


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 otif where lysine can serve as an ADP-ribose acceptor site.
2 erminal) position relative to the Ser or Thr acceptor site.
3 n addition, Asn replaces Asp at the expected acceptor site.
4 O-1 attachment to Nkx2.5 on the primary SUMO acceptor site.
5 ryptic promoter activity or a cryptic splice acceptor site.
6 wo new cis-acting sequences, which flank the acceptor site.
7 ces of a polyadenylation signal and a splice acceptor site.
8 that cysteine 224 is a major S-nitrosylation acceptor site.
9 bases form a consensus sequence for a splice acceptor site.
10 lized the 3' end in the vicinity of a splice acceptor site.
11  codons and one allele changes a splice site acceptor site.
12   The other two alleles change a splice site acceptor site.
13 hrough its impact on the conformation of the acceptor site.
14 rosylcysteine at Cys-145, which is the alkyl acceptor site.
15 six changes is likely to create a new splice acceptor site.
16 -708,906 derivative binds selectively to the acceptor site.
17 t in vitro substrate by exposing its phospho-acceptor site.
18 (-2)--> G substitution at the exon 14 splice acceptor site.
19 at is generated by the use of an alternative acceptor site.
20 5 and Lys 29 on ubiquitin is the major ISG15 acceptor site.
21  in NZB mice, which generates a novel splice acceptor site.
22 ion and mutating the COOLAIR proximal splice acceptor site.
23 a previously unreported mutation in a splice acceptor site.
24 es, with its evolutionary origin as a splice acceptor site.
25 dification at a single functionally critical acceptor site.
26 k1 as the evolutionarily conserved ubiquitin acceptor site.
27 on site in K(2P)3.1 and K(2P)9.1 is a glycan acceptor site.
28  Rac1 was identified as a polyubiquitination acceptor site.
29 ecific toward hydrophobic amino acids at the acceptor site.
30 s ensured by the presence of rigid donor and acceptor sites.
31 for MS analysis and for mapping of ubiquitin acceptor sites.
32 n, and alternative usage of splice donor and acceptor sites.
33  to identify point mutations in splice donor/acceptor sites.
34 dentified T24 and S29 as the primary phospho-acceptor sites.
35 contain numerous functional splice donor and acceptor sites.
36 ts that PmHAS contains at least two distinct acceptor sites.
37 80 to 120 bases away from the ends of splice acceptor sites.
38  also enriched in introns with weak donor or acceptor sites.
39 ree minor, Gln105, Gln783, and Gln830, amine acceptor sites.
40 the hydrophobicity at the EF helix beta6 Val acceptor sites.
41 ons to multiple alternative splice donor and acceptor sites.
42  found to be strongly favored as integration acceptor sites.
43 mbon's rule (GT-AG) for the splice donor and acceptor sites.
44 te or significantly weaken adjacent donor or acceptor sites.
45 G-1 break off internally at splice donor and acceptor sites.
46 nd Lys-91 within survivin serve as ubiquitin acceptor sites.
47 y transfer for an electron between donor and acceptor sites.
48 achieve N-glycosylation of cysteine proximal acceptor sites.
49 hyperglycosylated on cryptic N-linked glycan acceptor sites.
50  to facilitate access of STT3B to unmodified acceptor sites.
51 orylation of NCAM1 on a cluster of cytosolic acceptor sites.
52 ates, both in the acyl donor and in the acyl acceptor sites.
53 -proximal lysine 273 as one of the potential acceptor sites.
54 role of the protein milieu between donor and acceptor sites.
55 e among the residues identified as ubiquitin acceptor sites.
56                                    A cryptic acceptor site -100 nucleotide within intron 13 is used i
57                 There are alternative splice acceptor sites, 3 base pairs apart, which account for th
58 ide polymorphism in the XPC intron 11 splice acceptor site (58% C in 97 normals) decreased its inform
59 rmality leading to the use of an alternative acceptor site 8 bp downstream of the normal site, result
60 n of 16S ribosomal RNA in the aminoacyl tRNA acceptor site (A-site).
61 nce of three defects; a suboptimal 3' splice acceptor site, a suboptimal 5' splice donor site and the
62                       The activity of the 3' acceptor site A7 is tightly regulated through a complex
63 markedly reduced whereas that of alternative acceptor sites (AA) is significantly increased post-fert
64 ion results in the loss of the exon 2 splice acceptor site, absence of exon 2 from the CP49 mRNA, and
65 o identify the splice donor sites and splice acceptor sites accurately and quickly, a deep sparse aut
66 ealed that serine serves as a new ADP-ribose acceptor site across the proteome.
