コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)
1 n diets, and none of the uremic animals were acidotic.
2 blood analysis revealed that they are mildly acidotic.
4 renal cortex of rats that were made acutely acidotic also exhibit a similar increase in binding to t
9 dosis would explain the predominance of this acidotic change; however, no increase in plasma volume o
10 I3-K/Akt pathway was evaluated in muscles of acidotic, CKD and pair-fed control rats under physiologi
12 urrent (INa) amplitude compared to WT; under acidotic conditions (pH 7.0) typically found with hypoxi
15 roximately half of the inhibition was due to acidotic effects of NMDA-mediated currents, as demonstra
16 ral corticosteroids to all patients with non-acidotic exacerbations of COPD requiring hospital admiss
18 bioenergetically more active, hypoxemic, and acidotic femoral circulation (P<0.05 versus cerebral).
19 = 0 hr), and at death (7.0 +/- 0.3 hrs) were acidotic, hypocapnic, and hypothermic (rectal temperatur
22 bicarbonate reabsorption but are only mildly acidotic owing to reduced glomerular filtration rate and
23 ignificantly more hypercarbic (p < 0.01) and acidotic (p < 0.01) than those undergoing conventional l
26 e early use of NIV for mildly and moderately acidotic patients with COPD in the general ward setting
30 7.4) and during 45 minutes of perfusion with acidotic (pH 6.0) Tyrode's solution with (n=8) and witho
31 ere was a 61% higher H flux in segments from acidotic rabbits (11.3+/-0.2 vs. 7.0+/-0.2 pmol/min per
33 larized to total retinal area was smaller in acidotic rats (94%+/-4% versus 96%+/-2%, P < 0.001).
36 y in brush border membranes from control and acidotic rats is mediated by NHE3 and that metabolic aci
40 ntly increased by 50% in livers from uremic, acidotic rats; bicarbonate administration prevented the
42 infarct (P < 0.0001), which in turn was more acidotic than hypoperfused tissue that survived (P < 0.0
43 on channel 1 which, when activated under the acidotic tissue conditions found in inflammatory lesions
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