


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 h temperatures (typically 2000 degrees C and above).
2 4 mg/kg weekly) or a taxane (same regimen as above).
3 genomes using OMA standalone version 2.0 and above.
4 s were recruited from the geographical areas above.
5 the medical charts for patients as described above.
6 BI, correlating with admission RCTS of 4 and above.
7 ed by oxidation under the same conditions as above.
8 thways in response to the TLR ligands listed above.
9  a dietary administration with monitoring as above.
10  account for the bulk of the spectral weight above 0.5 meV.
11 ust with a cross-validated correlation skill above 0.6.
12 rics were all relatively accurate, with ICCs above 0.60.
13 , the method showed correlation coefficients above 0.99, LOQs ranged between 1 and 50mugkg(-1) and re
14 ) produced determination coefficients (R(2)) above 0.997 for all matrices.
15 with NO detection by oxidation at potentials above +0.45V or reduction at potentials below - 0.7V.
16 p) size and is strongly suppressed by forces above 1 pN, consistent with a loop-capture mechanism for
17 , the negative predictive value for survival above 1 y was 79%.
18 o between patients with CAA and controls was above 1, with an average effect size of 1.18 (95% CI 1.0
19 opogenic CO2 is expected to drive ocean pCO2 above 1,000 muatm by 2100 - inducing respiratory acidosi
20 oton excitation also increased significantly above 1.0 MJ m(-2), indicating possible phase change.
21  cm(2) V(-1) s(-1) and sheet carrier density above 1.07 x 10(13) cm(-2) .
22                A repump laser with an energy above 1.3 eV can excite this charged state and recover t
23                            A miR628-5p value above 1.336 was able to predict CAV with a sensitivity o
24 sburgh compound B target-to-cerebellar ratio above 1.5 within a composite cortical volume of interest
25 patitis B surface antibody (anti-HBs) titres above 10 mIU/mL at the end of treatment (five had maximu
26 ols emitted by dairy operations extends well above 10 mum in diameter and contains a diverse mixture
27 nd bridges between the polymer chains, while above 10% MC, water molecules aggregate together and cre
28  at 1000 cd/m(2) the efficiencies were still above 10%, which is one of the best for this type of dev
29                                              Above 110 K a faster, strongly temperature-dependent com
30 re nearly absent below 15 degrees C MAT, but above 15 degrees C MAT, they increased in abundance as t
31 ngly dose-dependent once injection doses are above 15 mg kg(-1) : high dose expedited the renal excre
32 , peaks with retention factors in water, kw, above 150 can be manipulated to elute in 3-4 pulses.
33 h systolic blood pressure persistently at or above 150 mm Hg to achieve a target systolic blood press
34                       Process II is observed above 170 K, with activation energy typical of beta rela
35             The lactulose began to decompose above 180 degrees C.
36                        An increase in stress above 2 g/cm(2) did not enhance osteoblastic differentia
37  (one S. mitis isolate generated an OD-value above 2.1).
38 bar O2, or closely packed in parallel lines, above 2.2 bar.
39                However, most attempts at the above [2+2] addition have focused on solid-state, molten
40              Every 2 kg/m(2) increase in BMI above 20 kg/m(2) was associated with a 7.4% (7.1-7.6) in
41 quencies are always within ultrasound range (above 20 kHz).
42              The diradical species is stable above 200 degrees C.
43 f matter, which lie in the soft X-ray regime above 200 eV, permit the probing of electronic excitatio
44  face-centered cubic (fcc) structure, stable above 200 GPa, and LaH8 a C2/m space group structure.
45 e stable one, while broadband IR irradiation above 2000 cm(-1) results in an equilibration of the iso
46             While testing of these materials above 2000 degrees C is necessary to prove their capabil
47 egorized based on their elevation: plateaus (above 2000 m), foothills (between 500 and 2000 m), and p
48 NO shift, calculated to be only 8.4 kcal/mol above 21.
49 r each 1000-m (3300-ft) increase in altitude above 2500 m (8200 ft), AMS prevalence increased 13% (95
50 ctions with Kds ranging from below 500 pM to above 300 muM.
