


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 n of EPI64 and EPI64B in isolated pancreatic acini.
2 repress HNF6 and are expressed in developing acini.
3 astoma cells and in three-dimensional MCF10A acini.
4 ls formed enlarged and poorly differentiated acini.
5 ltons [SNAP23], and VAMP2) in rat pancreatic acini.
6 t cohesively as they divide to assemble into acini.
7  apical polarity longitudinally for the same acini.
8 ng remained quiescent within growth-arrested acini.
9 on CCK-8-stimulated exocytosis in pancreatic acini.
10 rchitecture of silicon rubber casts of mouse acini.
11 to enlarged, disorganized, three-dimensional acini.
12 dent model of cell damage for salivary gland acini.
13 ease from lacrimal gland pieces but not from acini.
14 S results in lumen-filled mammary epithelial acini.
15 onents of this pathway in rat lacrimal gland acini.
16  pieces or digested with collagenase to form acini.
17 ignant cell lines compared with nonmalignant acini.
18  as has been observed in Her2/Neu-expressing acini.
19 uced by the epithelial cells of the prostate acini.
20 hile no significant changes were observed in acini.
21 ne, develop from single cells into polarized acini.
22 iciently than cells harvested from uninduced acini.
23 tic peptides and fibroblast growth factor on acini.
24 oked oscillatory Ca(2+) increases across the acini.
25 GEF III, were identified in mouse pancreatic acini.
26 ranching ducts ending in hollow, sphere-like acini.
27 s and accelerated lumen formation in mammary acini.
28 structs of these proteins into permeabilized acini.
29 is significantly reduced Ad5 transduction of acini.
30 tions of lymphocytes from periductal foci to acini.
31 and apoptosis during morphogenesis of MCF10A acini.
32 OS was present in the nerves surrounding the acini.
33 ymphatic vessels located close to and around acini.
34 ion and could not form or maintain polarized acini.
35 rotein secretion was increased in transduced acini.
36  gamma(-/-) acini but not in p110 gamma(+/-) acini.
37 rptive function of Na/K-ATPase in the type I acini.
38 n by suppressing fluid transport in type III acini.
39 ctures opening towards the lumen in type-III acini.
40 large, lobular structures rather than hollow acini.
41 body and extended to the apical parts of the acini.
42 etion and increased the number of functional acini.
43 hose previously observed in dispersed rodent acini.
44  disrupted ductal tree and a >90% deficit of acini.
45 d tubule formation and stunted the growth of acini.
46 and survival in the luminal space of mammary acini.
47 tis-causing treatments as observed in rodent acini.
48 hrough differentiation of the PanIN cells to acini, accompanied by re-expression of the acinar transc
49 tical role in the regeneration of pancreatic acini after resection.
50   The image-based segmentation of individual acini allowed the computation of acinar volume and surfa
51 111 reorganizes mammary cells into polarized acini, allowing both the exposure of the prolactin recep
52 etected in cells and in the apical region of acini along AQP5.
53                                        Human acini also secreted inflammatory mediators elevated in a
54                                   VAMP8(-/-) acini also showed a >90% decrease in the early endosomal
55  examined in rats (1) in vitro with isolated acini and (2) in vivo with an acid challenge.
56  were fully mechanically isolated from other acini and also from the bulk gel by box-cuts with a side
57                   In isolated rat pancreatic acini and AR42J cells, we determined the effect of tumor
58 analysis revealed restriction of CEACAM20 to acini and CEACAM1 to tubule structures, respectively.
59 lrECM prevents formation of organized breast acini and disrupts growth arrest.
60 found differentially expressed in the serous acini and duct cells of all major salivary glands.
61 d PKA activation in both isolated pancreatic acini and duct fragments.
62 xpressed protein was localized to pancreatic acini and ductal cells.
63 C6 and AC9 were expressed in both pancreatic acini and ducts, whereas AC7 was expressed only in pancr
64 could be localized to the stroma surrounding acini and ducts.
65 eral AC isoforms are expressed in pancreatic acini and ducts.
66 posed of 2 secretory compartments, including acini and granular ducts connected by intercalated ducts
67 he stalk region) identities that produce the acini and higher order ducts, respectively.
