


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ragmentation necessitating refinement of the accepted mechanism.
2  resulting in the overhaul of the previously accepted mechanism and the development of improved react
3 m stem cells (SC) is becoming scientifically accepted, mechanisms by which SC contribute to tumor ini
4 us type 1 (HIV-1) strains is the most widely accepted mechanism driving coreceptor switching.
5  two water molecules--which is currently the accepted mechanism for atmospheric sulfuric acid product
6          These results support the currently accepted mechanism for Ca2+ homeostasis within the olfac
7                                          The accepted mechanism for CAII would predict that water wou
8 ta presented here is not consistent with the accepted mechanism for CAII.
9 interpreted in the framework of the commonly accepted mechanism for catalytic reduction of dioxygen b
10                           One simple, widely accepted mechanism for generating an aberrant chromosome
11 as perceived initially, it has now become an accepted mechanism for H-transfer in a growing number of
12 tion of the anti-sigma factor MucA is a well-accepted mechanism for mucoid conversion.
13                      Low tension is a widely accepted mechanism for recognizing errors , but whether
14 overlapping a gene's promoter is a generally accepted mechanism for silencing expression.
15                                  A currently accepted mechanism for TcPAM suggests that the amino gro
16 ytically capable tetramers has long been the accepted mechanism for the glutaminase activation.
17 nd the whole process resembles the currently accepted mechanism for the lithium salt-free Wittig reac
18 eved to be causal, but there is no generally accepted mechanism for the pathophysiology involved.
19      These results reveal that the currently accepted mechanism for the PCl(5)-initiated living polym
20                        The first step in the accepted mechanism for this process is alpha-meso-hydrox
21                   We rule out other commonly accepted mechanisms for induction of T cell tolerance in
22   Two mechanisms were analyzed, the commonly accepted mechanism in which cyclization precedes dehydro
23                            The traditionally accepted mechanism is then followed by a series of coval
24 f synaptic plasticity, arising via generally accepted mechanisms, is modulated by nicotinic acetylcho
25                          Currently, the only accepted mechanism linked with endocrine resistance is a
26 alcium channels and correctly identified the accepted mechanism of action of nifedipine, a calcium-ch
27  the soma (constitutional epimutation) is an accepted mechanism of cancer predisposition.
28 ire brain, and it is a medically and legally accepted mechanism of death in the United States and wor
29 tical predictions of KIEs exclude the widely accepted mechanism of enamine formation via intramolecul
30                                          The accepted mechanism of Fe-containing superoxide dismutase
31                                   The widely accepted mechanism of formation for carbon-centered radi
32                      In contrast to the well-accepted mechanism of glucose-stimulated insulin secreti
33                                          The accepted mechanism of HALS comprises a catalytic cycle i
34 chanism of action that is different from the accepted mechanism of IL-2 deprivation leading to cell d
35 nificant differences in fewer samples, 2) an accepted mechanism of metabolic activity as an inhibitor
36 for two modes of nucleoid action: the widely accepted mechanism of nucleoid exclusion in organizing t
37                On the basis of the generally accepted mechanism of other aminotransferases and absorb
38 t tolerated is consistent with the presently accepted mechanism of response regulator activation and
39  to Cu(I), suggesting that an adjunct to the accepted mechanism of SOD catalysed dismutation of super
40 gs suggest partial revision of the currently accepted mechanism of the carbonyl hydrosilylation catal
41                                          The accepted mechanism of this widely used reaction involves
42                                The currently accepted mechanism of trioxane antimalarial action invol
43                        In opposition to this accepted mechanism of two decades, ceramide 1-phosphate
44 ltrahigh throughput screens (uHTS) is a well-accepted mechanism to identify agonists and antagonists
45 des a different perspective to the currently accepted mechanism which suggests twin formation during

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