51 t the potential use of swabs at temperatures above 36 degrees C and storage beyond 60 days and provid
52 92, 7526.38, and 3752.74 km(2) of ADL in the above 4 periods, accounting for 28.56%, 39.06%, 54.53%,
53 principle and was exuberated at temperatures above 40 degrees C.
54 1.6), compared with men with a concentration above 40 million/mL.
55 odeficient mice maintain trough VRC01 levels above 40 mug ml(-1).
56 ockout cassette are recovered at frequencies above 5% and cassette function can be traced at the geno
57 l AOB should be prevented, by keeping the pH above 5.4, which is a typical pH limit for the N. europa
58  PIs (below 46) and increased for older PIs (above 55).
59 D), with 73 eyes (91%) within 4.5 D and none above 6 D; regular TA was detected in 72 eyes (90%); mea
60 k reconstructions tested, BoostGAPFILL shows above 60% precision and recall, which is more than twice
61 In particular the burgeoning population aged above 65 years accounts for the increase in reported cas
62  and HeLa), and possible activation by light above 680 nm.
63 takes place most efficiently at temperatures above 80 K, when an isotope exchange allows the preferen
64 ty at pH 4.5 and 50 degrees C, and stability above 80% in the pH range of 3-8 and temperature up to 5
65 lm demonstrated high resistance to annealing above 850 degrees C without degradation of its optical p
66 acies of identification for all samples were above 88%.
67 ls evaluating treatment levels significantly above 90 mm Hg are needed.
68 ups were assumed to have equivalent efficacy above 90%.
69 rams and achieved vaccination rates reported above 95% by 2008.
70                  For an energy below 1.3 eV (above 950 nm), the PL is suppressed by more than two ord
71 a substantial stiffening of single filaments above a characteristic transition frequency of 1-30 Hz d
72                                              Above a concentration threshold, these constructs underg
73                               Interestingly, above a critical concentration, the addition of palmitic
74 rbations overcome a critical threshold, i.e. above a critical magnetic field or a critical current fo
75 n ovarian steroid levels or by stable levels above a critical threshold playing a permissive role in
76                              SODA expression above a critical threshold was also required for the dev
77 nd reversible blue-shift in the SP resonance above a critical voltage.
78 bit a dramatic increase in average viscosity above a critical, material-dependent shear stress.
79              Moreover, the domains disappear above a distinct miscibility transition temperature (Tmi
80 s of this filament layer has been limited to above a few nanometers due to processing constraints, ma
81                                     However, above a local noise level of 20%, the model with nonspec
82 evidence support a purifying selection model above a mutational bias explanation.
83  frequency of the very largest accumulations above a physical cutoff scale, increasing with event siz
84 e estimates that, if infections were present above a predefined (low) threshold, they would be detect
85 on(ii) sites undergo a spin-state transition above a threshold CO pressure, these materials exhibit l
86 t this complex interplay amplifies signaling above a threshold that allows high HH signaling.
87 ute VTE risk in the antepartum period is not above a threshold where low-molecular-weight heparin (LM
88          Deadtime was apparent in the system above a total phantom activity of 3.3 GBq.
89 ighly textured body-centred cubic nanograins above a transition temperature.
90  delay syndrome characterized by some of the above abnormalities.
91 h in women will be due to enhanced longevity above age 65 years.
92 e samples the diazinon and chlorpyrifos were above allowed limit according to World Health Organizati
93 active when residing at two oxidation levels above an all-Co(III) resting state.
94 rrent stimulus that depolarizes the membrane above an excitation threshold.
95 f a panel of primary or secondary biomarkers above an upper cutoff concentration limit for presumptiv
96 agnetic moment in neutron reflectivity, both above and below Tc.
97                                              Above and below the lipid gel-liquid crystalline tempera
98       Hence, it is likely that silicate melt above and below the mantle transition zone, and atop the
99 esity and related cardiometabolic phenotypes above and beyond body mass index with subclinical measur
100 strate the relevance of Nbeal2 in mast cells above and beyond granule biosynthesis.
101 rove the sensitivity of functional flow data above and beyond standard limits of the optical system.