67 e-leaving group of lipid II, and E100 in the acceptor site acts as general base for the 4-OH of GlcNA
68 fficient cotranslational glycosylation of an acceptor site adjacent to the N-terminal signal sequence
69 axation times at the favored carbonyl oxygen acceptor sites also have the largest order in the upper
70  These products are derived from alternative acceptor sites, alternative donor sites, and retained in
71 e env-like ORF begins with a putative splice acceptor site and encodes a protein with a predicted cen
72 r elevated temperature but alternative donor/acceptor site and exon skipping are mainly induced, indi
73  and Ser-259 serve as a PKC-specific phospho-acceptor site and that phosphorylation of this motif is
74 omplex with ACV at the nucleoside phosphoryl acceptor site and UDP at the phosphoryl donor site.
75 c domain alone, and concerted recognition of acceptor sites and adjacent GalNAc-glycosylated sites by
76 e isoforms nearly always possess alternative acceptor sites and exhibit particularly weak polypyrimid
77  and Lys-19 in hsTAF12 as the primary SUMO-1 acceptor sites and show that SUMO conjugation has no det
78  return only those with valid putative donor/acceptor sites and start/stop codons'.
79 osin binding protein-C (1 nonsense, 1 splice acceptor site, and 3 missense), cardiac troponin I (2 mi
80  allele (SNP rs12252-C) that alters a splice acceptor site, and functional assays show the minor CC g
81  These structures reveal the location of the acceptor site, and the molecular determinants of substra
82 uired mutations at or adjacent to the splice acceptor site, and three others had acquired dual mutati
83  that identified hydrophobic regions, H-bond acceptor sites, and an ionizable (cationic) feature as k
84 and GUK domains contained the main ubiquitin acceptor sites, and deletion of a Hook domain (an import
85  solvent competition for hydrogen bond donor/acceptor sites, and simplicity of structure.
86 ne residues in Tat can function as ubiquitin acceptor sites, and variable combinations of these lysin
87 cal trans-acting factors and Gap1p ubiquitin acceptor sites are involved in both processes, we define
88 ibit increased reactivity when the donor and acceptor sites are perfectly aligned.
89 l domain of the IL-22R serves as a ubiquitin acceptor site as disruption of this site by deletion or
90 he rate of heat exchange among the donor and acceptor sites as functions of the temperature differenc
91 int sequences, polypyrimidine tracts, and 3' acceptor sites (ASs) for each.
92 mplementarity between the RNA primer and the acceptor site at DR2 in HBV.
93 ssive points within intron 1 well before the acceptor site at exon 2 is made.
94  a 52 bp exon with a non-canonical 3' splice acceptor site at its 5' end and an internal 3' splice ac
95 onor site at nucleotide (nt) 226, the splice acceptor site at nt 409, or a TATAA box at nt 7890.
96 or region near the 5' end of the pgRNA to an acceptor site at or near the P AUG, and the shunt accept
97 tide repeat (TPR) domains that bind a common acceptor site at the carboxyl terminus of Hsp90.
98 G1 and is located between alternative splice acceptor sites at the 5' end of exon 2; its inclusion or
99                        There are no splicing acceptor sites at the PTP-oc transcription site.
100 sequences, named omega and located 3' of the acceptor site, base pairs with phi to contribute to the
101 ggested to function as a potential ubiquitin acceptor site based on the fact that previous studies ha
102 the hydrophobicity of the EF helix beta6 Val acceptor sites (beta73 Leu).
103              By changing the donor sequence, acceptor sites between genomic nt 33 and 97 (identical b
104 nism by which the lectin domain enables free acceptor sites binding of glycopeptides into the catalyt
105 albeit not due to c.594-2A > C impairing the acceptor site but rather by c.641A > G modifying exon 10
106 all localization scores for ADP-ribosylation acceptor sites but also boosts ADP-ribosylated peptide i
107 fied the possible lysine donor and glutamine acceptor sites but have failed to define the respective
108 hment of ESEs is associated with weak splice acceptor sites but not weak donor sites.