68 c central neurons innervating salivary gland acini and identify different neuropeptides and their pre
69 of D52 followed by Rab5 and EEA1 in isolated acini and in in vivo The loss of D52 occurred as a conse
70 ed by high cyclin E both in cultured mammary acini and in mammary epithelial tissues in a mouse model
71 herent rotation is present in normal mammary acini and kidney cells but absent in cancerous cells.
72  polarity are essential for the formation of acini and link the functional relevance of CAMo to the e
73 ar effects to those found in Dicer-deficient acini and metaplastic cells, namely induction of HNF6 an
74  PI3K/AKT signaling, is overexpressed in the acini and PDAC of Pdx1-Cre;Kras(G12D/+);p53(f/+) (PKC) m
75                                   Pancreatic acini and peripheral blood mononuclear cells were expose
76 the disruption of architecture in epithelial acini and suggest that ERK1/2 can promote noninvasive mo
77 pressed in a subset of normal prostate gland acini and that Dkk-3 expression is reduced in prostate t
78  penton base, stimulated macropinocytosis in acini and that inhibition of macropinocytosis significan
79 l death responses in mouse and human primary acini and the acinar cell line AR42J.
80 cholinergic receptors in isolated pancreatic acini and the mechanisms responsible for other neurotran
81  of dynamic processes, e.g., the polarity of acini and the merging of polarized structures, upon tran
82  extracellular matrix (lrECM) form polarized acini and, in doing so, transit from a disorganized prol
83 ls, becoming highly prominent in peritumoral acini, and particularly high in acinar ductal metaplasia
84 prived cells in the luminal space of mammary acini, and the discovery that antioxidants facilitate th
85  as well as basolateral regions of ducts and acini; and (ii) OAG stimulated Ca2+ influx into disperse
86 cytosis processes in cultured rat pancreatic acini (apical blockade, basolateral exocytosis, and fusi
87 d debris (50.9%), gland dropout (42.8%), and acini appearance (54.5%).
88 ical outcomes ranged from fair agreement for acini appearance (kappa(w) = 0.23, 95% CI = 0.14-0.32) a
89 ading in a real-time examination compared to acini appearance and lid debris.
90 tion of partial glands in the lower lid, and acini appearance by the presence/absence of grape-like c
91 raphy grading of meibomian gland atrophy and acini appearance, and slit-lamp grading of lid debris an
92               Primary cultures of pancreatic acini appropriately responded to secretagogue stimulatio
93 3 zeta overexpression severely disrupted the acini architecture resulting in luminal filling.
94                                   Pancreatic acini are completely devoid of zymogen granules, and the
95                                   VAMP8(-/-) acini are resistant to secretory inhibition by supramaxi
96 ssion in single cells in organotypic mammary acini as a model to elucidate the processes by which onc
97 r expression is inhibited in Dicer-deficient acini, as well as in pancreatitis-induced metaplasia.
98                                  Interacting acini begin to disorganize within 12.5 +/- 4.7 h in a sp
99                                           As acini begin to form, PTEN accumulates both in the cytopl
100 t in G0-G1 and differentiated into polarized acini between days 5 and 7.
101  fibroblast growth factor) to induce mammary acini branching, indicative of a more invasive fibroblas
102 on of SOX2 results in a failure to establish acini but not ducts.
103  activation was inhibited in p110 gamma(-/-) acini but not in p110 gamma(+/-) acini.
104 sitive myoepithelial cells were found in the acini but not in the normal ducts or dacryops epithelium
105 construction and quantitative study of whole acini by image analysis and stereologic methods, yieldin
106             Inhibition of miRNA synthesis in acini by inactivation of Dicer and pancreatitis-induced
107             Thus, pairs or groups of mammary acini can interact mechanically over long distances thro
108 ial tissues such as kidney tubules or breast acini, cells organize into bidimensional monolayers expe
109                                              Acini coexpressing receptor and ligand exhibit a dramati
110 d is then highly upregulated in all cells of acini, coincident with detection of apoptosis in the cen
111 I-MEC) proliferated to produce new secretory acini composed of secretory luminal cells and myoepithel
112 xin to cleave VAMP2 in VAMP8 knock-out (-/-) acini confirmed that VAMP2 and -8 are the primary VAMPs
113 nesis to form a complex secretory organ with acini connected to an extensive ductal system.