102 on's disease (HD) with CAG lengths of 50 and above and in the YAC128 and BACHD mouse models, both of
103 ildren from 6 to 24 mo (IFA-LNS), 3) IFA (as above) and MNP for the offspring from 6 to 24 mo (IFA-MN
104 ng from 6 to 24 mo (IFA-MNP), and 4) IFA (as above) and no child supplement (IFA-Control).
105 ) or meldonium-supplemented water (n = 8) as above, and kidney, heart and extensor digitorum longus m
106                                              Above- and belowground carbon (C) stores of terrestrial
107 6 cm H2O above; open lung approach, 2 cm H2O above; and collapse, 6 cm H2O below the highest complian
108 Regulatory T cells % increased significantly above any overall changes in CD4+ % at 6, 9, and 12 mont
109 ected "saturation" of the catalytic activity above approximately 50% bdc-NH2 content in the framework
110           At all ages from 7 to 13 years, an above-average BMI z score was positively associated with
111                          Among children with above-average BMI z scores at age 7 years, a score incre
112 alent binding of 3-QCA with DOM molecules of above-average O/C and H/C ratios.
113 tures had a greater impact on phenology than above-average temperatures, the long-term advance in phe
114 ied 39 genes that were mutated significantly above background mutation rates.
115 en expression that was not or only minimally above background.
116 b-bandgap photons and thermalization loss of above-bandgap photons as demonstrated by the Shockley-Qu
117 d 93% of bvFTD from PPA patients-30% and 13% above base rates (59%, 80%), respectively.
118 /L, multiply by 3.671) and at least 10 pg/mL above baseline after treatment initiation on 2 consecuti
119 nd monitoring, 27 (58.7% N = 46) kept a BCVA above baseline with 18 of those (39% N = 46) maintaining
120 ators, PV-battery systems save 94-99% in the above categories.
121  support vector machine (SVM) resulted in an above-chance-level correct response rate over 70%.
122                          Consistent with the above, Crb3 knockdown in mammalian cells affects the dyn
123 28 on the cytosolic surface of PSII directly above cytochrome b559, in close proximity to the QB site
124                                      All the above data suggests that Arthrobacter can be considered
125 s and predictors of success according to the above definition.
126 ability of the hand representation under the above described stimulation, which we named transcranial
127                                          The above-described findings were dependent on the type IV s
128 etracarbene pushes the Fe-dx(2)-y(2) orbital above dz(2), 1 features a dramatically large quintet-tri
129 The cis data are likely a combination of the above effect and a proportionally greater lowering of th
130 C4 plant rotations at moisture levels at and above field capacity over 5 months.
131                           Recapitulating the above findings, tumors harboring a TGFbeta gene expressi
132 healthcare provider-diagnosed allergy to the above foods prior to age 3 with evidence of IgE sensitiz
133 hared the characteristic phenotype described above for the Enamp.S55I mouse.
134                                              Above [Formula: see text], the relatively low values of
135 stabilities in this driven vortex state just above [Formula: see text].
136           Leaves account for a large part of above-ground biomass and provide energy to complete the
137 nger time periods, because large RAV reduced above-ground biomass loss.
138 of carbon)-a quantity that is similar to the above-ground carbon stocks of the tropical forests of th
139 rtebrate-based soil food webs, fertility and above-ground plant productivity at 289 sites and two soi
140 ported to surface and groundwaters at levels above health-based drinking water standards.
141 -treatment hsCRP concentrations of 2 mg/L or above (HR(adj)=0.90, 0.79-1.02, p=0.11).
142 ause of blindness for individuals age 50 and above in the developed world.
143 procedures (n = 6931) at "Practice Ready" or above increased from 12.3% to 77.1%.
144                             The "access from above" is probably safer and should be considered in the
145 gregate into bigger globules when passing to above its lower critical solution temperature (LCST).
146  nor in those using icatibant at a frequency above label guidelines.
147  are identified at 1.1-1.3 eV and 2.1-2.3 eV above lattice oxygen, respectively.
148 at the chlorpyrifos was 0.018mg/kg, which is above maximum residue limits (0.01mg/kg), which might be
149 wo plant protection products (containing the above-mentioned active compounds) in a greenhouse study
150 portion test (GMAP) algorithm to address the above-mentioned challenges.