109 the hydrophobicity of the EF helix beta6 Val acceptor sites by the beta73 Asp to Leu or Asn changes d
110  amino acid residues surrounding the phospho-acceptor site can effect the specific activity of the ki
111 study, providing evidence that U12-dependent acceptor sites can also be recognized by the U2-type spl
112 dependent glycosylation of cysteine-proximal acceptor sites can be reduced by eliminating cysteine re
113 h to last cysteine, the putative S-acylation acceptor site, causes a dramatic change in AGG2 but not
114  allele enhances the use of a cryptic splice acceptor site, causing the introduction of a premature t
115 site at its 5' end and an internal 3' splice acceptor site consensus 45 bp downstream.
116  arginine residues N-terminal to the phospho-acceptor site, creating a better DAPK-1 peptide consensu
117 ted in alkyl transfer including the cysteine acceptor site (Cys145), the O6-alkylguanine binding pock
118 activity and mutation of the phosphorylation-acceptor sites deregulates p53 Ser46 phosphorylation and
119 ely 3' to the predicted FMO6 intron 8 splice acceptor site, diminishing the efficiency of this site.
120 silicate chains which serve as hydrogen-bond acceptor sites, directionally orienting the hydrogen ato
121  polyUb of A3F and A3G can occur at multiple acceptor sites dispersed along predicted lysine-enriched
122 ansfer of the primer generated at DR1 to the acceptor site (DR2) near the opposite end of the minus-s
123 to arginine mutations of the identified SUMO acceptor sites drastically inhibited LEDGF SUMOylation,
124 ition to observe differential effects at the acceptor site due to the nature of the nucleotide at the
125 n the splice donor site (E6SD) or the splice acceptor site (E6SA), a deletion of the intron (E6ID), o
126 enting Drp1 SUMOylation by mutating the SUMO acceptor sites enhances binding to Mff.
127  Fet3-Ftr1 lacking cytosolic lysyl ubiquitin acceptor sites, Fet3-Ftr1 is constitutively sorted into
128 cine (G) at position 2, which is a potential acceptor site for a myristoyl moiety.
129  An SNP located 18 bp upstream of the splice-acceptor site for exon 3 was observed in 7 of the 226 pa
130 ous mutation (G>T) in intron 3 at the splice acceptor site for exon 4, leading to a frameshift with p
131 ng epithelial cells through lysine 183 as an acceptor site for K48 polyubiquitination.
132 where the inhibitor moenomycin binds) and an acceptor site for lipid II substrate.
133 he catalytic site for O2 reduction or to the acceptor site for pumped protons.
134 55 in PIPKIgamma acts as the major ubiquitin acceptor site for Smurf1.
135 of the NY-ESO-1 cancer/testis antigen as the acceptor site for the formation of canonical Lys-48-link
136  translocation, and subsequently acts as the acceptor site for the second template switch, termed cir
137 sis demonstrated that Gln20 is a major amine acceptor site for the transglutaminase reaction and conf
138  a single base pair difference at the splice acceptor site for the truncated product.
139  of the protein also served as a major amine acceptor site for transglutaminase and mediated self-ass
140            These results show that crossover acceptor sites for discontinuous transcription (i) need
141 ing requirements distinct from the donor and acceptor sites for human hepatitis B virus (HBV) was lac
142  The NDV-BC F protein contains six potential acceptor sites for N-linked glycosylation at residues 85
143 tide sequences around the splicing donor and acceptor sites for PB2-S1 were highly conserved among pr
144 al carbons, C-3 and C-22/C-20, as the atomic acceptor sites for the methyl additions to squalene and
145                     Mutagenesis of potential acceptor sites for ubiquitination in the cytosolic domai
146 upport that the nuclear matrix binding site (acceptor site) for PR in the c-myc gene promoter is comp
147 utility of this HAC, which has a unique gene acceptor site, for delivery of full-length genes and cor
148 icing that are subsequent to terminal splice acceptor site function, but before catalysis, have littl
149 ad been previously structurally defined, the acceptor site had not.
150            Most alternative splice donor and acceptor sites had a relatively high information content
151  in BCR variable regions, of N-glycosylation acceptor sites harboring unusual high-mannose oligosacch
152 es and pyridine ligands equipped with H-bond acceptor sites have allowed systematic quantification of
153        These isoforms differ in their splice acceptor sites; human MPI is translated into a polygluta
154 ence of an additional hydrogen bond donor or acceptor site (i.e., the presence of a heteroatom-hydrog
155 1A) splices exclusively to a weaker internal acceptor site in exon 2, skipping a fragment designated
156 rnative use of 5' splice sites with the same acceptor site in intron 3.
157  is associated with a mutation at the splice acceptor site in intron 4.
