


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 tion is necessary for treating patients with acne vulgaris.
2 re centrally involved in the pathogenesis of acne vulgaris.
3 d be developed as an effective treatment for acne vulgaris.
4 ising therapeutic agent for the treatment of acne vulgaris.
5 l factor contributing to the pathogenesis of acne vulgaris.
6 s frequently prescribed for the treatment of acne vulgaris.
7 s association with the common teenage malady acne vulgaris.
8 ernative treatment for antibiotic therapy of acne vulgaris.
9 volved in the progression of inflammation in acne vulgaris.
10 m acnes is also associated with inflammatory acne vulgaris.
11 ore than 45 million people are affected with acne vulgaris.
12 nsins may be involved in the pathogenesis of acne vulgaris.
13 velopment of new modalities of treatment for acne vulgaris.
14  all relevant studies of isotretinoin use in acne vulgaris.
15 lighted as a dominant etiological factor for acne vulgaris.
16 be a well-tolerated, effective treatment for acne vulgaris.
17 ntact, and seborrheic dermatitis), 0.29% for acne vulgaris, 0.19% for psoriasis, 0.19% for urticaria,
18                                              Acne vulgaris (acne) is a common inflammatory disorder o
19 oneedles for cosmetic applications including acne vulgaris, acne scars, skin rejuvenation and hair gr
20                       The high prevalence of acne vulgaris and its significant morbidity underscore t
21 erium that contributes to the development of acne vulgaris and other infections.
22 otretinoin therapy for conditions other than acne vulgaris, and concomitant acne therapy.
23  plus red light is an effective treatment of acne vulgaris, associated with significant side-effects.
24                                              Acne vulgaris (AV) affects most adolescents, and of thos
25                               In comparison, acne vulgaris, bacterial skin diseases, urticaria, pruri
26  of the factors that initiate and exacerbate acne vulgaris continues to increase, so does the diversi
27                       The pathophysiology of acne vulgaris depends on active sebaceous glands, implyi
28 athogenesis of many skin conditions, such as acne vulgaris, hirsutism, and androgenic alopecia.
29 vulinic acid was tested for the treatment of acne vulgaris, in an open-label prospective human study.
30                                              Acne vulgaris is a common cutaneous disorder of the pilo
31                                              Acne vulgaris is a common skin condition that affects ap
32                                              Acne vulgaris is a common skin disorder among children a
33                                              Acne vulgaris is a nearly universal cutaneous disease ch
34                                              Acne vulgaris is a nearly universal cutaneous inflammato
35                                              Acne vulgaris is the most common skin disorder affecting
36  upregulation of beta-defensin expression in acne vulgaris lesions compared to controls suggests that
37 as in perilesional and intralesional skin of acne vulgaris lesions such as comedones, papules, and pu
38 atologist for a primary initial diagnosis of acne vulgaris or rosacea in 2010.
39  analyzed resulting data: eczema, psoriasis, acne vulgaris, pruritus, alopecia areata, decubitus ulce
40 ed in the development of inflammation during acne vulgaris remain unclear, microbial agents might pla
41                                              Acne vulgaris remains one of the most common conditions
42 ral minocycline 200mg daily for treatment of acne vulgaris since 16 years old.
43  a critical component in the pathogenesis of acne vulgaris, stimulating the production of various inf
44 tifunctional antimicrobial therapy agent for acne vulgaris treatment; FFAs may provide direct antibac

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