114 tioning units (hepatic plates and pancreatic acini) connected to the ductal tree.
115 as was acinar metaplasia in which individual acini consisted of acinar cells and duct-like cells.
116                                The resulting acini contained prominent central lumina not observed wh
117                         In AR42J and primary acini, CSE+EtOH induced cell death (necrosis and apoptos
118 ne-treated primary three-dimensional mammary acini cultures.
119  found that cyclin E deregulation in mammary acini decreases, in an E2F-independent manner, expressio
120             The phenotype of Dicer-deficient acini depends on the induction of HNF6; overexpression o
121 ated invasiveness and disrupted formation of acini despite continued E-cad expression.
122 that do not interact mechanically with other acini disorganize more slowly (in 21.8 +/- 4.1 h) and to
123  factor deprivation, Cav-1-deficient mammary acini displayed increased ERalpha levels and enhanced se
124 ar morphogenesis, and induction in preformed acini disrupted the pre-established acinar architecture
125                                Without PDX1, acini do not form; the precursor epithelium continues to
126                                    Using the acini-ductal network of the developing human and murine
127          Zymogen activation, observed within acini early during acute pancreatitis for a long time, w
128     Inducible activation of ERK1/2 in mature acini elicits cell motility and disrupts epithelial arch
129     When MYC and Kras(G12D) are induced, the acini enlarge and form solid, depolarized spheres.
130  polarized, growth-attenuated, multicellular acini, enveloped by a continuous endogenous BM.
131 titis, Munc18c-depleted (Munc18c(+/-)) mouse acini exhibited a reduction in pathological basolateral
132                    As in rodent acini, human acini exposed to toxic concentrations of CCh and tauroli
133                                   Pancreatic acini express the complexin 2 isoform by RT-PCR and immu
134            In the presence of TN-C, however, acini failed to generate a normal BM, and net epithelial
135                           Mammary epithelial acini features were compared using OP or EP under condit
136 e utilizing MCF10A mammary epithelial cells, acini form due to integrin-dependent polarization and su
137     The ectopic expression of Runx2 disrupts acini formation, and electron microscopic ultrastructura
138  premature growth arrest during mammary cell acini formation, whereas Amot130 (S175A)-expressing cell
139                         Pancreatic ducts and acini from control mice and early-stage PanINs from KPC
140                        Proteomic analysis of acini from donors of diverse ethnicity showed similar pr
141 27A, but dependent on Rab27B, as shown using acini from genetically modified mice.
142               Here, we found that pancreatic acini from Munc18c-depleted mice (Munc18c(+/-)) and huma
143                                              Acini from rat lacrimal gland were isolated by collagena
144 ed as image processing tools to discriminate acini from spheroids without any 3D reconstruction.
145   4D-live imaging of rotating MCF10A mammary acini further suggests an evolutionary conserved mechani
146 ve transcriptome analysis of human prostatic acini generated in a three-dimensional basement membrane
147 t Notch and ErbB1/2 both play a role in DCIS acini growth and stem cell activity.
148           The functions of these pathways in acini have been linked to mitogenesis, protein synthesis
149                                 As in rodent acini, human acini exposed to toxic concentrations of CC
150 nome-wide mRNA expression analysis of MCF10A acini identified 158 genes regulated by the mutant MYC a
151 ast cells leads to the formation of abnormal acini in 3D culture, but does not promote cell migration
152 : They exclude Hoechst dye 33342, and reform acini in 3D cultures and repopulate mammary fat pads mor
153 ed by the disruption of the morphogenesis of acini in a physiologically relevant three-dimensional mo
154 r in number and larger in size compared with acini in controls.
155  cell proliferation of mammary 3-dimensional acini in culture.
156                 Further contrasting with EP, acini in OP displayed cooperation between ErbB2 signalli
157 uction and enriched the number of functional acini in submandibular glands of irradiated animals and
158 mage processing tools to separate individual acini in the mouse lung.