158 tructural similarity to IscU, and the sulfur-acceptor site in SufE coincides with the location of the
159 n phosphorylate TRF2 in vitro at a consensus acceptor site in the amino-terminal basic domain of TRF2
160  POMGnT1 is dependent on the location of the acceptor site in the context of the underlying polypepti
161 -II, which has a single, conserved ubiquitin acceptor site in the cytosolic domain, we found that mul
162          We demonstrate that the major ISG15 acceptor site in the NS1A protein in infected cells is a
163 plore the role of Thr(95), another phosphate acceptor site in the PDZ I domain, on hormone-mediated r
164 lavin hydride donor site and quinone hydride acceptor site in the QPAs, an observation that is in agr
165 eam or downstream of the wild-type 3' splice acceptor site in this intergenic region.
166 e promoter system linked to intron donor and acceptor sites in a new binary vector configuration.
167 te that internal lysines are the dominant Ub acceptor sites in both A3F and A3G.
168  to involve a docking of the metal donor and acceptor sites in close proximity to one another.
169 acks MagT1, allows efficient modification of acceptor sites in cysteine-rich protein domains before d
170 ompletely abolished when all three phosphate acceptor sites in domain I or both sites in domain II we
171                           The use of cryptic acceptor sites in exon 5 occurred in transcripts in whic
172          Our data therefore reveal ubiquitin acceptor sites in FLNa and establish that ASB2alpha-medi
173 nisms revealed a lower density of C-terminal acceptor sites in glycoproteins because of reduced posit
174         In addition, like HDAC1, the phospho-acceptor sites in HDAC2 are located in the C-terminal po
175 nd/or the use of alternative splice donor or acceptor sites in introns 3, 4, 6, and 8, resulting in n
176  the presence of nonequivalent hydrogen bond acceptor sites in molecular structures are addressed by
177 tive of the presence or absence of ubiquitin acceptor sites in PFV Gag.
178 ns modulate the energy gap between donor and acceptor sites in protein electron transfer reactions.
179 cm sumoylation because mutations in the SUMO acceptor sites in Scm enhance its recruitment to the PRE
180                       Mutation of these SUMO acceptor sites in Sharp-1 does not impact its subcellula
181 lylation and serve as better recognition and acceptor sites in the polysialylation process than those
182 ferential p65 phosphorylation on four serine acceptor sites in the Rel homology domain for the expres
183 ferases, each containing a donor site and an acceptor site, in one polypeptide.
184 equired for glycosylation of STT3B-dependent acceptor sites including those that are closely brackete
185 tion of multiple carboxyl-terminal phosphate acceptor sites, including threonine 370, serine 375, and
186 changes to consensus UL37x1 donor and UL37x2 acceptor sites increased the efficiency of UL37x1-UL37x2
187 r(47) within histone H4 serves as a putative acceptor site, indicative of Lpcat1-mediated O-palmitoyl
188 el pathway by which glycosylation of cryptic acceptor sites influences the function and fate of an ER
189                                   The splice acceptor site is at -45 relative to the initiating atg.
190        We demonstrate that a terminal splice acceptor site is essential to establish coupling with th
191 UHRF1, but not by UHRF1 in which the phospho-acceptor site is mutated, demonstrating that UHRF1 phosp
192  phosphate and the local architecture of the acceptor site is perturbed.
193 ne splice-site mutation involving the exon 9 acceptor site (IVS8 -1G-->C) were detected.
194 as shown to be L-selective at both donor and acceptor sites ((L)C(L)) by site-directed mutagenesis st
195 n of a novel intra-exonic pre-mRNA 3' splice acceptor site leading to in-frame loss of 27 nucleotides
196         beta-TrCP ubiquitinates LPCAT1 at an acceptor site (Lys(221)), as substitution of Lys(221) wi
197 damage, the Rad6-Rad18 complex, the putative acceptor site (lysine 197), and loading of the complex o
198 raint, the sequence context of the potential acceptor site may have an important role in 3' splice si
199 n insertion, while CHG methylation at splice acceptor sites may inhibit RNA splicing.
200 e-exome capture revealed a homozygous splice acceptor site mutation (c.698G>T) in the renal Mg(2+) tr
201 tem and we have characterized a novel splice-acceptor site mutation in patched2 that results in enhan
202 describe a new mouse model carrying a splice acceptor site mutation in Rpgrip1, herein referred to as
203 sulfides can interfere with glycosylation of acceptor sites (NXT/S) in nascent polypeptides.
