


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 rom the Web site of the World Society of the Abdominal Compartment Syndrome.
2  degrees of intra-abdominal hypertension and abdominal compartment syndrome.
3 ted with an increased frequency of secondary abdominal compartment syndrome.
4 s of the presence and clinical importance of abdominal compartment syndrome.
5 define, characterize, and raise awareness of abdominal compartment syndrome.
6 rgical and medical disease management is the abdominal compartment syndrome.
7 reatment of intra-abdominal hypertension and abdominal compartment syndrome.
8 nagement of intra-abdominal hypertension and abdominal compartment syndrome.
9 s survival from intra-abdominal hypertension/abdominal compartment syndrome.
10 d clinical variables were needed to diagnose abdominal compartment syndrome (70%) vs. bladder pressur
11 , intra-abdominal hypertension (IAH) and the abdominal compartment syndrome (ACS) are now thought to
12                                   Postinjury abdominal compartment syndrome (ACS) is an example of a
13 explore the pathophysiology underpinning the abdominal compartment syndrome and its contribution to a
14 as followed by growing reports of postinjury abdominal compartment syndrome and prophylactic use of t
15 e injuries, the diagnosis and therapy of the abdominal compartment syndrome, and the treatment of tra
16  development of intra-abdominal hypertension/abdominal compartment syndrome, and use of a multi-modal
17 r refractory intra-abdominal hypertension or abdominal compartment syndrome are all key elements of t
18 he avoidance of such morbid complications as abdominal compartment syndrome are expected.
19 thy, along with the frequent complication of abdominal compartment syndrome, are critical factors tha
20 pid, definitive treatment of fully developed abdominal compartment syndrome, but nonsurgical measures
21 d intensivists managed the highest number of abdominal compartment syndrome cases (47% managed 4-10 c
22  never use decompression laparotomy to treat abdominal compartment syndrome compared with 3.6% of int
23                     The recent international abdominal compartment syndrome consensus conference has
24                            The physiology of abdominal compartment syndrome continues to be defined,
25 dominal wall without tension, development of abdominal compartment syndrome during attempted abdomina
26 ith damage control surgery, understanding of abdominal compartment syndrome has expanded.
27 ce of infection and complications related to abdominal compartment syndrome has made staged closure o
28 nagement of intra-abdominal hypertension and abdominal compartment syndrome have changed significantl
29                                   Full-blown abdominal compartment syndrome is a clinical syndrome ch
30                      Immediate postoperative abdominal compartment syndrome is a feared complication
31                                              Abdominal compartment syndrome is usually a result of sh
32 ted intra-abdominal pressure, progressing to abdominal compartment syndrome, is recognized in both su
33 inually revised intra-abdominal hypertension/abdominal compartment syndrome management algorithm sign
34 ists may be unaware of current approaches to abdominal compartment syndrome management including moni
35                               Development of abdominal compartment syndrome, prophylactic use of an o
36  control techniques and the understanding of abdominal compartment syndrome, the open abdomen has bec
37                                              Abdominal compartment syndrome was treated by some form
38 are unit type, and methods for management of abdominal compartment syndrome were assessed.
39  approach to the diagnosis and management of abdominal compartment syndrome, with a particular emphas

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