


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 acquired disorders has too much potential to abandon.
2 eas we can continue to occupy or may have to abandon.
3 ls or the choroidal stromal spaces should be abandoned.
4 tiplets typical for (1)H NMR spectra must be abandoned.
5 yotrophic lateral sclerosis pathogenesis was abandoned.
6 is approach to fluid resuscitation should be abandoned.
7 e standard sleep scoring criteria alone were abandoned.
8 e after pancreatic resection could be safely abandoned.
9  is of clinical relevance and thus cannot be abandoned.
10  18%) and liver transplantation for CLMs was abandoned.
11 targeted lesions before further treatment is abandoned.
12 idence suggests that this practice should be abandoned.
13 ers might benefit from being reformulated or abandoned.
14  change sufficiently for the tradition to be abandoned.
15 ess and intrapancreatic pseudocyst have been abandoned.
16 of the term demand characteristics should be abandoned.
17 was not started and in three patients it was abandoned.
18 or identification of a cancer cell should be abandoned.
19  malaria in Malawi after chloroquine use was abandoned.
20 ther dispensed or returned to stock (RTS) or abandoned.
21 eriment, distinctions between Cs and Vs were abandoned.
22  contribute to better outcomes and should be abandoned.
23 ns in children were inadequate and have been abandoned.
24 dical mastectomy, IMN dissection was largely abandoned.
25 n atoms connected by a single bond should be abandoned.
26 ive late-stage clinical testing before being abandoned.
27 of in-transit metastasis (ITM) and should be abandoned.
28 nd longer term studies, or if they should be abandoned.
29 approval, 7 were pursued while 24 (77%) were abandoned.
30              The term PSA response should be abandoned.
31 ablished, or this type of training should be abandoned.
32 educe fiber intake in this setting should be abandoned.
33 se of the poor results, mesoatrial shunt was abandoned.
34 was altered by the solute were neglected and abandoned.
35 sponsiveness in cartilaginous fish should be abandoned.
36 , and in 1 patient, resection was eventually abandoned.
37 nscriptionally inert noncoding DNA have been abandoned.
38 , this treatment option has essentially been abandoned.
39 traction is a cum hoc fallacy that should be abandoned.
40 and we suggest that the term SWEDD should be abandoned.
41          The practice of MBP alone should be abandoned.
42 ted by integrated operating rooms) should be abandoned.
43 ical and clinical settings and was therefore abandoned.
44   Overall, 3.27% of index prescriptions were abandoned; 1.77% were RTS and 1.50% were RTS with fill.
45 press myself from a distance, 4) to not feel abandoned, 5) to share difficult emotions and to help ma
46 , feelings of being misdiagnosed, misled, or abandoned (51 [16%]), or being stigmatized by their phys
47             We show that soils within a long-abandoned 60-square-kilometer dryland agricultural compl
48 e percent of the individuals were widowed or abandoned, 79% were married, and 91% were parents with a
49 e information were usable, as when predators abandon a chase when sure of the prey escaping.
50                                      Bundles abandon a compact form and splay open just as they reach
51 the time at which foraging animals choose to abandon a depleting food supply.
52 eginning of the bout and were more likely to abandon a grooming bout, while bouts were less likely to
53 defensible and truly risk-based perspective, abandoning a misleading pseudo-category.
54                               Excavations of abandoned Adelie penguin (Pygoscelis adeliae) colonies i
55  an orange mix of goethite and hematite, was abandoned after breakage at Cueva Anton, 60 km inland.
56 packing, a practice that had previously been abandoned after World War II because of adverse events.
57 s, and bioenergy crop production on degraded/abandoned agricultural land.
58 recovery and biofuel production scenarios on abandoned agricultural land.
59 iomass or from biomass grown on degraded and abandoned agricultural lands planted with perennials inc
60 crease the fallow period, clear new land, or abandon agriculture for off-farm employment.
61 sink in forests recovering from harvests and abandoned agriculture to be -4.4 PgC/year, globally.