159 ously, we have shown that patients with >40% acini in the pancreatic transection line are most prone
160 neutrophils were largely absent around gland acini in the submucosa.
161                            Growth of MCF-10A acini in three-dimensional (3D) culture was enhanced upo
162 n promotes a tumor cell phenotype of mammary acini in three-dimensional culture.
163 optosis in 14-3-3 zeta-overexpressing MCF10A acini in three-dimensional cultures.
164 F10A/p65 cells failed to form characteristic acini in three-dimensional Matrigel.
165                             Furthermore, the acini in transgenic mice were fewer in number and larger
166  with hollow lumen similar to normal mammary acini in vivo.
167 ifferentiated mammary epithelial structures (acini) in three-dimensional culture triggers the loss of
168 2+]i was measured using an imaging system in acini incubated with fura-2/AM.
169                       Analysis of VAMP8(-/-) acini indicated that although stimulated secretion was s
170  hyperproliferative and disorganized mammary acini induced by chronic stimulation of colony-stimulati
171 o mucous cells does not occur, nor are gland acini inflamed with neutrophils.
172 f recombinant complexin 2 into permeabilized acini inhibited Ca(2+)-stimulated secretion in a concent
173  these growth-arrested and polarized mammary acini initially led to reinitiation of cell proliferatio
174 antagonized the ability of Kras to reprogram acini into PDA preneoplastic precursors.
175               Suprastimulation of pancreatic acini is a well-known model for pancreatitis, and it is
176 is and find that Myc transgene expression in acini is much lower than in unorganized cells.
177 se that internalization of Ad5 into lacrimal acini is through a novel fiber-dependent mechanism that
178 iated by Na/K-ATPase in type III and type II acini, is followed by a dopamine-independent resorptive
179 esolve components in the pancreas, including acini, islets, blood vessels, and extracellular matrix.
180 formed ex vivo pancreatitis studies in human acini isolated from cadaveric pancreata from organ donor
181 sinogen activation were similarly reduced in acini isolated from p110 gamma(-/-) and p110 gamma(+/-)
182 activation were all diminished in pancreatic acini isolated from p110 gamma(-/-) mice.
183 r, conclusive evidence that human pancreatic acini lack functional CCK-A receptors has been presented
184 x (ECM), and the apoptosis of inner cells of acini lacking contact with the ECM.
185 n intensified the Vav2-induced disruption of acini, leading to more aggressive cell outgrowth and bra
186 ate glandular differentiation, we identified acini-like PCA and related molecular markers that signif
187 s (MCF-10A) form polarized, growth-arrested, acini-like structures with glandular architecture.
188 mers induced disruption of three-dimensional acini-like structures, only heterodimers promoted invasi
189 A human mammary epithelial cells form hollow acini-like structures, we have observed both caspase-med
190 expressing this profile, which we designated acini-like tumors, had a significantly lower risk of pos
191 roscopy subsequently revealed that polarized acini lipids were more ordered at the apical membranes c
192  imaging system, [Ca(2+)](i) was measured in acini loaded with fura-2.
193 resorptive function of Na/K-ATPase in type I acini located in the proximal end of the salivary duct.
194                                           In acini, lowering pHe from 7.6 to 6.8 enhanced secretagogu
195    In conclusion, human cadaveric pancreatic acini maintain physiological functions and have similar
196 anned, only the high-risk patients with >40% acini (n = 62) continued in the study to receive in tota
197 nitors that give rise to both new islets and acini normally after birth and after injury (ductal liga
198 In vitro experiments were performed in which acini obtained from wild-type and Gpbar1(-/-) mice were
199 bsent in normal mammary ducts, ductules, and acini of histologically normal breast and scanty in the
200 ducibly express active MLK3 in the preformed acini of MCF10A cells grown in 3D Matrigel.
201                 Paired arrays from ducts and acini of the five animals were scanned and analyzed with
202                                The ducts and acini of the human mammary gland are prototypical hetero
203 lammatory cell infiltration of the stroma or acini of the lacrimal glands and conjunctivae of both sa
204 l, we found that regression of the secretory acini of the mammary gland was compromised in the absenc
205 is study, the expression in mouse pancreatic acini of two candidate Tre-2/Bub2/Cdc16 (TBC) domain-con
206  amylase release were examined in pancreatic acini of wild type and Mist1 null mice to gain insight i
207  an immature stage, without the formation of acini or islets.