151 e dynamin-related mechanisms involved in the above-mentioned disorders and to help medicinal chemists
152 g cardiovascular disease over use of all the above-mentioned established and novel cardiovascular dis
153                                  Despite the above-mentioned preventive measures, it is also importan
154 Here, we introduce MS2LDA+ that tackles both above-mentioned problems.
155 e, in which no alteration is observed in the above-mentioned SCZ-related phenotypes, highlights the d
156  its infancy, but the integration of all the above-mentioned strategies will help overcome the correl
157 ducing a decreased protein expression of the above molecules.
158 le from open-ocean SST, exceeded 6 degrees C above normal summertime levels.
159 he pattern of excess risk with a maximum BMI above normal weight was maintained across strata defined
160  in a random order: hyperinflation, 6 cm H2O above; open lung approach, 2 cm H2O above; and collapse,
161 tioned place aversion and a reduction in the above optical ICSS in VgluT2-cre control mice, but not i
162                        Cohort stratification above or below age 65 revealed that older patient readmi
163 int classification according to high or low (above or below median) maternal and cord manganese, was
164 ay sustain extraction rates of 6 W m(-2) and above over large areas in the annual mean.
165  content ii) to investigate the potential of above parameters to differentiate citrus honeys accordin
166 maximal activity at pH 5 and little activity above pH 7.
167  that, even in a climate held to 2 degrees C above PI, Karachi (Pakistan) and Kolkata (India) could e
168 way pressure of 5 and pressure support of 10 above positive end-expiratory pressure 5 cm H2O, as well
169 d with increased soil salinization of 20-30% above pre-event levels, leading to canopy loss, reduced
170 A 2 degrees C increase in global temperature above pre-industrial levels is considered a reasonable t
171                            Soil wetting from above (precipitation) results in a characteristically di
172 to limit global warming to below 2 degrees C above preindustrial (PI) to prevent dangerous climate ch
173 ge, 28.1 years; Hispanic, 81.6%; mean weight above prepregnancy weight, 7.8 kg; mean months post part
174  middle school, high school, and college and above], previous cardiovascular events [yes or no], curr
175 field equation commonly used to simulate the above processes.
176  suppress incoherent phonon transport in the above random multilayer (RML) structure to further reduc
177 udy of 100,000 individuals aged 20 years and above, randomly selected in the general Danish populatio
178 nts, most products had labeled amounts at or above RDAs.
179 presentations of the two digits costimulated above-resonance shifted closer, potentially accounting f
180 line to perform the four preprocessing tasks above resulting in a single 2D image of the stained mani
181                             Heating slightly above room temperature allows the initial locked state t
182 co-existence separated by domain walls (DWs) above room temperature provides immense potential for ex
183 bits a reversible insulator-metal transition above room temperature, has been incorporated into nanos
184  high spin state at temperatures of 200 K to above room temperature; that is, well above the spin cro
185  concentration of approximately 12 +/- 5 muM above S. gordonii, followed by a gradual decrease in H2O
186  as 85 degrees S and as high as 1,300 metres above sea level.
187 -AF9-leukemic blast cells; inhibition of the above signaling pathways mimicked the drug-sensitizing e
188 h individual and combined polymorphisms, the above similar recurrence risks were particularly higher
189 c biology may maximize CO2 uptake within and above storage sites.
190 anging from below (unsupported), rather than above (supported).
191 cribed target during supervised HIIT and 80% above target in MCT.
192 res below TB = 59 K and a relaxed state well above TB.
193  has the benefit of increasing herd immunity above that achieved by direct vaccination alone but also
194 o gravity, pressure in the brain is slightly above that observed on Earth, which may explain remodell
195 ansition temperature of 406 kelvin (K) (16 K above that of BTO).
196 nisms to increase phloem sugar concentration above that of the photosynthetic cells, in most tree spe
197 roved kcat and a Tm increased by 5 degrees C above that of wild type.