62 t was reversed, the previous growth axis was abandoned and a new axis was established in the opposite
63 unique socioeconomic adaptation was abruptly abandoned and gradually replaced by societies more relia
64              This intermediate stage is soon abandoned and is replaced (in remingtonocetids and proto
65 ently used criteria of 3 cm in size needs to abandoned and replaced by the number of lymph nodes invo
66 herefore we argue that the term ACOS must be abandoned and ultimately replaced when new phenotypes an
67 d settlement sizes declined, many sites were abandoned, and a significant shift in site numbers and d
68                Drug therapy has largely been abandoned, and defibrillator placement, despite its high
69 ls at remote areas, and close to current and abandoned Antarctic research settlements, to assess pote
70 nd, in particular, suggest that a previously abandoned antibiotic could be used again to treat a mino
71 , to not place reliance on GAT readings, and abandon any correction formula.
72 portion of PCSK9i prescriptions approved and abandoned (approved but unfilled); multivariable analyse
73 t during the course of nature restoration on abandoned arable land a compositional shift in soil biot
74 anization was hypothesized, but the idea was abandoned as more dynamic models of chromatin behavior b
75 fficient data to conclude that GGS should be abandoned, as the associated risk of band slippage has n
76 n a cohort of Romanian children who had been abandoned at birth and placed into institutional care, t
77 ologics currently in development or recently abandoned because of a lack of efficacy or intolerable s
78 lomatosis was considered in all of them, but abandoned because of an incompatible disease course and
79 athic LVOT VAs was unsuccessful or had to be abandoned because of anatomic obstacles, an anatomic abl
80 9 patients, it was unsuccessful or had to be abandoned because of anatomic obstacles.
81                   In 41 patients, bh-LGE was abandoned because of image quality issues, including 10
82 Suture repair of parastomal hernia should be abandoned because of increased recurrence rates.
83 nations of fludarabine and chlorambucil were abandoned because of increased toxicity from overlapping
84 latile general anesthetic (VGA) before being abandoned because of its low therapeutic index.
85          However, hydrides have largely been abandoned because of oxidative instability and sluggish
86 ensive cirrhosis was found and resection was abandoned because of the high risk of liver failure.
87 r little pioneering work, this technique was abandoned because of the high temperatures required and
88 s that had previously been used but had been abandoned because of toxic side effects.
89  etoposide intensification regimen should be abandoned because of toxicity.
90 eath donor after death is declared should be abandoned because, by restoring brain circulation, it re
91 : a) assurances that the patient will not be abandoned before death (p=.015); b) assurances that the
92 tribution of transplanted BM into previously abandoned BM sites.
93 ysical disorder (e.g., litter, graffiti, and abandoned buildings) on 1,826 block faces using Google S
94 ed that the term borderline tumour should be abandoned but it is argued that this terminology should
95 ver E. coli O157:H7 by culture should not be abandoned but, rather, should be increased when the IC-S
96 d expedition of Christopher Columbus but was abandoned by 1498.
97  useful period or an undocumented older well abandoned by late 1611.
98 bsequent replication; (ii) replication forks abandoned by malfunctioning replisomes become prone to b
99                                         Pups abandoned by Mgat3(T37/T37) mothers were rescued by wild
100 geriatric medicine but has been increasingly abandoned by psychiatry over recent years.
101                                    We should abandon Cartesian and computer-functionalism-based dicho
102              One common solution has been to abandon case-control studies in favor of family-based te
103 ect (BEIP), a randomised controlled trial of abandoned children in all six institutions for young chi
104 abandoned children reared in institutions to abandoned children placed in institutions but then moved
105 n a randomized controlled trial, we compared abandoned children reared in institutions to abandoned c
106 he advantages of family placements for young abandoned children.