208 pherical or cylindrical cellular structures (acini or tubes).
209 reast cancer risk with increasing numbers of acini per lobule (P = .0004).
210 ast Disease Cohort, by determining number of acini per lobule and lobular area.
211                         These differences in acini phenotype observed between OP and EP highlight the
212 lated rat hepatocyte couplets and pancreatic acini, plus SkHep1 cells as nonpolarized controls.
213                                        Human acini preferentially expressed the muscarinic acetylchol
214 eliance on rodent models employing dispersed acini preparations.
215 f mutant mice was hypoplastic and individual acini produced few zymogen granules.
216 olarity in live breast glandular structures (acini) produced in three-dimensional cell culture.
217 o-basal polarity in normal breast epithelial acini requires a balance between cell proliferation, cel
218 basement membrane around mature, nonrotating acini restored rotational movement and the ability to as
219 -related C3 botulinum substrate) in ILK-null acini restored the lactation defect, indicating that RAC
220      The reduced Ca(2+) influx in TRPC3(-/-) acini resulted in reduced frequency of the physiologic C
221 5 penton base, fiber, and knob with lacrimal acini revealed that the penton base capsid protein remai
222 ons between acini were cut with a laser, the acini reverted to a slowly disorganizing phenotype.
223 l progenitors forming a network of ducts and acini (secretory cells).
224                                        In WT acini, short term (14-16 h) culture also results in a >9
225                                   VAMP8(-/-) acini show increased expression of the endosomal protein
226 ro studies using freshly prepared pancreatic acini show that genetic deletion of PAR2 reduces bile sa
227  of Ca2+ signaling in wild-type and Trpc3-/- acini showed that Pyr3 is a highly specific inhibitor of
228  this study we demonstrate that DAPT reduced acini size and mammosphere formation in MCF10DCIS.com wh
229                             Lapatinb reduced acini size and mammosphere formation in SUM225, whereas
230 nib treatment was more effective at reducing acini size in both DCIS cell lines.
231     Glandular tissues form ducts (tubes) and acini (spheres) in multicellular organisms.
232    Addition of fibronectin to differentiated acini stimulated proliferation and reversed growth arres
233  which can be studied in isolated pancreatic acini stimulated with supraphysiologic doses of cholecys
234 e mechanisms by which 14-3-3 zeta alters MEC acini structure and increases the risk of breast cancer.
235 nced proliferation and formation of aberrant acini structure in the three-dimensional culture.
236            Characterization of the disrupted acini structures showed increased cell proliferation (Ki
237 h in a spatially coordinated manner, whereas acini that do not interact mechanically with other acini
238 s, and that an inverse situation occurred in acini that lost apical polarity upon treatment with Ca(2
239      Here we use freshly isolated pancreatic acini that preserve the luminal structure to measure int
240 epithelial ductal networks that terminate in acini that together produce, transport and secrete saliv
241 qui parasites in the salivary gland granular acini, the parasites expressed levels of paralogous surf
242 specificity of targeting in 3D multicellular acini, these findings are promising and the approach mer
243 may inhibit anoikis and luminal clearance in acini through induction of autophagy.
244 ole for peripheral nerves in the creation of acini throughout development via regulation of SOX2.
245                              Exposure of the acini to acetaldehyde and ethyl oleate followed by CCK-8
246 ress their 3D morphology from that of hollow acini to branched structures characteristic of nonmetast
247  Leung and Brugge use cultured breast cancer acini to demonstrate the importance of local interaction
248                       Exposure of pancreatic acini to ethanol blocks cholecystokinin (CCK)-8-stimulat
249         Exposure of salivary gland cells and acini to hypotonicity elicited an increase in cell volum
250 ubnuclear targeting resulted in reversion of acini to more normal structures and reduced tumor growth
251 minating on specific cells of salivary gland acini (types II and III).