204 nor site within the first exon to the splice acceptor site of exon 2.
205 contribute to splicing, was low only for the acceptor site of exon II, which is preceded by a region
206 -3Galbeta-O-naphthalenemethanol binds to the acceptor site of human beta1-4-galactosyltransferase muc
207          The mutation appeared at the splice-acceptor site of intron 12, resulted in the skipping of
208 s (GRMD), a point mutation within the splice acceptor site of intron 6 leads to deletion of exon 7 fr
209 on of the A in the AG dinucleotide of the 3' acceptor site of intron 9.
210  of cured cells and that the major phosphate acceptor site of subtype 1b NS5A is not essential for HC
211  with modified sequences containing the SUMO-acceptor site of target proteins.
212 nic mutation, g.31701T>A, in the last splice acceptor site of the adenosine deaminase (ADA) gene.
213 ocated 80 nucleotides upstream of the splice acceptor site of the downstream exon E10) is composed of
214 f surface water and the excess hydrogen-bond acceptor sites of 1-butanol.
215 ition, mutation of all the known sumoylation acceptor sites of AR does not affect the transrepression
216 tensive consensus sequences at the donor and acceptor sites of longer introns.
217 lybasic motif proximal to the palmitoylation acceptor sites of R7BP mediates nuclear localization, pa
218 h copper donor sites of CCS and the His-rich acceptor sites of SOD1 to form a copper-bridged intermed
219  that can discriminate between the donor and acceptor sites of the PGTs.
220  assess the contribution of splice donor and acceptor sites of transposon sequences, we inserted a Ds
221  PNP indicate that nearly every H-bond donor/acceptor site on the inhibitor is fully engaged in favor
222 s of YdiB, in close proximity to the hydride acceptor site on the nicotinamide ring.
223 ratricopeptide repeat (TPR) domains to a TPR acceptor site on the ubiquitous and essential protein ch
224 find that the I kappa B kinase (IKK) phospho-acceptor sites on I kappa B alpha, core components of th
225 neered neutralizing mutations of PKA phospho-acceptor sites on MEF2D (S121/190A).
226 identification of well defined hydrogen bond acceptor sites on the anions by a combination of experim
227                                 The electron acceptor sites on the montmorillonite are postulated to
228 ey affect splicing by creating cryptic donor-acceptor sites or by disturbing exonic splicing enhancer
229 oding variation, variants in splice donor or acceptor sites, or copy number variation events were obs
230          Removal of the N-terminal myristate acceptor site partially reduced McCPK1 plasma membrane (
231                    Here, we investigated the acceptor-site preferences for 23 homologs with natural s
232 owed unique, as yet unknown, rules governing acceptor-site preferences.
233 ce donor site in conjunction with the splice acceptor site present between intron 8 and exon 9 result
234 inoacyl donor site) adjacent to an aminoacyl acceptor site provided by a covalently tethered amino ac
235 uinones in the primary and secondary quinone acceptor sites, Q(A) and Q(B), which exhibit very differ
236 ce between the branch site adenosine and the acceptor site ranges from 10 to 39 nt, significantly lon
237            The mutation creates a new splice acceptor site resulting in aberrant OPA1 transcripts wit
238 terminal exon by selection of an alternative acceptor site, resulting in an isoform, FE65a2, with an
239 B and 1C always splice to the stronger first acceptor site, retaining exon 2'.
240 eless, accurate assignment of the ADP-ribose acceptor site(s) within the modified proteins identified
241                      We identified 5' splice-acceptor sites (SAS) and polyadenylation sites (PAS) for
242           However, a better understanding of acceptor site selection could help to predict ubiquitina
243 ecular interactions between H-bond donor and acceptor sites separated by a variable linker.
244 er appreciably from the geometric donor-site/acceptor-site separation distances.
245  the information content of splice donor and acceptor site sequences, and discuss possible explanatio
246 y in which the sequence flanking the phospho-acceptor site (Ser.Pro.X.Arg/Lys) is recognized by CDK2,
247  two newly discovered serine phosphorylation acceptor sites, Ser106 and Ser110, effectively abolished
248 terized protein kinase (PK)A/PKC/PKG phospho-acceptor site Ser1928.
249 of bacterial OSTs follow their own rules for acceptor-site specificity, thereby expanding the glycoen
250 ntage is taken of the approximate donor-site/acceptor-site symmetry, in the context of a Newton-Cave
251 , unbiased proteomic approach to identify Ub acceptor sites targeted by Vif.