107 ta15N values of Adelie penguin eggshell from abandoned colonies located in three major regions of Ant
108 sing NPs to revive the clinical potential of abandoned compounds using wortmannin (Wtmn) as a model d
109 ent with many glasses users having tried and abandoned contact lenses because of latent dry eye probl
110 generally accepted land-use trends, our U.S. abandoned cropland estimates of 68 Mha are as much as 70
111  areas for the years 1850-2000 and year 2000 abandoned cropland maps.
112         Renewed cultivation on the subset of abandoned croplands that have not become forests or urba
113  clinical trials that examined the effect of abandoning daily routine chest radiography in adults in
114 ter this immunosuppression strategy has been abandoned, demonstrates that the risk of immunosuppressi
115 tion with SSB remodels SSB/DNA structures at abandoned DNA replication forks to create a DNA structur
116 isms that function to reload replisomes onto abandoned DNA replication forks.
117 livery systems can promote the readoption of abandoned drugs such as Wtmn by overcoming drug-delivery
118  source as leakage from an 80-ton cofferdam, abandoned during the operation to control the MW in May
119 ions, and I have been unwilling or unable to abandon either one for the other.
120  patient, with a commensurate willingness to abandon enrollment where insurance premiums cannot outru
121               Its use has been restricted or abandoned entirely, however, due to safety concerns.
122 W)-landmines, unexploded ordnance (UXO), and abandoned explosive ordnance (AXO)-have been recognised
123 ult of fire suppression and forest growth on abandoned farmlands.
124                        In mid- and long-term abandoned field soil, carbon uptake by fungi increases w
125                  We propose that Apicomplexa abandoned flagella for most stages yet retained the orga
126 rching depends on biological sex (males will abandon food to search for mates, whereas hermaphrodites
127 sed on human CD4 as a binding domain and was abandoned for a lack of efficacy.
128 r, those trials failed, and the approach was abandoned for HIV-1.
129 ative times for OPTX have led some groups to abandon FPTX in favor of routine 4-gland exploration.
130 ing the time when the herbs were weighed and abandoning gas fumigation containing methyl bromide resu
131       For example, immune cells are known to abandon gradients of host-cell-produced cytokines in fav
132  years for the extraction versus the cap and abandon group.
133  United States were cleared for agriculture, abandoned, harvested for wood, and burned were reconstru
134                Therefore, schools should not abandon healthier options if they are initially met with
135 buted to the determination of the Mongols to abandon Hungary and return to Russia.
136           In 1992, the authors prospectively abandoned hyperventilation and alkalization.
137         Fewer patients in the low-dose group abandoned IFN for reasons other than transplant or progr
138 ace in the A-LV summit in 6 patients and was abandoned in 14 with the B-LV summit VAs because of the
139                After the policy was abruptly abandoned in April 2016, delays rose from 2.1 to 3.1 min
140 o-4-methyl-4-thiazolecarboxylic acid (2) was abandoned in clinical trials as an iron chelator for the
141 nd coordinated changes when prior belief was abandoned in favor of exploration of alternative strateg
142                             Rather they were abandoned in favor of more tractable studies made possib
143 1930s, the term "filterable virus" was being abandoned in favor of simply "virus," meaning an agent o
144 lar signaling, or allosteric, hypothesis was abandoned in favor of the associative hypothesis, which
145 originally proposed by myself and others--be abandoned in favor of the earlier Prokaryote-Eukaryote c
146                      The former approach was abandoned in favor of the latter when more functionalize
147 or the design of association studies must be abandoned in light of the experimental and theoretical e
148 atic surgery was planned in 241 patients but abandoned in nine because of unresectable disease.
149                           FPTX should not be abandoned in patients with positive preoperative localiz
150 icoagulants (vitamin K antagonists) has been abandoned in primary cardiovascular prevention due to la
151 tant sources of antibiotics, but were nearly abandoned in recent years in favor of high-throughput ta
152                             Although largely abandoned in the 1970s because of highly effective drugs
153 stems constructed in developing contexts are abandoned in the years following initial construction.
154 ation forces Alzheimer's disease patients to abandon independent activities.