252  small interfering RNA (siRNA) into lacrimal acini under conditions that reduced intracellular CAR mR
253 of this secretory blockade, Munc18c-depleted acini unexpectedly activated a component of the endoplas
254 holecystokinin (CCK) was also seen in intact acini using immunofluorescence, in a biotinylated fracti
255 enchymal interdependence between neighboring acini was accounted for.
256      During the operation, the percentage of acini was calculated from pancreatic transection line fr
257 ced mucin secretion by rat sublingual tubulo-acini was dependent upon PLC activation and the subseque
258  list of 10,294 genes expressed in ducts and acini was searched using gene ontologies related to ion
259 lux of fluid through the epithelial cells of acini, we propose that complex control of the tick saliv
260     CCK-induced responses in p110 gamma(-/-) acini were all further inhibited by LY294002, indicating
261     Cultured Bmi1(-/-) and wild-type primary acini were analyzed in vitro to determine acinar-specifi
262  the directed mechanical connections between acini were cut with a laser, the acini reverted to a slo
263                                         When acini were fully mechanically isolated from other acini
264                               Rat pancreatic acini were incubated for 1-4 hours with FAEEs or acetald
265                                              Acini were incubated with adenoviruses overnight or the
266                               Rat pancreatic acini were incubated with concentrations of ethanol asso
267                           Rat lacrimal gland acini were incubated with H89, an inhibitor of protein k
268                                              Acini were incubated with the fluorescence indicator fur
269                                              Acini were incubated with the fluorescent indicator mole
270                               Lacrimal gland acini were isolated by collagenase digestion and incubat
271                           Rat lacrimal gland acini were isolated by collagenase digestion, and protei
272                           Rat lacrimal gland acini were isolated by collagenase digestion.
273                           Rat lacrimal gland acini were isolated by collagenase digestion.
274                                      Primary acini were isolated from mice and analyzed in amylase se
275                                              Acini were preincubated with inhibitors for 20 minutes b
276                                              Acini were preincubated with the PKC inhibitors calphost
277                                              Acini were stimulated with the P2X(7) receptor agonist,
278                                              Acini were stimulated with the P2X7 receptor agonist, (b
279 gene expression was again seen when the HMEC acini were sub-cultured as a monolayer, implying that lr
280                           Rat lacrimal gland acini were transduced with an adenovirus containing a ge
281                                Permeabilized acini were used to understand the differential role of c
282 F10A cell line differentiates to form hollow acini when grown in Matrigel, and expression of LMP2A in
283 ng morphogenesis in human mammary epithelial acini when grown in three-dimensional cultures and are a
284 le adult epithelial cells generate polarized acini when placed in a surrogate basement membrane 3D ge
285  form polarized, growth-arrested structures (acini) when cultured in three-dimensional laminin-rich e
286 cytic foci and areas of altered or distorted acini, whereas the ID/Rx group had scattered small lymph
287 grin-null mice had higher numbers of mammary acini, which may account for the earlier onset of tumors
288 ct of GI hormones on c-Met in rat pancreatic acini, which possess both receptors.
289 ency factors (Sox9 and Hnf1beta) in Ptf1a(+) acini, which undergo rapid reprogramming to duct cells a
290 age-independent conditions and form aberrant acini, which was dependent on Ad-cyclin E or Ad-LMW-E ex
291 and other neoplastic-like changes in mammary acini, while silencing alphaB-crystallin by RNA interfer
292 f Ad5 with excess heparin or pretreatment of acini with a heparinase cocktail each inhibited Ad5 tran
293                    Here we show that mammary acini with compromised structural integrity can intercon
294 sis in the luminal area, resulting in bigger acini with filled lumens.
295 rostate epithelial cells that form polarized acini with lumen under standard tridimensional (3D) cult
296                              Pretreatment of acini with Src inhibitors or expression of a cortactin t
297 ls retained the capacity to generate mammary acini within extracellular matrix.
298 evelopment of hyperplastic three-dimensional acini without affecting apical-basal polarity.
299 aminin, and fibronectin levels in pancreatic acini without affecting messenger RNA (mRNA) expression
300 CF10A cells formed irregular and near-normal acini without hollow lumen in three-dimensional culture.

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