252 for retrovirus viability, such as a splicing acceptor site, TATA box and polyA addition signal sequen
253 ment for repeated sequences at the donor and acceptor sites, template switching requires at least thr
254 se promotes the isomerization by means of an acceptor site that binds glucose after its cleavage from
255 m portion of this element harbors a decoy 3' acceptor site that engages in nonproductive commitment c
256 vidence that this sequence acts as a "decoy" acceptor site that engages in U2 snRNP-dependent but non
257 t is consistent with blocking the tryptophan acceptor site that is thought to be necessary for Dsg-me
258 as well-structured activation loop phosphate acceptor sites that are positioned next to the catalytic
259 ition, less is known about the downstream Ub acceptor sites that are targeted.
260  enhancers between polypyrimidine tracts and acceptor sites that bind nSR100 to potently activate exo
261 e antisense orientation, they provide splice acceptor sites that can result in incorporation of novel
262 t of the relationships between the donor and acceptor sites that could facilitate use of a cryptic do
263 m the P-element insertions containing splice acceptor sites that create alternative processing pathwa
264 transfer many diverse glycan structures, the acceptor sites that it recognizes are restricted predomi
265   Carboxylic acid dimers have exposed H-bond acceptor sites that solvate H-bond donor solutes with a
266   The alcohol aggregates have exposed H-bond acceptor sites that solvate H-bond donor solutes with si
267 sites (donor sites) and six 3' splice sites (acceptor sites) that are highly conserved in other papil
268 mers of mutants in the previously identified acceptor site, the donor site, or the catalytic site wer
269 moethane by reacting with it at its cysteine acceptor site to form a highly reactive half-mustard, wh
270  the idea that GCN1 binds near the ribosomal acceptor site to promote GCN2 activation by uncharged tR
271 of a flexible helix that bridges the phospho-acceptor site to the rigid PNT domain.
272 nly essential near the chromophore donor and acceptor sites to ensure large NLO responses.
273 ' half of epsilon to juxtapose the donor and acceptor sites to facilitate the first-strand template s
274 llow sequential scanning of polypeptides for acceptor sites to insure the maximal efficiency of N-gly
275 ithin silicone oil and provide hydrogen bond acceptor sites to interact with acid functional drug mol
276 enthusiasm for the amenability of APOBEC3 Ub acceptor sites to therapeutic intervention.
277 tyrosine phosphorylation on specific phospho-acceptor site (Tyr-438) within the plekstrin homology do
278 The c.193-14 G-->A mutation creates a splice-acceptor site upstream of exon 3, resulting in a transcr
279 enesis was examined by eliminating potential acceptor sites using a reverse genetics system for the m
280             Analysis of the splice donor and acceptor sites using an information theory-based approac
281 quent integration of BAC constructs into the acceptor sites, utilizing the loxP and lox511 sites pres
282 lecules that present hydrogen-bond donor and acceptor sites via a carboxamide group, and a DNA base,
283       A small ubiquitin-like modifier (SUMO) acceptor site was recently described in human RXRalpha,
284  relay inserted between the proton donor and acceptor sites was studied electrochemically.
285 s that could function as potential ubiquitin acceptor sites, we found that only three (Lys501, Lys525
286  mutants in which residues near the cysteine acceptor site were replaced by corresponding residues fr
287 env transcripts and various splice donor and acceptor sites were detected in breast cancers.
288 esent in the same subunit that contained the acceptor site, whereas the donor site had to be provided
289                                   The splice acceptor site which generates env mRNA has been mapped e
290 er, the amide aggregates have exposed H-bond acceptor sites, which solvate H-bond donor solutes with
291 ine, which indicates that OU749 occupies the acceptor site while binding to the gamma-glutamyl substr
292         The canyon is divided into donor and acceptor sites with the catalytic residues at their junc
293 n ISCU that likely strengthens a weak splice acceptor site, with consequent exon retention.
294 licing variant STAT3beta uses an alternative acceptor site within exon 23 that leads to a truncated i
295 ary USF2 transcript using a cryptic splicing acceptor site within exon 6.
296 s to the side chain contains a hydrogen bond acceptor site within the plane of the ring.
297 een different types and numbers of donor and acceptor sites within a given IL.
298 entation methods when determining ADP-ribose acceptor sites within complex cellular samples.
299  and an even smaller amount in which cryptic acceptor sites within exon 5 were used.
300 describe two previously non-reported phospho-acceptor sites within the p65 RHD.

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