155 m(2)) occurred in mountainous regions due to abandoned infertile farmland, secondary succession, and
156 handling the dynamic environment by abruptly abandoning irrelevant schemas.
157 ows adopted a centralized Match in 1986, and abandoned it in the late 1990s.
158           The WHO diagnostic manual may soon abandon its current classification of transgender people
159 mes in eubacteria by forcing the ribosome to abandon its mRNA template and resume translation with tm
160     The pharmaceutical industry is currently abandoning its antibacterial discovery research efforts.
161 either fail to scale up to large datasets or abandon joint calling strategies.
162    Potential bioenergy production from these abandoned lands using a wide range of biomass yields and
163                                              Abandoning large combinatorial libraries, the focus has
164               Early eradication efforts were abandoned largely because of the difficulty of detecting
165 s for several fields, most were not pursued, abandoned largely for technical reasons that are no long
166 r long-term survival to that for capping and abandoning leads in a Medicare population.
167 n about long-term outcomes after capping and abandoning leads.
168 clone inserts, however, has now been largely abandoned, leaving most of these regions unresolved in n
169 c decision by the cell to either continue or abandon maintenance procedures with age.
170 puntia, for biomass production on semi-arid, abandoned, marginal, or degraded agricultural lands.
171 nd reassuring patients that they will not be abandoned may provide realistic hope.
172 udies have also suggested that we should not abandon mean IOP as the important predictor of glaucoma
173 they may deny disease, underreport symptoms, abandon medication regimens, and engage in risk-taking b
174 ty of metals in communities located close to abandoned mine waste sites.
175 ransport of uranium (U) and vanadium(V) from abandoned mine wastes collected from the Blue Gap/Tachee
176 interactions of U and co-occurring metals in abandoned mine wastes in a Native American community in
177 ontrol the availability of U and As in these abandoned mine wastes.
178 ould influence the timing of the decision to abandon motility and adopt a sessile lifestyle.
179 estimates suggest that active, reclaimed, or abandoned mountaintop mines cover approximately 7% of Ce
180  half of tumorigenic single-cell clones also abandoned myeloid differentiation and gave rise to B lym
181 s, join nests temporarily or permanently, or abandon nests.
182 commercial NMR tube cleaners (~$15,000), and abandoning NMR tubes for flow probe technology (~$75,000
183 first methane emission measurements at three abandoned offshore wells in the Central North Sea (CNS)
184                In most species, males do not abandon offspring or reduce paternal care when they are
185                                              Abandoned oil and gas (AOG) wells can provide pathways f
186 easurements show that methane emissions from abandoned oil and gas wells can be significant.
187 t direct measurements of methane fluxes from abandoned oil and gas wells in Pennsylvania, using stati
188                                              Abandoned oil and gas wells provide a potential pathway
189 ecent measurements of methane emissions from abandoned oil/gas wells show that these wells can be a s
190 ypus) are typical capital breeders; pups are abandoned on the natal site after a brief suckling phase
191        Scientifically, DFT testing should be abandoned only when prospective evidence demonstrates th
192                      Berkeley Pit Lake is an abandoned open-pit copper mine filled with 30 billion ga
193                Patients were least likely to abandon opiate prescriptions.
194 rillator (ICD) lead may have the lead either abandoned or explanted; yet there are limited data on th
195 nor responded that living donation should be abandoned or that he or she felt "forced" to donate.
196 ascular surgery as an essential component is abandoned or training in catheter-based interventions be
197                      Many large centers have abandoned osteochondral allografts and resection arthrod
198 ith Pattern 1 EEGs, it may be appropriate to abandon our current clinical standard of aggressive ther
199                                We suggest to abandon "out-of-proportion" PH and to distinguish "isola
200           To accept that conclusion requires abandoning outdated paradigms of citizenship that ignore
201  antagonist development programmes have been abandoned owing to concerns about drug toxicity, particu
202  combining fludarabine and chlorambucil were abandoned owing to increased toxicity from overlapping m
203 rimental 16-y-old plantations established in abandoned pasture in lowland Costa Rica, we used a mass-
204 ronosequence of secondary forests growing on abandoned pastures in the wet subtropical forest life zo
205 ul solution to the patient's problem without abandoning patients and their loved ones to unacceptable
206 experimentally that wild vervet monkeys will abandon personal foraging preferences in favor of group
207 ave convinced the Canadian Blood Services to abandon platelet-rich-plasma-derived concentrates.
