed by a return to the individual's unique baseline.
125 BAA receptors relative to AMPA receptors and a return to the juvenile form of NMDA receptors in the v
126 ully gapped state can then be interpreted as a return to the low-spin singlet.
127 s associated with increased LC discharge and a return to the normotensive state was associated with a
128 ncreased adjusted risk of bleeding requiring a return to the operating room (2.4 versus 1.7; P=0.03)
129 tion, intensive care unit resuscitation, and a return to the operating room for the definitive operat
130       Transoceanic return migration involved a return to the original capture location, dives to dept
131 ative mode of action are required to prevent a return to the pre-antibiotic era.
132 erculosis resistant to these drugs threatens a return to the prechemotherapeutic era in which all pat
133 bstrate (unfolded protein or ATP) results in a return to the Rg value of monomeric DnaK, due to the d
134 emperature causes dissolution of the gel and a return to the viscous behavior that is characteristic
135 duction in Vmax/KM at low flux densities and a return to the zero-field rate or an increase at high f
136 to resolution of inflammatory conditions and a return to tissue homeostasis.
137 ccurrence might be minimized in the event of a return to universal vaccination.
138 e effects on energy expenditure-have favored a return to usual body weight.
139 e; a return to one's usual, normal self; and a return to usual level of functioning.
140                                              A return-to-viability experiment following prolonged inc

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