


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 s mixtures in which aberrant disulfide bonds abound.
2  resulting from divergent nonlinear dynamics abound.
3  reported, and thus literature reports of pI abound.
4 ing that examples of pathologies of altruism abound.
5 t deep and interesting conceptual challenges abound.
6 d opportunities for transformative discovery abound.
7 ic differences in their roles and regulation abound.
8 he financial acceptability of new strategies abound.
9                                     Opinions abound.
10 egrated and comprehensive treatment programs abound.
11 racy and completeness of administrative data abound.
12  spatial chromatin structure, but challenges abound.
13 ulators of inflammation and immune responses abounds.
14                            Controversy still abounds.
15 le complexes is clear, but controversy still abounds.
16 le in cancer initiation and progression have abounded.
17 tified and compelling CSC theoretical models abound, actual proof for the existence of CSCs can only
18 lausible theories of cortex would now surely abound and be driving experimental investigations.
19 other micro- and not-so-micro organisms that abound and replicate in our alimentary tract and cover o
20                   Drug eluting stent designs abound and yet the dependence of efficacy on drug dose a
21 eports of unusual manifestations of migraine abound, and advances in the application of neurologic im
22                One-sided core-jet structures abound, and superluminal motion is frequently measured.
23                 Opportunities for scientists abound as China sets its sights on joining the global bi
24                                  Controversy abounded as to the most appropriate study designs to yie
25 s concerning the interpretation of fMRI data abound, as the conclusions drawn often ignore the actual
26                                   Skepticism abounds because of the lack of level 1 evidence.
27      Evidence-based practice recommendations abound, but implementation is often unstructured and poo
28                    While theoretical efforts abound, direct experimental probes of relevant electroni
29                  Although laboratory support abounds, direct evidence for a Bruce effect under natura
30          While in vitro and in vivo examples abound documenting the existence of this phenomenon, the
31 using metabolic upset at high concentrations abound, especially when fed as the sole carbohydrate sou
32 cal studies of PEO's interactions with water abound, experiments measuring dynamic observables are qu
33  chlorogenic acids were detected as the most abounded flavonoid and phenolic acids in the orange juic
34                                Opportunities abound for dissecting emergent properties of other polyp
35 be viewed in a positive light; opportunities abound for radiologists to revive enthusiasm, stimulate
36                                   Hypotheses abound for the origin of this hidden reservoir.
37 greatly increased early detections that hope abounds for improved patient outcomes.
38                                     Examples abound from sensory systems like olfaction and vision.
39                  Ribosomal DNA sequence data abounds from numerous studies on the dinoflagellate endo
40                  Patterns in natural systems abound, from the stripes on a zebra to ripples in a rive
41                    Two-phase random textures abound in a host of contexts, including porous and compo
42 de, hydrogen peroxide and even oxygen itself abound in anaerobes.
43                Sender-receiver (S-R) systems abound in biology, with communication systems sending in
44 ar, saturable, time-dependent processes that abound in biophysics, biochemistry, and physiology.
45                      The 'hot Jupiters' that abound in lists of known extrasolar planets are thought
46                         Eukaryotic proteomes abound in low-complexity sequences, including tandem rep
47                            Oriented segments abound in natural images and tend to be collinear; neuro
48        Examples of ecological specialization abound in nature but the evolutionary and genetic causes
49                                    Consortia abound in nature, and their cooperative metabolic activi
50  Tubular structures created by precipitation abound in nature, from chimneys at hydrothermal vents to
51                                     Lattices abound in nature-from the crystal structure of minerals
52               Systems of coupled oscillators abound in nature.
53  art converge in the fractal forms that also abound in nature.
54      Population studies suggest that planets abound in our galaxy and that small planets are particul
55                      Multilevel explanations abound in psychiatry.
56  and a high degree of work-home interference abound in residency training programs and should strongl
57 r, integrons and associated resistance genes abound in several genera of Gram-positive bacteria that
58                  Today, as anatomical images abound in the arts and the media, we still believe that
59                           Contextual effects abound in the real world; how we perceive an object depe
60 d because numerous immunosuppressive factors abound in tumor-bearing hosts.
61                            In particular, NE abounded in the macrophage-rich shoulders of atheromatou
62 tory conditions, but also in the environment abounding in multiple stresses.
63 n is a chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan that abounds in basement membranes.
64                      Serotonin (5-HT), which abounds in intestinal enterochromaffin cells, is release
65                         For example, the gut abounds in polymers such as dietary fibers or administer
66              Because the inflammatory milieu abounds in proinflammatory cytokines, we investigated th
67 te micro-environmental landscape of GBM will abound into the development of novel immunotherapy strat
68                                     Examples abound: music training improves our ability to discern t
69       Furthermore, such dysfunctional traits abound not only in the phenotypes but inside the genomes
70                                     Examples abound of membrane-bound enzymes for which the local mem
71 to scientific evaluation, anecdotal evidence abounds of gatekeeping mistakes in leading journals, suc
72 hese tools to the microbial communities that abound on and within us, in what has aptly been called "
73  in regular and quasiperiodic landforms that abound on the Earth and other planets.
74                          While VEGF inducers abound, only two major transcription activators have bee
75                           Numerous questions abound regarding optimal management of hemorrhage and de
76  drugs in controlling asthma, concerns still abound regarding the safety of these drugs in children,
77                         Although speculation abounds regarding ongoing decay and looming extinction o
78 ody of research conducted, controversy still abounds regarding the relative effectiveness of various
79                   However, uncertainty still abounds regarding the very nature of this sensitivity to
80 ugh mechanistic details are lacking, reports abound that Nrf2 can also be degraded in the nucleus.
81 erial innate immune mechanisms against phage abound, the only documented bacterial adaptive immune sy
82                                Uncertainties abound: the implications of growing free trade; a steady
83 qualitative discussions of this relationship abound, there has been very little quantitative analysis
84                                Opportunities abound to combine ambitious forest restoration and regen
85                                Opportunities abound to explore connections between upper and lower co
86 n ecosystems and associated fluvial deposits abound today in the absence of direct rainfall in northe
87            Claims of antiangiogenic activity abound, unfortunately, with no common criteria and often
88 samples of human blood, where SNCA naturally abounds (validated P = 1.6 x 10(-11), 1.8 x 10(-10), and
89                       Our visual environment abounds with curved features.
90                                         Life abounds with genetic variations writ in sequences that a
91                                       Nature abounds with intricate composite architectures composed
92 rich tropical assemblages in which rare taxa abound, with possible repercussions for our ability to i
93 highly specific protein-protein interactions abound within the ubiquitin-proteasome system (UPS).

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