208         Areas with a higher density of wells abandoned prior to the mid-20th century, when more moder
209             The crows inspected the hide and abandoned probing with a tool for food more often after
210 Additionally, there has been a shift towards abandoning prohibition for a less punitive and more perm
211  samples from individual bats captured at an abandoned railroad tunnel in Maryland that is cohabitate
212 rsy and have become the impetus for calls to abandon recommendations for reduced sodium intake by the
213 ing of the replicative DnaB helicase onto an abandoned replication fork.
214 that recognize the structures of prematurely abandoned replication forks and mediate replisomal reloa
215 cation restart by recognizing and remodeling abandoned replication forks and reloading the replicativ
216 ed in three stages: (i) peat initiated in an abandoned river channel with open water and aquatic plan
217 us urban settlements thus developed along an abandoned river valley rather than an active Himalayan r
218                                       Before abandoning routine axillary dissection in favor of SLN b
219  20 SLN cases with acceptable results before abandoning routine axillary dissection.
220                                  Large squid abandoned seasonal coastal-shelf habitats in 2010 and in
221    Surgical thrombectomy had previously been abandoned secondary to poor long-term results.
222 ax7 may denote a key prerequisite for SCs to abandon self-renewal and acquire differentiation compete
223 d rotifers are freshwater invertebrates that abandoned sexual reproduction millions of years ago.
224                                        This "abandon-ship" mechanism provides a plausible model for t
225                          This hypothesis was abandoned shortly afterwards because of the absence of s
226 e can select new T cell specificities, while abandoning some T cell specificities selected by the wil
227                It is therefore suggestive to abandon such pictures altogether.
228 nnovation of DC illustrates how a previously abandoned surgical technique was adapted and readopted i
229 Searchers that receive no signal can quickly abandon target-poor regions.
230                                              Abandoned terraces of the adjacent Markanda River record
231  4.68 times more likely, respectively, to be abandoned than prescriptions with no copayment (P < 0.00
232 tronically were 1.64 times more likely to be abandoned than those that were not electronic (P < 0.001
233 volves the host choosing whether to raise or abandon the chicks that are in the nest.
234                                           We abandon the classical "overlap-layout-consensus" approac
235                                         So I abandon the conceit of advice and simply give you my sto
236                                These systems abandon the conventional microscope design, which requir
237 f mirror neurons, stressing the necessity to abandon the dichotomy between genetic and associative hy
238 h the corpus of data that drove the field to abandon the early understanding of the physical arrangem
239 ron limitation that allows L. pneumophila to abandon the host cell when nutrients are exhausted.
240                               We proposed to abandon the item as conceptual unit in visual search and
241 ence with the existing approaches is that we abandon the linear (sequence) representation of each tra
242     However, this does not mean that we must abandon the monkey model, only that wherever possible, w
243 ajor factor that prompts young physicians to abandon the physician-scientist track.
244 rative, merits further exploration before we abandon the pursuit entirely.
245  such as domain movements, it is possible to abandon the traditional concepts of protein structure (b
246                                           We abandoned the "overlap - layout - consensus" approach in
247                         Some biologists have abandoned the idea that computational efficiency in proc
248 cupied low lion density areas and apparently abandoned the long-term study area as the lion populatio
249 ting from various artifacts, most scientists abandoned the search, but the Gallo laboratory carried o
250                                 Two patients abandoned the study and 49 were excluded because of prot
251                     Consequently, gaze often abandoned the target to search elsewhere.
252                           Some surgeons have abandoned the use of drains placed during pancreas resec
253                                       Others abandoned the use of low-potential electron-transfer pat
254 r mask Wernicke's encephalopathy, we suggest abandoning the banana bag and utilizing the following fo
255 doses, with less toxicity and fewer patients abandoning the drug.