198  outcome at approximately 4 months, over and above that predicted by lesion volume, age and the initi
199 section between the two categories mentioned above, that of hybrid NHC ligands in which the functiona
200                                              Above the 3-8% oxygen concentration typical of most tiss
201 roviral tissue:blood penetration ratios were above the 50% inhibitory concentration values in almost
202                    Patients with sNfL levels above the 80th, 90th, 95th, 97.5th, and 99th HC-based pe
203 fied as having a body mass index (BMI) at or above the 85th percentile and 2 or more risk factors for
204 ough levels increased to 218 ng/ml (P=0.03), above the 90th percentile for the 5-mg dose in patients
205  cancer comparing participants with exposure above the 95th percentile with those in the lowest quart
206 26 ng/L), whereas 56% of patients had levels above the 99th percentile cut point.
207 .1%) among refractive error group (REG) were above the age of 30 years, with a male predominance (61.
208  except for Tph1 were expressed in the brain above the array median, and remained significantly assoc
209 e secondary branch biliary ducts when placed above the biliary bifurcation.
210           The polypoidal structures were all above the Bruch membrane within the dome of the RPE deta
211  TST in stress-naive mice, while stimulating above the carrier frequency of this circuit suppressed m
212 locity profile as a function of the distance above the cilia.
213 viously, were age > 18 years, and had scores above the clinical cutoff on the FCR Inventory (FCRI) se
214 adiation belts, passed about 4000 kilometers above the cloud tops at closest approach, well inside th
215 Schrodinger's equation can have bound states above the continuum threshold.
216 ECs are antigenically stable at temperatures above the conversion temperature of wild-type (wt) virio
217 tress that appear intermittently at stresses above the critical stress.
218  oxides and the nature of the 'normal' state above the critical temperature are widely debated.
219 ce of chiral ordering in a temperature range above the Curie temperature, T C < T < T*, where a first
220                                              Above the CVC, initial vesicle formation rates were fast
221 iated with reduced GMVs and NAA/Cr, over and above the effects of fatigue, depressive symptoms, physi
222 as placed on the supraorbital ridge directly above the entrance of the optic nerve into the bony cana
223 f Jupiter, passing less than 5000 kilometers above the equatorial cloud tops.
224 and delta(18)O of the aragonite are enriched above the expected kinetic fractionation of meteoric wat
225 n the iron atom is two oxidation equivalents above the Fe(III) resting state.
226 the Weyl points and Fermi arcs live entirely above the Fermi level, making them inaccessible to conve
227  to strong enhancement of the electric field above the grating structure, which can be useful in sens
228 rformance that was 1 standard deviation [SD] above the hospital mean) and 30-day risk-standardized mo
229 more than three deliveries), prolapse stage (above the hymen vs at or beyond the hymen), and delivery
230 ystem, but not in plasma, were substantially above the immunomodulatory threshold in murine and human
231 es is maximized for excitation energies just above the indirect bandgap.
232 pentinite clasts expelled from mud volcanoes above the Izu-Bonin-Mariana subduction zone forearc (Pac
233 ate carboxykinase and glucose-6-phosphatase, above the levels in control livers.
234 14% of them contained enrofloxacin at levels above the limit of quantification (12.53-19.01microg.kg(
235 samples resulted in 20 positive measurements above the LOD, with smoker and nonsmoker DNA containing
236  (defined as a Total Problem T score >/=2 SD above the mean on the Child Behavior Checklist).
237 hreshold of two or three standard deviations above the mean, 96.9% or 96.7% of positions, respectivel
238 dvanced glaucoma, more GC-IPL tissue remains above the measurement floor compared with other measurem
239  to 1.08; p = 0.31), whereas those with SPRM above the median derived the greatest benefit (adjusted
240 rd ratios were similar for patients below or above the median risk (0.77 vs 0.75; P = .92).
241 mokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 9 (CXCL9) levels above the median were associated with chronic GVHD compa
242 ersons with fasting glucose levels below and above the median, respectively.
243 ure and a noteworthy, ectopic bone formation above the mesh in 72% of sites.
244 entage of time that concentrations persisted above the MIC (%TMIC).
245 ied with modern methods, are performing well above the national average (71.8%, 56.7-83.6), whereas M
246  prick test of 6 mm or more (wheal diameter, above the negative control), a food-specific serum IgE c
247 erpolarizing currents at membrane potentials above the Nernst equilibrium potential for Cl(-) and thu
248 an with HFrEF risk, such that increasing BMI above the normal range (>/=25 kg/m(2)) was associated wi
249 ke architectures for polyQ lengths below and above the pathological threshold.