256                                  Rather than abandoning the efforts to repair this malformation early
257 ticipatory process about how to ration care, abandoning the formulaic pretenses of cost-effectiveness
258                                              Abandoning the intercalation electrode and allowing Li t
259                         Furthermore, without abandoning the model, we suggest that strict informed co
260 ependence among sites must be relaxed before abandoning the neutral theory of molecular evolution.
261 nstrate that this resetting process involves abandoning the old VWM contents because they no longer c
262 leic acid isothermal amplifications, EXPIATR abandons the expensive thermal cycling protocol and achi
263                             Our novel method abandons the original physical-mapping-first framework.
264        Interestingly, the Asp-59 carboxylate abandons the role it plays as an outer sphere ligand in
265 he folding of silk protein molecules as they abandon their first native melt conformation, dehydrate
266 bled this EGFR-driven breast cancer model to abandon their inherent branching architecture and form l
267 urces and thus likely forcing inhabitants to abandon their islands in decades, not centuries, as prev
268 ence between those who succeed and those who abandon their projects lies in their response to adversi
269 posed to artificially elevated ultraviolet-A abandoned their perches sooner compared to males exposed
270                                  All mothers abandoned their pups, showing that prolactin action on M
271 ider that it might be useful to the field to abandon these terms that by their nature constrain data
272                                      Here we abandon this assumption and calculate the correct shape
273 iopathy (IC), leading to several programs to abandoning this source of organs.
274 gh, felt traditional perspectives were being abandoned too readily.
275 t; of those, 1% died, 67% recovered, and 32% abandoned treatment.
276 urgical castration of male pigs will soon be abandoned, turning a major advantage of this practice, t
277    Two columns, packed with sediment from an abandoned U contaminated mill tailings site near Rifle,
278 f paradigm shifts, an old paradigm cannot be abandoned until a new paradigm emerges to replace it.
279 study of suppressor T cells had been largely abandoned until the publication of several seminal paper
280 osphaera prunae, originally isolated from an abandoned uranium mine, ceased to grow, and concomitantl
281 lites, which at times, forces researchers to abandon valuable scaffolds.
282  pretransplant splenectomy (47.8%, now large abandoned) was 1.87 (95% confidence interval: 1.12-3.12,
283    Seven eyes were lost to follow-up, 4 eyes abandoned wearing the scleral lens because of an inabili
284 s, whether by aerially suspended webs, or by abandoning webs altogether.
285 e discussed, including sealing of improperly abandoned wells and remediation of hydraulic fracturing
286 ation indicates that failures of plugged and abandoned wells are possible CO2 leakage pathways.
287 ur comprehensive estimate of 470,000-750,000 abandoned wells in Pennsylvania result in estimated stat
288 low rate found here is representative of all abandoned wells in Pennsylvania, we scaled the methane e
289 s, we (i) improve estimates of the number of abandoned wells in Pennsylvania; (ii) characterize key a
290 wn about methane fluxes from the millions of abandoned wells that exist in the United States.
291 n cap rocks, such as fractures or improperly abandoned wells, are important considerations in the lon
292 -specific and overall methane emissions from abandoned wells.
293 umour development, but this idea was largely abandoned when no differences in primary tumour developm
294                    This practice was largely abandoned when patients experienced complications; howev
295 r organisms, the NLS of lower eukaryotes was abandoned, whereas the new NLS was evolved from an antic
296  is unclear how quickly or completely people abandoned wild terrestrial and marine resources after th
297 tremely efficacious therapeutic concept, now abandoned with the dawn of a safer contemporary pharmaco
298 erpentinite mine tailings collected from the abandoned Woodsreef Asbestos Mine in New South Wales, Au
299                                I was able to abandon work in pure chemistry and microbiology and to t
300 d tolerant males have outcompeted males that abandon young.

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