250                 Irradiation with laser light above the photobleaching threshold induces photonic conf
251  for all children at risk for retinoblastoma above the population risk.
252 he rostral diencephalic ventral midline, lie above the prechordal mesendoderm and express Fgf10Fgf10(
253       Antibody titers to H1N1pdm09 persisted above the protective level in both the repeated- and sin
254 rence dose of 50mug/kg/d compared with doses above the reference dose.
255 n because of an L. loa microfilarial density above the risk threshold, and 397 (2.4%) were excluded b
256                                     p-Values above the significance threshold but less than 0.05 were
257  past measurements and an order of magnitude above the smallest-and most commonly cited-value reporte
258 0 K to above room temperature; that is, well above the spin crossover transition temperature for the
259 xactly what mechanism is telling us over and above the state variables alone.
260 tetragonal FeSe which is a pseudogaped metal above the superconducting transition temperature.
261                  The 3D model was positioned above the surgical site.
262  achieved sustained SN-38 exposure in blood, above the target concentration.
263    In addition, growth declines with warming above the temperature optima were driven by reductions i
264 emperature for the pristine powder, and well above the temperatures characteristic of light- or X-ray
265                                       Values above the third quartile may have been a predictive fact
266    During osmotic stress, the internal pH is above the threshold, triggering distinct OmpR-related pa
267 ng palate and mutant palatal shelves elevate above the tongue, demonstrating morphology and prolifera
268 %) and 39.0% (95% CI: 36.4% to 41.6%) had BP above the treatment goal according to the 2017 ACC/AHA a
269 ypertensive medication, and prevalence of BP above the treatment goal among U.S. adults using criteri
270 photon efficiency achieved through operating above the two-photon absorption edge, representing one o
271 ed such that the 1,550 nm wavelength resides above the two-photon absorption edge, while still posses
272 predicted population-level outcomes over and above the variance explained by article characteristics
273 ggered when this retreat produces ice cliffs above the water line with heights approaching about 90 m
274 o-occurrence and contain extreme values well above their local 95th percentile threshold, by +7 ppb f
275 al burden were less likely to have an income above their ZIP code median (14% vs. 72%, P = .006); how
276 y frame affecting the partition of energy in above-thermal collisions between the translational and r
277                                              Above this field, Bempty, one or two valleys become tota
278                                       At and above this hydration level, the DES-water mixture is bes
279 t-related morbidity and mortality with a BMI above this threshold.
280  LV ejection fraction remained significantly above those levels in respective sham-RDN rats, and at t
281  to have no benefits in healthy young adults above those of standard video games for measures of brai
282 on transport through layers with thicknesses above those used when direct tunneling dominates is thus
283 sma and HaCaT cells were used to compare the above three operation modes.
284  can be compared across Europe providing the above three terms are used.
285 rrow magnetic Feshbach resonance of rubidium above threshold.
286 us to accurately determine its location well above threshold.
287  reduced Engelmann spruce recruitment at and above treeline, as well as in the forest.
288 inescence quantum yield at excitation energy above twice band gap could indicate a quantum cutting du
289 eering, and the dopant effect to address the above two critical issues is shown.
290                     The BVNs could be either above (up to 18 mum), within, or below (up to 28 mum) th
291 ks built from the three algorithms described above were comparatively appraised in terms of both func
292 t hundred sixty subjects of age 60 years and above were enrolled in a population-based, cross-section
293 cern, i.e., empathy, by the sick individuals above which disease is eradicated rapidly.
294 r volume threshold (74% of bladder capacity) above which flow-evoked bladder contractions were 252% l
295 modynamically stable below a critical chiAC, above which LAM3 emerges.
296 phonate therapy (eg, to identify a threshold above which restarting therapy should be considered).
297 tion levels in ICS households still remained above WHO guidelines.
298 nal study was conducted on 701 adults 35 and above years in Gondar from April 12-30, 2016.
299          Seven hundred one adults age 35 and above years were participated with a response rate of 99
300 , a protein that undergoes cold denaturation above zero degrees, because the unfolded form at low tem

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